Military Heavy

Chapter 227 Ship No. 2

Chapter 227 Ship No. 2
The stern enters the water first.

It caused a few feet high water splash, which was very spectacular, and even splashed on some people, but no one would mind getting wet, but looked extremely excited!

"Our first ship is launched!"

"It's in the water, look, it's in the water!"


Everyone's eyes were deeply attracted by the launched 052 ship.

The whole scene was at its peak of excitement and joy, completely boiling.Yang Fan couldn't help smiling happily as he watched the first ship's majestic launch.

After launching, the main leaders of the navy gave speeches, thanking the design and development personnel, thanking Donghai Shipyard for its hard work, and thanking everyone for their contributions to national defense.

Under the traction of the tugboat, the 052 ship finally docked steadily at the pier of the East China Sea Shipyard. Many personnel from the military boarded the ship with excitement.

After the first ship is launched, a series of tests will be carried out. The test period may be more than one year, or two or three years, depending on the situation.

After the test is completed, the warship can be officially delivered to the military and then enter the fleet for service.

After the first ship was successfully launched, the festive atmosphere of Donghai Shipyard gradually dissipated, and the whole factory began to start the test work of the first ship.

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

At present, the key work of the Institute is the design of the No. 2 ship.

As the design of the No. 2 ship entered the final stage, some work began to be completed one after another. Yang Fan changed the weekly meeting from twice a week to once a week.

Beijing, Headquarters of Ship 052.

It has been a while since Huang Keping returned to the capital, but he still often thinks of the moment when the first ship successfully entered the water in his mind.

Today, Li Shunli, director of the Military Industry Bureau, came to visit. The two sat together and chatted about the first ship of the 052 ship, especially the scene of entering the water.

After chatting for a while, Li Shunli said, "Old Huang, what do you think of the lead ship of Ship 052? Are you satisfied?"


Of course satisfied!

Huang Keping was not stingy with praise, "It's a bit beyond my expectations, its performance and various indicators are above my expectations, and I'm [-]% satisfied with it."

The current lead ship of the 052 ship is slightly higher than the lead ship in history.

There are several highlights. One is that the design of the combat system is very reasonable, scientific, and relatively advanced.The second is that the whole ship adopts a modular and platform design.

Gradually, Huang Keping thought of a person, and said with full of admiration: "Lao Li, have you noticed that our 052 ship design can be so good, exceeding our expectations, does it have a lot to do with a person?" ?”

Hearing this, a figure also appeared in Li Shunli's mind.

Yang Fan!

It was because of Yang Fan!

The combat system of our 052 ship can fill the domestic gap in one fell swoop, and our 052 ship can achieve modularization and platformization.

Even the construction of the first ship has a lot to do with Yang Fan. Instead of using the traditional tower construction method, it adopted a very advanced general construction method with high construction efficiency.

"This is really a good comrade." Li Shunli said with satisfaction.

The two admired Yang Fan for a while, and then the topic returned to the 052 ship, such as its upcoming tests and so on.

Then, Li Shunli asked again: "The design of the No. 2 ship is nearing completion. We should consider the construction of the No. 2 ship."

"Yes." Huang Keping nodded, "As early as the second half of this year, as late as next year, we will start the construction of No. 2 ship."

According to the plan, the No. 1 and No. 2 ships are experimental ship types, and various verifications and tests are carried out to accumulate experience for the follow-up 052 ship, and the latter is the actual combat type.

Since it is a trial type, of course, the sooner it is built, the better.

Li Shunli nodded lightly. It seems that he also agrees with the construction of No. 2 ship as soon as possible.

He continued to ask, "Which shipyard will the construction of the No. 2 ship be handed over to? Is it the Donghai Factory?"

Huang Keping nodded and said, "I suggest that Donghai Factory should build it. They have experience in building the first ship and are most suitable for the construction of the second ship."

Li Shunli said: "I think so too. If you change the shipyard, you don't know what problems will happen, because the new shipyard lacks experience and preparation."

The two quickly agreed.

One is the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship, and the other is the director of the Military Industry Bureau. Both of them advocated that the No. 2 ship be handed over to Donghai Factory, so this matter must be close to each other.

If the people in Donghai Factory knew about this decision, they would definitely be overjoyed!
They dreamed of building the No. 2 ship.

With Chen Shaohua's personality, if he knew about this decision, he might be so happy that he couldn't sleep for a few days.

If Yang Fan knew about this, he would definitely feel relieved.

Ship No. 2 was built by Donghai Shipyard!
Yang Fan also thinks this way, and Huang Keping and Li Shunli also think so.

After talking about the construction of the No. 2 ship, Li Shunli mentioned another matter.

"In the near future, the 052 ship will begin to be installed. As the second-generation guided missile destroyer, it is much more advanced than the first-generation 051 ship. With the advanced guided missile destroyer, should we consider the design and development of a new generation of guided missile destroyer? Woolen cloth?"

The navy's current guided missile frigate is the 053 ship, which belongs to the first generation of guided missile frigates, and many Western countries are already developing the second generation of guided missile frigates.

As a member of the military, Huang Keping certainly knows the great significance of designing and developing the second-generation guided missile frigate, but he also has a little hesitation.

He said slowly, "Isn't it too early to consider the second-generation guided missile frigate now? At least wait for the 052 ships to be installed in batches."

Hearing this, Li Shunli smiled dumbly, "Yes, it's indeed too early, maybe it will take another five years, and it would be more appropriate to consider it after eight years."

The two were together, drinking tea and chatting for a long time.


Donghai Ship Design Institute.

When the time entered August, the design of the No. 2 ship was finally completed, nearly four months ahead of the node of the General Command.

In mid-August, the design acceptance and review were carried out at Donghai Institute.

Participants included not only people from the East China Sea Research Institute, but also people from the military and general headquarters, as well as people from related units.Such as the East China Sea Shipyard, such as related weapons and equipment research units and so on.

Chief designer Pan Jinfu presided over the meeting, and Yang Fan introduced the design of No. 2 ship on behalf of Donghai Institute.

At the design acceptance and review meeting, Yang Fan had clear thinking, clear organization, detailed data, and no tension or restraint.

Everyone deepened their impression of this young man next time.

Many people thought in their hearts that they are so outstanding at such a young age!

Yes, very nice young man!
Yang Fan's outstanding performance made the leaders of Donghai Research Institute feel more honored, and Master Pan also felt honored, and nodded with satisfaction from time to time.

Commander-in-chief Huang Keping and Military Industry Bureau Li Shunli, they all participated in the acceptance and review meeting. Seeing Yang Fan's outstanding performance, the two said almost at the same time that this young man has fully grown up.

Maybe, in a few more years, he will be able to stand alone, and even be able to provoke the leader.

When Pan Jinfu made his concluding speech, in front of everyone, he said loudly: "Many designs of the No. 2 ship were advocated by Comrade Yang Fan, such as the adoption of the near-anti-gun system, such as the application of new domestic missiles on the No. 2 ship... "

The meeting scene quickly quieted down!

Many eyes looked at Yang Fan in unison.

Some people almost gasped, showing incredible expressions!

so smart!

So level!
The conference site was quiet for a while, and then the buzzing noise sounded.

Yang Fan, who was the focal point, had a calm face and no surprises.

The two-day design acceptance and review passed smoothly. Everyone agreed that the design of the No. 2 ship was good. Some new technologies were adopted on the basis of the first ship. The important thing is that the degree of localization has been greatly improved.

After passing the acceptance review, the news soon came from the headquarters of the 052 ship, and the construction of the No. 2 ship was undertaken by Donghai Shipyard.

When the news reached Donghai Factory, there was an uproar immediately, and many people rushed to tell each other.

"Haha, it's finally settled!"

"Ship No. 2 was built by our factory!"

"This is the best news I've heard this year."


Not only the ordinary employees of Donghai Shipyard, but also the high-level executives are all in a good mood.

Soon, Chen Shaohua, the chief builder, arrived at Donghai Institute, opened the door and entered Yang Fan's office with a happy face.

As soon as he came in, he said loudly: "Comrade Yang Fan, have you heard?"

Yang Fan smiled, "I heard, congratulations, there's something else to do next."

Haha ...

First, with a happy smile, Chen Shaohua said: "As soon as the news came, our whole factory felt as if it had been beaten with chicken blood. From now on, we can start preparations for construction."

Asked: "Where are the design drawings of the No. 2 ship? It should be all ready!"


Yang Fan said bluntly: "I know you want the blueprints, and the blueprints for the design of the No. 2 ship we have already printed, and you can transport them away at any time."


Chen Shaohua was so happy that he patted his thigh.

Thinking back to when the first ship was being built, there were no blueprints, and a lot of work could not be carried out. Chen Shaohua was almost driven crazy, and he came to Donghai Institute every day to demand blueprints.

What now?
There is no need to worry about the drawings anymore, the East China Sea Institute has already prepared the drawings of the No. 2 ship!
No wonder he was so happy!

I was in an unprecedentedly good mood, and I chatted with Yang Fan for a long time, mostly topics related to the No. [-] ship.

The next day.

Chen Shaohua brought many people and a large military truck, and happily transported the design drawings of the second ship back.

The design of the second ship was completed, and the drawings were also handed over to Donghai Factory. The first ship was also conducting various tests in an orderly manner, and Yang Fan was rarely relieved.

Sitting in his office, Yang Fan thought in his heart, should he read a book, or do something else?

Suddenly, Yang Fan became interested and prepared to draw something.

Spread out the white paper, pick up the pencil, think for a while, and start to draw with concentration.

Time passed slowly, Yang Fan was completely immersed in it, and a brand new battleship gradually took shape under his pen!

Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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