Chapter 22

Hearing Mr. Pan say this, everyone else showed joy on their faces.

There are several obstacles in the design and development process of the 052 ship. We do not have gas turbines. This is undoubtedly one of the obstacles. Now that it is all right, this obstacle will no longer exist.

No wonder everyone is so happy.


Tang Jianming also became happy, "Lao Pan, as long as the LM2500 gas turbine is finalized, we can finalize the design demonstration of the 052 ship's power system."

Pan Jinfu nodded in agreement, "If there are no accidents, our 052 ships will adopt a diesel-fuel alternative power scheme. Each 052 ship will use two diesel engines and two LM2500 gas turbines as power."

Shen Bin, the person in charge of power system design, said: "I was fortunate enough to go to General Electric two years ago, and I happened to have the opportunity to watch their LM2500 gas turbine up close. Rarely, what is rare is that the operator can work close to the gas turbine. Our 052 ship can tailor a power cabin for it, and try not to waste the cabin capacity”

He said a lot in one breath.

Not only listed a series of advantages of this gas turbine based on his understanding of LM2500, but also emphasized the importance of tailor-made power cabin.

The cabin capacity of the 052 ship must be extremely limited. A large number of various equipment need to be installed in the hull, and the cabin capacity must be fully utilized, so as not to waste as much as possible.

Ship designers generally do the same. Once the power system is determined, the design of the hull power cabin will be tailored according to the power equipment used, so as not to waste the volume of the ship as much as possible.

After Shen Bin finished speaking, almost everyone nodded their heads.

Everyone discussed and discussed in a very good atmosphere. This is probably the most relaxing meeting in recent times.

The meeting also finalized the number of people who will go to country M for investigation. The team will be led by deputy chief designer Tang Jianming. Shen Bin, the person in charge of power system design, will definitely be there, and Zhao Yulan, the director of the model office, will also go together. In addition, a professional translator is required.

In addition, there are comrades from the Military Industry Bureau. The comrades from the Military Industry Bureau have been in charge of the specific preliminary contact. The military may also want to send people there, but it is too difficult, and finally gave up this idea.

If nothing else happened, there should be a total of six people who visited General Electric this time, four from the East China Sea Institute, one from the Military Industry Bureau, and one from the shipyard.

Near the end of the meeting, Pan Jinfu said: "That's it. We have a total of four people. Old Tang will lead the team. Director Zhao and Director Shen will go together. Candidates for professional translation will be determined as soon as possible within these two days."

It is a very honorable thing to go abroad for inspection, and it is absolutely beautiful.

Everyone wants to go out like this to see the world and go abroad. As the director of the power system design department, Shen Bin is secretly happy, and he is very excited in his heart. Others want to go abroad even more.

Just now, there was a lot of controversy about the candidates for professional translation. Whether it was Tang Jianming, Shen Bin, or other people present, they all recommended their candidates.

Zhao Yulan recommended Yang Fan.

Several candidates appeared in Pan Jinfu's mind, including Yang Fan. He still had to think about who to send as the translator.

This is a very important inspection. The translator needs to be as mature and steady as possible, not nervous or lose his temper when facing foreigners. Of course, the translation skills must be very solid.

"The meeting is over." Pan Jinfu waved his hand, "Old Tang, Director Shen, you can start to make some preparations before going abroad now. My request is to go abroad as soon as possible and make things come to a conclusion as soon as possible."


"no problem."

Both of them answered happily, got up and walked out of the conference room with their meeting minutes, chatting and laughing.

Pan Jinfu did not leave for the time being, but was thinking in his heart what to do if he failed to reach an agreement with General Electric and could not import ML2500 gas turbines.

"Maybe there needs to be a backup plan. In case there is no ML2500 gas turbine, we should have other similar model gas turbines instead."

After thinking about it, Pan Jinfu smiled wryly. Looking around the world, there are really not many gas turbines for ships like this. The country simply does not have such a thing.

It is almost impossible to import from the Soviet Union, and it is extremely difficult to purchase from the United Kingdom. It seems that the only way to start is from the United States, hoping to successfully introduce ML2500 gas turbines.

After a long time, Pan Jinfu got up and left the conference room.

The large office of the general design room is very quiet, everyone is busy with their own affairs, not even a single person speaks in a low voice, and Yang Fan is no exception.

Footsteps from outside the door broke the silence. Accompanied by Kuang Wei, Zhao Yulan walked in quickly, and then her eyes fell directly on Yang Fan.

Yang Fan, who was busy with work, raised his head and saw Zhao Yulan and Kuang Wei walking in.

Zhao Yulan beckoned and said, "Comrade Yang Fan, please follow me to Master Pan."

Chief Master Pan summoned him again, and Zhao Yulan personally came to inform him. Many people looked at Yang Fan enviously, and some even guessed in their hearts that this time it would be something important again.

In the eyes of many people, Yang Fan stood up, nodded calmly, and replied: "Okay, I will go with you."

Kuang Wei said, "Xiao Yang, you can go to Master Pan, it doesn't matter if the work at hand is finished later."

"Yeah." Yang Fan nodded lightly, followed Zhao Yulan out of the office, and headed directly towards Pan Jinfu's office. Zhao Yulan didn't say anything along the way, and Yang Fan was inconvenient to ask, so it was very fast. He arrived at the door of General Master Pan's office.

Obviously, Pan Jinfu was in the office.

Zhao Yulan raised her hand and knocked on the door, she didn't even need to report, she just opened the door and led Yang Fan in, and then said: "President Pan, Xiao Yang is here."

Pan Jinfu seemed to be flipping through some technical information. While flipping through, he took a pen to record something. When he saw Zhao Yulan bringing Yang Fan in, he quickly put down the pen in his hand, and said enthusiastically, "Xiao Yang, please sit down, Director Zhao, you too." Don't go, sit down together."

The two sat down as promised. So far, Yang Fan still doesn't know why Chief Master Pan called him here.

Seeing that both of them sat down, Pan Jinfu said calmly, "Xiao Yang, I still don't know why I called you here."

Yang Fan shook his head lightly.

Pan Jinfu properly revealed: "Our 052 ship intends to adopt a fuel-fired hybrid power scheme, using two diesel engines and two gas turbines as power. We had some contacts with General Electric in the early stage, and the other party has clearly agreed that we should send people to inspect the LM2500. We will send people there as soon as possible in the near future.”

Yang Fan listened carefully.

He said in his heart, "Sure enough, it is still the same in history. Ship 052 still adopts this power scheme, and is still planning to use LM2500 gas turbines."

Yang Fan, who is familiar with the design and construction process of the 052 ship, knows that in this way, the design and construction of the 052 ship will encounter major problems. Ships no longer have LN052 gas turbines available.

In desperation, only Ukrainian UGT25000 gas turbines can be used. The difference between the two units is huge, which means that the 052 ship needs major changes.

Yang Fan really wanted to tell Pan Jinfu all this, but he held back rationally. If he really said this, whether Master Pan would believe it or not, it was especially hard to explain how Yang Fan could know this without knowing it.

"Well, it seems that the early 052 ships adopting General Electric's ML2500 gas turbines cannot be prevented. If this is the case, let's take a look at the development of the situation first. Maybe there will be a chance to do some rescue measures in the future."

After thinking about it, Yang Fan knew that it was inappropriate to say anything now, so he simply didn't say anything for now.

Putting aside the fact that General Electric will "cut off supply" in the future, the LM2500 is indeed a very good gas turbine for ships. It is definitely a very good choice for the 052 ship to use it as power.

Of course, Pan Jinfu didn't know that Yang Fan was thinking so much at the moment. He continued: "The candidates to go to General Electric to inspect the LM2500 gas turbine have basically been decided. There are four people in our institute, led by the deputy chief designer Tang Jianming, among them There are Director Shen Bin who is in charge of technology, and Director Zhao Yulan, and currently there is only one qualified translator.”

Yang Fan seemed to understand, and thought in his heart, could it be that I will be the interpreter for this inspection.

If this is the case, it can be regarded as a pie in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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