Military Heavy

Chapter 239 Expand Design

Chapter 239 Expand Design
A few days later.

The general design drawing of the launch module, the general design drawing of the eight-unit module, and the general design drawing of the missile storage launch box drawn by Yang Fan are all completed.

It has to be said that Yang Fan's efficiency is still very high. Several general drawings and more than a dozen large and small design drawings have been completed.

Check it out yourself, very satisfied.

The notification was also passed on quickly. For example, the people in the weapon system design room received the notification, and Zhou Ping personally conveyed it to them.

"Comrades, at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, we will listen to Assistant President Yang's lecture in the training classroom. All of you, please attend and listen to me carefully. Remember, bring your notebook and take notes."

Go to class!
Listen to Mr. Yang's lecture!
Someone asked excitedly: "Director, what will Assistant General Manager Yang tell me, is it related to the design and development of the missile vertical launch system?"

Zhou Ping nodded vigorously, and said loudly: "Yes, Assistant General Manager Yang is going to spend two days explaining the design of the missile vertical launch system to me in detail. After listening to the class, we will start a comprehensive design work. "

There was a lightness in his tone.

So happy!

The pressure and worries before were completely gone, because Zhou Ping knew that Yang Fan seemed to have a good understanding of the missile vertical launch system and was very assertive, even drawing some general design drawings.


Absolute genius!
Sometimes, Zhou Ping really admires Yang Fan.

A young designer asked, "Director, shall we also listen?"

For a young man like him who has only been working for one or two years, there are several people in the weapon system design room. They mainly help with odd jobs and do some errands.

Zhou Ping smiled, "Go all, the training room can accommodate more than 100 people to listen to the lectures, everyone can sit down, go and listen, it will only be good for you."

After the comprehensive notice, all the people in the weapon system are required to attend the lectures. For other design offices, such as the general design office, the ship electrical system design office, and the combat system design office, only the principal and deputy directors and some design backbones are required to attend. .

During the design process of the missile vertical launch system, Yang Fan will give you many lectures. Tomorrow, he will mainly talk about the design of the missile launch module, which is closely related to the weapon system design room.

The next day.

Early in the morning, many people arrived at the training room, found a good seat and sat down. Before eight o'clock in the morning, the huge training room was almost full of people.

Before Yang Fan came over and the class had not started, many people were chatting about topics related to the missile vertical launch system.

"I didn't expect that our design would be in full swing, it's unbelievable."

"Assistant Yang is amazing, how does he know so much?"

"I don't know what will be told to us in these two days, and how helpful it will be to our future development design."


The entire training room was bustling, full of chattering sounds, even Zhou Ping, Luo Liuchu and others were talking.

However, the slightest pressure was no longer visible on everyone's faces, but a slight excitement, a kind of expectation.

Around eight o'clock, Yang Fan came in.

Immediately, the noisy conference room quickly quieted down. Everyone stopped talking, sat up straight quickly, and prepared to listen to Yang Fan's lecture seriously.

Seeing that everyone's discipline is so good, Yang Fan smiled happily, walked up to the podium, put the things he brought on the podium, and turned on the projector.

For this lecture, Yang Fan prepared a lot of slides, trying to explain the content thoroughly and in detail so that everyone can understand it, which will be helpful for future design work.

Yang Fan looked around the entire training room and saw that more than 100 pairs of eyes were all looking at him, so he said loudly: "Now we start the class, and I will tell you the principle and structure of the vertical launch system of the missile, and describe the missile in detail. Launch module design."

After speaking, put the prepared first slide on the projector, and the content on the slide will be displayed in front of everyone through enlarged projection.

First, combine the content on the slides, and begin to describe the principle and basic structure of the missile vertical launch system.

The training room was completely quiet. Everyone listened carefully and recorded carefully, recording what Yang Fan said in their notebooks.

After explaining the basic principles and structure of the missile vertical launch system, Yang Fan began to talk about the design of this missile vertical launch system that is about to be designed.

Show the general design drawing of the missile launch module, and fix it on the wooden black and white surface of the training room with thumbtacks. There are three general design drawings of the missile launch module, all drawn by Yang Fan himself.

"Wow, look, the master plan!"

"My God! Even the general design has been released."

The training room, which had been quiet all along, erupted in commotion when the general design drawings were displayed, and many people were stunned.

A few people like Zhou Ping and Luo Liuchu were a little better, because they knew that Yang Fan had been drawing the general design drawing himself.

What about the rest?

They don't know. When they first saw the general design drawing of the launch module of the missile vertical launch system, the surprise and shock in their hearts were completely uncontrollable for a while.

"This can't be drawn by Assistant President Yang himself."

"It's too good, you good man!"

Seeing these general design drawings, many people admired Yang Fan completely. The way they looked at Yang Fan was completely different from when they were listening to the class just now.

That kind of worship can be clearly felt from the eyes.

Feeling the adoring gazes and everyone's exclamation, Yang Fan smiled happily, "Comrades, this is my personal design idea. If there is anything wrong, I hope everyone can point it out."

Next, Yang Fan combined these general design drawings and began to describe the design of the launch module in great detail.

The principle, structure, etc. are explained very thoroughly, and even the design parameters are explained to everyone. Every one or two hours will stop to give everyone enough time to ask questions.

Everyone is not polite, and they ask questions one after another when they don't understand. Yang Fan is also very patient. He will patiently explain every question raised by everyone until everyone understands it completely.

From morning to afternoon to evening.

At the end of the day, many people found that they had gained a lot. The design of the missile vertical launch system was still a little vague before, but now it gradually became clear, as if entering a whole new world.

The next day, the lecture continued.

Compared with yesterday, there were more people in the training room, not to mention all the seats, even the aisle and the open space behind the professor were full of people.

Even the front and rear gates and the window sills are full of people attending the lectures.For example, the general design room and the combat system design room, more and more people have come to listen to it.

Yang Fan's speech was very detailed and specific. Everyone listened with great interest and felt that they had gained a lot.

Donghai Institute, a sensation!

Many people did not come to attend the class, but it did not hinder their hot discussion. For example, in the power system design room, many people were talking about it.

"As expected of Mr. Yang's assistant, I declare that he is my idol!"

Many people around laughed in good faith, and someone said: "It's not just your idol, he is the idol of all of us."

"Missile vertical launch system, our Assistant President Yang has actually drawn up some general design drawings."

"With the general design drawing, and after listening to such lectures, the next design will go very smoothly."

"That's for sure. Even if you don't understand anything in the future design process, you can also ask Assistant President Yang."

The two-day lecture was very successful, and everyone who attended the lecture expressed that they had gained a lot.

In the afternoon, after finishing all the lectures, Yang Fan said with a hoarse voice: "This is for now, if you have any questions, you can ask me now, and you can also consult me ​​at any time during the future design process."

Next, there was about half an hour of question time. After answering everyone's questions, Yang Fan handed over the general design drawing of the missile launch module to Zhou Ping.

He exhorted: "Director Zhou, these drawings are handed over to you. From now on, you can start specific designs based on this."

After happily accepting these design drawings, Zhou Ping said confidently: "Don't worry, we will start the specific design work soon."

When Zhou Ping accepted these design drawings, there was warm applause in the huge training room, and everyone applauded vigorously.

The applause lasted for a long time.

After class, everyone walked out of the training room one by one in high spirits, full of confidence in the future design work, and some people were even eager to try.

The overall design of the missile vertical launch system is first carried out in the weapon system design room.

in the office.

With a satisfied smile on his face, Pan Jinfu was looking at the general design and schematic diagram of the launch console sent by Yang Fan.

The more you look, the more you are satisfied, and the more you look, the more assured you are.

Once again, I thought in my heart that in designing, one really needs to pay attention to talent, which was once again reflected in Comrade Yang Fan.

At such a young age, I have almost never been in contact with vertical launch systems. I consulted some foreign language materials, added my own understanding and ideas, and drew some general design drawings by myself.

How about the design plan, whether to review it, and how is the quality of the general design drawing?

After Pan Jinfu read it, he was very relieved. The design plan was very good, and the design ideas were also very good. Even he couldn't find any faults.


What a talent!

After reading the general design and schematic diagram of the missile vertical launcher console, Pan Jinfu nodded again in satisfaction.

Combat system design room.

Shi Wei went to the weapon system design room just now, and not only saw the general design drawing of the missile vertical launch module, but also saw the entire weapon system design room busy.

Almost all the designers are starting to draw design drawings, all of them are very serious, laying out drawing boards, spreading out white paper, holding T-squares, set squares and pencils.

After returning to his office, Shi Wei became a little anxious, thinking in his heart, the missile vertical launch system design, the weapon system design room and our combat system design room are the main force, they have already started the design, what about us?

When will we start designing, and there will be a general design drawing. Will Assistant General Manager Yang give me lessons?


There are two updates today, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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