Military Heavy

Chapter 229 Sailing Test

Chapter 229 Sailing Test
Huang Keping took this painting and left happily, as if he had obtained a peerless treasure. His joy almost made Master Pan envious.

After seeing off the two bosses, Yang Fan laughed himself.

Commander Huang is so happy about the picture of the Type 054A guided missile destroyer.

After smiling, Yang Fan thought in his heart, when I have time in the future, I will draw a few more pictures by myself, and draw our Type 054A guided missile destroyer from different perspectives.

When you have nothing to do, take it out and take a look, it must be a pleasure, at least it can relieve work pressure and adjust your mood.
In the following days, Yang Fan was relatively free and didn't have many things to do. He really drew several pictures about 054A in his office.

There are pencil sketches and watercolor paintings, each of which is well drawn and level, and many details of 054A are clear.

Originally, I wanted to draw a few more pictures to form a series, but a phone call from Chen Shaohua made Yang Fan stop temporarily.

As soon as the phone was connected, Chen Shaohua's voice came from inside, and he invited: "Comrade Yang Fan, I haven't come to our Donghai Shipyard for a long time. Are you free recently? Would you like to come and have a look?"

Yang Fan said: "Has the date for the start of construction of the No. 2 ship been fixed?"

"I called here for this matter. The construction will start tomorrow. If you are interested, come and have a look and give me some guidance."

The construction of the 2nd ship will start tomorrow!
Of course you have to go and have a look.

Yang Fan said straightforwardly: "I don't dare to be a guide. You are experts in ship construction. I just came here to have a look."

The construction of No. 2 ship!

Yang Fan became interested, and even remembered the scene when the first ship was built.At the beginning, Donghai Shipyard carried out the lofting and numbering according to the sketch copied from Donghai.

They use the method of drawing a tape measure and drawing a chalk line. That method is very primitive, and it should not be used now.

"Comrade Yang Fan, shall I wait for you in the office tomorrow, or directly in the material preparation workshop?" Chen Shaohua said.

Yang Fan didn't even think about it, and replied: "We will meet in the material preparation workshop, and we will talk about everything when we meet."

The two made an appointment like this.

Yang Fan first went to the work unit to say hello to Master Pan, and then drove to Donghai Shipyard by himself.

For the Donghai factory, of course he was familiar with the road and knew how to get there with his eyes closed. Yang Fan drove directly to the door of the material preparation workshop, parked the car, and walked into the workshop.

Soon I saw Chen Shaohua.

He also saw Yang Fan, striding over with great enthusiasm, "I came here so early, it's not even nine o'clock in the morning, and we've just started stakeout."

The first step in building is stakeout.

Whether it is the tower construction method or the general section construction method, this step is basically the same.

A very important step in line stakeout is to make grid lines.

The grid line is the reference line for drawing the type line diagram, and the drawing accuracy of the type line diagram largely depends on whether the grid line is accurate, because you must be very careful when making the grid line.

Yang Fan clearly remembered that when the construction of the first ship started, Donghai Factory used measuring tapes, long wooden rulers, set squares and other tools to make the grid lines.

The efficiency is low, and the accuracy is not high.

Now, Yang Fan is happy, it is completely different from the construction of the first ship. The workers are operating the laser theodolite and using it as the baseline of the grid line.

I saw the workers place the laser theodolite on the end point O of the set reference line, center the instrument, level it, and write down the point O with a pencil.

Send the laser light point to the other end point A, and write down point A with a pencil.Fixed instrument level dial, rotating telescope tube
Seeing the skilled operation of the workers, and seeing a total of two laser theodolites in the entire material preparation workshop, Yang Fan smiled with satisfaction.

"Old Chen, it's not bad. The workers use the laser theodolite very smoothly. Now you can say that it is a shotgun for a cannon, and you no longer use the old way."

Chen Shaohua smiled happily, "Thanks to the laser theodolite, otherwise, we would have to draw a tape measure and draw chalk lines. Not to mention the low efficiency, the accuracy cannot be guaranteed."

There were several workers nearby who were operating the laser theodolite. They stopped, and someone said thankfully: "Assistant Yang, thank you for suggesting that we buy the laser theodolite. I have been doing line stakeout for almost my whole life. Now it is the easiest way. of."

"Yes, yes, not only is it easy, but it is also very efficient."

"The work that usually takes a few days to finish, we are sure to finish it in half a day."

The workers said this one after another, feeling their emotions, and Yang Fan was also affected, feeling relaxed and happy.

With the laser theodolite, the stakeout of Donghai Shipyard has undergone earth-shaking changes compared with before, and it is no longer so primitive and backward.

The hull construction process is a complex production process, which includes a lot of manual work. If modern technology can be used to complete it, such as using a laser theodolite when setting out, the efficiency will be greatly improved.

Chen Shaohua is very satisfied with the laser theodolite, "We bought a few more. After tasting the sweetness of this thing, almost every workshop is clamoring for this thing."

Hearing this, Yang Fan laughed.

"Old Chen, the laser theodolite is nothing. With the development of computer technology, a lot of work in the hull construction process can be done by computer in the future, so the efficiency will be high."

It can be done with a computer!
Chen Shaohua opened his eyes wide in surprise, and said with great interest: "Really, the computer can still be used in the construction of the hull."

"Of course!"

Yang Fan replied affirmatively: "In the future, it is entirely possible to use computers to complete various tasks of hull lofting, including the establishment of mathematical smoothing, calculation of plate seams and structural lines, calculation of component expansion, and calculation of model dimensions."

Just a simple talk, many people around were stunned.

Including Chen Shaohua.


Computers are so powerful and can do so many things!
Chen Shaohua thought in his heart, should we start to get in touch with computer technology, especially those young technicians, who have strong learning ability, so they can consider learning this aspect of knowledge.

There happened to be a few technicians next to them. They were surprised, but also felt as if a brand-new door was slowly opening. It turned out that there was such a brand-new world.

"Assistant Yang, when will you tell us about the application of computer technology in ship construction?"

A more courageous technician said this hopefully.

Yang Fan replied, "No problem. When I have time, I will also buy a few computers from the factory inside."

There were good-natured laughter all around.

There are really not many "high-end products" such as computers in Donghai Shipyard. If there are, they are basically decorations, and few people will use them.

I watched it in the material preparation workshop for at least an hour.

Yang Fan felt that there were always such eyes, looking at him quietly from a distance, these eyes were full of admiration.

Whether it is in the hearts of the workers or in the hearts of the technicians.

Yang Fan is almost a god-like existence, especially some technicians admire him. The assistant to Mr. Yang is so powerful, and he also understands cutting-edge things such as computer technology.

After looking at the layout of the No. 2 ship, Yang Fan suggested: "Old Chen, how about we go and see the first ship under test?"

"Yes you can."

Chen Shaohua took Yang Fan, and the two left the material preparation workshop together. They arrived at the pier not long after, and saw the first ship of the 052 ship parked here.

"During the outfitting stage, we have already completed some tests, such as tightness tests, including hydrostatic tests, flushing tests, air pressure tests, etc."

"After launching, we have completed most of the mooring tests, including main engine wharf test, generator set test, steering gear inspection and test, anchor lifting equipment test, etc."

The mooring test is a test in which the ship is launched and docked at the dock in a static state.

Chen Shaohua said: "Next Monday, our 052 ship will start its first sailing test."

So fast!
So smooth!

You can carry out sea trials.

Hearing this, Yang Fan's heart was filled with joy, "Old Chen, it's only been a few months since you went into the water, and you can start the first sailing test, it's amazing."

The start of the sailing test indicates that the first ship has entered an important test stage.

Now that he came to the pier, Yang Fan boarded the 052 ship again, and disembarked with satisfaction after looking around.
on Monday.

Early in the morning, many people came to the pier, not only technical personnel, management personnel, but also a large number of workers.

Today will be a very important day.

The lead ship will begin its first sea trials.

A team of naval officers and soldiers wearing white navy uniforms boarded the 052 ship. In addition, relevant designers and technical personnel from Donghai Shipyard also boarded this warship.

Yang Fan, as the assistant to the chief designer, of course also boarded the warship, in a slightly puffy mood, in the command room, looking out through the glass.

Soon after, the whistle sounded, the power system started, the two diesel engines in the power cabin started to work, and the propellers started.

The warship moved slowly and left the dock!

Immediately, appalling cheers erupted from the crowd on the pier. In everyone's eyes and in the cheers of everyone, the 052 ship gradually moved away. It will start the first sailing test. According to the test outline, A lot of testing will be done.

"Our warship has left the dock!"

"Look, it's turning a corner!"

"It seems to be speeding up."

Far away in the capital.

On the large desk of a major leader of the navy, there is a watercolor painting, a modern warship is sailing in the vast sea.

If Yang Fan were here, he would definitely be surprised.

Isn't this the Type 054A missile frigate I drew?
How could he be here?
The third update is here, today's update is here, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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