Military Heavy

Chapter 249 Don't You Really Repay 1 Lower Price?

Chapter 249

Yang Fan pondered for a while.

He was not sure about this either.Slowly said: "It's best to sell it to us. The place will definitely appreciate in value. If you don't sell it to us, then there is no regret. Our own area is actually not too small."

In the past few days, Yang Fan has been thinking that if Zhang Ruliang's family sells the house to him, then his old house and his father-in-law's house will form a large area, and he can consider the matter of future large-scale construction.

It is to demolish all the old houses, re-plan it, build a wall, build a gate, and build two large villas inside, and plant big trees and some flowers and plants in the rest of the place, and make it into a manor. It will definitely be very comfortable to live in. comfortable.

In the urban area of ​​Donghai City, there is such a place. After a few years, it must be a place that many people are very envious of.

Soon after, the car arrived at its destination.

When the family met, the first topic of conversation was naturally Zhang Ruliang's house, which Jiang Dahai felt was a bit expensive.

"I took a closer look these few days. Their house is too dilapidated to live in. Such a house costs 5000 yuan, which is too expensive. I will talk to Lao Zhang later. Let’s talk about it and bring the price down.”

The house is really run down.

Decades of tile-roofed houses, coupled with the fact that they have not lived in their home for several years, are leaking from wind and rain. This kind of house can only be demolished and rebuilt.

What Yang Fan was interested in was not this dilapidated old house, but this place of their home. The key was the land, which was four to five hundred square meters.

With a relaxed smile, Yang Fan said: "Dad, I will talk to Old Uncle Zhang later, and I will also pay for the house. The total is 5000 yuan. We have already prepared the money and brought it here. "

Even the money was prepared early.

Jiang Yan patted her bag lightly, "Dad, we can do everything."

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Dahai nodded, but he still did not forget to tell him, "It's okay, but you must bargain and buy it as cheap as possible."

After a while, Zhang Ruliang's family also arrived.

When the two sides met, they immediately talked about the house, sat down in Jiang Dahai's house, and Yang Fan asked, "Uncle Zhang, how are you thinking?"

Obviously, their family has already discussed it.

Zhang Ruliang made the decision: "We have already made up our minds, and we should sell this house. We have taken a fancy to a house with three bedrooms and one living room. We will pay a little more money to buy that house. It is a new house. It must be comfortable to live in.”

Hearing this, Yang Fan felt relieved.

Now that you have decided to sell the house, let's have a good talk.

Yang Fan said seriously: "This time we adhere to the principle of voluntariness. After the transaction, no one can go back. Sign an agreement later, and both parties will sign and press their fingerprints."

Zhang Ruliang nodded and said, "No problem."

His son and his wife also agreed with this and nodded.

Especially his wife said: "But the price must not be less, a total of 5000 yuan."

At first, I thought Yang Fan would bargain, but to everyone's surprise, he didn't mean to bargain at all, and said straightforwardly: "No problem, we can pay in cash now."

So refreshing!

Can I pay cash right away? ? ?
Zhang Ruliang was stunned for a while, and after recovering, he asked tentatively: "You won't pay back the price a little bit, and don't let us make it cheaper."

Yang Fan smiled happily, "No, no counter-offering, just [-]."

Zhang Ruliang was obviously not used to it. Looking at Yang Fan, he probably wanted to say, you should pay back the price, but he couldn't say it.

Yang Fan didn't make a counter-offer, opened the bag, and took out a large stack of hundred-yuan bills from it. The brand-new bills were picked up at the bank two days ago.

Now that the [-]-yuan banknotes have begun to circulate, the largest denomination is no longer the [-]-yuan "Great Unity".This hundred-yuan bill is blue and black, with images of Mao, Zhou, Liu, and Zhu on the front.

A total of fifteen thousand!

Brand new hundred dollar bills!
There are two bundles in total, one hundred sheets per bundle, exactly 1 yuan.Another bundle of fifty sheets, which is 5000 yuan, has already been counted.

Yang Fan took out the money and handed it to Zhang Ruliang, "Uncle Zhang, count a little to see if the amount is correct."

Zhang Ruliang was a little excited.

In his entire life, he had never seen so much money!

This unreal feeling made his heart beat faster and his breathing a little short.

With slightly trembling hands, he began to count slowly. After counting several times, he said in a trembling voice: "That's right, a total of 5000 yuan."

Yang Fan smiled, took out the agreement and ink pads that he had prepared a long time ago and put them on the table, "Uncle Zhang, please take a look at this agreement again, if there is no problem, we will sign it."

This agreement was prepared by Yang Fan a long time ago, and he drafted it himself, and printed it out with the printer in the office. He has carefully read it several times, so there should be no problem.

"Okay, okay." Zhang Ruliang's heart still hasn't calmed down.

He took the agreement and read it carefully, and then showed it to his son and wife. The family discussed in a low voice and confirmed that there was no problem.

Zhang Ruliang said: "No problem, let's sign now."

Yang Fan happily picked up the pen, first signed his name, and then pressed his fingerprints, in duplicate, and Zhang Ruliang also signed and pressed his fingerprints.

"Uncle Zhang, thank you."

After putting away his own agreement, Yang Fan happily shook hands with Zhang Ruliang, and said warmly, "Let's go after lunch today."

How do you know, Zhang Ruliang said: "We don't have lunch anymore, we have to go back, first go and save the money."

5000 yuan!
While he was excited, he was also happy in his heart. He didn't expect such a dilapidated house to be sold for so much money, it was like a dream.

He doesn't have the concept of "appreciation", not only him, but many people probably don't. They don't think that the real value is not the house, but the location, its hundreds of square meters of land.

After sending Zhang Ruliang away, Jiang Dahai still complained a bit, "Oh, 5000 yuan, I have to work for at least eight or ten years to earn this much money."

Faced with his father-in-law's complaints, Yang Fan was not angry at all, and looked very happy, "Dad, 5000 yuan is not expensive at all. In 20 years, it will definitely increase by more than a hundred times!"

What, a hundredfold increase!
Jiang Dahai said in surprise, "Can it really rise so much?"

Yang Fan nodded affirmatively and said: "Maybe it's more than that, don't worry, we won't lose any money, we've caught a big leak today, and we've made a lot of money."

Seeing this, Jiang Dahai no longer bothered about the 5000 yuan, and he became happy, and even thought longingly, if it really rises so much in the future, it would be great.

Yang Fan looked at the time, it was already past eleven o'clock at noon, saw his mother-in-law ready to wash rice and cook, waved and said: "Today we won't eat at home, go to Liu Ji Restaurant to have a good meal."

Liu Ji Restaurant is not far away, and the environment is not bad. Everyone knows that this private restaurant has been opened for less than a year.

Li Xiuzhen said a little worried: "I heard that it's more expensive there, at least tens of dollars for a meal, let's eat at home."

Jiang Yan persuaded with a smile: "Mom, it's okay, we don't need this little money."

Not only did she already know that Yang Fan was the real behind-the-scenes boss of Hongtai Supermarket, she also knew that she had a large amount of stocks in the United States, so she was not short of money at all.

Jiang Dan raised his hands in agreement: "Go to Liu Ji, I want to eat their beggar's chicken, and their seafood is also good."

Jiang Yan smiled, "Okay, but I will leave the task of leading Haohao to you today."

"No problem." Jiang Dan agreed immediately, as long as there is delicious food, not to mention Haohao who takes it for a day, even for a week, she is willing, a typical snack.

"Come on, Haohao, Auntie hugs you."

Seeing that everyone was so happy, Jiang Hai said: "Okay, then our whole family will go to Liuji Restaurant and have a good meal. It is a celebration of successfully buying the old Zhang's house."

After finishing speaking, he reminded loudly: "Honey, bring my bottle of wine that I haven't finished, I want to have a good drink today."

Yang Fan said: "Dad, don't take your bottle of Erguotou with you. I heard that Liu Ji's best wine is Moutai. I'll order a bottle for you later."


Such a good wine, I like it!

Jiang Dahai grinned happily, "Okay, then it's settled, I must drink Moutai later."

The family went out happily, got into Yang Fan's big off-road vehicle, and arrived at the gate of Liu Ji Restaurant not long after.

Xichuan Aero Engine Group.

This LM2500 gas turbine prototype had arrived a few days ago, and the technicians from the Gas Turbine Branch were instructing the workers to disassemble it.

While carefully dismantling the parts above, I kept taking pictures.

Why take pictures?
Two reasons, one is to record the entire process of disassembly.The second is to record the state of the parts, especially the assembly relationship between the parts, the basic structure, etc., to provide technical information for the future.

In the past two days, Liu Hui has been personally checking the disassembly of this prototype. Seeing the parts being dismantled smoothly and neatly placed beside him, he gradually relaxed in his heart.

Some parts have been sent to the cleaning room and will be cleaned carefully. After cleaning, they will be surveyed and mapped to measure their dimensions and draw design drawings.

According to the design drawings drawn from these surveys, some parts will be imitated in the future to provide replaceable parts for the official LM2500 gas turbine.

At present, more than half of the disassembly of this prototype has been completed, and someone said in surprise: "The turbine blades have come out, everyone, come and take a look."

A large plate of turbine blades, together with the turbine disk, was slowly hoisted out by a crane, and finally placed on a table not far away.

Liu Hui walked over
There are two updates today, the first one is here!

(End of this chapter)

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