Military Heavy

Chapter 23 Test 1 Test You

Chapter 23
Ask for recommendation tickets, collections and other support! ! !

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At this time, Zhao Yulan said: "Xiao Yang's English is very fluent, and his professional knowledge of ships is relatively solid. I think it is perfect for Xiao Yang to accompany me to take up the translation job."

Pan Jinfu nodded lightly, "Everyone has recommended several good candidates for translation. Director Zhao and I basically have the same opinion. You should be more qualified for this translation job."

go abroad!And going to the United States, this is definitely a good job that everyone is jealous of. I didn't expect that I would have this opportunity. Yang Fan thought so, and his face could not help showing a little bit of joy.

However, Pan Jinfu poured a basin of cold water. He may think that young people need to be beaten and beaten, and they cannot be complacent.

"Xiao Yang, don't get too excited. This translation will involve a lot of professional knowledge about gas turbines. Do you know anything about LM2500 gas turbines? How much do you know about GE?"

It seems that this is to test Yang Fan.

If Yang Fan knew little about LM2500 gas turbines and GE, Pan Jinfu would definitely ask him to catch up on these two aspects of knowledge before going abroad.

Yang Fan smiled, and said relaxedly: "Mr. Pan, I have read a lot of books, and I know a lot about these two aspects."

"Oh." Pan Jinfu looked at Yang Fan slightly in surprise, and then said, "Then let me test you, what is the power of the LM2500 gas turbine?"


"This series of gas turbines has a very wide range of uses, and can be used for various purposes such as ship power, power generation, and oil exploration. The most important use is as a power plant for military ships. Due to the excellent performance of this type of gas turbine, the United States and other navies are Purchasing LM2500 gas turbines as the power plant for combat ships.”

As an excellent ship designer of the Republic, Yang Fan naturally has a very good understanding of the LM2500 gas turbine, and he talked a lot with clear thinking.

Pan Jinfu nodded approvingly, "Well, not bad, very good."

Zhao Yulan looked at Yang Fan in surprise, and asked, "Xiao Yang, how do you know so much?"

Yang Fan smiled and knew how to answer, "Director Zhao, I often read some foreign journals and consult some foreign materials. I happened to see the introduction of the LM2500 gas turbine in a journal. I have a good memory, and I still remember it fresh."

It turned out to be the case.

Zhao Yulan thought in her heart, Yang Fan is really good, I just wrote it down when I saw it in a journal, the memory is really not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Perhaps Yang Fan's answer just now was a little surprising. Pan Jinfu didn't test Yang Fan's knowledge about GE after he was satisfied. I feel relieved, go back and make some preparations, and then set off for the United States with everyone."

"Mr. Pan, thank you."

This kind of gratitude is needed. Yang Fan knew that Pan Jinfu must have resisted all opinions to be able to go abroad this time. Otherwise, such a good opportunity might not have fallen to a newcomer like him.

"You don't need to thank me, the best way to thank me is to complete this translation job well." Pan Jinfu said, "Director Zhao will tell you about some things."

Yang Fan and Zhao Yulan got up together, and they left Pan Jinfu's office.Zhao Yulan said: "Who should be assigned to undertake the translation work? There was a dispute within the institute, but in the end it was Master Pan who made the decision and named you."

Yang Fan thanked again: "Thank you, Master Pan, and Director Zhao."

In addition to Pan Jinfu's decision, Zhao Yulan also strongly recommended Yang Fan, and only then did Yang Fan finally have the opportunity to go abroad.

Then, Zhao Yulan told Yang Fan some matters before going abroad, and asked Yang Fan to make preparations to go abroad so that he could leave at any time.

Generally speaking, such procedures for going abroad are very cumbersome, but the 052 ship is a large project, and some things will be handled on a special basis, and it will not take a long time to go through various procedures like ordinary people going abroad.

Back in his office, Yang Fan was very happy, but he didn't tell anyone about his going abroad. This needs to be paid attention to, Yang Fan can't yell everywhere.

As for the fact that the 052 ship's power system will use LM2500 gas turbines, Yang Fan knows that he cannot stop it, and he has already thought about it.

In addition, LM2500 is indeed a very good marine gas turbine if the risk of supply cut-off in the future is put aside.

Since the higher authorities have decided to introduce this type of gas turbine, let’s introduce it. As for the suspension of supply in the future, we will talk about it later.

"I will undertake the translation work this time, and I will participate in the inspection of LM2500, and I may have the opportunity to do something."

"Historically, only 2500 LM4 gas turbines were imported, enough to equip two 052 ships. This time, we must import as many as possible. It would be better if we could import 6 or even 8."

Yang Fan thought a lot.

Today is the weekend again.

Now that I have decided to go abroad, some preparatory work needs to be done in advance, such as buying one or two better clothes and so on.

Yang Fan went to the Donghai City Department Store again. Although he was disappointed with Donghai Department Store, there was no other way. There was indeed no other place that sold more things than it.

He set off early in the morning and took a bus on the way. Yang Fan arrived at the entrance of the department store again around [-]:[-] in the morning.

Because it is the weekend, and there are limited places where people can buy things, unlike the full rise of various stores and supermarkets in the next decade or so, people now basically have to go to state-run stores or department stores to buy things.

Having been here last time, he was quite familiar with the way. Yang Fan walked into this five-story building and began to buy the things he needed.

Fortunately, tickets are no longer required to buy everything like in previous years. Although many things still need to be purchased with a ticket, there are also many things that no longer require a ticket.

Yang Fan has basically thought about what to buy.

You must buy a shirt, and leather shoes are also essential. If you have a tie you like, you can also buy a tie.

A shirt, leather shoes, and a tie make it look more formal, and Americans probably think the same way, thinking that you at least look formal to them in terms of dressing.

There are quite a few styles of shirts, and there is still room for choice. Yang Fan picked a white shirt with a little stripe, tried it on, and found it fit very well, but the price was a bit expensive, almost equivalent to Half a month's salary.

If there was no reward of 300 yuan last time, Yang Fan would have hesitated a bit, but this time he paid without any hesitation.

Now that he had the shirt, Yang Fan bought a pair of black leather shoes for tens of dollars, and a pair of trousers that matched the shirt and shoes for more than ten dollars.

"Well, one tie is missing."

Yang Fan's eyes began to search for where to buy ties. After searching around, he finally found a counter selling ties. The place seemed relatively deserted, and there were basically few people there. Only two young after-sales staff chatted there while eating melon seeds.

(End of this chapter)

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