Chapter 24
Yang Fan is used to this.

The after-sales staff in state-owned department stores like this are generally full of superiority, and the service enthusiasm is not good. When there are no customers, chatting, knitting sweaters, and eating melon seeds are very common.

There are ties, just what Yang Fan needs to buy.

The pace was a little faster, and I walked to the front of this counter. In addition to ties, there are also several men's shirts here, but well, Yang Fan has already bought a shirt and no longer needs it for the time being.

There are relatively few styles of ties, some of which are relatively old-fashioned or a little rustic. Yang Fan reluctantly picked a tie that matches his shirt and basically fits the youthful temperament.

"It's really expensive!"

After seeing the price tag, Yang Fan was secretly dumbfounded, such a tie was actually a few dollars more expensive than the shirt he bought just now.

"Comrade, take this tie for me."

The two young salesmen who were cracking sunflower seeds finally stopped and glanced casually at the young Yang Fan. One of them showed a slightly surprised expression. Generally, such young people rarely buy ties, and they often look like cadres. mostly.

One person finally got up, took out the tie from the counter, and said flatly, "It's 27 yuan and [-] cents in total."

It's nearly 30 yuan, and some people's monthly salary is only 30 to [-] yuan. No wonder a tie is a rarity in this era.

He took out three pieces of "Great Unity" to the salesperson, and Yang Fan took a look at this tie. Overall, he was basically satisfied, and it was much more pleasing to the eye than the other old-fashioned ties.

The shirt, tie, trousers and leather shoes are all bought, and the outfit is basically complete.Yang Fan also considered buying a suitcase for this trip abroad, but after looking at the prices, they are generally more expensive, and the slightly better ones are around 200 or [-] yuan.

Then there is no need to waste this sum of money. 300 yuan seems to be a lot, and it seems that you can’t help but spend it. It costs a hundred yuan to put together such an outfit. You need to save the rest of the money, and you will need to spend it when you arrive in the United States. As for money, if you see something and want to buy it, but you have no money to buy it, it will be a tragedy.

There is a suitcase in Yang Fan's dormitory.

Made of cowhide, it is very strong and the quality is very good. The only disadvantage is that the style is a little old. It was bought by Yang Fang when she got married. After Yang Fan graduated from university and started working, Yang Fang felt sorry for her younger brother, so she took this only one The suitcase was given to Yang Fan.

Instead of wasting money on a suitcase, Yang Fan returned to the dormitory with a full load of things he bought, took out the suitcase, wiped it, cleaned it, and put some things needed for going abroad in it.

"Well, it's just you, and I'll take you abroad." Yang Fan thought in his heart.

In the afternoon, because it was a weekend break, Han Jiang came to visit.

He knocked on the door and came in with a letter in his hand, "Brother Fan, the gatekeeper in the reception room said you have a letter, and I brought it for you."

"Oh, I still have the letter." Yang Fan took it doubtfully.

Seeing that the inscribed name was "Yang Fang", Yang Fan suddenly realized that this was written by his sister. He did not expect that Yang Fang would write the letter in only ten days.

In fact, it is not too far to come from the countryside, but the traffic is not as developed as it is now, and it takes a lot of time.

Perhaps because she was afraid of affecting and disturbing Yang Fan's work, Yang Fang wrote a letter to ask about her health.Yang Fan opened the letter and read it.

There is not much content in it, most of them are trivial matters and some concerns. From the lines, we can fully understand her concern and concern for this younger brother.

After reading this letter, Yang Fan felt warm in his heart.

God kicked himself from the 21st century back to more than [-] years ago, so he treated me well and arranged for me such a caring sister.

If it is said that he was not mentally prepared to accept this sister before, it is completely different now. Since Yang Fang came last time, Yang Fan's heart has undergone subtle changes. Now after reading this letter, the change in his heart It was even more obvious that when he started to accept this sister, he secretly rejoiced that he had good luck.

In addition to being full of concerns and concerns, the letter focused on one thing, that is, the matter of the ancestral old house.

Yang Fan's hometown is in Donghai City, not the countryside, but the urban area.Strictly speaking, it is close to the urban-rural fringe, and a few miles away is the countryside.

The Yang family has an ancestral house, which was handed down from Yang Fan's grandfather. Yang Fan's parents passed away, his sister got married, and Yang Fan started working again. That ancestral house was left unused, and no one lives there now.

Yang Fang said in the letter that she went back to look at the house, and briefly cleaned and tidied it up.Someone also approached Yang Fang and offered 1000 yuan to buy the house, but Yang Fang directly refused, saying that the house was reserved for her brother, and she would not sell it for any amount.

Yang Fan still has some memories in his mind, and he can roughly remember the appearance of that house. He thought in his heart, if he has time, he should take a look. Definitely a sky-high price.

"Brother Fan, you are packing your things, you are going on a business trip!"

Noticing the big suitcase that Yang Fan had packed, and seeing the brand new shirts and leather shoes that Yang Fan had bought, Han Jiang asked.

Yang Fan smiled.

Yang Fan didn't tell anyone about going abroad, even he didn't reveal half of it to Han Jiang, and now Han Jiang asked this, and he didn't hide it anymore.

"Well, I'm planning to go to the United States."

"What, go to the United States!" Han Jiang was stunned for a moment, first with an unbelievable expression, then grabbed Yang Fan's hand, and said a little excitedly: "Is it really going to the United States? .”

Seeing Han Jiang react so strongly, Yang Fan also smiled.In this era, being able to go abroad once is definitely something that many people are very envious of.

"I went to General Electric in the United States to inspect the LM2500 gas turbine. The institute sent a total of four people there, including me. I will be the interpreter for this time."

That's it!

Han Jiang had also heard some news, especially that director Shen Bin of their power system design office seemed to be going to the United States for inspection. He never thought that Yang Fan would have such an opportunity.

Apart from being envious and happy for Yang Fan, Han Jiang said with great emotion: "It seems that learning a foreign language well is still very useful, no, I will also learn English from tomorrow, if there is something you don't understand, you must teach me .”

"no problem!"

Yang Fan readily agreed.If Han Jiang really learns English well, he is of course very happy to see it. It is really important to learn a foreign language well.

Especially with the development of the times, there will be more exchanges with foreigners in the future, and it is inevitable to consult some foreign language materials in the design of the ship. It is much more convenient and easier to be familiar with English.

About going abroad, Yang Fan only told Han Jiang, and told him not to talk about it everywhere.Han Jiang is not a big mouth either, he has followed the agreement between the two very well, so not many people know about Yang Fan's going abroad.

Another weekend.

Yang Fan's preparations for going abroad are almost ready, and he can set off with everyone at any time after the relevant procedures are completed.

Today, without going to work, Yang Fan prepared his old house for a look after having breakfast in the canteen of his unit. Before leaving, he put a letter into the mailbox, which was his reply to Yang Fang.

It’s actually not too far to take a bus, and you don’t even need to transfer, just stop and go. After sitting for three or four 10 minutes, Yang Fan finally reached his destination.

After getting off the bus, it takes about ten minutes to walk.

The weather wasn't too hot yet, and the breeze felt very comfortable, and a ten-minute walk seemed to pass by in no time.

Finally, Yang Fan saw his old house not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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