Military Heavy

Chapter 244 Controversy

Chapter 244 Controversy
Yang Fan took a general look at the situation in the conference room.

I was surprised to find that some people seemed to be from domestic gas turbine manufacturers, and Yang Fan "knew" one of them.

Liu Hui!

Former Chief Engineer of Xichuan Aero Engine Group!

This is Yang Fan's understanding of Liu Hui before his rebirth.At that time, Liu Hui was nearly seventy years old, and he had a good relationship with Yang Fan, who used to be the chief engineer.

Because the Ukrainian gas turbines equipped on the 052 ship were localized in Xichuan Group, Liu Hui is definitely a domestic technical authority in terms of naval gas turbines.

Now it is only 1990, and now Liu Hui is very young, in his thirties, in his prime, sitting with people from the Xichuan Group to attend a meeting.

The young Liu Hui is definitely not the chief engineer yet, he may be the head of a certain technical department of Xichuan Group or something.

Huang Keping presided over the meeting.

He said solemnly: "The supply of LM2500 gas turbines has been cut off. So far, we have only obtained 4 finished products and 1 prototype for training and experiments."

After speaking, the conference room fell into silence. Everyone knows that such a situation will have very serious consequences.

Almost everyone is not reconciled.

Finally someone said loudly: "Can we work harder, communicate with the Americans, and introduce even two gas turbines?"

Huang Keping smiled wryly, and the military leaders present had the same expression.

Smile bitterly, but also helpless!

"Judging from the current situation, it is already difficult for us to obtain new LM2500 gas turbines, and technology authorization and transfer are also impossible. Even the subsequent overhaul of LM2500 gas turbines, the US side is impossible to provide assistance."

Many people turned pale with shock, and their faces changed drastically!

In this case, the situation is very serious, far beyond many people's expectations.

The atmosphere in the meeting room became unprecedentedly oppressive. Many people felt resentful, many felt bitter in their hearts, and some felt depressed.

How did that happen?

How do you say that if you stop the confession, you will stop the confession?
What about the spirit of contract?
The terrible silence in the conference room made people feel a little uncomfortable. It was Huang Keping who broke the silence and said in a low tone.

"Comrades, we will not be intimidated by difficulties. With so many of us, we will definitely be able to come up with a solution. This is also the purpose of calling an emergency meeting. Let everyone talk about what we should do next and what countermeasures we will take .”

The originally quiet conference room gradually became buzzing with discussions, and many people talked and discussed in low voices with their heads turned sideways.

Not long after, an expert stood up and made a suggestion: "Everyone, in this case, we have to consider the construction plan of the 052 ship. The core engine of the gas turbine is derived from an aviation jet engine. The demand for spare parts during service Larger, in the case of the United States cutting off supply and refusing technical assistance and maintenance assistance, the 052 ship continues to use the LM2500 gas turbine, which is extremely risky."

Yes, the stakes are high!
Many people are aware of this, because we have no spare parts, what should we do if the LM2500 gas turbine fails during service and needs maintenance or repair?
For a guided missile destroyer, its service life is at least three, 40 years, or even longer. No one knows how to maintain the LM2500 gas turbine in the next few decades, because there are no spare parts.

As soon as the expert's words fell, there was a buzz of discussion in the meeting room again, and many people were exchanging opinions and expressing their own opinions.

Chen Shaohua looked bitter and disappointed.

People from Donghai Institute and Donghai Shipyard sat next to each other, and Chen Shaohua even sat next to Yang Fan, he sighed softly.

"Comrade Yang Fan, what should we do about our No. 2 ship? It has already started the construction of the berth. If it goes well, we are confident that it will be completed in about a year and launched smoothly."

Yang Fan smiled helplessly.

What about No. 2 ship?

Yang Fan knew that what he said didn't count, so he simply didn't answer Chen Shaohua.

In fact, Yang Fan certainly hopes that the No. 2 ship can be successfully built and successfully launched, so that it can serve in the navy in the future.

However, the Americans cut off the supply of LM2500 gas turbines, which makes it a certain risk, because there is no alternative gas turbine for the time being.

Western countries have similar replacement gas turbines, such as the UK, but they are not expected to be sold, and Western countries will soon introduce a ban on the export of arms and equipment to China. It is impossible to import replacement gas turbines from Western countries.

And what about Ukrainian gas turbines?

No, it can only be said to be a Soviet gas turbine. In 1990, the gas engine used by the 052 ship in the future had just been designed and finalized at this time. Many problems have not been completely resolved. If you want to use it to replace the LM2500 gas turbine, Probably have to wait a few years.Even if you want to use Soviet gas turbines, you can only be slightly worse and lag behind.

The buzzing discussion in the conference room lasted for a long time.

Huang Keping, who presided over the meeting, gave everyone enough time to discuss. When he felt that it was almost over, he stood up, raised his hand and pressed down, signaling everyone to be quiet first.

Gradually, the conference room returned to silence.

Everyone looked at Huang Keping.

In the eyes of everyone, Huang Keping said: "Everyone has discussed for so long just now, if you have any good suggestions and plans, you can put them forward for everyone's discussion."

Soon, an expert stood up and said loudly: "I have a plan, only install LM052 gas turbines on the first ship of 2500, a total of two will be installed on the ship, and the remaining two will not be installed on the ship, as a backup. Parts library, which can be disassembled to supply the lead ship when necessary."

Such a scheme?

Many people fell into contemplation, and different people had different opinions, some agreed and some opposed.

Gradually, the meeting room became heated.

Someone agreed: "I think this plan is feasible. At least it guarantees the continuation of our 052 ship project. At least there is one 052 ship. This project will not be aborted."

"This plan is more reasonable, and there is no problem with its operability. I agree with this plan."


Several experts spoke in favor of this plan.

But there were quite a few people who opposed it. Some people strongly opposed it. Chen Shaohua was one of the representatives. He couldn't help but stood up and said loudly.

"I oppose this plan!"

As soon as this voice sounded in the meeting room, the originally noisy meeting room fell silent, and everyone looked at him because they knew that this was the chief builder of the 052 ship.

Huang Keping obviously attached great importance to his speech, and said loudly: "Old Chen, why do you object, tell me your reasons."

Chen Shaohua immediately said loudly: "Although this plan seems reasonable, it also brings about a problem, that is, what should be installed on the No. 2 ship as the main engine?"


You are right!
The third and fourth gas turbines are not installed on the ship. After they are used as backup, what will the No. 2 ship use as the main engine?

Chen Shaohua introduced: "Our No. 2 ship adopts the general section construction method, and the construction progress is very smooth. It has entered the construction stage of the berth. The combat system, hull structure materials, and several sections used by the ship have all been manufactured. come out."

Is the No. 2 ship going to cancel the construction?

Sure enough, some people had such thoughts, and the expert who proposed to install only two gas turbines just now stood up.

He suggested: "We don't have gas turbines for the time being, I think we can consider canceling the construction of No. 2 ship."

Cancel the construction of No. 2 ship!
Many people's faces changed.

In the current situation, without gas turbines, it seems natural to cancel the construction of No. 2 ship, but many people can't accept it from the bottom of their hearts.

Especially the people from Donghai Shipyard.

As the top leader, Lu Guodong stood up and resolutely opposed: "I don't agree to cancel the construction of No. 2 ship. If it is really cancelled, it will undoubtedly be a huge waste. It means that the systems and equipment produced for No. 2 ship before , materials, etc. are all basically idle, and it also means that all the hard work of our thousands of employees in Donghai Shipyard is in vain."

Yes, the waste is too great!

Such a huge waste is really unbearable.

A leader of the Navy also stood up and spoke, "We also do not agree to stop the construction of the No. 2 ship. Our navy has a very urgent need for the second-generation guided missile destroyer, and the demand in the future will be large. We will only build one No. 1 ship." The second-generation guided missile destroyer simply cannot meet our needs."

If the military is opposed to stopping the construction of No. 2, it cannot be stopped.

Lu Guodong, Chen Shaohua and other people in Donghai Shipyard breathed a sigh of relief, and even Yang Fan felt relieved, because he didn't want the No. 2 ship to be stopped.

The meeting has been intense.

From [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m., no consensus was formed, and no effective plan was proposed, and everyone had great differences.

The next day, the meeting continued.

As soon as the morning meeting started, someone suggested that the No. 2 ship should be replaced with a domestic steam turbine power system.

However, as soon as this plan was put forward, it was immediately opposed by chief designer Pan Jinfu.

No. 2 ship could not be converted back to steam turbines.

Leaving aside the backwardness and inefficiency of the steam turbine, even the existing power cabin of the 052 ship cannot accommodate the huge body of the steam turbine.

The power compartment of the 052 ship is designed for gas turbines. The volume of the power compartment is only about two-thirds of that of the 051 ship, and it is impossible to accommodate the steam turbine system of the 051 ship.

The construction of the No. 2 ship cannot be stopped, and the steam turbine cannot be used, so what should I do?

Gradually, some experts proposed another plan.

The expert suggested: "Since the steam turbine system cannot be used, can our No. 2 ship consider switching to other types of gas turbine systems? As far as I know, the 052 ship has enlarged the power cabin at the beginning of the design. Although it cannot accommodate a steam turbine, it is relatively plentiful for other gas turbines."

Many people familiar with the situation of the 052 ship looked at Yang Fan who was sitting there in a low-key manner.

There are two updates today, the first one is here!

(End of this chapter)

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