Military Heavy

Chapter 236

Chapter 236

At the meeting, there were technical discussions first, such as what the future vertical launch system for missiles will look like, and everyone's speeches were also very positive.

Even a little intense.

When encountering differences of opinion, some people will argue until they blush and their necks are thick, and they all want to persuade the other party. When they cannot convince the other party, they will even blow their beards and stare.

This kind of situation is very common. Anyway, it's about the matter and not the person. It doesn't matter if it is more intense.Yang Fan seemed to be used to it, and sat there quietly, mainly to listen to everyone's opinions, and occasionally record something.

After several heated debates, unexpectedly, Commander Huang looked at Yang Fan again, raised his hand and pressed down, and the originally lively conference room became quiet.

Huang Keping said with a smile: "Xiao Yang, why don't you tell me your opinion?"

Everyone looked at Yang Fan together.

Yesterday, Yang Fan's remarks about the missile vertical launch system were still fresh in many people's memories, and some even recorded them neatly in their notebooks.

Commander Huang called the roll call again!
What will Comrade Yang Fan say this time?

In the eyes of everyone, Yang Fan stood up, smiled slightly, and then said loudly: "Then I will just talk about some of my views."

"Our future missile vertical launch system, I think it should adopt a modular structure. The standard module is a missile cabin with 8 launch tubes, each tube is equipped with a missile. The missile cabin is installed under the deck of the warship, and the upper end is basically connected with the deck. Flush. The number of missile pods per warship depends on the space available on the deck."

"As far as our 052 ship is concerned, both the bow and the stern can be equipped with missile vertical launching devices. There are 4 missile bays at the bow, and 4 or 6 vertical launching devices at the stern. In the missile bays at the bow and stern , each has a cabin to vacate the position of 3 launch tubes, and install a retractable arm crane for reloading or hoisting faulty bombs. I did a preliminary calculation and the number of missiles can reach 48, or even 64 .”

It was very quiet in the conference room.

Obviously, many people were amazed by Yang Fan's speech.

Oh my God!

What kind of young man is this!

Actually began to consider the missile vertical launch system of the 052 ship.

A total of 64 missiles, which is too exciting!

Especially the people in the military, thinking in their hearts, with such a powerful firepower and such a large ammunition load, a 052 ship has 64 missiles. This is completely a mobile arsenal.

Be sure to establish a vertical launch system for missiles.

Be sure to let the 052 ship use the missile vertical launching device as soon as possible!
The people in the military were very excited, and many of them exchanged glances quietly, and they all saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

Strong firepower is exactly what they hoped for.

Yang Fan's description was very detailed, especially the vertical launch system of the missile combined with the specific situation of the 052 ship, which is much better than many people who only knew about the dispute just now.

Once you talk about many things, everyone will understand.

Many people thought in admiration, even though he is young, his thinking is really clear, his eloquence is also good, and his expressive ability is even better.

The key point is that it seems that there is a lot of research on the missile vertical launch system. It is estimated that I have consulted a large amount of technical information before, and I have already begun to consider the design and development of the future missile vertical launch system.

After the speech, the meeting room was very quiet.

Everyone was digesting what Yang Fan said, it was so shocking!

After a long, long time, a leader of the military broke the silence and asked, "Comrade Yang Fan, can our 052 ship really have such a vertical launch system?"

Yes, people in the military couldn't believe it.

I am used to the inclined launcher for missiles, and I am satisfied with the vertical launcher for missiles in the future.

How can I think that the bomb load is still so large, and a 052 ship can have 64 missiles, which is so exciting and unbelievable!

Yang Fan replied: "There will definitely be."

The military leader asked again: "How difficult is the technical difficulty and how long will it take to successfully develop such a missile vertical launch system?"

Yang Fan would like to say that if the research and development task is entrusted to me, as long as I have a technical team, I will be able to develop this missile vertical launching device in at most two or three years.

But in a conference room like this, it certainly cannot be said.

Yang Fan just smiled and replied: "There will definitely be technical difficulties, but as long as we work hard, I believe it will be successfully developed."

This answer is very flexible and smooth.

The military leader didn't continue to ask, and sat down with a lot to say.

The morning meeting was intense.

Yang Fan's speech brought the meeting to a climax, and then discussed many technical things about the missile launch system.

After the morning meeting, the afternoon is the highlight.

It is estimated that the leaders of the general headquarters and the military will also take advantage of the noon time or before the afternoon meeting to discuss and communicate.

Which unit will be handed over to design and develop the future missile vertical launch system?

Everyone eats in the cafeteria at noon.

Of course, the people of Donghai Naval Design Institute were together, centered on Pan Jinfu and Yang Fan, sitting around a table, chatting while eating.

Pan Jinfu reminded: "It is certain that in the meeting room in the afternoon, the leadership of the navy will announce which unit will undertake the development task of the missile vertical launch system."

Zhao Yulan, director of the model office, asked: "Master Pan, which unit do you want to be responsible for the development of the vertical hair system?"

After asking this question, everyone else looked at Master Pan.

Obviously, everyone also wants to know which unit is better to undertake the research and development tasks.

Unexpectedly, Master Pan did not answer, but asked: "Xiao Yang, what do you think?"

Yang Fan said: "I hope that our Donghai Institute will undertake the research and development task of the missile vertical launch system."



Someone reminded: "Assistant Yang, but we don't have any experience in developing vertical launch systems for missiles, and our weapon system design room has only developed inclined launch systems."

Pan Jinfu said seriously: "Xiao Yang, tell me the reason."

Yang Fan has long thought about it, and very much hopes that the future vertical missile system will be developed by Donghai, because he has "ready-made operations" to copy.

Faced with Pan's inquiry, Yang Fan of course could not say something like copying homework, but also said sternly: "There are two reasons. First, as the design unit of the 052 ship, we know what is needed better than anyone else. missile vertical launch system."

"Secondly, we have a weapon system design room, and we have experience in designing and developing inclined launch systems for missiles. Although the span from inclined launch to vertical launch is a bit large, I am confident that our comrades will have no problem."

This is true.

Makes sense.

Pan Jinfu fell into contemplation. To tell the truth, he also wanted to win the task of developing the vertical launch system for missiles, because he presided over the design of the 052 ship, and he did not want to use the vertical launch system designed by others.

After thinking about it, he seemed to feel the confidence in Yang Fan, and asked: "Xiao Yang, if you are responsible for leading comrades to develop the missile vertical system, how sure are you?"

Assistant General Manager Yang led everyone to design and develop!
Everyone, including Zhao Yulan, was dumbfounded!

After recovering from his senses, he thought enviously, from this it can be seen how much Chief Master Pan thinks highly of Yang Fan, and he is going to entrust him with such an important task.

Yang Fan said confidently: "If I really lead everyone to carry out research and development, I'm at least [-]% to [-]% sure."

I wanted to say [-]% sure.

Forget it, let’s say [-]% to [-]%, otherwise, if you talk too much, it will give others the feeling of bragging and not drafting.

There is a ready-made homework in my mind, and I am too familiar with the missile vertical launch system on the 052D guided missile destroyer. I just need to follow the gourd and copy it.

The only thing to consider is not the technical bottleneck encountered in the design and development process, but the current industrial level. Maybe some places have to be slightly lowered, combined with the current technology and industrial level.

Seventy to eighty percent sure!

This means that there is a lot of confidence. After understanding this, Chief Master Pan was relieved and knew what to do.

He already knew what to do.

In the afternoon, the meeting continued.

Many people originally thought that the afternoon meeting might last a whole day, but it was very surprising that it ended in less than an hour.

Because there was a little episode before the afternoon meeting started.

At that time, people from the general headquarters and the military were discussing and exchanging opinions on which unit to design and develop the future vertical missile launch system, and everyone had great differences.

Some advocated handing it over to the East China Sea Ship Design Institute, some advocated giving it to a weapon research institute, and some advocated a certain missile research institute.

When it was difficult for everyone to form a unified opinion, Pan Jinfu came in and took the initiative to ask for the future missile launch system to be designed and developed by the East China Sea Fleet Institute, and listed several reasons.

It is of course best if someone takes the initiative to take on the research and development task.

The people in the general headquarters and the military all felt relieved. As the commander in chief, Huang Keping also asked how sure Donghai was.

Master Pan told him that he was at least seven or eight points sure.

So sure, then the matter is settled like this, and everyone agreed to hand over the research and development task to the East China Sea Ship Design Institute.

The afternoon session begins.

Huang Keping presided over the meeting, and said in a clear voice: "I want to tell you a piece of good news. The task of research and development of the vertical launch system for future missiles has been determined."

Has it been settled so soon?

Didn't you say that the meeting in the afternoon is mainly to discuss this issue?
Many people were very surprised, and there was a look of astonishment on their faces.

Surprised, they all thought, to which unit will the development of the missile vertical launch system be handed over?


Three more updates will continue today, and the first update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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