Military Heavy

Chapter 230 Doubts about the top speed

Chapter 230 Doubts about the top speed

A few days later.

Several leaders of the navy were sitting together, discussing the future new type of guided missile frigate. On the table, there was a colorful picture of the Type 054A guided missile frigate drawn by Yang Fan.

On the color map, the details of 054A are clearly visible.

Its geometrically faceted appearance is quite unique.

Apparently, several leaders had carefully read this color picture, and they were all a little moved, so they started chatting.

"This is drawn by a comrade of the East China Sea Ship Design Institute. It is said that it is what he thinks the new type of guided missile frigate will look like in the future. The unique geometrical section shows that it has stealth performance, phased array control radar, and missile vertical launch system. These are all present. It shows that this is a missile frigate with excellent performance."

Another leader agreed: "Yes, it must be very good. In comparison, our current Type 053 frigate does seem a little behind."

On this point, everyone agrees.

As the leader of the navy, of course, I have a good understanding of the Type 053 guided missile frigate. This is only the first generation of guided missile frigate. Compared with the second-generation guided missile frigate that Western advanced countries have begun to install, there is a big gap in performance, and there is an obvious generation difference. Difference.

One of the naval leaders said: "The development of our Type 052 guided missile destroyer is progressing smoothly. The first ship has started sailing tests, and the second ship has also started construction at the Donghai Shipyard. Can we start the feasibility study of a new generation of guided missile frigates. "

This one
Several other leaders seemed a little hesitant, and someone said worriedly: "According to the drawing on this picture, the new generation of guided missile frigates need phased array control radar and missile vertical launch system, and we don't have these things. To develop such a The guided missile frigate is very technically difficult."

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Yes, it is too technically difficult.

Several leaders were silent. They are very clear about the domestic situation, and they know that it may be too early to launch a new type of guided missile frigate.

However, a leader broke the silence and reminded: "At the beginning, when we conducted the feasibility demonstration of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer, the situation was similar to now. We didn't have many things, and in the end it was successfully developed. Our first ship Sea trials have already begun."

a long time.

One of the leaders said: "We will definitely design and develop a new generation of guided missile frigate, so let's do some work in front, laying the foundation for the future design and development of this guided missile frigate, active phased array control radar, missile vertical Launch system, we can start project research and development, and after certain conditions are met, we will start the feasibility demonstration of a new generation of guided missile frigates.”

"I think I can."

"I agree."

Several other leaders agreed one after another to carry out the research and development of some things first to lay the foundation for the future.

One leader even said: "Phase array control radar, missile vertical launch system, these things will also be used in the future 052 ships, and now we start investing, I think it is feasible."

Several leaders quickly unified their opinions.

Drive the research and development of radar and weapon systems first to lay the foundation for the future, and these things are exactly what the 052 ship needs.

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Of course, Yang Fan didn't know that the color picture he drew had reached the leaders of the navy, and the navy was planning to set up research projects on radar and weapon systems such as active phased array control radar and missile vertical launch system.

These days, Yang Fan is mainly concerned with two things.One is the sailing test of the first ship, and the other is the construction of the No. 2 ship.

A few days ago, the first ship conducted the "main engine sailing test" among the sailing tests, and it went relatively smoothly. The 052 ship has returned to the Donghai Shipyard and is still docked at the dock.

Main engine sailing test mainly includes main engine balance test, main engine load test, main engine performance test and so on.These tests were completed one by one.

In ten days or so, the first ship will start sailing test again, and it is a very critical speed test.According to the design parameters, the top speed of the 052 ship can reach 32 knots.

After detailed calculations by the East China Sea Ship Design Institute, it is theoretically possible, but can it actually reach 32 knots?

This requires a speed test.

This is related to the main performance of the 052 ship, which is a very critical sailing test. The Donghai Institute as the design unit and the Donghai Shipyard as the construction unit will send people to participate.

Ten days passed by.

Today is the day for the first speed test of the first ship. Early in the morning, Yang Fan took Li Zhengjun, the deputy director of the power system design room, Han Jiang and a senior technician Li Ximing, and a group of four set off from the East China Sea Institute early and headed for the East China Sea. shipyard.

Yang Fan used to drive his own large off-road car without a car from the company. The traffic conditions were good along the way. After 10 minutes on three or four, he was close to the Donghai Shipyard.

Han Jiang sat in the co-pilot seat, "Brother Fan, your car is really comfortable to sit in, much better than the few jeeps we have inside."

In terms of comfort and drivability, this car is of course much stronger.

While driving, Yang Fan smiled and said: "If there is a chance, let's find a place without cars and practice a few times for you, how about it?"

Hearing this, Han Jiang was overjoyed, "Really, then it's settled."

He has already applied for a driver's license and is practicing driving. His hand addiction is just getting worse.

Li Zhengjun and Li Ximing, who were sitting in the back seat, said in their hearts that the relationship between Han Jiang and Mr. Yang's assistant is really good, and this kind of relationship is enviable.

Along the way, everyone also talked about the upcoming speed test. As the deputy director of the power system, Li Zhengjun was still a little worried.

No, he said again: "Our maximum design speed is 32 knots. I don't know if we can reach this speed. If not, how will we adjust the power system?"

Seeing what he said, Han Jiang and Li Ximing also became a little worried.

Han Jiang asked: "Brother Fan, if we really can't reach the top speed of 32 knots, do we really need to adjust the power system?"

Yang Fan smiled and said confidently: "We are using a very advanced combined power system, and the top speed of 32 knots, I think there is no problem."

No one knows the power of this power system better than Yang Fan.

The displacement of the current 052 is less than 32 tons, and it will definitely have no problem reaching a speed of [-] knots. Yang Fan has full confidence in this.

In the future, the 052 ship will continue to develop, with a displacement of more than 6000 tons and a speed of more than 32 knots. There is no problem, and now there is no problem.

Of course, the power system was also improved at that time, especially the power of the gas turbine was increased. Even so, the current displacement is less than 32 tons, and the maximum speed exceeds [-] knots. There should be no problem.

The off-road vehicle quickly reached the side of the pier.

After parking the car, a group of four people boarded the 052 ship. Soon, Yang Fan met Chen Shaohua, Zheng Xianxue and others on the ship.

The two sides met and exchanged polite greetings. Then, Chen Shaohua said, "Comrade Yang Fan, let me introduce you. This is Comrade Lu Mingfa, the person in charge of the military's navigation test, and the temporary captain of the first ship."

This is a naval colonel in his forties, with dark skin, and he looks very resolute. He walked a few steps and saluted a military salute.

"Comrade Yang Fan, I have heard of your name for a long time, and I finally saw you in person today."

Yang Fan returned a military salute and said with a smile, "Colonel Lu is too polite."

Han Jiang next to him looked at Yang Fan in admiration, and thought in his heart, he really deserves to be Brother Fan, so arrogant.

He is a captain of the navy, so he can talk and laugh.

If it were me, I would have been a little nervous.

Li Zhengjun thought in his heart, Assistant President Yang is really famous, everyone in the navy has heard of his name.

Yang Fan looked calm, and after chatting with Lu Mingfa for a few words, he asked, "When can I set sail and start testing?"

Lu Mingfa said: "The displacement will be measured soon, and then we can start sailing."

After a while, the displacement was measured and recorded as experimental data. After a whistle, the 052 ship left the dock of Donghai Shipyard.

Seeing that the ship was already moving, a navy captain said, "Our 052 ship has a maximum design speed of 32 knots. Can it really reach such a high speed?"

"I see enough."

"If it can't reach 32 knots, but the top speed can reach 30 knots, I think it is very satisfying."


These words not only floated into the ears of Yang Fan, but also into the ears of Lu Mingfa. He once served as the captain of the Type 051 guided missile destroyer and the Type 053 guided missile frigate. Sex is all too clear.

Of course, he is also very familiar with the speed of the 051 ship and the 053 ship. He heard that the speed of the 052 ship can reach up to 32 knots, and he is also a little skeptical.

Theoretically it is one thing, the design maximum speed is 32 knots, but in reality it may be another matter, experience tells him that the design maximum speed is 32 knots, the actual maximum speed may be only 30 knots.

Seeing the comrades discussing in this way, Lu Mingfa also asked, "Assistant Yang, can the maximum actual speed of our 052 ship reach 32 knots?"

Yang Fan replied confidently: "It should be possible, even I think it will exceed 32 knots."

It's impossible.

Lu Mingfa was surprised, and reminded: "I'm talking about the maximum actual speed, not the maximum design speed."

Yang Fan nodded and said: "I'm talking about the maximum actual speed, it should be no problem if it exceeds 32 knots."

Not only Lu Mingfa, but also the people next to him could hear clearly, especially those in the navy, they all showed expressions of disbelief.

The navy captain just now said loudly: "Impossible, that's the actual speed of 32 knots."

Yang Fan smiled confidently, and said very confidently: "I said yes, it can, and the actual maximum speed can reach or even exceed 32 knots, there is no problem at all."

Can it really reach 32 knots?

Lu Mingfa gradually became eager in his heart, hoping to reach the test sea area sooner and test how much the maximum speed can be achieved.


Three more updates will continue today, and the first update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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