Military Heavy

Chapter 240 Surprised Military

Chapter 240 Surprised Military

What about Shi Wei?
The weapon system design office of others has already started the specific design work, but he has not started yet, Shi Wei frowned.

"How about I go to Assistant President Yang and ask."

As soon as this thought came to him, he suddenly realized that he hadn't been to Yang Fan's place for a few days.

The two of them have a good relationship. Usually, he would sit there and chat with him five or five miles away, not only about work, but also about some interesting things in life. The two of them often had a good chat.

At this time, Zhang Xiaodong entered, looking very happy.

Shi Wei was slightly surprised, "Xiaodong, what's the matter, so happy."

Zhang Xiaodong smiled happily, and said in a clear voice: "At first, I still had a heart, but now, I am determined. I am indeed Assistant to President Yang."

Suddenly, Shi Wei realized something.

The voice trembled slightly: "What's going on, could it be?"

Zhang Xiaodong said affirmatively: "Yes, you guessed right, Comrade Yang Fan personally drew the general design diagram of the launch console of the missile vertical launch system, as well as the general schematic diagram of the principle. It won't be long before we can also be like the weapon system design room. , to carry out specific design work.”

This is great!

Shi Wei was so happy that he patted his thigh straight, and said excitedly: "It's true, you didn't lie to me."

"How could I lie to you?" Zhang Xiaodong said, "I just came over from Assistant President Yang and saw the general design and schematic diagram of the console with my own eyes."

Get confirmed!

Immediately, Shi Wei became a little excited again, couldn't sit still any longer, and walked away, knocking on the door and entering Yang Fan's office. Obviously, he wanted to take a look at these things.

on the big table.

There is a large drawing, which is the general design drawing of the launching console of the vertical launch system of the missile. It has been completely drawn. Yang Fan checked it again just now, and feels that there is no problem.

"Wow, it's really a master plan!"

Shi Wei's face instantly showed a very obvious look of surprise. He walked to the big drawing table in a few steps, held back the excitement in his heart, and looked at it.

The more you look, the more excited you feel!

The more you look, the happier you are!

After looking at it for several minutes, he greeted Yang Fan and said in surprise: "Assistant Yang, this is the general design drawing you drew? Our launch console also has a general design drawing, which is great!"

Yang Fan smiled heartily.

He took another drawing from the big desk, spread it out on the drawing table, and said loudly: "Not only is there a general design drawing, but also a schematic diagram, take a look."


Shi Wei said two words of "yes" again and again, suppressing the joy in his heart, looked at the schematic diagram roughly, and then said with admiration: "It's really unexpected that you made these things out by yourself."

In general, this often requires collective intelligence.

Repeated discussions, multiple demonstrations, and collective design after the design plan is determined, spend a lot of energy and time, and may have a general design diagram, a general schematic diagram, and so on.

And now?

These things have been placed in front of Shi Wei, and in Shi Wei's view, the design is very scientific and reasonable, and the admiration in his heart is even stronger.

As expected of Mr. Yang's assistant!
It is simply a god-like existence!

Who would have thought that in a few days, he could get all these things out by himself. With these, Shi Wei's confidence was unprecedented.

Yang Fan looked at Shi Wei, smiled, and said: "The general design diagram, the general schematic diagram, you take it back, everyone have a look and discuss it."

After thinking about it, he made a decision: "The day after tomorrow, let's have a group discussion in the training room at [-]:[-] in the morning. If there is no problem, I will tell you about the specific design."


Shi Wei happily said two words "yes" again, carefully rolled up these blueprints, and held them in his hands, as if he was not holding a few blueprints, but the most precious thing in his life.

Two days later.

Still in training, Yang Fan gave a class to everyone, explaining in detail the design of the missile vertical launch system console.

The entire combat system design room, in addition to some backbones of the weapon system design room, overall design room, and ship electrical system design room, all sat there and listened to the lectures.

Morning and afternoon, almost a day of speaking.

After the lecture, following the weapon system design room, the combat system design room also began to carry out specific design work.

Beijing, the headquarters of the 052 ship.

In the office, Huang Keping was seriously looking at the design outline of the missile vertical launch system sent by Donghai.

After reading it, Huang Keping took out a cigarette and lit it, took a deep breath, and tried to calm down. Just now, he was really amazed. He never imagined that the East China Sea Institute will soon launch the design and development of the missile vertical launch system. will be so good.

This greatly exceeded his expectations.

Before the design began, the military put forward some requirements for Donghai Institute. At first, these requirements seemed a little harsh and a little too high.

Huang Keping once worried, could Donghai complete it?Can these requirements be met?
How long has it been!
His worries were completely unnecessary. The design technical outline sent by Donghai completely surpassed the requirements put forward by the military at the beginning.


can not imagine!

It wasn't until a cigarette was smoked that Huang Keping calmed down a little, and the image of Yang Fan appeared in his mind.

He knew that this design technical outline was written by Yang Fan, and he also knew that Donghai Institute had assigned Yang Fan the task of designing and developing the missile vertical launch system.

"This young man is really a genius!"

Huang Keping sighed incomparably.At this time, it can only be explained by "genius", otherwise, why are there so many genius designs at such a young age.

After calming down, he sat down and began to carefully read the design technical outline, seriously, and read it again from beginning to end.

In the design technical outline, there are not only basic structural diagrams, but also a large number of text descriptions, as well as a large number of technical parameters.

The content is very detailed.

The missile vertical launch system adopts a modular design and can be equipped on various warships. It is composed of a launch console, a storage/launch module, and a missile storage and launch box. Modules can be combined into 8X8 or 8X8 modules.

The launch control unit is controlled by a computer and is composed of a launch control computer, an execution combination, a power supply combination and a detection combination.

It can accept commands and data from more than 4 missile weapon control systems at the same time to complete missile launch control
Text, technical parameters, structural diagrams, principle diagrams, etc. constitute this detailed design technical outline.

After watching it, a missile vertical launch system with advanced design, excellent comprehensive performance and wide range of uses almost appeared in Commander Huang's mind.

After watching it again, Huang Keping still felt very satisfied, and still had that deep surprise in his heart.

Within two days, this design technical outline appeared on the desk of the naval leaders, and many leaders read the design outline one after another.

One leader in particular opened the drawer of his desk and took out a watercolor painting after reading the design technical outline.

This is a watercolor painting of a Type 054A missile frigate, created by Yang Fan.

Taking a look at this painting, and then flipping through the design technical outline, the leader showed approval and thought in his heart, what a very outstanding young man.

Yang Fan's design technical outline has brought surprises to the military.

Just as the East China Sea Institute was launching a comprehensive design, Huang Keping personally went to the East China Sea Institute to investigate and investigate the design and development of the missile vertical launch system.

When he saw the completed design drawings one by one, and saw the designers working hard to draw the design drawings one by one, he smiled gratifiedly.

Donghai Shipyard.

The construction of the No. 2 ship has been proceeding smoothly. In the huge segmental manufacturing workshop, it is lively and busy, and the workers are full of enthusiasm.

Chief Builder Chen Shaohua and Deputy Chief Builder Xie Xinjian walked into the workshop again, followed by several people.

Everyone's eyes are on a section that is about to be completed. This is the middle section of the 052 ship's bottom, and it is also the first section that needs to be completed.

When the berth was built, this was the first section to go on the berth. When the general section was built, using this section as a reference, the sections were hoisted one by one to the bow and stern of the ship, and finally welded together to form a An overall 052 ship.

Xie Xinjian said: "Old Chen, in about half a month, our first section, which is the middle section of the bottom of the ship, will be finished."

Chen Shaohua nodded, and said in a loud voice: "The construction speed is fast and smooth beyond our imagination. It is indeed an advanced construction method for the general section. If the traditional tower construction method is used, it is impossible to have such a fast construction. speed."

Xie Xinjian reminded: "Maybe, by next month at the latest, we should start thinking about preparations for the construction of the slipway."

Chen Shaohua nodded approvingly, "Yes, we should consider the preparations for the construction of the slipway."

After the two chatted for a while, suddenly, the topic changed, and Xie Xinjian seemed to have discovered a new continent, reminding him: "Old Chen, did you notice that Comrade Yang Fan hasn't come to our Donghai Shipyard for more than ten days?"

Chen Shaohua said: "To be precise, it should be 21 days. He hasn't come to our place to take a look for 21 days."

Xie Xinjian said, "It's not like his style. What has he been up to lately?"

Chen Shaohua smiled, "I should be busy with the design and development of the missile vertical launch system. Our future 052 ship will use the missile vertical launch system."


Two updates today, the second update is over, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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