Military Heavy

Chapter 231 Powerful Power System

Chapter 231 Powerful Power System

The maximum speed can reach 32 knots!

As the captain of the 051 guided missile destroyer and the 053 frigate, Lu Mingfa knows the meaning of this speed. If the maximum actual speed of the 052 ship can reach 32 knots, it will be very exciting!

Lu Mingfa's mood was slightly agitated. Through the glass, he looked at the boundless sea outside. At this moment, the 052 ship has gradually moved away from the East China Sea Shipyard and started sailing on the sea.

Been sailing for over an hour.

A technician in charge of the speed measurement test reported loudly: "When the speed measurement area is reached, the ship is in the upright state, the displacement is the design standard displacement, there is no bow tilt, and the immersion depth of the propeller meets the requirements!"

The purpose of the speed test is to ascertain the speed of the ship under a certain load condition and the speed of the propeller, and the corresponding main engine power and propeller thrust, so as to obtain the relationship between the speed, speed and thrust.

Arrived in the speed test area!
Many people cheered up slightly, looking at Yang Fan, Chen Shaohua, Lu Mingfa and others, waiting for the speed measurement order.

Lu Mingfa is the temporary captain and the person in charge of the sailing test. He nodded to Yang Fan and Chen Shaohua, and then ordered loudly: "Meet the speed measurement requirements, adjust the main engine to 25% working condition!"

The speed measurement technicians started to act, and soon, the main engine of the 052 ship was in 25% working condition, and everyone began to record various data.

Such data as current speed, wind speed, hull displacement, draft, propeller immersion depth and so on at this time, the key is to record the sailing speed.

Everything was in an orderly manner and carried out in full compliance with the pre-established test program.

For the speed test, the East China Sea Ship Design Institute had already formulated a test program, which was signed and approved by Yang Fan.

If it is a civilian ship, the speed test is generally carried out on the seashore, and there is often a special speed measurement field. There will be benchmarks on the shore. The distance between the benchmarks is determined artificially. Different distances can be selected according to different ship speeds.

For ships with a normal speed of less than 20 knots, a benchmark with a mileage of 1852 meters is selected.

Warships generally do not measure speed in this way, but travel to designated sea areas and pass sensors, instruments, and test equipment installed on board.

This is very different from civilian ships.

The data records are also much more detailed, and the test details are also much more. Civilian ships may complete the speed test in one or two days, while military ships often take many days, at least three voyages or more.

Like today, it is the first voyage.

First, the speed test is carried out under the condition of 25% of the working condition of the main engine, then at 50% of the working condition, and then at 75% of the working condition.

Everything was carried out in accordance with the test outline, relatively smoothly and in an orderly manner.

When all these were done, it was already afternoon, but no one felt tired, but full of excitement. There is no way, so far, our first ship has performed well in the speed test, and all the data have basically reached the Design requirements.

The speed measurement under 100% working condition will start soon.

Many people are looking forward to it. People who were not optimistic about the maximum actual speed of 32 knots, they have also begun to change their views.

Because of the previous series of speed tests, the 052 ship performed well.

"All meet the design requirements."

"Our 052 ship's power system is really strong."

"Maximum speed over 32 knots, I think very promising."

"Why don't you start yet? I want to know how much speed can be achieved under 100% main engine working condition."


Many people were talking like this, and their words revealed their expectations for the speed test under 100% main engine working conditions, and they all wanted to see how much our 052 ship's actual maximum speed can reach.

Before the 100% main engine working condition test, there are some preparatory work to be done, and many people feel that this period of time passes really slowly.

Finally, everything is ready.

Regardless of whether it is wind force, water velocity, or draft, etc., all of which meet the speed measurement requirements, Lu Mingfa gently nodded to Yang Fan and Chen Shao, and then said loudly: "Perform a speed measurement test under 100% working conditions."

Soon, the technicians and the naval officers and soldiers operating the 052 ship were all busy, and the speed of the 052 ship gradually increased.

The working condition of the main engine is also rising steadily, from 75% to 80%, then 85%, 90%, 95%
The entire command room fell silent, and some people's hearts were pounding. To be honest, they were a little nervous, including Li Zhengjun, the deputy director of the power system design department.

He thought in his heart, this is the first test of the power system, when the main engine working condition reaches 100%, what is the actual maximum speed.

Is it close to 32 knots, or can it exceed 32 knots, or even break through 33 knots?

Looking forward to it, but also with apprehension!

"The working condition of the main engine reaches 100%, and the speed reaches 30 knots!"

A technician in charge of the speed test announced loudly, which broke the silence of the scene and eased the tense atmosphere.

It's 30 knots!

The speed increase is really fast!
Everyone knows that when the operating condition of the main engine has just reached 100%, the speed is not the fastest, and the ship is still accelerating at this time.

Sure enough, everyone saw that the speed was still rising!

"Breakthrough 31 knots!"

The speed is still rising, and everyone feels that the 052 ship is flying fast, like a sharp arrow. Feeling this speed, they wonder in their hearts how much its maximum speed can reach.

It's so fast!

This speed is enjoyable!
The speed was still rising, and soon, the voice of the technician came over again, and everyone heard clearly, "The speed of the ship broke through 32 knots!"

Oh my God!

Can really reach 32 knots!
32 knots!

The designed maximum speed is 32 knots!
Just when everyone was extremely excited, the voice of the technician continued: "The speed is still increasing, and the current speed is 32.1 knots."

32.2 knots!
32.5 knots!
33.2 knots!
The final speed stabilized at 33.2 knots. When the technician loudly announced the maximum actual speed, the scene burst into warm applause.

Wow, what a surprise!

See no, Section 33.2!
Yang Fan smiled lightly, everything seemed to be expected, under 100% main engine working condition, it is normal for the speed to exceed 33 knots.Even if it is affected by factors such as wind force and current, there will be no problem with the maximum actual speed exceeding 32 knots under various circumstances in the future.

Even in harsh sea conditions, it should not be a big problem to reach and exceed this speed. This is the real challenge and forge ahead.

This speed is awesome!

Li Zhengjun, deputy director of the power system design office, was completely overwhelmed. The joint power system of the 052 ship was designed by a group of designers led by him. The design maximum speed was 32 knots, and now this design target has been realized.

Chen Shaohua also let go of his heart, with joy on his face, he held Yang Fan's hand tightly, "As expected of the combined power system, it is really powerful. A destroyer with thousands of tons can break through the maximum speed of 33 Day, it's too powerful!"

Such a powerful power can leave many guided missile destroyers behind, such as our 051 guided missile destroyer.

The maximum speed of modern guided missile destroyers is generally between 28 and 32 knots. The 052 can exceed 32 knots, and can actually reach more than 33 knots. It is very good in terms of power.

Lu Mingfa got a little excited!

Quickly and quietly took a deep breath, tried to calm down, and then ordered loudly: "Increase the power of the main engine to reach 110% working condition!"

In the speed test, the maximum working condition is not 100%. In order to test the power system, a speed test of 110% working condition is often carried out.

The operator pushed the operating lever to increase the power of the main engine, and the two diesel engines and two LM2500 gas turbines in the power cabin roared and exploded with huge thrust.

Everyone can feel that the speed of this 052 ship has begun to increase again.

"The working condition of the main engine reaches 110%, and the speed is 33.8 knots."

This is a satisfactory answer sheet.

Actual speed of 33.8 knots.

Although the main engine is overloaded, it can burst out at such a speed, which is very useful on the battlefield. Sometimes it may save lives, and the survivability of the warship is greatly improved.

More enthusiastic applause rang out again!
Some people even couldn't help cheering, and the entire warship was almost completely boiling!

So powerful!

In the overload state, it can reach a speed of 33.8 knots.

The speed test of the first voyage was undoubtedly very successful. The speed of our 052 ship was completely satisfied and even exceeded the design index.

As the sun set, in the afterglow, it made a large turn and began to return. It returned to the Donghai Shipyard in the night, and still docked at the original pier.

When measuring speed, due to the influence of water flow, wind force and other factors, the actual speed of the ship cannot be determined by a single voyage. In order to ensure the correctness of the test results, it is generally necessary to do multiple voyage tests. According to the test program , The 052 ship will do three voyage speed tests.

After getting off the boat, even though they had been busy for almost a day, everyone was very excited, full of joy in their hearts, and there was no trace of fatigue.

Chen Shaohua even invited: "Let's go, we have prepared two tables of light meals, let's go eat."

Really a little hungry.

Everyone is welcome. Under the leadership of Chen Shaohua, Yang Fan, Lu Mingfa, Li Zhengjun and Han Jiang, as well as several officers of the Navy, and the technicians in charge of the speed test, a group of nearly 20 people got on the car one after another and headed to the shipyard not far from the Donghai Shipyard. of a restaurant.

A big box, two tables of sumptuous meals.

There were also two bottles of white wine on each table. Obviously, you can have a little wine in the evening, and everyone was not polite, they opened the bottles and poured wine, and the atmosphere was very lively.

the next day.

As soon as he got to work, Yang Fan walked into Chief Designer Pan's desk and reported to him the speed test of the first voyage. After listening to the report, Pan Jinfu smiled gratifiedly.

The power system of the 052 ship is well designed and powerful, and the 052 ship fully meets the design requirements of the maximum speed.

There are still two more voyages for the next test test, but it is no longer necessary for Yang Fan to board the ship to participate in the speed test in person, and he can choose to participate in other tests.


The third update will continue today, the second update will be delivered, and the third update will be a little later.

(End of this chapter)

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