Military Heavy

Chapter 232 Phased Array Control Radar Project Approval

Chapter 232 Phased Array Control Radar Project Approval

National Day, East China Sea Institute is on holiday.

Yang Fan's home was very lively, Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing came with their son Xie Dong, Jiang Dahai, Li Xiuzhen and Jiang Dan also came.

Li Xiuzhen was busy in the kitchen. On the sofa in the living room, Yang Fan, Yang Fang and others were sitting there, chatting, while Jiang Yan was listening with Yang Hao in his arms.

The little guy is very cute. Just now, Yang Fang and Jiang Dahai took turns hugging for a while, and they couldn't put it down, especially Jiang Dahai.

There was a lot of food on the table, Jiang Dan was eating there, he seemed not interested in the content of everyone's chat, only interested in the delicious food on the table.

After chatting for a while, we got down to business.

Yang Fang asked for Yang Fan's opinion, "Brother, I went to Shenhai City last month. The policies and development environment there are good. I plan to develop from there."

Deep Sea City!
This is the bridgehead of reform and opening up. Of course, the development prospect there is huge, and it is full of business opportunities everywhere. Unexpectedly, Yang Fang took a fancy to it.

Good eyesight!
With Donghai City as the center, Hongtai Supermarket has branches in several major cities around it. The supply is stable, the development is steady, and its strength is gradually increasing.

The only thing restricting its development is the policy. After all, the policy in 1989 was not as loose as it is now, and Shenhai City is different.

There is a special zone, and the policy is much looser.

Yang Fan was overjoyed, he didn't expect his sister to have such foresight, no one knew better about the development of Shenhai City than Yang Fan.

Without hesitation, she strongly agreed: "Sister, Shenhai City is good. I support you to open a branch there. If the development speed there can be faster, that would be even better."


Yang Fang was very pleasantly surprised. She was still a little worried that Yang Fan would not support her, but she did not expect to agree immediately, and even asked for faster development.

"Okay, then I will go to Shenhai City again in a few days, conduct a comprehensive inspection there, and open the first branch as soon as possible."

The two chatted about their development in Deep Sea City.

There will be another key point for the development of Hongtai Supermarket, which will develop together with Donghai City and radiate to surrounding cities.

One is centered on Donghai City, and the other is centered on Shenhai City.

According to his understanding of the development in the next few decades, Yang Fan expressed his opinion, such as carefully selecting the location of each supermarket in Shenhai City, and making the scale as large as possible.

Especially some new main road intersections may be a little deserted now, but in a few years, they will definitely become lively centers.

Yang Fan knows that the development of Shenhai City is still very fast.

Because it is a special zone, the policy is more relaxed than that of Donghai City, so there is no need to worry about being restricted by the policy, and the development speed can be accelerated.

A few days later.

Yang Fang personally led the team, and a group of several people took a plane from Donghai City Airport to Shenhai City directly to conduct a comprehensive investigation there.

Xie Guoqing is based in Donghai City and is mainly responsible for the development of supermarkets in Donghai City and surrounding cities.

Time to enter 1990.

The weather in early spring is still a bit cold, but in Shenhai City, you can't feel the slightest chill at all. This southern coastal city will not be cold even in winter.

On a certain main road, a large-scale supermarket is opening for business. The door is covered with a red carpet and a large red arch, which is very festive.

This is the third supermarket of Hongtai Supermarket in Shenhai City.

Today, Hongtai Supermarket opened its third large supermarket in Shenhai City. The first two supermarkets can only be said to be medium-sized supermarkets, but this third one can be regarded as a real supermarket, a super large supermarket with a large area and scale. stores.

There are many people in the supermarket.

Very lively.

There was already a long queue at the cashier, with a total of ten computers, and ten cashiers were too busy.At the entrance of the supermarket, some people had already bought things, settled their bills, and came out happily.

Several aunts are chatting happily.

"There are so many things here, I will come here to buy things from now on."

"Not only are there a lot of things, but they are also very cheap. You can see that I have saved a few dollars at least with these things."


Buying so many things, cheap and affordable, and a good shopping environment, these consumers are all happy.

Hongtai Supermarket gradually developed in Shenhai City. The supermarkets opened were getting bigger and bigger, and the business was getting better and better.

In an office building on Shenhai Avenue, Hongtai Supermarket Chain Co., Ltd. rented hundreds of square meters as an office space, and the Shenhai City branch has been established.

Yang Yangfang basically comes to Shenhai City two or three times a month, and stays for one or two days, or two or three days each time.

Navy Building.

An important meeting is being held again. In this meeting, in addition to discussing certain important matters, the discussion also focused on the future new generation of guided missile frigates, phased array control radars, and missile vertical launch systems.

Regarding this topic, from last year to this year, there have been several discussions. At the beginning, there were still relatively large differences, and there were many opinions.

Some people think that it is still immature to consider a new generation of guided missile frigates, and they can wait for a few more years, waiting for the domestic economic strength and industrial strength to become stronger.

Others don't think so.

At the beginning, the design and development of the 052 ship was also based on a poor and blank basis. We didn't have many things, but it was still successfully developed.

Within a few months, this topic was discussed several times. Gradually, the differences became less and the opinions gradually began to unify.

The design and development of a new generation of guided missile frigates is imperative. Before officially starting the design, the ship-borne phased array control radar and vertical launch system can be established to lay the foundation for the design and development of a new generation of guided missile frigates.

These meetings today formally formed a resolution to start the research on the establishment of a shipborne phased array control radar project, and a radar research institute will be responsible for this project.

The radar research institute started the research on the ground phased array control radar last year, and then carried out the research on the shipborne phased array control radar, which has a relatively certain foundation.

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Yang Fan came back from Donghai Shipyard just now, and went to Donghai Shipyard today. He not only watched the construction progress of No. 2 ship, but also learned about the test situation of the first ship.

All sea trials have been successfully completed.

Not only the speed test has been completed, but also the steering test, anchor test, rotation test and inertia test have been completed.

In a few days, the 052 ship will leave the Donghai Shipyard and start a long-distance sailing test to further test and verify the performance indicators of this warship.

Just as he sat down in his office, the phone on the desk rang, and Pan Jinfu's voice came over, "Xiao Yang, you just came back."

"Yes, I just came back from Donghai Shipyard."

"Come over to me and talk to you about something."

Yang Fan soon arrived at Master Pan's office, "Hello, Master Pan."

Pan Jinfu smiled, and asked with concern: "I went to Donghai Shipyard again, how is the situation there?"

Yang Fan briefly reported some situations, such as the welding of certain sections of the No. 2 ship, most of the tests of the first ship have been completed, and Jiang will start the long-distance sailing test next.

After listening to the report, Pan Jinfu nodded in satisfaction.

"The Donghai shipyard is good. The No. 2 ship has actually started the welding and manufacturing of certain sections. From this point of view, in about half a year, it is estimated that the construction of the berth can begin."

Yang Fan also firmly believed in this.

Donghai Shipyard has successful experience in the construction of the first ship. With this foundation, the construction of the No. 2 ship has been relatively smooth. For example, the welding quality problems that occurred at the beginning of the first ship did not appear.

At present, some sections have been welded, such as the middle section of the bottom of the ship. The welding quality is very good. The typical fish scale welding represents a very high level of welding technology.

After chatting about the construction of the No. 2 ship, Pan Jinfu changed the subject, "Xiao Yang, I have some good news for you. The upper level has officially approved the project, and the xx Radar Research Institute has started the design and research of the shipborne phased array control radar."

The project has been approved!
In an instant, Yang Fan was surrounded by a kind of surprise, and his heart was filled with incomparable joy. He was looking forward to it, and the design and research of phased array control radar was finally approved.

Last year, after Commander Huang wanted to take the color pictures of the 054A missile frigate, Yang Fan placed great hopes, thinking that the research on phased array control radar and missile vertical launch system would start soon, but there has been no news.

I was a little disappointed at one point, thinking that the above studies had been shelved, but the news finally came.

"Great, the project is finally approved!"

Yang Fan was extremely happy, that kind of joy was completely written on his face, which shows his mood at the moment.

The establishment of a research project a few years ago will narrow the technological gap with Western developed countries, especially the United States, a few years earlier.

Yang Fan is really looking forward to this point.

Seeing that Yang Fan was so happy, Pan Jinfu also smiled and explained: "There is a lot of controversy on whether to approve the project. There have been many meetings and discussions before and after. In the last meeting, the opinions were finally unified."

Oh I see!
The above did not give up the project establishment research of the phased array control radar, but the divergence was relatively large at the beginning stage.

The project is approved.

Good project approval!

Maybe in a few years, our 052 ship will have a ship-borne phased array control radar, and the future 054 ship will not have to worry about not having a phased array control radar.

A radar research institute.

Sheng Wenjun was under a lot of pressure. Unexpectedly, he was named by the higher authorities as the chief designer of the shipborne phased array control radar.

He knows that this task is not easy. Our country lacks a technical foundation, and even lacks technical information related to shipborne phased array control radar. Many people have never even seen this kind of radar.

It is the ground phased array control radar, they only started researching it a year ago, and they don't have much technical foundation.

Sheng Wenjun, who is engaged in radar, knows that shipborne phased array control radar is more technically difficult and requires higher technical requirements than ground radar.

There are not only strict requirements on weight and volume, but also high requirements on heat dissipation and energy supply.Because it is shipboard, it is impossible to connect a high-power power line like a ground radar. There is no such luxury on a warship.

Compared with Yang Fan's incomparable joy, Sheng Wenjun felt that his head was a little bigger.

The third update is here. Today’s update is here. By the way, I would like to ask everyone for support such as monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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