Military Heavy

Chapter 242

Chapter 242
History will remember!
This day is April 1990, 6.

The second of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer has entered the berth construction stage at Donghai Shipyard, which is also the last of the two planned test ships.

After this ship, the construction of the test ship will not be carried out for the time being. Instead, the East China Sea Institute will carry out a series of design improvements and improvements based on the tests and use of the two ships, and adopt more advanced technologies. Equip more advanced weapons and equipment, etc.

The actual combat type will be built in the future.

The first ship was launched last year, and a series of sailing trials are currently underway. The construction of the No. 2 ship has also begun the berth. Maybe in two to three years, at most three to five years, the real combat-type 052 ships will start to be built one after another.

In everyone's eyes, the first section of the construction of the No. 2 ship berth, that is, the middle section of the bottom of the ship as the basis for the construction of the whole ship, is slowly moving towards the berth.

The originally lively scene gradually quieted down!
Everyone's eyes are firmly attracted by this segment, and they move as it moves. Slowly, this segment reaches the designated position.

A commander was gesticulating and commanding, and the section began to slowly fall, and finally, it landed firmly on the slipway.

The laser theodolite has been turned on, and the technicians start to correct the position of this segment, such as horizontal, vertical and so on.

In the past, it was only possible to draw a tape measure and draw a chalk line, but now there is no need for such time-consuming and laborious work. Donghai Shipyard has changed the shotgun and used the very advanced laser theodolite for a long time.

About half a month later, everyone heard an exciting sound coming from the berth, and many people thought in their hearts, could it be that the first section has already been placed.

Sure enough, news came that the first segment had been placed, and the position fully met the technical requirements.

This speed is not ordinary fast!
Soon after, in the eyes of everyone, the second section also began to be hoisted, and it was hoisted by the gantry crane, and then placed on the berth. It was successfully docked with the first section, and the position was also in line with the craft. Require.

Near noon, there was a "sizzling" electric welding sound on the berth, and many workers were busy on the berth, starting the welding work between the sections.
Ship No. 2 has started construction of the berth, and the design of the missile vertical launch system is also progressing well, and some design drawings have been drawn.

Yang Fan was in Zhou Ping's office, and the two were chatting about related design work.

Just now, Yang Fan walked around several large offices in the weapon system design room. After looking around, he was very relieved to see that everyone was working hard on drawing design drawings.

In addition to being happy, I am also a little bit regretful.

Without computer graphics, so many designers can still only use primitive tools to outline design drawings bit by bit.

There is a large drawing board on each person's desk, covered with white paper, preferably with a bead, with a T-square, set square, compasses and pencils to draw stroke by stroke.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, if there are computer drawing software such as CAD, everyone's efficiency will be multiplied, but there are no such things now, so we can only draw bit by bit.

After looking at it, Zhou Ping invited him into his office, and the two chatted while drinking tea.

It's not so much a chat, it's better that Zhou Ping is humbly asking for advice, asking Yang Fan one by one for the technical problems they encountered in the current design process.

Yang Fan was very patient, and answered one by one. He even picked up a pencil and white paper, and drew some sketches while explaining.

After asking all the questions, Zhou Ping brought over a stack of design drawings, at least a dozen of them, spread them out on the big table next to him, and said happily: "Assistant President Yang, this is the first batch of designs we have drawn. Drawings, take a look."


Yang Fan became interested, looked at a few of them carefully, and said with satisfaction: "Basically there is no problem, and my design intention has been fully implemented."

Zhou Ping said relaxedly: "With the general design drawing, we have a framework for our specific design work, and everything has rules to follow. This kind of design work is far easier than I imagined."

Yang Fan smiled happily.

I thought to myself, according to the current design progress, it is estimated that all the design drawings can be drawn in about a year, and then the manufacturer will manufacture the missile vertical launching system. First, the prototype. After the test, if there are no problems, the design can be finalized .

Design, manufacture, test.There are three stages in total, maybe two or three years later, the missile launch system can be formally manufactured and used on the future 052 ship.

Donghai Shipyard.

It has been several days since the No. 2 ship entered the berth for construction, and the third section is ready for hoisting.And at the pier not far away, the lead ship that was originally docked there left yesterday to start another stage of sailing trials, and it may leave for more than ten days before returning.

It's just that everyone has not noticed that American satellites often visit the sky above the East China Sea Shipyard and often take some photos at high altitude.

Generally speaking, because of the existence of satellites, the Americans have a relatively good understanding of the situation of the first ship and the situation of the second ship.

America thousands of miles away.

Some of their personnel are holding a high-level secret meeting, most of them are US military personnel, including military intelligence agencies.

One of the topics discussed was obviously related to our 052 ship.

Robert was very well prepared and brought a lot of information, especially showing some developed satellite photos to everyone.

He said loudly: "Gentlemen and ladies, the development of China's second-generation guided missile destroyer is going very smoothly, which has greatly exceeded our expectations. Here are some pictures."

Combined with these photos, he talked for a long time.

Not only did he talk about the situation of the first ship, such as the fact that it has started sailing trials, where it has been, and how many nautical miles it has sailed.

We also talked about the No. 2 ship under construction.It can be seen from the latest satellite pictures that the No. 2 ship has started the construction of the berth.

After talking about the situation, his tone was unusually dignified, "This is a threat to us. I believe you all don't want their second-generation destroyer to be developed so smoothly."

Soon, there was a buzzing discussion in the conference room.

Next, around the topic of the 052 ship, these Americans discussed for a long time and unanimously decided to take some measures to restrict the development of the 052 ship, including cutting off the supply of LM2500 gas turbines.

After entering the 90s, the United States has expressed voices to curb China's development, and there is a market for it, which also led to the subsequent documents restricting the export of weapons and equipment to China.


052 ship headquarters.

Commander-in-chief Huang Keping sat in the office and read some documents. He was very satisfied with the current condition of the 052 ship.

For example, the first ship has started another long-distance navigation test, and the second ship has successfully entered the berth construction stage. The development of the ship-borne phased array control radar, ship-borne missile vertical launch system, etc. that will be needed in the future is also very smooth.

After reading these documents, he smiled with satisfaction, feeling relaxed all over his body.

He took out a cigarette and lit it, and took a comfortable puff. Huang Keping thought in his heart that the progress is so gratifying and exciting. He should consider the research and development of other weapons and equipment to increase the localization rate of the 052 ship in the future, such as ship-borne missiles.

After thinking about these things, he twisted out the cigarette butt in his hand in the ashtray. Huang Keping was about to go to the navy to talk to some leaders of the navy about the localization of the 052 ship's weapons and equipment. There was a knock on the door of the office. Voice.

"Come in." Huang Keping said in a clear voice.

His assistant came in with an anxious expression on his face, and reported: "Chief, the relevant department has just received a document from General Electric, clearly informing us that it will no longer supply us with LM2500 gas turbines. The previously signed contract is void."

Huang Keping was taken aback!
Even if his mental quality is strong enough, his face will change color. If the supply of LM2500 gas turbines is really cut off, he is too clear about the consequences.

It is precisely because of the clarity that the reaction is relatively large.

How did that happen!

The astonished Huang Keping asked in a deep voice: "Where is the document sent by the other party? I want to take a look."

The assistant gave the printed document to Commander Huang. To be precise, it was an email sent in the name of General Electric.

After looking at it, Huang Keping frowned obviously, and ordered: "Call the other party immediately to confirm this matter."


Overseas calls were quickly made from the capital to the United States. Unfortunately, the Americans were firm and made it clear that they would not continue the contract and would not continue to supply gas turbines.

Huang Keping was furious.

The contract in black and white, how to say tear it up, just tear it up?

What about credit?
What about the spirit of contract?
Feeling angry, Huang Keping forced himself to calm down. He didn't dare to neglect, and immediately left the general headquarters, and soon entered the navy building, and reported the matter to the main leaders of the navy.

That night, the headquarters building of the 052 ship was brightly lit, and there was a tense atmosphere. An important meeting was about to be held, and the leaders urgently discussed countermeasures.

Early the next morning, a certain leader personally led the team, and a group of several people flew to the United States thousands of miles away. Although they knew that the hope was slim, they did not want to give up and made some last-ditch efforts.

I hope that the Americans can continue to supply the gas turbines we need. Even if the fifth and sixth gas turbines are no longer supplied, there will always be a batch of wearing parts, which must be replaced for overhaul.

With some spare parts in hand, the situation will be better. The gas turbines on the first ship and the second ship will need to be overhauled at the end of their life, and there are parts that can be replaced.

I don't know whether this trip to the United States can achieve the expected purpose.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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