Military Heavy

Chapter 233

Chapter 233
Donghai Ship Design Institute.

After taking over the research task of the shipborne phased array control radar, Sheng Wenjun led a group of several people to the Donghai Research Institute, and sat with Pan Jinfu and others to conduct technical exchanges.

Since it is a ship-based phased array control radar, it will be used in the 052 ship or a new generation of missile frigates in the future. Of course, it needs to communicate with Donghai, which is the ship design unit.

In the conference room, everyone sat together.

As the assistant to the chief designer of the 052 ship, Yang Fan was also sitting in the meeting room. In addition, there were some business backbones of the Donghai Institute.

The two parties have already exchanged some technical details and formed a lot of unified opinions. Despite this, Sheng Wenjun is still under great pressure.

He said without any concealment: "Mr. Pan, it's a good thing that the phased array control radar project is approved, but it's not easy for me. I have a heavy burden on me."

Pan Jinfu nodded and comforted: "It's completely understandable. When I took over the development of the 052 ship, it was similar to your current situation."

The two chatted for a while.

Sheng Wenjun said: "We lack the relevant technical foundation. Many comrades don't understand the shipborne phased array control radar, and the technical information in our hands is also very limited."

Yang Fan has been listening, basically did not interrupt, at this time, could not help reminding: "Master Sheng, I think you still have a certain foundation and advantages."


Sheng Wenjun looked at the young Yang Fan and asked, "We still have relevant foundations and advantages? Tell us, what foundations do we have?"

Yang Fan smiled and reminded: "As far as I know, the first shipborne phased array control radar in China was developed by you. Compared with other research institutes, you have a certain foundation in the development of phased array control radar. .”

Everyone knows that what Yang Fan is talking about is the Type 381 Phased Array Control Radar.

This is indeed the first shipborne phased array control radar developed by our country, which is a pioneering work.

To be precise, it is called Type 381 Phased Array Control Three-Coordinate Radar.

The Type 318 Phased Array Control Radar was formally proposed for development in 1967. After a series of research and development processes such as technical demonstration and principle prototype development, the Type 1980K guided missile frigate was finally installed in 053, and it was formally designed and finalized two years later. The development process has gone through 2 years.


Everyone knows this phased array control radar.

The Navy's high-level estimates also took into account the experience of the XX Research Institute in developing the 381 phased array control radar, so they handed over the development of the new shipborne phased array control radar to Sheng Wenjun and the others.

At this moment, Sheng Wenjun bitterly said, "Yes, we do have experience in successfully developing the Type 381 phased array control radar, but the new type of shipborne phased array control radar requires much higher technical requirements, and it is destined to be very different from the Type 381 radar. Experience doesn't help us much."

Of course, Yang Fan knows about phased array control radar.

In particular, I have a good understanding of the Type 346 active phased array control radar that was successfully developed later. This excellent radar is equipped on Type 052C and Type 052D guided missile destroyers.

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Fan said: "There must be difficulties, but you also have some experience to learn from. I think you can look up some foreign language materials and learn from the development experience of foreign shipborne phased array control radars, and then start the development first. .”

"During the development process, we will definitely encounter a large number of technical problems. List those technical bottlenecks, and then tackle them one by one."

Yang Fan talked continuously for several minutes.

Suddenly, many people were surprised.

Especially those who were familiar with Yang Fan in Donghai showed surprise on their faces.


From the looks of it, Yang Fan seems to have a lot of research on shipborne phased array control radar!
so amazing!

In addition to being surprised, everyone admired Yang Fan a little bit.Some people even thought in their hearts that they understand ship design, ship construction, and even ship-borne phased array control radar.

For example, Wu Wenchao, director of the Ship Electric System Design Office who participated in the meeting, said: "Assistant Yang, it turns out that you also have research on shipborne phased array control radar!"

Yang Fan smiled modestly, "It's just talk on paper, I just read something from some foreign language materials, so I will talk about it casually."

Just talk about it?
It's so powerful just to talk about it casually, but what will it look like if you talk about it seriously.

Many people looked at Yang Fan in admiration.

Sheng Wenjun's eyes lit up, and he felt that what Yang Fan said was very reasonable. For the first time, he discovered that in our country, besides theirs, there are actually people who have such research on shipborne phased array control radar.

If it wasn't such a formal meeting with so many people present, he really wanted to ask questions humbly and have a good communication with Yang Fan.

Sheng Wenjun looked at Yang Fan a few more times, recorded what Yang Fan said just now, and wrote it neatly in his notebook.

The meeting lasted for about half a day, and the meeting adjourned near noon.

in the afternoon.

Yang Fan walked into his office as usual, sat down and thought about the future 346-phase array control radar, thinking in his heart, it would be great if this radar could be developed a few years in advance.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a knock on the door, and Sheng Wenjun pushed the door and walked in, "Assistant Yang, you didn't disturb your work, did you?"

The chief designer came to the door in person, and his posture was still so low. Of course, Yang Fan looked enthusiastic, stood up and greeted him and said, "Where, it is an honor for Master Sheng to come and sit with me."

The two exchanged a few polite words, and Yang Fan poured hot tea.

After sitting down, Sheng Wenjun quickly got to the point, and said humbly: "In this morning's meeting, you spoke very well, but I know there are many things you didn't talk about in depth, and I would like to ask a few questions."

Yang Fan said modestly: "Master Sheng is too polite, I don't dare to ask for advice, but we can communicate with each other."

Actually used the word "ask for advice".

This shows Sheng Wenjun's desire for active phased array control radar technology.

If someone from the xx Radar Research Institute saw that their chief designer had such a humble attitude and asked a young man for advice, he would probably be horrified.

This young man is awesome, let the chief designer Sheng come to the door to ask for advice humbly.

Sheng Wenjun's attitude made Yang Fan smile.

The chief designer of the family came to ask for advice, so it can't be hidden. Yang Fan also hopes that the Type 346 shipborne phased array control radar can be successfully developed sooner.

Yang Fan is still very modest, "I have read some technical materials about phased array control radar in foreign language books, and I often think about what it should look like if we develop shipborne phased array control radar in China."

Suddenly, Sheng Wenjun became interested.

He asked enthusiastically, "Assistant Yang, what do you think our new ship-based phased array control radar will look like in the future?"

At this moment, the appearance of the Type 346 shipborne phased array control radar appeared in Yang Fan's mind.

For this radar, I am too familiar with it!
Although I didn't specifically participate in the development of this radar, I am very clear about its structure, principle, performance and other things.

Simply took a few blank sheets of paper, pencils and erasers, and Yang Fan was talking while drawing a sketch of the Type 346 ship radar.

"Our new shipborne phased array control radar should look like this. It should have four antenna arrays, and each antenna array looks like this"

Drawing and explaining.

Sheng Wenjun is engaged in radar, and he can understand many things as soon as he hears them. Gradually, his face is full of surprise. He did not expect that Yang Fan's technical attainments in phased array control radar are so high. Many ideas, design ideas, etc. often surprise Sheng Wenjun. One light, and then suddenly open!

It can be designed like this!

Gradually, the expression of surprise on his face turned into surprise. At this moment, Sheng Wenjun's heart was filled with incomparable joy, as if he had won a super prize.

This is a complete windfall!
Originally, I just wanted to communicate with Yang Fan, hoping to have some harvest and inspiration.

Now, it is full of harvest.

Totally unexpected.

Many things are very novel, as if a brand new door has been slowly opened, and Sheng Wenjun has entered a brand new world.


What a surprise!

What a surprise!
There is such a huge harvest, which Sheng Wenjun never dreamed of.

He listened carefully, fascinated, and recorded while listening, recording all the things Yang Fan said in his notebook.

After going back, he will look through these things and digest them further.

The time passed by like this, minute by minute.

One was explaining seriously, and the other was listening carefully, with obvious surprise on his face. After more than two hours, both of them felt that they still had more to say.

Yang Fan closed his pen, "That's all for the time being. If there are any other aspects that need to be exchanged, you are welcome to come over at any time."

Sheng Wenjun admired, and said gratefully: "Assistant President Yang, you are so amazing that you know so much. I, who specializes in radar, feel ashamed in front of you, far inferior to you."

Yang Fan smiled, "You guys are the real experts when it comes to radar. I'm just talking on paper. I'll talk a little bit about what I've read in foreign language books, and add some of my own understanding and ideas at most."

Comrade Yang Fan is really a talent!

With what I read in books, I can have such deep technical attainments!

Looking at the dozen or so technical books on the desk, and seeing that the bookshelves are full of professional books, Sheng Wenjun really believed it.

Gently nodded, took two deep breaths, and calmed down as much as possible. Sheng Wenjun focused on these sketches.

This is the sketch drawn by Yang Fan just now when he talked about the new type of shipborne phased array control radar in the future. It contains a lot of design ideas, as well as the basic structure of the radar and so on.

From Yang Fan's point of view, these things are just a few scraps of straw paper, but from Sheng Wenjun's point of view, they are extremely precious, more valuable than anything else.


Three more updates will continue today, and the first update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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