Military Heavy

Chapter 243 What to Do

Chapter 243 What to Do

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Yang Fan was coming back from the weapon system design room. He had just entered the office, and before he even had time to drink a sip of tea, the phone on his desk rang.

As soon as the phone was connected, Master Pan's voice came from inside: "Xiao Yang, come here."

Yang Fan originally thought that Master Pan wanted to ask about the design and development of the missile vertical launch system, but after pushing the door and entering, he felt something was wrong.

Master Pan's face was very serious.

so, what happened?
Did something bad happen? ? ?

There was a big question mark in Yang Fan's mind, he found a chair and sat down calmly, ready to listen to what Master Pan had to say first.

Pan Jinfu glanced at Yang Fan, and then said in a deep voice: "A major event has happened, and the United States is very likely to cut off the supply of our LM2500 gas turbines."

Yang Fan was taken aback!
The news is so shocking! ! !

It was too sudden.

At the beginning, in order to prevent such a situation from happening, Yang Fan suggested when he was still a designer that the possibility of the LM2500 gas turbine supply cut-off in the future must be considered.

This suggestion was opposed by many people at the time. Many people thought that this situation would basically not happen, and thought it was unfounded worry.

Fortunately, Commander Pan adopted this suggestion and proposed it as the chief designer of the 052 ship. Finally, the General Command adopted this suggestion. In order to prevent this from happening, he signed an order with the Americans for a total of eight LM2500 gas turbines. Contracts.

Unexpectedly, things still happened!

Only four LM2500 gas turbines have been delivered, and we are waiting for the fifth and sixth gas turbines to be delivered, and something like this happened.

Immediately, Yang Fan's expression became extremely serious, and he asked, "Master Pan, how likely is this?"

Pan Jinfu sighed softly, "General Electric sent an email and unilaterally tore up the contract. We are not reconciled. The headquarters held a meeting last night and sent a team to the United States early this morning. I hope redeemed."

Gradually, Yang Fan's heart sank to the bottom.

Based on his understanding of the Americans, it is estimated that the further introduction of the LM2500 gas turbine will fail, and he may have to prepare for the worst.

What is the worst plan?

Yang Fan also has no idea, because we don't have marine gas turbines at all, and we can't manufacture them in China.

The atmosphere suddenly became dull.

After a brief chat, seeing that Master Pan was in a bad mood, Yang Fan tactfully resigned, and he didn't even report on the design work of the missile vertical launch system.

Back in his office, Yang Fan sat on the office chair extremely depressed, and heaved a long sigh. At this time, he could only pray, hoping that things could be salvaged.

If it is really completely cut off, the situation will be very bad.

United States.

As the team leader, Dai Wei has brought everyone to the headquarters of General Motors, hoping to meet the president of their aero-engine division.

But after being rejected, only a small supervisor received them.

For three days in a row, Dai Wei and others bumped into walls everywhere and suffered from the bird's anger, but for the sake of the LM2500 gas turbine, they could only humble themselves and endured everything silently.

Three days later, they were finally interviewed by a manager-level person. The manager clearly informed that the contract between the two parties will be completely terminated from now on, and General Electric will no longer supply subsequent gas turbines.

Dai Wei disagreed. In order to win the next few gas turbines, he spent a lot of effort and said a lot of good things, but the other party shook his head and made it clear that there was no possibility of supplying us with LM2500 gas turbines.

After repeated questioning from our side, the manager finally explained the reason. They were also pressured by the US military and had no choice but to do so.

That's it!

Finally, I know the reason why the other party broke the confession.

It turns out that there is the shadow of the US military behind it.Dai Wei guessed that some people in the U.S. military may see that our Type 052 guided missile destroyer project is progressing smoothly, and they do not want to see this situation.

Since it is impossible to supply the LM2500 gas turbine again, can we promise to gradually transfer the technology of the LM2500 gas turbine so that we can obtain the ability to imitate the LM2500 gas turbine?
This request was immediately rejected, and the American manager directly told Dai Wei and others that there was no such possibility.

Since the transfer of technology cannot be obtained, let’s take a step back and the four LM2500 gas turbines that have already been purchased will be provided with follow-up overhaul services by General Electric Company.

Things are bought from you at a high price, and after-sales service should be provided.

To everyone's great disappointment, the American manager shook his head and rejected the request. Not only that, but also made it clear that not only would they not provide future overhaul services, but they would not supply any parts that needed to be replaced in the future.

This completely cut off hope.

Dai Wei and a group of people were treated coldly and humiliated in the United States, but they didn't gain anything. After a few days, they returned to the capital in disgrace.

No grain harvest!

The Americans are so terrific that they don’t even provide after-sales service for the four gas turbines we already have. They don’t care about any future overhaul or replacement of spare parts.

In this way, the contract was unilaterally torn up.

Not only the leaders of the 052 ship's headquarters, but even the leaders of the Navy were shocked. Such a result was never expected by everyone.

When Dai Wei and others were sent to the United States, the bottom line in everyone's mind was that if the Americans could no longer supply the follow-up gas turbines, the Americans would definitely provide a series of after-sales services for the four existing gas turbines. No.

Inside the headquarters building, there was another brightly lit emergency meeting. The leaders anxiously discussed countermeasures. Even some leaders of the Navy participated in such a meeting in person.

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Since Pan Jinfu said a few days ago that the supply of LM2500 gas turbines might be cut off, Yang Fan has been worried and worried.

Unexpectedly, the development speed of the matter far exceeded Yang Fan's expectation. He called from the capital and asked the chief designer Pan Jinfu and others to rush to the capital for a meeting.

Dare not have the slightest negligence, but dare not have the slightest delay.

Chief designer Pan Jinfu, deputy chief designer Tang Jianming, chief designer assistant Yang Fan and others rushed to Donghai Airport immediately, preparing to take a plane to the capital.

While waiting for the plane in the waiting hall, I happened to meet Lu Guodong, Chen Shaohua and others from Donghai Shipyard.With such a big incident, they, as the leaders of the shipyard, had to go to Beijing for a meeting to discuss what to do next.

Whether it was Lu Guodong or Chen Shaohua's faces were full of worry and anxiety, when the two met, they both felt the other's heavy heart.

"Oh, I didn't expect to encounter such a thing."

"Yeah, the Americans don't talk about trust too much. If you want to tear up a signed contract, you can tear it up."


In addition to feeling heavy, everyone is also indignant, very angry at the actions of the Americans.

Yang Fan didn't speak, just sighed softly, thinking helplessly in his heart, our domestic industrial strength is still a bit too weak, if we can manufacture gas turbines for ships, we don't need to suffer from such arrogance.

Apart from sighing, everyone has no good solution. Even Chen Shaohua is worried about the No. 2 ship under construction.

Worried, he asked, "Lao Pan, if the supply of LM2500 gas turbines is cut off, what should we do with the No. 2 ship under construction?"

Facing Chen Shaohua, who was full of worry, Pan Jinfu couldn't say anything, but smiled wryly.

Chen Shaoshao said loudly: "Don't let us stop the construction, we have produced many things, and we have entered the construction stage of the berth!"

Everyone sighed.

The No. 2 ship is really at risk of being stopped because there is no gas turbine. If the No. 2 and No. [-] gas turbines are used on the No. [-] ship and there is no spare gas turbine, what should we do if there is a problem with the power system in the future?

The atmosphere became dull.

No one said anything, even Chen Shaohua himself fell silent. When boarding the plane, everyone boarded the plane dully, not talking and laughing among acquaintances like usual.

It was already afternoon when we arrived in the capital.

But the time was tight, and there was no time to rest at all. After checking into the hotel and putting away the luggage, we went to eat. There was basically no rest after the meal, and everyone entered the headquarters of the 052 ship.

Tonight, the entire headquarters was brightly lit again.

Even the air seemed to be filled with tension.

In the huge conference room, quite a few people were already seated, not only people from the general headquarters and the military, but also people from the design unit Donghai Research Institute, people from the construction unit Donghai Shipyard, in addition, there were also related scientific research institutes, Leaders of relevant units, experts and others.

Dozens of people were already seated in the meeting room, but some people rushed over one after another. Gradually, the huge meeting room was almost full.

The atmosphere was very dull.

It was not as noisy as before the usual meeting. Except for a small number of people talking in a low voice, most of the people looked extremely serious.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

There was a sound of footsteps outside the conference room door. Commander-in-chief Huang Keping, director of the Military Industry Bureau Li Shunli, and several military leaders walked into the conference room.

After everyone sat down, the meeting started immediately and was presided over by the commander-in-chief Huang Keping.

He looked around the entire conference room, and then said in a low tone: "Comrades, everyone should know the situation, so I won't make any introductions. I'm calling everyone here today to discuss what we should do next. manage."

The LM2500 gas turbine was cut off.

Ship No. 2 has started berth construction.

What should we do?

Today is the third update, and the third update is sent. Today's update is here. I ask everyone for a few recommendation tickets for support.

(End of this chapter)

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