Military Heavy

Chapter 241 Chen Shaohua's Proudest Moment

Chapter 241 Chen Shaohua's Proudest Moment

Missile vertical launch system!

Hearing this, thank you Xinjian for a shock!
Of course he knew about this thing and its advantages over the inclined launch system, but he didn't expect that Yang Fan was busy with the design and development of the missile vertical launch system.

"I seem to have heard that Donghai is responsible for the design and development of the missile vertical launch system. I am really happy for our 052 ship. There will be a vertical launch system in the future."

Chen Shaohua smiled, and said heartily: "To be precise, Comrade Yang Fan led a group of people to design and develop the missile vertical launch system."

Thank you for your surprise!
He knew when Donghai developed the missile vertical launch system, but he didn't expect that it was Yang Fan who led the research and development task, not Pan Jinfu.

This is amazing!
Xie Xinjian had a look of obvious surprise on his face, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

Chen Shaohua continued: "Comrade Yang Fan led the designers of the East China Sea Research Institute, who are currently designing and developing the missile vertical launch system. He is probably very busy now, and he has no time to come to our factory to see the progress of the construction of the No. 2 ship."

The two chatted for a while.

Xie Xinjian suggested: "The construction of our No. 2 ship is going well. If Comrade Yang Fan has time, I suggest that he come and take a look, feel the hot construction scene, and give me some guidance by the way."

Chen Shaohua deeply agreed and nodded.

Some time ago, Yang Fan was very busy.

Now it's much better, much easier.

When he first started designing the missile vertical launch system, he had many things to do. Not only did he have to draw the general design drawings, but he also had to write the design technical outline. system.

After these things were done, the general design drawing was also sent to each design room, and they started to carry out the specific design step by step. Yang Fan gradually found that he was actually relieved.

It should be the designers of each design office, as well as the principal and deputy directors of each design office, who are busy.Where's Yang Fan?No need to draw design drawings in person, just go to see everyone's design situation every day, give guidance, and answer some design problems that everyone encounters.

After the days were relaxed and he received an invitation call from Chen Shaohua, Yang Fan went to Donghai Shipyard and saw the No. 2 ship under construction.

Walking into the subsection manufacturing workshop, seeing the construction scene in full swing, feeling the high enthusiasm of the workers, and seeing several subsections that have already taken shape, I feel happy for a while.

"Old Chen, I haven't been here for a while. Your progress is so fast. You see, the middle section of the bottom of the ship is almost completed."

Chen Shaohua smiled proudly, "In one week, this section will be welded, and after inspection, it can be transported to the construction berth."

So fast!
Yang Fan was a little surprised.

How long has it been.

It has only been a few months since the construction of the No. 2 ship was started, about half a year or so, and they began to prepare for the construction of the berth.

Seeing Yang Fan's surprise, Chen Shaohua was proud again, "We predicted that the construction period of the No. 2 ship would only take about 22 months."

A 22 ship can be built in 052 months!
This speed is really not ordinary fast!
Yang Fan remembers that when the first ship was built, it took more than two years from the start of construction to the official launch, about 27 to [-] months.

This speed is already considered fast. Unexpectedly, the time for the No. 2 ship has been shortened by about five or six months. From the start of construction to the launch, it only takes 22 months.

This is an amazing achievement!
Also an amazing speed!

Yang Fan even speculated that after building a few more ships and having enough construction experience, it may take only about 052 months for Donghai to build a [-] ship.

Apart from being proud, Chen Shaohua was also full of gratitude, "Comrade Yang Fan, our construction speed is so fast, mainly due to your construction method of the general section. If you still use the traditional tower construction method, otherwise, it is impossible to have Such a speed."

The traditional tower construction method has a long construction period and takes a longer time on the berth.

It is estimated that it will take several years to build a 052 ship, and the general construction method is used to change the unit of time from "year" to "month".

After the two happily looked at the manufacturing site, they walked out of the sub-manufacturing workshop under the leadership of Chen Shaohua, chatting and walking towards the pier.

Chen Shaohua said: "Our first ship came back yesterday and is docked by the pier."

Listening to Chen Shaohua's introduction, Yang Fan smiled happily, knowing that the first ship had started a long-distance sailing test. This time, it sailed thousands of nautical miles, and turned a big circle outside to come back.

"This long-distance voyage test, our first ship performed well." Chen Shaohua continued to talk about its situation, even his tone was full of satisfaction, "After so many days of voyage, no major problems of principle have been exposed. , there are only some minor problems, and it is estimated that it needs to be improved and rectified.”

Small problems are normal.

The purpose of the long-distance voyage test is to find problems and then solve them.It is a happy thing that no major problems have been exposed.

From a distance, Yang Fan saw the lead ship of the 052 ship docked by the pier, and suddenly became interested, and his pace speeded up imperceptibly.

Boarded the 052 ship again.

Not only did I look around the ship, but I also chatted with the temporary captain of the ship and the person in charge of the sailing test to learn more about the situation of the long-distance sailing test.

The person in charge was full of praise and was very satisfied with the 052 ship.

It is estimated that not only him, but many officers and soldiers in the navy are very satisfied with it.

These days, Chen Shaohua is very proud.

Back then, he was never so proud when the first ship was launched, but now, that sense of pride radiates from him.

Raise your eyebrows!
In just a few months, the No. 2 ship is about to enter the berth construction stage. Just this morning, the headquarters of the 052 ship far away in Beijing called to praise the work of the Donghai Shipyard.

That's not what makes him proud.

The real reason is that he picked up the phone with full confidence and called each supporting factory and related units one by one, asking them to send all the relevant equipment, equipment, materials, etc. needed for the construction of the No. 2 ship.

Chen Shaohua has worked in shipbuilding all his life, and rarely encounters such a situation.

In the past, the supporting factories usually called him, and they told him that the things needed by Donghai Shipyard were ready and when they could be delivered.

Chen Shaohua would usually be polite, say something nice, and ask them to deliver things later, or slower, because the hull construction work of Donghai Shipyard was lagging behind, and those things would only take up the warehouse of Donghai Shipyard when they were delivered.

It's different now!
totally different!
The situation has been reversed!

The construction of the No. 2 ship using the general construction method is progressing rapidly, running far ahead of those supporting units. Next month, Donghai Factory will start the construction of the berth.

In the office, Chen Shaohua was on the phone again.

Full of confidence, in a good mood.

Chen Shaohua said loudly: "Old Cao, the security radar you are in charge of must be sent to our factory by the 5th of next month."

On the other end of the phone, a cautious voice said: "Old Chen, this time is too tight, can it be about a month later?"

Chen Shaohua said: "One month late? Lao Cao, I tell you, half a month late will not work, how about this, I will give you another 5 days late at most, and you must deliver your things before the 10th of next month come over."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Shaohua smiled triumphantly.


I never thought that I, Old Chen, would still be here today!

In the past, I begged them to deliver things later, but now, the situation has reversed, and it's their turn to beg me.

Humph, hurry up and hand over what we need!
Time passed quickly and it was June.

The construction slipway of Donghai Shipyard is full of excitement. Today, the construction of the slipway of the No. 2 ship officially started, and many people came.

Not only people from Donghai Design Institute came, but Yang Fan was standing not far from the berth, chatting with Chen Shaohua relaxed and happily.

Several people even came from the general headquarters. Commander Huang Keping originally wanted to come, but he was unable to leave Beijing for an important meeting, so a deputy commander took several people to Donghai Shipyard.

The top leader, Lu Guodong, and several high-level executives from Donghai Shipyard were accompanying them. Everyone looked at the construction slipway in front of them, and they were talking about the No. 2 ship that was about to start construction.

Yang Fan looked at the ready-to-build berth, and said happily: "Old Chen, congratulations, No. 2 ship has started the berth construction!"

Chen Shaohua laughed and said loudly: "Congratulations, congratulations, this is all thanks to everyone, especially you. Without the construction method of the general section, there would be no No. 2 ship with such a fast construction speed."

Many people around laughed happily.

There are many people beside the construction of the slipway, not only leaders at all levels, but also technicians and managers from Donghai Shipyard, and a large number of workers.

After a while, the person in charge of building the berth walked over quickly and reported in a loud voice: "Leaders, the preparations are all ready, and the hoisting of the first section can begin."

As the chief builder, Chen Shaohua first looked at Lu Guodong next to him, and the two exchanged glances. Then, Chen Shaohua shouted loudly: "Now I announce that the construction of the No. 2 ship's berth will officially begin!"

As soon as the sound fell, there was warm applause at the scene!

Shouts sounded out!
There were quite a few workers running over to watch the excitement, and many of them were shouting, each seeming more excited than the other!
Feeling the atmosphere of joy, Yang Fan smiled happily, and his eyes fell on the section in the middle of the bottom of the ship. In everyone's eyes, this section was slowly hoisted up to a certain height, heading towards the construction of the berth. move slowly
Today is the third update, and the first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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