Military Heavy

Chapter 234 Gossip

Chapter 234 Gossip
He tentatively asked: "Can you give me these sketches?"

Yang Fan said straightforwardly: "Of course, you can take it if you want it. Anyway, I'm going to throw it in the trash can later."

Throw such a precious thing into the trash can!

The corner of Sheng Wenjun's mouth trembled, he glanced at Yang Fan, and thought in his heart, these are good things, with them, we will avoid many detours.

Very seriously, he sorted out these sketches, folded them carefully, and put them in his briefcase. Only then did Sheng Wenjun heave a long sigh of relief.

After Sheng Wenjun collected these sketches, Yang Fan felt that there were still some things that needed to be reminded.

So, after thinking about it for a while, Yang Fan said: "Master Sheng, the development of shipborne phased array control radar is destined to be a long process. I guess you will encounter many difficulties during the development."

In this regard, Sheng Wenjun took it seriously, nodded and said: "The road must be difficult, and I have already prepared myself. In addition, I am now under much less pressure. Because of your existence, I will encounter some technical difficulties in the future. If it is difficult, I will come to ask for advice again.”

"Don't dare to ask for advice, let's communicate with each other." Yang Fan said: "Our domestic electronics industry is not yet developed, and we don't have many electronic components needed for phased array control radar. We must consider buying from abroad as soon as possible, and don't give up. Domestic independent research and development, walking on two legs."


Sheng Wenjun nodded, of course he also knows the level of the domestic electronics industry.

Yang Fan continued: "The cost of the ship-borne phased array control radar must also be considered, and the cost should be as low as possible to facilitate future mass production."

Because he is familiar with the 346-type radar, Yang Fan said something.

Historically, the biggest obstacle in the early days of Type 346 radar was the immaturity of single microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) technology, which led to the unit production cost of the T/R module required for phased arrays as high as 1.25 US dollars, which was lower than that of American products at the same time. 25 times, it cannot be mass-produced at all.

Later, this technical problem was improved, but overall, the price of the Type 346 radar system is still very expensive, worth about 5 million yuan per set, accounting for 1/6 of the price of the entire ship.

Reducing the cost as soon as possible is something that needs to be considered.

The two chatted for a long time.

An afternoon passed like this, and Sheng Wenjun reluctantly closed his notebook until the employees of Donghai Institute had already started to get off work.

In this notebook, more than ten pages were neatly recorded. He basically recorded everything that Yang Fan said.

Standing up, I held Yang Fan's hand tightly very gratefully, "Comrade Yang Fan, thank you very much, I am less stressed now and full of confidence."

Compared to before, his state of mind is indeed different.

It is no longer under heavy pressure, but full of confidence, ready to work hard after returning home, and if you encounter technical difficulties during the development process, you will come to ask for advice humbly.

Sheng Wenjun didn't expect that there was such a great man hidden in Donghai Institute!
He completely understands now.

Why did Yang Fan become the chief designer assistant at such a young age? It turns out that he is really capable.

Not only has the level, but also the kind with a high level and a wide range of knowledge!

Even Sheng Wenjun felt admiration.

Put away his things, raised his hand to check the time, and invited: "Assistant Yang, I didn't expect an afternoon to pass so quickly, let's go, let's have a light meal, I treat you."

Yang Fan said: "Where can I let you treat me, let me come."

Sheng Wenjun insisted: "This guest must be invited by me. If you don't mind, let's invite a few more people together to make it more lively."

This time, Sheng Wenjun was not the only one who came to Donghai Ship Design Institute for technical exchange, but also several other people. Yang Fan basically met these people.

The crowd is really lively.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Okay, it's been a long time since there's been any excitement, and it's just costing Master Sheng a lot."

"Where, where." Sheng Wenjun said happily: "What is a meal? Compared with the harvest this afternoon, even if I treat guests to ten meals, I am willing."

Hearing this, Yang Fan laughed out loud.

The two went out talking and laughing, and quickly called a few other people, a group of seven or eight people walked out of Donghai Institute, and found a good hotel on the street outside.

It has been more than ten years since the reform and opening up, and the individual and private economy has developed to a certain stage. It is not difficult to find a restaurant of a certain scale on the streets of Donghai City.

After asking for a box, the group sat down.

Everyone found that Master Sheng seemed to be in a good mood.

This is not right!

Those who know Sheng Wenjun know that Master Sheng has been under a lot of pressure recently. Since when has he been so relaxed, he has been feeling the pressure of the new phased array control radar in his heart.

so, what happened?
I didn't see him for only one afternoon, but there was such a big change. Not only was he in a good mood, but he was also chatting and laughing with Mr. Yang, looking very happy.

Many people are confused.

Also full of curiosity.

After a while, a sumptuous meal was served. To everyone's surprise, Sheng Wenjun picked up the small wine glass, stood up, and was very polite.

"Comrade Yang Fan, let me drink first, thank you for your guidance."

After finishing speaking, he drank the small glass of wine cleanly.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked!
Is this still Master Sheng?
What kind of magical power does Mr. Yang have that makes us Mr. Sheng like this?
After finishing the glass of wine, Sheng Wenjun laughed, obviously seeing everyone's surprise, and he said loudly: "You may not have imagined that Assistant President Yang's technical level in phased array control radar is very high. This afternoon, he and said I was greatly inspired by the design ideas of the new phased array control radar in the future, and now I have enough confidence in the next design and development work."

Oh my God!

Assistant President Yang is actually so powerful!
The scene was quiet, and everyone continued to be dazed, looking at Yang Fan collectively.

Yang Fan smiled modestly, "Don't listen to Chief Master Sheng, he praised me too much, I was just talking on paper and expressing some superficial opinions."

"Come on, let's eat food."

After finishing speaking, Yang Fan picked up the chopsticks by himself and took a bite of the dish first, before the others recovered from the shock.

A lesbian even patted her chest quietly, let out a long sigh of relief, and said in her heart, I was scared to death.

Everyone picked up their chopsticks and began to eat dishes one after another. At this table, Yang Fan was the absolute focus. Sheng Wenjun not only took the initiative to toast, but also politely served Yang Fan several times.

After the establishment of the shipborne phased array control radar project, various rumors spread, and it was heard that high-level officials intend to carry out design research on the missile vertical launch system.

Many comrades in the East China Sea Institute have heard this kind of news, and many people are discussing it quietly, and many people seem to be very interested in this kind of system.

No, some designers in the general design office are chatting about this matter.

"It would be great if the research and development of the missile vertical launch system is really launched. Our 052 ship does not have this thing yet."

"I estimate that the eighth achievement is because the 052 ship does not have a vertical launch system, so the higher authorities want to establish the project."

"Tsk tsk, ship-borne phased array control radar, missile vertical launch system, if our 052 ship can be replaced with these two things, it will be a shotgun replacement."

"I'm really looking forward to it."


Many people were talking about the missile vertical launch system, and some words were heard in Yang Fan's ears, and he couldn't help smiling.

To be honest, Yang Fan was very happy to hear that a project might be established to develop a shipborne missile vertical launch system, because our 052 ship, the future 054 ship, and a series of ships designed in the future all need this big killer.

The missile vertical launch system is definitely a big killer!
As one of the most outstanding ship designers of the Republic, Yang Fan is of course very familiar with the vertical launch system of missiles. If he is only familiar with the ship-borne phased array control radar, then he is also familiar with the vertical launch system of missiles with his eyes closed. Know its detailed structure and principle.

As the chief designer, Pan Jinfu knew better.

He called Yang Fan to the office and asked, "Xiao Yang, the military may set up a project to develop a vertical launch system for ship-borne missiles. Do you know about this?"

Yang Fan nodded lightly, "I heard some news."

Pan Jinfu said: "This is not groundless. The higher authorities are considering this aspect. To be honest, I also hope to establish a project to develop a vertical missile launch system."

There is no other reason. Our 052 ship is currently not equipped with a missile vertical launch system. Chief Pan has always felt that it is a pity.

The second-generation guided missile destroyers of Western countries are equipped with missile vertical launch systems one after another, such as the American Arak class.

The 052 ship is also positioned as a second-generation guided missile destroyer. How could it have been without a missile vertical launch system?All, Master Pan hopes that it will have this system in the future.

When the news was confirmed, Yang Fan was surprised, "General Master Pan, this is true, it's not just gossip, the military will really set up a research project."

Pan Jinfu nodded and said, "It is certain that the project will be approved, but when the project will be approved is still uncertain."

Then, he also reminded, "It is estimated that the military also has some concerns. For example, our technology and industrial base are relatively weak, and there is a lack of relevant technical information. Even the foreign language materials that can be consulted are very limited."

Because of this, the military appears to be very cautious.

The research and development of the missile vertical system did not start immediately, but has been under discussion. Until now, there is gradually a unified opinion, and there is a meaning of project approval.

Yang Fan said in his heart, lack of technical foundation, I have it!

I have a complete set of technical information on the missile vertical launch system in my mind. I am very familiar with and clear about the missile vertical launch system. As long as I have a technical team, I will be sure to make it in two or three years.

There are ready-made homework that can be copied, and I am worried about the wool.

It's just that Yang Fan can't just say that directly, these words can only be held in his heart.

Sometimes, it is a painful thing to know that you can, but you can't say it clearly.

Therefore, Yang Fan had no choice but to say, "If the project is established for research, there will definitely be difficulties, but I have relatively high confidence. I have seen the introduction of the missile vertical launch system in some foreign language materials, and I know its basic principles. After thinking about it, I'm sure I can develop it."

Pan Jinfu looked at Yang Fan in astonishment, thinking he heard it wrong.

Three more updates will continue today, the second update will be delivered, and the third update will be a little later.

(End of this chapter)

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