Military Heavy

Chapter 238 Let me design together with you

Chapter 238 Let me lead everyone to design together

It has been determined that the 052C missile vertical launch system will be moved over, just to carry out a series of improvements and improvements on this basis, and Yang Fan has made a decision in his mind.

The next thing to do, in addition to drawing a sketch of the design, is to call a meeting of relevant personnel and prepare to start the design work.

On the big table in his office, with white paper spread out, and tools such as a T-square, set square, compasses, and pencils, Yang Fan began to design sketches.

Just a design sketch.

It is not necessary to draw detailed design drawings at the beginning stage, a sketch is enough.Because it is a simple diagram, the work is not too difficult. In two days, several design sketches were drawn.

After looking at it with satisfaction, Yang Fan picked up the phone and informed everyone of the meeting.

Zhou Ping, Director of the Weapon System Design Office, and Luo Liuchu, Deputy Director, were feeling the pressure. They didn't know what to do for a while, when they suddenly received a call for a meeting, they were slightly startled.

"At the beginning of June, Assistant President Yang informed the meeting. Could it be related to the design and development of the missile vertical launch system?"

"Probably so. A few days ago, Mr. Yang accompanied Mr. Pan to the capital. After returning, there was no movement for two or three days. Maybe it's time to arrange some design matters."

The two knew it well, and walked into the meeting room together with a pen and a notebook. They found that the director of the combat system design department, Shi Wei, and the deputy director, Zhang Xiaodong, were already there. Wu Wenchao, director of the system design office, and others also came.

Everyone sat together, and before Yang Fan came in, they couldn't help chatting.

Zhou Pingdao: "Everyone, is this meeting related to the missile vertical launch system?"

Shi Wei nodded and said, "[-]% yes."

After chatting for a while, footsteps sounded outside the conference room. The chief designer Pan Jinfu walked in first, followed by Yang Fan.

The meeting room immediately fell silent.

After sitting down, Pan Jinfu presided over the meeting in person, and said loudly: "Comrades, I believe everyone already knows that the vertical launch system of the 052 ship is designed and developed by our East China Sea Institute."

After introducing the basic situation, Master Pan said: "Comrade Yang Fan is responsible for this research and development task. Now I invite Comrade Yang Fan to speak."


Zhou Ping let out a soft "ah" and was very surprised. He thought it was Master Pan who led everyone to carry out the design work, but he didn't expect it to be Yang Fan.

Suddenly, he was extremely disappointed!

His face suddenly became depressed.

He believes that if Master Pan leads everyone to carry out design and development, the hope will be bigger, and if the task is handed over to Yang Fan
I almost didn't dare to think about it.

Even if Zhou Ping was killed, he didn't believe that Yang Fan had a better understanding of the missile vertical launch system. As far as he knew, Yang Fan had never been in contact with this aspect since he joined the work.

It's over, it's over.
Zhou Ping, who was extremely disappointed, quietly looked at Luo Liuchu who was sitting next to him, and also saw the disappointment of the other party. Obviously, they were not optimistic about Yang Fan.

Yang Fan didn't pay attention to Zhou Ping and Luo Liuchu's expressions, but seemed to be very energetic, and finally had a place to use, and he led everyone to design and develop the missile vertical system.

First of all, he said loudly: "Thank you, Master Pan, for your trust in me. Next, I will lead everyone in the design and development of the missile vertical launch system."

End of the bird, end of the bird.
Zhou Ping wailed in his heart.

He knew that Yang Fan's technical level was good, but he didn't care at all about the development of the missile vertical system.

In the eyes of everyone, Yang Fan stood up, fixed the sketches that had been drawn with thumbtacks, and displayed them in front of everyone.

After these pictures were fixed, everyone saw the above things, and the originally quiet conference room became noisy.Especially Zhou Ping, with a look of astonishment.

Is this a missile vertical launch system?
my God!

It's really a missile launch system!
He who was frustrated and disappointed suddenly became a little excited, as if he saw hope, and the pressure in his heart seemed to be less.

Yang Fan walked up to these design sketches, and said loudly: "Everyone should have seen it, yes, this is the design sketch of the missile vertical launch system. I drew it in the past two days, and we will use it to As a basis, carry out specific design work.”

Start the design work.

Isn't it necessary to conduct program demonstration, after repeated demonstrations, finally decide which design scheme to adopt, and then start the design?
How come to Mr. Yang's assistant, the stage of design proposal demonstration is omitted, and the design work can be started directly?

Luo Liuchu expressed the doubts in his heart, "Assistant Yang, don't you want to conduct a design demonstration first? If your design plan doesn't work, wouldn't everyone be working in vain?"

Yang Fan smiled and said confidently: "There is nothing wrong with me. Of course, if everyone thinks that my design plan is not good, you can also put forward different opinions, and we will discuss it together."

After speaking, Yang Fan combined these few design sketches and began to explain in detail to everyone, such as the principle, basic structure, performance and so on of the vertical hair system.

After talking for three or four ten minutes, Yang Fan said: "How about it, if you have different opinions, you can raise them."

Where do you have any comments!
They all feel that such a design is very reasonable and scientific.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Yang Fan smiled slightly. Everything was expected. This is the missile vertical launch system on the Type 052C guided missile destroyer.

Certainly no problem.

It would be strange if everyone could ask any questions.

Yang Fan looked at everyone, and said loudly: "Since everyone has no opinion and thinks this design is feasible, then follow this design."

"no problem!"

"With a design sketch, the design difficulty is much smaller."

"Assistant President Yang, you are amazing. How did you come up with such a design plan?"


Hearing everyone's words in his ears and feeling the warm atmosphere in the meeting room, Yang Fan smiled easily and threw another blockbuster, which stunned everyone.

Yang Fan has completely subverted the traditional design.

I saw Yang Fan's loud voice: "This is just a design sketch. I will further draw more detailed design drawings. Everyone will carry out the specific design according to my detailed design drawings. In addition, I am also responsible for the design technical outline. We will get it out as soon as possible, and then discuss it with everyone.”

Further design drawings.

Design Outline!

With these things, there is basically no design difficulty for everyone, as long as the specific design work is carried out within the framework, such as drawing specific design drawings.

Even Master Pan looked at Yang Fan, his eyes seemed to say, Xiao Yang, can you do it with your own strength?
Yang Fan smiled confidently at Master Pan.

The meeting ended after just over an hour. After walking out of the meeting room, everyone looked happy and happy, which was completely different from when the meeting first started.

After the meeting ended, Yang Fan got busy.

He has to complete many things first, such as finalizing the entire design framework, and then everyone will carry out specific design work within this framework.

Such as the technical outline of the design, such as more detailed design drawings, Yang Fan even thought in his heart that it would be great if he could draw the general design.

With the general design drawing, everyone only needs to follow this detailed design and draw a large number of specific design drawings.

For several days, Yang Fan stayed in his office, busy drawing the general design of the vertical missile launch system.

Such as the general design drawing of the launching module, the general design drawing of the launch console, the general design drawing of the eight-unit module, the general design drawing of the missile storage launch box, etc.

The first thing to draw is the overall design of the launch module.

Because the general design drawing is much more complicated than the simple design drawing, and the workload is much greater, Yang Fan only basically completed the general design drawing of the launch module in a few days.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Ping, director of the weapon system design office, knocked on the door and came in.

He couldn't sit still a bit. After the last meeting, there was no movement for several days. He wanted to come over to see what Assistant General Manager was up to.

After coming in, he was stunned when he saw the big drawing on the big table.

This, this, this.
Even though he was in his 50s, he had rich work experience and a strong mental quality, but he was really horrified, and his eyes stayed on this design drawing, and he couldn't move away at all.

After being dazed for a while, he finally came back to his senses, took a few steps forward, looked at the general design drawing, and said, "Assistant Yang, this is the general design drawing of the launch module, my God, This is what you have drawn in the past few days!"

Yang Fan nodded, "Yes, this is the result of my work in the past few days, and the drawing has not been fully completed. How about this, you organize it, and we will have a meeting tomorrow to discuss it collectively."


Zhou Ping was so excited that he repeatedly said "good".

The surprise is really too big!

Back then, he still felt tremendous pressure, worrying that he did not have the foundation and experience in the design of missile vertical launch systems, and he also lacked relevant technical information.

Well now, there is nothing to worry about.

With such a general design drawing, I am still worried about a woolen thread.

The structure, principle, etc. are clear, and even the main design dimensions are marked. It is enough to carry out the specific design on this basis and draw the design drawings of those parts and components.

Yang Fan put down the pencil in his hand, "This is just the general design diagram of the launch module, and I will also draw the general design diagram of the launch console, the general design diagram of the eight-pack module, etc."

Zhou Ping was stunned again.

Originally, I was a little calmer, but now I can't stand it, and I say in my heart, awesome, super awesome!

It's amazing, it's so amazing!
One person can draw all these general pictures.

Yang Fan looked at Zhou Ping, especially paying attention to the expression on his face, and wondered in his heart, did I scare him? It would be bad if we frightened Director Zhou Ping.

Today is the third update, and the third update is sent, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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