Military Heavy

Chapter 226 The Grand Launching Ceremony

Chapter 226 The Grand Launching Ceremony

The painting of the first ship has been completely completed, and it will be launched soon.

At this time, everyone in the East China Sea Shipyard became nervous, because it had been notified that several senior leaders of the military would come to participate in the launching ceremony of the first ship.

It is certain that this will be a very grand launching ceremony with high specifications.

How to do a good job in the launching ceremony of the first ship? To this end, Donghai Shipyard has held a special office meeting, and the leaders have conducted collective discussions, trying to make the ceremony more grand and work more thoughtfully.

As the design unit of the 052 ship, Donghai Institute will definitely send many people to participate in the launching ceremony and witness the launching of the first ship.

in the office.

Yang Fan was seriously looking at some design drawings of the No. 2 ship. As the design work of the No. 2 ship gradually came to an end, the workload finally passed the peak period, and the design drawings sent to Yang Fan also began to slow down. reduce.

After reading the design drawings on the table, I sat down and took a sip of hot tea, thinking in my heart that the painting of the first ship has been completed and it will be launched soon.

The first ship is launched!

Just thinking about it is exciting enough!

I heard that there will be a grand launching ceremony.

While thinking about this, the door of the office was pushed open, and Chen Shaohua walked in with a happy face, "Haha, the date of launching is officially set for May 5th!"

Hearing this, Yang Fan felt happy for a while.

Hello, May 5th!
Now less than a week has passed since that day, Yang Fan got up to greet him, and said with a smile: "Old Chen, I heard that many big leaders will come that day, how are you preparing?"

"It's stressful."

Chen Shaohua said, "For this reason, we held a special office meeting to discuss, and a lot of work has been arranged. This will be the most important thing for our Donghai Shipyard in the near future."

He took the time to come here, probably because he wanted to chat with Yang Fan about these things.

"Comrade Yang Fan, tell me, what should we do in the launching ceremony?"

Yang Fan smiled and suggested: "This can be entrusted to professional personnel to plan and deploy. They all know the specific things. I just remind one thing, that is, our first ship should be well-dressed and very festive. Let the leaders It's bright."


Chen Shaohua slapped his thigh and agreed with this point very much. The launch of the first ship is such an important matter, the warship as the protagonist must be well-dressed.

The two chatted cheerfully about the launching of the first ship.

We chatted a lot, such as the bottle toss ceremony for launching a new ship, such as champagne, and so on.

In addition to being happy, Chen Shaohua said with a little bit of unsatisfactory meaning: "Unfortunately, I can't be on TV, otherwise, it would be so beautiful!"

The 052 project is still in the confidentiality period. No matter how grand the launch of the first ship is, media reporters cannot come to interview it, and it cannot be broadcast on TV or in newspapers.

Yang Fan looked at Chen Shaohua and couldn't help smiling happily.

It never occurred to Lao Chen that he wanted to be on TV, hoping to show his face on TV or in newspapers.

But this is not acceptable.

A few days passed in a flash.

The time has come to May 5th. Compared with the tense atmosphere of fighting in the past, Donghai Shipyard today is completely different.

There seemed to be an atmosphere of joy in the air.

Early in the morning, a convoy of military vehicles slowly entered the factory gate and headed towards the construction berth.

On the side of the construction berth, it has obviously been carefully prepared and arranged. The red carpet is laid on the floor, and the colored balls and flags are fluttering. The 052 ship on the construction berth has also been carefully decorated.

This brand new warship is full of ribbons, fluttering in the wind, like a married girl, after some make-up, she is going to get married.

Early in the morning, Yang Fan got up.

After a hasty breakfast, he hugged his son and was ready to go out. Jiang Yan smiled and said, "It's so early."

Yang Fan said happily, "I guess, I'm definitely not early. Many colleagues may have arrived in the institute early."

Jiang Yan was slightly surprised.

She knew that the launching ceremony of the first ship would be held today. Yang Fan mentioned it to her yesterday and said that he would not come back for lunch today.

Hugging his son, and kissing his wife warmly on the face, Yang Fan happily went out. Today, he is dressed in formal attire with a suit and tie, looking very formal.

The scheduled boarding time was eight o'clock in the morning, and Yang Fan arrived at the unit only around seven forty, but found that the two buses and several small cars parked in front of the office building were almost full of people.

As a design unit, Donghai Institute will definitely send people to witness the historic moment of launching. After discussion and decision by the leaders of the institute, more than 100 people will go this time.

Early in the morning, the inside of the office became lively. Some people arrived at the unit before seven o'clock, happily sat in the car, and their hearts flew to the edge of the dock of Donghai Shipyard long ago.

Yang Fan happily got into a military green jeep. As his chief designer assistant, he was qualified to ride in a car.

Originally set off at [-]:[-] in the morning, but found that all the staff arrived at around [-]:[-], including several leaders in the institute, so they set off early.

Arrived at Donghai Shipyard at about 08:30, the convoy drove to enter the factory area, and when the 052 ship was able to see the dock being built, every vehicle was boiling.

"Look, our 052 ship."

"So beautiful!"

"So far away, I can feel a festive atmosphere rushing toward my face."


In the car, many people stretched their necks and looked in the direction of the 052 ship through the window glass. The distance gradually approached, and the originally bustling car gradually quieted down.

Because many people were shocked, and many people cried.

Finally seeing the blueprints drawn by myself, the various parts and components designed have become a reality, and it has become a warship. Their eyes are moist, especially some lesbians.

Right now, it's an honor!
At this moment, I am extremely proud!
Extremely excited!
The convoy drove to the designated area and stopped. Looking at this beautiful 052 ship, many people gently wiped away their tears and took a deep breath.

Donghai Shipyard's planning is very good. Not only has the pier been beautifully arranged, but also a festive red carpet has been laid, with colored balls and colorful flags fluttering around, and the 052 ship in front of it is also a colorful ribbon fluttering with the wind.

More than 100 people stood neatly in the designated area. They will witness the historic moment of the launch of the 052 ship. Although Yang Fan's eyes were not as moist as everyone's just now, his heart has been unable to calm down and has been agitated.

In the mind, scenes emerged, as if they were vividly remembered.

In early 1983, the design demonstration was launched.

Design began at the end of 1983.

The design acceptance was completed in 1987.

On December 1987, 12, the construction of the slipway was carried out.

On June 1988, 6, outfitting began.

Today, May 1989, 5, it was officially launched!
Thinking of this, Yang Fan felt a strong sense of pride and a strong sense of accomplishment, thank God for allowing me to be reborn in this era, and I was honored to participate in the design and development of the 052 ship
There are more and more people in the open space next to the construction slipway, not only the employees of Donghai Shipyard, but also people from Donghai Ship Design Institute, as well as people from other related units.

Here, there are not thousands of people, at least one or two thousand people.

There was still about 10 minutes before the launching ceremony, and there was a commotion at the scene. A group of naval officers and soldiers in white uniforms, a neat team, walked to the side of the warship.

The Marines are here!

They will also witness this historic moment together.

If you look closely, you can still see a trace of excitement on the resolute faces of the officers and soldiers. They couldn't hide their excitement when they saw this brand new 052 ship.

The Type 052 guided missile destroyer has strong long-range warning and regional air defense capabilities. Compared with the current Type 051 ship, it is a generation ahead.

This is the type of ship that officers and soldiers dream of!
For this dream, the Chinese navy has waited for 40 years!
Today, that dream came true!

The arrival of several small cars with military license plates brought the atmosphere of the scene to its peak. Officers got out of the cars, and the lowest rank was estimated to be a colonel.

One of them is the main leader of the military.

For this officer, Yang Fan knew him and recognized him right away, thinking in his heart, he never thought that even the old man would come!
This shows the status of the 052 ship in the eyes of the military.

At 052 o'clock in the morning, the launching ceremony of the first ship officially began. The whole ceremony was presided over by Huang Keping, the commander-in-chief of the [-] ship. The main leaders of the military, the person in charge of the East China Sea Institute, and the top leaders of the East China Sea ship all spoke on the rostrum.

Because of his rank, Yang Fan failed to get on the rostrum, but feeling the atmosphere of the scene and listening to this deafening speech, the excitement in his heart did not subside for a long time.

After the speech, the main military leader announced loudly, and the voice was transmitted to almost everyone's ears through the loudspeaker.

"Now I announce that the first ship of Ship 052 is officially launched!"

As soon as the words fell, there was warm applause and shouts like a tsunami.

"Bang, bang, bang"

Amidst the sound of the salute and the excited eyes of everyone, the first ship on the construction berth began to move.

Along the sliding rails on the inclined construction berth, the 052 ship slowly slid, and the salutes, applause, and shouts on the scene seemed to be more enthusiastic.

A glass bottle flew out high and smashed hard on the hull of the lead ship. Gradually, more glass bottles hit the hull.

This is an essential bottle throwing ceremony for the launching ceremony.

On the rostrum, the military leaders looked extremely excited, watching the moving warship and applauding like everyone else.

Even though he has been in a high position for a long time and has been able to keep calm, he still has a different look on his face when he sees the launch of the ship that the Navy has dreamed of for three to 40 years.

After the applause, several big leaders collectively opened the prepared champagne.

"Go into the water!"

"Our first successful launch!"

Amid the shouts of everyone, the first ship of the 052 ship was finally launched smoothly, causing high splashes
There are two updates today, and the second update will be sent, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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