Military Heavy

Chapter 248 Lest You Regret

Chapter 248 Lest You Regret
Such a great opportunity!

Such luck!
Someone came to the door, and they came to the door many times, asking their father-in-law to buy their house, tsk tsk.
Yang Fan felt an uncontrollable surprise in his heart.

So, with a happy face, he said, "Dad, this is a good thing!"

Jiang Dahai asked cautiously: "So, you agree to buy Lao Zhang's house."

"Of course." Yang Fan replied without hesitation: "After buying it, our house will be connected into a piece, and this whole piece belongs to us."

The current situation is that the old Zhang's house is in the middle, Yang Fan's old house is on the right, and Jiang Dahai's family is on the left.In other words, the old Zhang's house is sandwiched between Yang Fan's old house and Jiang Dahai's.

If you buy it, it will become a large piece at once.

Jiang Yan also almost raised his hands in agreement: "Dad, I also agree to buy it. In this way, our place will be bigger and it will be very convenient to do everything."

Seeing that his daughter and son-in-law agreed, Jiang Dahai also felt relieved, and he had confidence in his heart. The only thing he was worried about was the price, which was too expensive.

He said slowly: "Since you all agree, let me have a good talk with Lao Zhang, alas, the price is a bit expensive, Lao Zhang asked for [-] yuan, this, this, this is really too expensive .”

In 1990, [-]-yuan households were absolutely remarkable.

At present, the monthly salary of an ordinary worker is only 200 to 100 yuan. This is still an iron rice bowl. Those who work regularly every month are far behind. The monthly income is not fixed. It may only be a few dozen yuan. More than [-] pieces.

5000 yuan!

too expensive!
It's too expensive!

That's why Lao Zhang went to Jiang Dahai several times.Because it is impossible for an average family to come up with 5000 yuan.

But the situation of Jiang Dahai's family is different. Lao Zhang knows that he has a good son-in-law, and his son-in-law is rich!
Nowadays, the information is not developed, there is no Internet, and there are no real estate agencies. People usually look for acquaintances when buying and selling houses, and sell them if they can sell them.

Unlike Jiang Dahai, Yang Fan smiled when he heard the price, and felt very happy, it was only [-] yuan.

That is equivalent to the income of an ordinary worker for ten years. In another 20 years, in Donghai City where every inch of land is expensive, such a good location, with an area of ​​50 to 100 square meters, even if it is an old house, let alone ten years old. The annual salary is [-] years, [-] years salary.

That is also delusional!
At that time, it was definitely a sky-high price!
Unbelievable price!
Yang Fan said: "Dad, if you meet Uncle Zhang again, you can talk to him again, and buy it if you can, and I will pay for it."


Jiang Dahai nodded and agreed, but he was still a little worried about the price, 5000 yuan, such a dilapidated house, was really too expensive.

At noon, the family is ready to eat.

The food was very rich, including fish, meat, and local chicken. Jiang Haihai specially opened a bottle of wine, ready to drink two glasses.

Jiang Dan also came back with Yang Hao.

It's just that when it was unexpected, there were tears on Yang Hao's face, probably because he had just cried.Seeing his baby nephew like this, Jiang Dahai felt very distressed, and asked Jiang Dan with a sullen face.

"What's the matter, Haohao was very happy when he went out, why did he come back crying."

Jiang Dan raised his mouth, "Hmph, it's all because he doesn't listen to me. It's also my first time being an aunt, so why let him go."

Immediately, Yang Fan laughed.

My sister-in-law is so big, she still looks like a child.

Jiang Dahai quit, and tapped Jiang Dan lightly with his chopsticks, "You are almost twenty, and you are still competing with such a young child."

Jiang Yan hugged Yang Hao, wiped his tears, and said: "Dad, forget it, it's okay for a child to cry."

Jiang Dan smiled immediately, "Sister, you are still good to me. Look at our father, he is too fierce. He only has Haohao in his eyes, not my precious daughter."

In this way, everyone laughed.

The atmosphere lightened.

Yang Fan said loudly: "It's okay, it's okay, come, let's have dinner as a family."

Everyone sat down around the table and ate lunch happily. Yang Fan accompanied his father-in-law to drink a little wine, which made Jiang Dahai very happy, and accidentally drank too much.

Jiang Yan gave her husband a coquettish look, which seemed to say, "You made Dad drink too much again, and you're fine."

Yang Fan smiled honestly.

As he grows older, Yang Fan's drinking capacity seems to have increased a lot. He used to be able to drink, but now he can drink half a catty casually.

After the meal, Jiang Dahai couldn't hold back his drunkenness and went back to his bedroom to sleep. After a while, there was the sound of snoring in the bedroom.

Li Xiuzhen was busy cleaning up the dishes on the table, and was busy in the kitchen again, while Jiang Dan happily took Yang Hao out again, saying that he was going to buy sour plum powder.

Such a girl is also a little greedy cat.

Yang Fan waved and said, "Honey, let's go for a walk and take a look at Uncle Zhang's house."

"Okay." Jiang Yan agreed happily.

Both of them are very familiar with Uncle Zhang's house next door, but now that they have the idea of ​​buying it, the house looks completely different.

After looking back and forth, Yang Fan was very satisfied.

Of course, the house is very dilapidated, just a low one-story tile-roofed house, but the place is huge. A dilapidated fence is used to enclose a yard behind the dilapidated house. If the house is included, the total area should be [-] to [-] square meters. .

What a place!
Very satisfied!

It's just that Yang Fan couldn't bear it a little bit, the value of this place would increase greatly, and it would be too much of a loss to sell it now, and he took a huge advantage.

Is this cheap, or not?
While thinking about this, Jiang Yan gently tugged at Yang Fan, "Brother Fan, look, it should be Uncle Zhang and his family over there."

Yang Fan looked over, it was them.

You should get off at the nearby bus stop, and you are walking this way. The one walking in front is Uncle Zhang, followed by his wife and son.

Such a coincidence!
They actually came today.

In fact, it was not a coincidence. Today was originally Sunday. Uncle Zhang's family had time, and they were in a hurry to sell the house, planning to talk to Jiang Dahai again about this matter.

Zhang Ruliang had already seen Yang Fan and Jiang Yan, walked over quickly, and greeted him from a long distance away: "Jiang Yan, where is your father, is he at home?"

We are all neighbors and have a good relationship. Jiang Yan replied enthusiastically: "Uncle Zhang, he drank a little wine at noon and is fast asleep."

Yang Fan has guessed the opponent's purpose.

Zhang Ruliang's family hadn't lived in this old house for many years, and it was dilapidated and leaking everywhere. They came back suddenly today probably because they wanted to talk about the sale of this house.

So, Yang Fan said loudly: "Uncle Zhang, you want to talk about house sales, right? It's the same with us."

Hearing this, Zhang Ruliang was overjoyed, and knew in his heart that Yang Fan could make the decision.The reason why he approached Jiang Dahai many times to sell the house was not because he knew that Jiang Dahai's son-in-law was rich.

"Okay then, let me show you the house first."

After speaking, he took out the key and opened the door, inviting Yang Fan and Jiang Yan to go in and have a look.

I have already planned to buy this house, and I can take a closer look. Anyway, I have plenty of time, so I took a look inside the house, and then went to the small yard at the back.

The house is indeed dilapidated, but the location is good, and there is a yard of two to three hundred square meters behind it. Although it is basically deserted, the area is there.

In a few years, this place will definitely develop, and high-rise buildings will rise around it, and it will become the absolute central city of Donghai City.

Nice place!

Very worth it!
After reading it, Yang Fan was completely satisfied. Others may think the price is a bit expensive, but Yang Fan thinks it is the price of cabbage, which is a great thing.

It may be that the house is relatively old and the neighbors are neighbors. Zhang Ruliang said a little embarrassedly: "The price is indeed a bit high. If you think it is expensive, we can discuss it again. It is still possible to save a few hundred yuan."

Yang Fan waved his hand and said curiously: "5000 yuan, no problem!"

Zhang Ruliang's family was stunned, especially his young son, who asked in disbelief, "Yang Fan, don't you want to pay back the price?"

Yang Fan smiled, "It's all from neighbors, so I won't counter-offer, 5000 yuan, I can pay you in cash, but..."

What do you think Yang Fan wants?

Zhang Ruliang said: "Tell me, we can consider any conditions."

Who knows, Yang Fan reminded: "Uncle Zhang, we are old neighbors for many years, to be honest, I bought your house, I actually took advantage of it."

Take advantage?

Zhang Ruliang couldn't figure it out.

5000 yuan, such a dilapidated house, is already a high price, what can I take advantage of.

Yang Fan is very authentic and feels that there are some things that need to be reminded in advance, so he said seriously: "According to my speculation, in a few years, there will be a major urbanization construction here, the value of this area will increase, and your house will become more and more valuable. , you sold it to me for [-] now, which is actually a loss."

"We are not in a hurry to pay the money and sign the agreement. Your family should go back and discuss it first. If you really want to sell it to me, how about we stay here next weekend, pay the money with one hand and sign the sale agreement with the other?"

That's what happened.

Zhang Ruliang said: "It's okay, if the house is really valuable in the future, it will be your luck, and we will not regret it."

It was Zhang Ruliang's son, who hesitated a little, and agreed, "That's fine, then we'll talk about it next week."


Yang Fan agreed that it would be better to give the other party a cooling-off period for this kind of transaction that will increase in value in the future. In case after a few years, the value of this place has risen sharply, lest they regret it and come to quarrel again.

If after a week of calm consideration, the house is indeed still to be sold, Yang Fan would not mind buying it.

Anyway, people have to sell it, and selling it to others is better than making it cheaper for yourself.

a week later.

Today is Sunday again, early in the morning, Yang Fan drove his wife and children out, and was about to go to his father-in-law's house again, and made an appointment to discuss the house sale with Zhang Ruliang's family.

Sitting in the car, Jiang Yan said worriedly, "Brother Fan, will Uncle Zhang sell the house to us?"

Today is the third update, and the third update will be sent, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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