Military Heavy

Chapter 25 Brother Yang Fan

Chapter 25 Brother Yang Fan
It was an old house by the road.

The entrance is a concrete road about two lanes wide. The plane trees planted on the side of the road are very thick, and the big plane trees are as thick as an armful.

The memory that had been a little vague became clearer, Yang Fan quickened his pace, and arrived at the door of the house in a short while, seeing the closed door, he quickly took out the key.


With a soft sound, the big lock on the door was easily opened, and with a "squeak", he pushed the door and walked in.Entering is a spacious main room, with two rooms on each side, a total of four rooms.

This is a brick house. It looks old, but it looks very solid. It has not been lived in for so long and there is no dust inside, let alone spider webs. The whole house is clean and tidy.

You don't need to think about it, all of this should be due to Yang Fang's credit. She probably will come back often to take a look, and clean up every time she comes back.

Yang Fan opened the room he used to have, inside it was also neat and tidy, with clear windows, a big wooden bed, a big desk, and a big bookcase.

There are a lot of books in the bookcase, and the bed looks relatively clean. It is covered with an old sheet, mainly to prevent dust. If you uncover this sheet, you will find that the bedding underneath is relatively new.

Gently touched the top of the big desk, then looked at the lamp on the table, it was also very clean, without any dust.

Seeing this, Yang Fan's affection for Yang Fang grew stronger, and he thought in his heart, this sister is good, careful and diligent.

Looking at each room, Yang Fan thought in his heart, the conditions here are good, the environment is also good, much better than the dormitory he lives in now.

The only thing is transportation. If you go to Donghai Ship Design Institute from here, you have to walk for ten minutes to the nearest bus stop, and then take a bus for three or four 10 minutes to get to the institute, which is too time-consuming.

If you have a car or a motorcycle, living here is much better than living in the dormitory of the unit. It is quiet, comfortable, and everything is very convenient. There is a big road outside, and there are neighbors on the left and right.

Behind the main room is the kitchen, through the kitchen to the back of the house.

The backside is spacious, and it is actually a vegetable garden, with an area of ​​[-] to [-] square meters, surrounded by fences and other sundries, but there are no vegetables, and it looks a bit barren.

Great place!

After looking around, Yang Fan is [-]% satisfied with his ancestral house, which is not small, clean and tidy.Also, the location of this place is nice.

In more than ten years, with the development of Donghai City, the urban area will expand and expand again. This place will definitely belong to the bustling city center, and every inch of land will be expensive.

"Well, such a good place, no matter how much others pay, it won't be sold, even if it can't live, the room for appreciation in the future is huge."

After standing in the middle of the vegetable garden and watching for a long time, Yang Fan returned to the main room satisfied, ready to pick up brooms, rags and other things, to clean and tidy up like Yang Fang, and wipe some places again.

I was looking for a broom when a surprised voice sounded in my ear, "Brother Yang Fan, brother Yang Fan, it's really you!"

Yang Fan quickly looked over and saw a beautiful figure standing outside the gate, a girl dressed as a young student was standing at the gate.

这 是
Yang Fan had a familiar feeling in his heart, but he couldn't remember who it was for a while, and he didn't know how to call him better.

"Brother Yang Fan, I'm Jiang Yan!"

The pretty girl walked into the main room happily, and said happily, "I saw the door of your house was open. I thought it was Sister Yang Fang, but I didn't expect it to be you."

Seeing that Yang Fan was a little stunned, Jiang Yan said angrily on purpose: "You don't remember him, we used to play together when we were young, and you often bullied him."

Yang Fan looked at Jiang Yan, searched hard in his mind, and finally remembered something. He vaguely remembered that there was a little girl next door who had a very good relationship with him, because the difference between the two was only three or four years old. Follow Yang Fan's butt all day long and call "Brother Yang Fan".

"You are really Jiang Yan!"

Looking at the young and beautiful girl with short hair, Yang Fan was surprised.In my impression, Jiang Yan was a complete tomboy, crazy with himself every day, and often dirty.

After Yang Fan went to university, because his parents were no longer alive, he seldom came back here. He usually stayed in the school and hadn't seen Jiang Yan for at least four or five years.

In five years, Jiang Yan has changed so much. He is still the dirty tomboy, a proper young and beautiful girl, with an appearance of at least 90 points.

"Hee hee." Jiang Yan smiled mischievously, "I almost don't know me, Brother Yang Fan, why did you come back suddenly?"

"Come back and take a look." Yang Fan said.

Jiang Yan's personality seems to be very outgoing, he talks a lot, maybe it's because he hasn't seen each other for many years.

Chirping like a lark.

Yang Fan's mood was also affected, and he chatted happily with Jiang Yan. Gradually, the two talked about everything, except for some things when they were young, they also talked about the current situation.

Jiang Yan is also a college student now, but a college student. He is a freshman in a college in Donghai City, and he is studying fashion design, which is very fashionable now.

This is a new major. If it had been a few years earlier, no university in Donghai City had offered such a major.

Yang Fan also talked about his own situation. After graduating from university, he joined the Donghai Ship Design Institute and is now a designer in the general design office.

Jiang Yan's university is in Donghai City, and she goes home almost every weekend. Today, she was lucky and met Yang Fan, whom she hadn't seen for many years.

"Brother Yang Fan, will you come back next weekend? I come back basically every week."

Yang Fan said: "Not necessarily, maybe I don't have time to come back."

"Come back, I want you to take me over there to play." Jiang Yan pointed to the distance, there was a river about one or two miles away.

The river water is relatively clear, and the two often went there to play when they were young, and Yang Fan often took Jiang Yan there to touch fish and catch crabs.

Basically every time, Jiang Yan helped to stand by the river with a bucket, and Yang Fan went down into the river wearing a pair of shorts to touch fish and catch shrimp, and the harvest was often good.

Faced with Jiang Yan's request, Yang Fan was a little embarrassed, "I may not be able to come back next week, I will be on a business trip recently, it may take several days."

"Brother Yang Fan, you are going on a business trip, tell me where you are going."

Yang Fan didn't hide anything, "I'm going to the United States. The exact date of departure has not yet been determined, but it is estimated that it will be soon, because this matter is still relatively urgent."

Travel to the United States.

There was an obviously happy look on Jiang Yan's face, and there was even a little worship in his eyes. From the little girl's point of view, it was absolutely awesome to be able to go to the United States.

Feeling the admiration in Jiang Yan's eyes, Yang Fan felt a little embarrassed, and quickly smiled and said, "It's really nothing, I'm not the only one going."

The two talked about a lot of topics and had a great time.

Time passed quickly, and it was past eleven o'clock at noon, Yang Fan said: "I have to go back to work, let's talk next time."

Jiang Yan was a little bit reluctant, and asked to stay: "It's almost noon, eat at my house before leaving."

Although Yang Fan also missed the taste of Jiang Yan's mother's cooking, he still thought that he hadn't seen each other for many years, so he was a little embarrassed to go to Jiang Yan's house for dinner with empty hands.

It was different when he was a child, Yang Fan often ate at Jiang Yan's house, and he especially liked the food cooked by Jiang Yan's mother.Now that I have grown up and joined the work, it is naturally not good to do that again.

Lock the door and wave goodbye.

Under Jiang Yan's gaze, Yang Fan walked along the road towards the nearest bus, and Jiang Yan's voice came from his ear, "Brother Yang Fan, I will write to you, you have to write back to me."

(End of this chapter)

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