Military Heavy

Chapter 235 Demonstration Meeting

Chapter 235 Demonstration Meeting

Xiao Yang is very confident!
So confident!

Pan Jinfu was startled for a while, and after looking at Yang Fan, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly, thinking in his heart, it's a good thing for young people to have confidence, but the vertical missile launch system is not an ordinary thing.

It seems that it is necessary to remind one or two things. It is not a good thing for young people to be too proud. Pan Jinfu pondered for a while and said: "The missile vertical launch system is not so easy to come up with."

"In addition, although this thing is available abroad, it is strictly technically confidential to us. Even if we want to visit it, it is estimated that it will be very difficult, not to mention technical exchanges."

Mr. Pan has said a lot "hard-heartedly", with only one purpose, a little beating and beating, don't be complacent.

Yang Fan was dumbfounded, knowing that what he just said was too full, so that even Master Pan didn't believe it, so he sighed softly in his heart, let's find another chance next time.

After returning from Chief Master Pan's office and sitting down, Yang Fan was thinking about the future vertical missile launch system again.

Thinking, thinking, I couldn't help it, so I just took out a blank paper and a pen, and started to draw slowly, preparing to draw the missile vertical launch system that will be widely used on Type 052D guided missile destroyers in the future.

To be honest, Yang Fan very much hopes that our 052 ship will be equipped with a missile vertical launch system earlier, because it has many advantages.

First, its emission efficiency is high.

The shipborne missile vertical launch system greatly shortens the response time of the system.

Second, it has a large ammunition load.

Third, it has no launch blind area, and can attack and intercept incoming targets in all directions.

Fourth, it can be modularized and generalized.

The use of modularization eliminates the need for complex operation and control components required for loading and launching deck-type magazines, improves system reliability, reduces maintenance workload, and reduces the space occupied by ships. The generalization of missile launchers realizes A variety of missiles are launched together.

No. [-]
It has so many advantages. In Yang Fan's view, if our 052 ship has a vertical launch system, its overall performance can at least rise to a higher level. If it is combined with the ship-borne phased array control radar, the 052 ship can become a world-class second-generation ship. guided missile destroyer.

However, the difficulty of development also exists.

Especially in view of our current technical level and industrial strength, it is relatively difficult to develop a missile vertical launch system.

But Yang Fan has confidence in this, because there are ready-made operations in his mind that can be copied, just copy the missile vertical launch system on the future 052 ship.

Regrettably, even if Yang Fan confidently said that as long as he is given a technical team, he can successfully develop an advanced missile vertical launch system in two or three years, no one would believe it.

This will have to wait for the opportunity.

Yang Fan is not impatient, it is still early, it is only 1990, there is a lot of time to wait, and in history, the vertical launch system of missiles is still many years later.

Calm down and carefully draw the future vertical missile launch system.

First use a pencil to outline the basic shape, and then use a watercolor pen to further enrich the colors. Gradually, this picture slowly takes shape.

The basic structure of the launch module is clear, and there is also a magazine composed of multiple launch modules.After finishing the painting, Yang Fan nodded in satisfaction.

Donghai Shipyard.

In the segmental manufacturing vehicle, many workers are busy manufacturing each segment of No. 2 ship. The manufacturing experience of the first ship is there, and the manufacturing is going very smoothly.

The welding of the middle section of the bottom of the ship has been completed for the most part. If the construction of the slipway is to be carried out, this is the first section, and the rest of the sections will be spliced ​​and welded one by one based on this section.

Chen Shaohua, Xie Xinjian and others happened to be in the sub-manufacturing workshop, and they were all satisfied. After chatting for a while about the construction of the No. 2 ship, they talked about the future 052 ship.

Xie Xinjian said: "The ship-borne phased array control radar project has been established. Our future 052 ship will be equipped with a new type of phased array control radar. I really look forward to it."

Zheng Xianxue, who was next to him, smiled, and said, "It's not just a ship-borne phased array control radar, I heard that it is also planning to develop a missile vertical launch system."

Missile vertical launch system!

When the technicians nearby heard this thing, they were immediately shocked and showed great interest.

Chen Shaohua had a panoramic view of their reactions, smiled with satisfaction, and said loudly: "It is foreseeable that the future 052 ship will not only have a ship-borne phased array control radar, but will also have a missile vertical launch system. More and more confident."

The people around laughed happily.

In the entire ship military system, many people are paying attention to the matter of the missile vertical system. Soon after, a demonstration meeting will be held in the capital.

The military held a demonstration meeting specifically for the feasibility of developing the missile vertical system.

Attending the meeting were not only people from the military, but also people from various related units, such as a certain weaponry research institute, such as a certain missile research institute, and so on.

As the design unit of the 052 ship, Donghai Institute also participated in this meeting. The chief designer Pan Jinfu led a team to participate. There were several people in total. As the assistant to the chief designer, Yang Fan also sat in the conference room.

Huang Keping, the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship, presided over the meeting. He said in a clear voice: "Comrades, we have called everyone to a meeting. There is only one topic, which is to discuss the development of the missile vertical system."

Straight to the point.

simple and clear.

This meeting is about this topic. Everyone will discuss this issue and speak freely, expressing their views and opinions.

Huang Keping talked about the current form and the need for the 052 ship-to-missile vertical system. It didn't take long for everyone to basically agree on it.

It is imperative to establish a project to design and develop a shipborne missile vertical launch system!
Then, the discussion will focus on the vertical missile system to be approved, whether to develop a thermal launch system or a cold launch system.

These are two types of vertical launch systems for missiles in the world at present. Some use thermal launch systems, while others use cold launch methods.

The thermal launch system uses the engine of the missile itself to generate thrust to shoot the missile out of the launch tube, so the system itself has no power and has a flame exhaust mechanism.

The advantage of the thermal launch system is its high efficiency, which can save the volume and weight of the launch system and reduce its maintenance cost.

However, in terms of safety, the hot launch system is slightly inferior to the cold launch system, because the system itself has no power to launch the problematic missile, and it is difficult to rule out when there is a jam or other situation.

Cold launches use other mechanisms (the most commonly used is high-pressure air to eject the missile by means of air shock) to eject the missile, and after the missile leaves the launch tube, the engine is ignited.

The advantage of this system is safety, as it effectively shoots problematic missiles away from the ship for safety.

In addition, since the engine is ignited after the missile leaves the launch tube, the cold launch system does not need to withstand the high-heat flame generated by igniting the missile, and the aerodynamic shape of the missile is changed slightly, which is conducive to ensuring the flight performance of the missile and extending the service life of the system. longer.However, cold launch systems are less efficient than hot launch systems.

Most western countries adopt thermal emission systems.

In the future, my country will use cold launches, and Russia will use the same launch method.

Both approaches have their own advantages.

The participants at the meeting had a heated discussion, some advocated the development of a thermal launch system, while others strongly advocated a cold launch system.

Yang Fan basically didn't speak, just listened with pricked ears, how could he know that Commander Huang had already noticed Yang Fan.

He thought in his heart, Xiao Yang was very assertive every time it came to a critical moment, what would his opinion be this time.

Commander Huang raised his hand and pressed down. The originally noisy conference room gradually quieted down. Everyone looked at him, thinking he had something important to say.

Who knows, Huang Keping looked at Yang Fan with easy-going eyes, and said in an encouraging tone: "Xiao Yang, what's your opinion?"

Yang Fan was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Commander Huang to call his name, but he quickly realized and stood up under everyone's gaze.

Most of the people know Yang Fan, but some of them don't.

Someone asked the person next to him softly, "Who is he? Why did Commander Huang personally call him to speak?"

"He is Comrade Yang Fan, assistant to the chief designer of Ship 052, a very outstanding young man."

How young!

It looks less than 30 years old!
What can he say?
Many people have shown great interest and want to hear what Yang Fan will say, is he advocating a thermal launch system or a cold launch system?
Yang Fan didn't feel nervous at all, he seemed very calm, and his thinking was very clear, and he stated his point of view straight to the point.

"I think it is more appropriate to establish a project to develop a cold launch system."

Many people were a little surprised when they clearly advocated the development of a cold launch system, while those who advocated the development of a thermal launch system were a little unconvinced and wanted to hear what Yang Fan could say.

Yang Fan ignored everyone's reactions and continued: "The cold launch system is safe and has a longer service life than the hot launch system."

Talked for several minutes.

The meeting room was relatively quiet all the time. After Yang Fan finished speaking, the meeting room was still as quiet as before, because many people were terrified.

At such a young age, he actually knows so much about the vertical launch system of missiles. There are very good reasons for what he said.

Even Pan Jinfu's eyes lit up, he nodded in satisfaction, and thought in his heart, Xiao Yang is really good, and he seems to know a lot about the vertical launch system of missiles.

Yang Fan's words have won the approval of many people, but some people still advocate the thermal emission system, and the debate is still fierce.

After driving for a full day, and finally adhering to the principle of the minority obeying the majority, it was finally basically settled, and the project was established to develop a cold launch system.

The next day, the meeting continued. Although the cold launch system had been determined, the general technical parameters had not yet been determined and continued discussion was needed.

More importantly, it is also necessary to determine which unit will undertake the design and development task of the missile vertical launch system.

Today is the third update, and the third update is sent, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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