Military Heavy

Chapter 245 Yang Fan's Suggestion

Chapter 245 Yang Fan's Suggestion

It was this amazing young man who overcame all opinions and increased the design of the 052 ship's power cabin.

At that time, it seemed that there was no need to waste the cabin capacity and increase the power cabin. Now, it seems that this design is so wise!
Many people recalled that it seemed that Yang Fan made the suggestion to introduce as many LM2500 gas turbines as possible, just in case the Americans cut off the supply.

Now, the Americans have really cut off their confession!
The situation has also fallen into such a passive state!
People who knew Yang Fan all looked over.Some felt strange, why so many people looked at a young man, they asked in a low voice, and after understanding the reason, they also looked at Yang Fan in admiration.

The vision is not ordinary long-term ah!
Of course, Huang Keping, who presided over the meeting, also noticed an abnormality. After understanding what was going on, he looked at Yang Fan and asked, "Xiao Yang, what's your opinion?"

From last night to now, the meeting has been going on for so long, Yang Fan basically just listens and rarely speaks, because he knows that there are so many great leaders and experts, and his position is too low.

Unexpectedly, Commander Huang personally called the roll call.

Yang Fan smiled and stood up calmly. In that case, let me share my opinion for your reference.

"Leaders and experts, my point of view is that the No. 2 ship will continue to be built normally, and the power system will still use diesel-fuel combined power. Our third and fourth LM2500 gas turbines will be used on the No. 2 ship."

Many people were shocked for a while.

He has such a clear point of view, and he expresses his point of view as soon as he opens his mouth, without beating around the bush.

After many people were stunned, an old expert reminded: "Comrade, the current situation is that we only have a total of four LM2500 gas turbines, and it is impossible to obtain such gas turbines in the future, and the LM2500 gas turbines have an overhaul period. Yes, after [-] hours of work, it must be overhauled, and once overhauled, it means that many parts need to be replaced.”

[-] hours may seem like a long time, but in fact, it is a few years at least, and a major repair is required in eight or ten years at most. The key is that there are no parts that can be used for replacement.

A warship, its service life is far more than eight or ten years, but can be as long as three, 40 years, or even longer.

Yang Fan nodded at the old expert, "I know this, but if the two LM2500 gas turbines are not used on the No. 2 ship, once the construction of the No. 2 ship is stopped, the waste will be too great, and we cannot afford it." waste."

"We don't have spare parts, but the gas turbine can at least be used for a period of overhaul, and there is no need to consider overhaul for at least a few years in the future. After these few years, no one can say what the future situation will be. "

Huang Keping asked: "Xiao Yang, your suggestion is to take a step forward, take a step forward, and wait for a few years to talk about everything, right?"

Yang Fan nodded and said: "It can be understood in this way, but it is not completely like this. With the buffer period of these few years, we can think of a series of other methods, such as the localization of gas turbines, such as importing replacement gas turbines from abroad, etc. There are several There is one way to go, we will not sit idly by."

It makes sense.

Many people nodded in agreement.

It can be seen that there are some people who disagree and want to refute, but Yang Fan did not give them a chance, and continued: "If you introduce alternative gas from abroad, I think you can give it a try."

Before the lecture was finished, it was finally interrupted. An expert said: "Introducing replacement gas turbines from abroad is easy to say, but it is easier said than done. Under the current situation, it is impossible to import gas turbines from countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States."

Yang Fan was not angry when he was interrupted. He showed a very high level of self-cultivation, and smiled without minding at all, and continued: "It is impossible to import gas turbines from countries such as Britain and the United States. We can consider introducing alternative gas turbines from the Soviet Union. .”

"As far as I know, our military trade cooperation with the Soviet Union has already started last year, and we are negotiating negotiations on the third generation of high-performance fighter jets. Let me add one more thing, importing the gas turbines we need for our 052 ship from them. I think it is still feasible. There should be room to maneuver."

Import gas turbines from the USSR!
Judging from the current situation, this seems to be possible.

Many people fell into deep thought, and even the leaders of the military were thoughtful, considering Yang Fan's suggestion.

Of course, there are still many people who hold different opinions.

What followed was another fierce dispute. The meeting lasted for a whole day, and from morning to evening, the opinions were basically unified.

It is basically consistent with Yang Fan's suggestion.

Adhering to the principle of the minority obeying the majority, Commander-in-Chief Huang exchanged views with several military leaders and officially announced:
No. 2 ship is still under normal construction, and strives to be completed and launched as soon as possible. Its power system remains the same as that of the first ship, without any changes. It still uses diesel-fuel combined power, and the third and fourth gas turbines are used for No. 2 ship.

In the long run, we still try to introduce replacement gas turbines from the Soviet Union. In the near future, we will start negotiations with the Soviet Union on the introduction of gas turbines.

The meeting has been going on for so long, and finally came to an end temporarily.

When the meeting ended, Chen Shaohua gave Yang Fan a thumbs up.

At this moment, Chen Shaohua's heart is extremely relaxed, because the No. 2 ship does not have to worry about being suspended, but must be completed and launched as soon as possible.

In addition to being grateful to Yang Fan and disagreeing with the cessation of the construction of the No. 2 ship, he also admired Yang Fan, because the final resolution of the conference basically coincided with Yang Fan's proposal.

This is awesome!
No wonder Chen Shaohua gave Yang Fan a thumbs up, walked out of the conference room, raised his hand to check the time, and warmly invited him: "Come on, let's go out to eat, chat and have a drink or two."

There is dinner in the cafeteria, but there is no way to go outside to eat comfortably in the cafeteria, Yang Fan readily agreed: "Okay, it will cost Mr. Chen again."

Chen Shaohua is in a good mood now, and he laughed happily, "I am willing to pay such a fee. Let's go. I know a good restaurant. Let's go there."

The gas turbine supply cutoff has come to an end for the time being, but it is not known when a replacement gas turbine will be introduced from the Soviet Union.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, if the introduction is successful, will the first batch of imported be the AM-50 gas turbine or the DA-50 gas turbine.

Yang Fan is very familiar with the introduction of gas turbines. Historically, we first negotiated with the Soviet Union on the introduction of AM-50 gas turbines, which were later changed to DA-50, and finally the more powerful and advanced DA-80. gas turbine.

Tomorrow morning train.

Because it is not in a hurry to go back, there is no need to take the extravagant flight, the train sleeper is fine.After drinking with Chen Shaohua and returning to the room where he stayed, he couldn't sleep for a while, and Yang Fan inevitably thought about the gas turbine.

The LM2500 gas turbines are all used on the 052 ship, and there are no spare gas turbines. Although their overhaul period is [-] hours, they generally do not fail under normal circumstances, and their reliability is relatively high.

But what if something goes wrong?
Yang Fan's heart tightened, and he felt that it was necessary to think carefully, and this situation must not happen. If there is a small fault in the gas turbine during service, and certain parts need to be replaced, and there are no parts to replace, then It's a tragedy.

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Fan prepared to write a written proposal and hand it over to Commander Huang Keping before leaving tomorrow.

After making such a decision, Yang Fan took out the letterhead and pen, sat in front of the table and began to write.The main content is to suggest that the headquarters should contact a powerful domestic aero engine company, or a professional gas turbine company.

Carry out mapping, research and imitation of some of the parts on the LM2500 gas turbine that are not very complicated and are most likely to be replaced frequently.

In this way, the LM2500 gas turbine has a batch of spare parts, and there are parts that can be replaced in case of a minor failure in the future.

This is what has been done in history, surveying and imitating a large number of parts, and finally solved the problem of replacing parts for the overhaul of the LM2500 gas turbine.

After writing this suggestion, Yang Fan looked it over carefully again, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he folded it and put it in a file bag.

The next day.

After breakfast, everyone was going to leave the military guest house where they stayed at 09:30, and there was still more than an hour to go.

Yang Fan went back to the room to tidy up all the things, and then left the guest house with the proposal written last night, and soon walked into the command building of the 052 ship.

Walking to the door of Commander Huang's office, he raised his hand and knocked on the door. A familiar voice came from inside, "Please come in."

Yang Fan gently pushed the door open and walked in.

Seeing that it was Yang Fan who came in, Huang Keping was obviously very surprised. He thought it was someone from a certain department under the general headquarters.

"Xiao Yang, you are here, sit down quickly."

Huang Keping was very enthusiastic, got up to greet him, and prepared to make tea for Yang Fan himself.Yang Fan hurriedly said: "Commander Huang, no need, I'm leaving right now, and I'm going back to Donghai City by train this morning."

Seeing this, Huang Keping stopped making tea, sat down, and asked with concern: "Xiao Yang, come to my place before leaving, there must be something."

Yang Fan nodded, put the suggestion in a file bag gently on the desk, and then said: "After the meeting yesterday, I thought about it again. I wrote a suggestion here. If Commander Huang It’s the best if you can take the time to have a look and adopt it.”

After finishing speaking, Yang Fan turned around and said, "I won't disturb your work, goodbye."

Huang Keping got up, watched Yang Fan leave the office, then sat down again, picked up the file bag and opened it, took out the letter inside, and looked at it seriously.

It will be over in a while.

After reading it, he nodded in satisfaction and almost clapped his hands in applause: "This suggestion is not bad. This Xiao Yang really thinks long-term and is really thoughtful."


There are two updates today, and the second update will be delivered.

Frozen shoulder got worse again, and I barely wrote [-] words, which was really uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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