Military Heavy

Chapter 225

Chapter 225
A new generation of guided missile destroyer is the first ship again!
No wonder some people say whether the hull number "001" will be adopted.

Yang Fan laughed, "Shouldn't use a hull number like '001', it's reserved for our future aircraft carrier."


Many people became eager.

Luo Liuchu even asked loudly, "Assistant President Yang, will we really have an aircraft carrier in the future?"

As a ship and military worker, I dream that my country has an aircraft carrier, but I feel that this is too far away. With our country's economic strength, industrial strength, and technological strength, it is impossible to discuss the design and construction of an aircraft carrier.

It's just too far away.

Some people don't even dare to think about it.

Assistant General Manager Yang said that we will have an aircraft carrier in the future, and that the hull number "001" is reserved for future aircraft carriers, and many people felt excited.

Will we really have aircraft carriers?
The answer is yes.

Yang Fan said loudly: "We will definitely have an aircraft carrier in the future, maybe ten years, maybe twenty years, no matter how long it takes, as a big country, we will definitely have our own aircraft carrier."

"The hull number of the first aircraft carrier should be 001, the second should be 002, the third should be 003, and so on."

As soon as the voice fell, the meeting room was filled with excitement, and someone couldn't help shouting.


"I hope that one day, we can see our own aircraft carrier."

"No, if you can participate in the design and development of the aircraft carrier, then this life will be worth it."


Hearing such words, Yang Fan felt a sense of pride in his heart, thinking of the future Liao Ning and Shan Dong in his mind.

"Assistant Yang, since the hull number of the lead ship of our 052 ship will not be '001', will it be 011 or 101?"

With a smile on his face, Yang Fan shook his head lightly and said, "The hull number of our first ship will be neither 011 nor 101. I think its hull number should be 112."

Hull number 112.

That is, our first ship is called 112 ship.

Luo Liuchu said loudly: "Fighter 112 is good, it might really be this hull number."

Many people agree with it deeply, because this is what Yang Fan said, and the hull number of the first ship will be 112.

After the meeting, the news gradually spread.

Many people in the East China Sea Institute were discussing the issue of the hull number of the first ship. Some people knew that Yang Fan speculated that the hull number of the first ship might be 112, so they chatted with colleagues about this matter.

"Do you know, it is said that Assistant Chief Yang guessed that the hull number of the first ship is 112."

"112, then our first ship is called 112 ship."


Many people are hotly discussing whether the hull number will really be 112, and there are also some speculations that it may be other hull numbers.

A few days later.

The news came from the headquarters of the 052 ship. The hull number of the first ship has been set, which is 112, and the first ship is also called the 112 ship.

"Wow, the hull number is really Ship 112."

"Assistant Yang knows everything well!"

"Excellent. He said the hull number might be 112, but it turned out to be 112."

As soon as the official hull number of the first ship was announced, many people immediately admired Yang Fan.

Donghai Shipyard.

On the construction berth, the painting of this 052 ship has been basically completed, and almost all the scaffolding built around it has been dismantled, and it is displayed in front of everyone without reservation.


This is our Type 052 guided missile destroyer!

In the past few days, many people from Donghai Shipyard always come here to take a look. Everyone is full of joy and a strong sense of accomplishment in their hearts.

After so long of hard work, the first ship is basically completed!
Not far away, Yang Fan, Chen Shaohua, and Xie Xinjian walked towards the first ship talking and laughing, and walked all the way to the first ship.

Chen Shaohua pointed at it, and proudly said: "How about it, isn't it beautiful."

Although he is very familiar with the 052 ship, Yang Fan's heart is still a little excited when he sees this brand new warship.

From the beginning of the design demonstration in 1983 to the present, it has been basically completed in more than six years, and it has been displayed in front of everyone.

After looking at it happily, Chen Shaohua said: "The hull number has been fixed. Today, we will give it an official hull number."

Yang Fan also saw that not far away, some workers and technicians were busy, and they were preparing to give the warship a hull number.

"Come on, let's go to the ship and take a look." Chen Shaohua invited.

A group of people boarded this brand new warship again, because the scaffolding around it has been basically removed, there is no shelter, and the view is wide.

Standing on the bow deck, feeling the gentle warm wind, watching all this, everyone's face was full of joy, including Yang Fan.

Walking into the warship, everything has been outfitted, and everything is brand new, whether it is the command room or the cabins.

After looking at it for a while, everyone disembarked from the warship with unsatisfied feelings. At this time, the workers had already begun to put the hull number on the warship.

All around, many people were watching.

The scene was lively.

Yang Fan and Chen Shaohua also walked over and watched the workers busy, using white paint, to paint a huge and very eye-catching hull number - 112 on the position near the bow of the hull.

Everyone watched with great interest.

After the first word "1" was written, there was a burst of applause at the scene, and the onlookers were almost boiling.

After the second "1" was written, the shouts of excitement became louder.

When the final "2" was written, the warm atmosphere reached its peak, completely boiling, and the atmosphere of joy permeated the whole scene.

The hull number of the first ship is 112.

In front of us is our 112 ship!
Feeling the warm and joyful atmosphere, Yang Fan's heart was also boiling. After rebirth, he not only participated in the design and development of the 052 ship, but also witnessed its construction process.

It was a few days later.

It is good news for everyone that two LM2500 gas turbines shipped from the United States finally arrived at Donghai Port.

When the two gas turbines arrived, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, especially Huang Keping, the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship, thought in his heart that the gas turbines needed by the No. 2 ship were available.

For these two gas turbines, he was under a lot of pressure and did a lot of work. He even once thought pessimistically, what should we do if the Americans cut off the supply?

He didn't dare to think about it.

If the confession is really cut off, the consequences will be too serious.

Perhaps the 052 ship project, which is progressing very smoothly, may be forced to interrupt.

A clever woman can't cook without rice. Without the LM2500 gas turbine, our 052 ship would have no power plant. This project may die prematurely.

Commander-in-chief Huang Keping breathed a sigh of relief when two LM2500 gas turbines arrived in Hong Kong, and he could start to consider the construction of the No. 2 ship.

America, thousands of miles away.

Some people became a little nervous. For example, Robert, one of the heads of the US military, has been paying attention to the progress of the construction of our 052 ship.

His subordinates sent another stack of documents, and Robert sat in his office looking at it, and gradually, his brows frowned.

"Damn it, why are they building so fast?"

The satellite pictures on the data show that the scaffolding of Donghai Shipyard has been basically dismantled, and the 052 ship on the construction shipyard is clearly visible.

The main guns, radars, missiles, etc. can even be vaguely recognized from the pictures. Experience told him that this warship is about to be launched, and then a series of tests will begin.

Too fast!
It was faster than Robert expected, and it made him worry and nervous.

After reading these materials, his face darkened, hands behind his back, frowning, walking up and down the office, thinking about countermeasures.

"Boom, boom, boom."

There was a knock on the door of the office, and one of his subordinates walked in and reported: "Head, the latest news, the two gas turbines have successfully arrived at Donghai Port."

Hearing such a report, Robert's face darkened again.

"damn it!"

He shouted angrily, extremely angry in his heart, he did not expect that General Electric not only delivered the two gas turbines, but also let them arrive at Donghai Port smoothly.

His subordinate reminded: "In this way, the Chinese have a total of four LM2500 gas turbines in their hands, and they also have the power plant for building the No. 2 ship."

Robert was silent for a long time.

I was thinking in my mind that I should come up with some countermeasures and take some measures so that the follow-up LM2500 gas turbines could no longer fall into the hands of the Chinese.

East Harbor Wharf.

Yang Fan represented the design unit of Donghai Institute, and Chen Shaohua represented the construction unit. Everyone came here together, unpacked the box, inspected it, and checked and accepted it.

Chen Shaohua obeyed Yang Fan in everything.

After the inspection and acceptance, Chen Shaohua asked: "How is it, no problem, can it be loaded and shipped back?"

Yang Fan nodded, "It can be loaded."

Through the acceptance and inspection just now, Yang Fan believes that the two gas turbines are qualified and there is no problem. The most important thing is to transport them back to Donghai Shipyard as soon as possible.

Chen Shaohua personally arranged and directed the workers to start loading the gas turbines into trucks and prepare to transport them all back to Donghai Shipyard.Although there is no official document issued, but the meaning is basically set, and the construction of No. 2 ship will probably be undertaken by Donghai Shipyard.

Ship No. 2 was still built by Donghai Shipyard, which made Chen Shaohua full of energy.

He has asked Yang Fan more than once when the design of the No. 2 ship will be completed, and he is already speculating in his mind when the construction of the No. 2 ship will start.

Seeing the loading of these two gas turbines, Yang Fan felt relieved and thought to himself, we already have four LM2500 gas turbines, when will we have the fifth and sixth? Will it be one year or two years later? Woolen cloth.

Inexplicably, Yang Fan was suddenly a little worried, what should we do if the Americans cut off the supply and stopped delivering the fifth and sixth gas turbines to us.

Hope that doesn't happen.

Otherwise, I really don't know what to do.

There are two updates today, the first one is here!

(End of this chapter)

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