Military Heavy

Chapter 27 Tying a tie is a technical job

Chapter 27 Tying a Tie Is a Skill
"Xiao Yang, it's so early!"

Seeing Yang Fan coming with a suitcase, Zhao Yulan greeted him warmly.Today, she is different from usual, she seems to be more fashionable, her hair must have been dyed carefully, her clothes and trousers are all brand new, and the ladies' leather shoes on her feet are also polished very brightly.

Yang Fan put down the suitcase and said with a smile, "Director Zhao, you guys came earlier."

After finishing speaking, Yang Fan smiled slightly at the other two, and he had roughly guessed in his heart that these two should belong to the Military Industry Bureau and the shipyard.

The liaison with General Electric is mainly in the charge of the Military Industry Bureau. After going to the United States, comrades from the Military Industry Bureau will also communicate with the other party, such as itinerary arrangements, board and lodging, transportation and other issues.

As for the shipbuilding company, they should intervene technically in advance, and they should arrange a technical engineer.

Zhao Yulan introduced: "Xiao Yang, this is Director Jiang Yi of the Military Industry Bureau, and this is Comrade Ma Jun of Donghai Shipyard."

Yang Fan immediately shook hands with the two, and said enthusiastically, "I am Yang Fan, the interpreter for this trip abroad."

Jiang Yi is about forty years old, talkative and outgoing.Ma Jun was younger, in his thirties, he seemed stable and mature, and he didn't talk much.

Not long after, Shen Bin from the general design office arrived, and Tang Jianming was the last to arrive. As soon as he came in, he said with satisfaction: "Very good, everyone is here."

According to yesterday's arrangement, everyone gathered here, and then departed from here. The unit arranged a car and took everyone directly to Donghai Airport.

Tang Jianming looked at everyone and said, "Director Zhao, the air tickets and passports can be given to everyone. Remember, keep these things personally. After you come back, you need to hand in your passport."

For the first time, Yang Fan got his own air ticket and passport. All these things were handled by dedicated comrades, and Yang Fan didn't have to worry about them at all.

First he took a look at the ticket, and then he took a look at the passport, and then, Yang Fan put them into his satchel with satisfaction.

In addition to this large suitcase, Yang Fan also carried a canvas bag, which is mainly used to store some personal belongings, such as air tickets and passports, which can be placed in the innermost layer of the bag.

"You have to keep this thing well, and you must not lose it." Tang Jianming explained to everyone with a straight face.

After talking about the main things, his face lightened, and he smiled and said: "Well, everyone is doing well, and they all wore new clothes. We can't embarrass our motherland when we go abroad this time, and we really need to dress up."

He himself was the same, the leather shoes, trousers and shirt were clean and neat, but he didn't wear a tie.

Most of the men wore shirts, and only Ma Jun wore a Chinese tunic suit. However, it was a relatively new Chinese tunic suit, which was probably rarely worn out.

Tang Jianming said: "Director Shen, you are not bad, and you even put on a tie specially. I also have a tie, but I can't tie it properly after several times. Please help me tie it."

Yang Fan had noticed a long time ago that the four of them were wearing shirts, but Shen Bin was the only one wearing a tie. But, seeing Shen Bin's tie, Yang Fan almost wanted to laugh.

Crooked, this is not wearing a tie, it is similar to a child wearing a red scarf.

It seems that tie is also a technical job.

"I..." Shen Bin was in a bit of a dilemma. After hesitating for a while, he said truthfully: "Mr. Tang, my wife helped me tie this tie, and I don't know how to do it."

In the 80s, few people wore ties, and there were very few people who knew how to wear ties. Shen Bin's lover probably only learned a little from others, and then he was not proficient, so there was such a result.

"Is that so?" Tang Jianming said, "I even brought a tie here, it looks like it can only be put in a box."

While talking, he took a look at his tie with regret on his face, and then prepared to put it back into his suitcase.

Seeing this, Yang Fan's heart skipped a beat, "Mr. Tang, I'll do it a little bit. Let me help you."

Tang Jianming's eyes lit up, "Oh, Xiao Yang knows how to wear a tie, that's great, come on, help me tie it on."

Yang Fan smiled and picked up the tie. He moved very skillfully and quickly, and helped Tang Jianming tie it up. "Mr. Tang, take a look, is it okay?"

Looking at the mirror again and again, Tang Jianming was extremely satisfied, and praised: "It's not hard to see, our Xiao Yang is not only good at English, but also so good at wearing a tie."

Yang Fan smiled modestly.

Shen Bin next to him quickly tore off his tie, "Yang Fan, help me tie it again."

He saw that the tie that Yang Fan had made for Tang Jianming was neat and beautiful, and then he looked at the crooked tie on his neck, and he felt a little embarrassed.

Yang Fan smiled and nodded, and helped Shen Bin tie the tie very skillfully. Compared with before, he looked much more presentable.

"I brought a tie too, Yang Fan, tie it for me." Jiang Yi next to him took out a tie from the suitcase.

"no problem!"

Yang Fan did not refuse anyone who came, and helped Jiang Yi tie his tie. Then he looked at Ma Jun in the tunic suit, and thought in his heart, Ma Gong shouldn't need to wear a tie.

Unexpectedly, Ma Jun unbuttoned the Chinese tunic suit on his body, and took off the clothes. He was wearing a white shirt inside.

"I also brought a tie. Since everyone wears a shirt and tie, I am no exception. Yang Fan will tie it for me."

It turned out that he also wore a tie, but he didn't know how to do it, so he simply wore this Chinese tunic suit over his shirt.To be honest, Yang Fan does not recommend wearing a Chinese tunic suit. This kind of clothing has too many characteristics and is completely out of place in the United States. It is better to wear a shirt and tie or a suit when you go to the country.

Yang Fan's movements were very skillful, and soon helped Ma Jun tie the tie.

Tang Jianming looked at Yang Fan who was wearing a brand new shirt, and asked, "Xiao Yang, what about you, don't you have a tie?"


As he said that, Yang Fan took out the tie he bought at the department store, and skillfully tied it on for himself. In this way, the five men all wear shirts and ties, and the lady Zhao Yulan wears the "definitely good" shirt of Xiao Sui Hua. , it's not too bad.

Tang Jianming looked at everyone with satisfaction, raised his hand to check the time, and reminded: "The car should be coming soon, everyone get ready."

A few minutes later, a car horn sounded outside, Tang Jianming waved and said, "Come on, let's get in the car and go to the airport earlier."

After finishing speaking, he carried the suitcase and walked in the front. Everyone followed and left the conference room. After going downstairs, they boarded the car in front of the office building.

There were two cars in total, one was a black car and the other was an army green jeep. Yang Fan and Ma Jun got into this jeep.

Sitting in the car, Yang Fan noticed that Ma Jun beside him looked slightly excited, and guessed in his heart that it might be the first time for him to go abroad and take an airplane.

Perhaps because of the influence of Ma Jun, Yang Fan, who was originally very calm, was a little agitated at the moment, thinking in his heart that he was going to the United States.

Just now everyone went downstairs with their suitcases and got into the car together, which attracted the attention of some people. Some people looked at all this through the window glass and thought excitedly, what are they doing here? The tie seems to be designed by Vice President Tang Jianming division.

In everyone's eyes, two cars left Donghai Ship Design Institute one after the other and headed for Donghai Airport
(End of this chapter)

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