Military Heavy

Chapter 26 Yang Fan's Ambition

Chapter 26 Yang Fan's Ambition

It has been several days since Yang Fan returned to work from his old house, and the past few days have been calm, so what should he do or what should he do.

As always, Yang Fan was very low-key, working hard without arrogance or impetuosity, and never talked about going abroad with any colleagues. The entire general design office knew about Yang Fan's going abroad. Only the director Kuang Wei was estimated.

Today, Tang Jianming called everyone together for a small meeting. In addition to telling everyone that the relevant procedures have been completed and that the date of going to the United States for inspection is set on June 6, he also talked about a lot of things that need to be paid attention to.

Yang Fan took a notebook and recorded what Tang Jianming said one by one. It was very neat and filled two pages.

Of course, Yang Fan is familiar with things like going abroad, but the leader specially called everyone for a meeting, and solemnly explained so much, it is an attitude to write down these things.

Sure enough, Tang Jianmin noticed that Yang Fan was recording very seriously, he nodded in satisfaction, and gave Yang Fan an approving look.

The day of the study abroad has been fixed.

6 Month 28 Day!
To Yang Fan's surprise, before going to the United States, he actually received a letter from Jiang Yan. The handwriting was beautiful, and he told some interesting things about the two of them when they were children, and also told some interesting things that happened to her when she was studying now. .

After reading the letter, Yang Fan carefully put it away, took out the letterhead and pen and wrote a reply letter to Jiang Yan. The last time the two met, they discussed a lot of things, including their current correspondence address.

In the 80s, there were no mobile phones, and writing letters to each other became the most common way of contacting each other.

As the day approached, Yang Fan had basically prepared all the things he needed to prepare, and even took time to go to the Donghai City Library to check some materials related to GE and the LM2500 gas turbine.

Let's review the relevant materials and strengthen the memory. In fact, Yang Fan has a relatively good understanding of both GE and LM2500 gas turbines.

Since he was selected as the interpreter for this trip abroad, Yang Fan gradually had some ideas in his heart, and he didn't want to waste this hard-won chance to go abroad.

Some people may seldom go abroad once in their lifetime, so of course they should make good use of such a rare opportunity, such as earning a little money from Americans.

There is no way, Yang Fan is indeed too poor.

Even if he was rewarded with hundreds of dollars, he was regarded as a "rich man" in the eyes of his colleagues, but in Yang Fan's heart, he was far, far away from being a "rich man"!
How to make money from Americans?
Yang Fan has been thinking about this issue for the past few days, and gradually has some ideas.If you want to make a fortune through this opportunity to go abroad, you can only use the advanced knowledge in your head.

But it's hard and requires trial and error.

No matter what, Yang Fan must seize this opportunity to go abroad to try it out. If he is lucky, he can make a fortune.

The object of the investigation this time was General Electric Company. Yang Fan thought that it would be best if he could start with General Electric. After careful consideration, he gave up this idea.

It may be safer to start with other companies in the US.If you want to make money, you can't get into trouble. This is Yang Fan's basic principle.

The 052 ship needs LM2500 gas turbines. The relevant departments of our country and General Electric will have a cooperative relationship. There will inevitably be various exchanges between the two parties. will get into endless trouble.

Abandoning General Electric, Yang Fan has been considering which company in the United States to start with in his mind, and finally set his sights on American automobile manufacturers.

Yes, car manufacturing.

Automobile manufacturing occupies a large proportion of the manufacturing industry in the United States. At this time, with the entry of RB Auto into the United States, they are beginning to feel the pressure of competition. Some automakers are beginning to seek transformation, and some are beginning to carry out technological innovation.

If Yang Fan can come up with a new technology of automobile manufacturing, I believe they will have a strong interest, and it is entirely possible to spend a sum of money to buy this technology.

Coincidentally, before rebirth, Yang Fan, who was an excellent ship designer, was friends with a technical expert in the automobile manufacturing industry. They had a good friendship. The two occasionally chatted about some technical issues in the automobile manufacturing industry. There was a 90s automobile stamping technology Should come in handy.

After making up his mind, Yang Fan was busy with this matter for several days.

Yang Fan remembers this technique very clearly. For several days, he "worked behind closed doors" every night in his dormitory, writing down some things, and it was written in English.

In addition to the text, I also drew a lot of drawings by myself, including the design drawing of the stamping die.By the night of the 26th, it was basically finished. On the night of the 27th, I checked it again. After I felt that it was correct, I sorted out the fruits of labor, put them in a file bag, and carefully put them into my big suitcase.

In automobile manufacturing, "stamping" is undoubtedly an extremely important process. A slight innovation and technical improvement in this process will have a relatively large impact.

The stamping technology written by Yang Fan eloquently was undoubtedly very advanced in the early 80s, about ten years ahead.It is a relatively advanced stamping process for automobile body, which can improve stamping efficiency, save materials, save costs and increase profits.

The morning of the 28th.

Yang Fan got up a little earlier than usual. After washing up, he went to the unit cafeteria to have breakfast, and then returned to his dormitory to change his outfit.

I wore all the shirts, shoes, and pants I bought at the department store last time. I wanted to wear a tie, but I gave up after thinking about it.

Such a brand-new outfit is already eye-catching enough, and if you wear a tie, it will probably become the focus of attention. Once you go out like this, the rate of turning heads will be astonishingly high.

He looked in the mirror and checked that there was no problem. He checked his suitcase again to make sure that he had brought all the things he should bring. After nothing was missing, Yang Fan carried the suitcase and walked out of his dormitory. According to the requirements of the meeting yesterday, he went to the A collection of units.

This trip abroad to investigate the East China Sea Institute attaches great importance to it. As the team leader, Tang Jianming even called everyone to hold several meetings. Even yesterday, he held another meeting and gave some instructions for departure, such as where to gather, what time to leave, etc. .

At this time, there are already many people working.

The brand-new leather shoes, trousers and shirt are full of energy. Along the way, Yang Fan has attracted many people's attention. People who are not familiar with Yang Fan will look at him curiously, and those who know Yang Fan will say hello to Yang Fan.

"Yang Fan, what are you doing here? Dress more grandly than getting married."

"A business trip."

"Xiao Yang, this outfit looks good."

"Well, I'm going on a business trip today."

Facing the greetings from several people, Yang Fan responded politely, carried his suitcase and entered the gate of the unit, did not go to his big office as usual, but went directly to the big office building with Soviet architectural style, everyone will Meet in a conference room on the second floor of the building.

Pushing open the door and walking into this meeting room, Yang Fan didn't come too early, there were already people inside, Zhao Yulan, the director of the model office, had arrived, and there were two other unfamiliar faces.

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(End of this chapter)

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