Military Heavy

Chapter 250 Ambition for Turbine Blades

Chapter 250 Ambition for Turbine Blades
The same goes for the others, who gathered around one after another, centered on Liu Hui, looking at the turbine blades with a little excitement.

Turbine blades!
In the entire gas turbine, they can be regarded as the real key and important parts. Of course, the technical difficulty of manufacturing them is also very high.

Liu Hui stretched out his hand, ignoring the dirt, and touched it as if touching a peerless treasure. After touching it fondly, he ordered loudly, "Arrange disassembly immediately, and clean it as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away."

Next to it is the director of the general assembly workshop of the gas turbine branch. Their workshop is responsible for dismantling, cleaning, and storage of the LM2500 gas turbine.

Under the arrangement of the workshop director, two experienced fitters came immediately and began to disassemble the turbine blades with hammers and copper rods.

First, one end of the copper rod is pressed against the locking piece of the turbine blade, and then the other end of the copper rod is hit with a hammer, and the locking piece is quickly knocked open.

The first cleat, the second cleat.
Everything went very smoothly, the locking pieces of the entire set of blades were knocked off, and then, the first turbine blade was removed under everyone's eyes.

"The first blade!"

"I didn't even vent my breath just now, I was afraid that something might go wrong!"


Seeing that the first turbine blade was removed from the turbine disk, the originally quiet scene immediately boiled, and almost everyone seemed very excited.

"Show me."

Completely ignoring all the dirt on the leaf, Liu Hui took the leaf, looked at it carefully, and nodded slightly.

Although the Americans stopped supplying our LM2500 gas turbines, Liu Hui was very dissatisfied with them, but I have to say that their technology is much ahead of ours, as can be seen from this turbine blade.It is relatively dirty, but it can still be seen that the craftsmanship is exquisite, representing a very high industrial level.

"After all the blades are disassembled, arrange for cleaning immediately, and the relevant technical personnel will immediately intervene to carry out the surveying and mapping of the turbine blades, and get the design drawings out as soon as possible."

There are several designers looking at each other in blank dismay!

One person tentatively asked: "Mr. Liu, you don't want to survey and map, and imitate the turbine blades of the LM2500 gas turbine!"

If so, that's pretty scary!

We are all engaged in technology and fully aware of the enormous difficulty involved. It does not mean that you can imitate the real blade, which involves many complicated technical issues such as materials and craftsmanship.

As far as materials are concerned, it is estimated that there is no such high-temperature alloy material in China. There is no material, and a woolen yarn is imitated. Could it be that he wants to replace it with other high-temperature composite materials.

Replacement is absolutely impossible, the material grade is wrong, there is a matching problem, and then there is a service life problem, and a series of various problems.

Knowing the difficulty, the technician asked this question.

Liu Hui nodded and admitted: "I really want to imitate the turbine blades, and I know that the technology is extremely difficult. No matter what, let's map out the drawings first, and then figure out a way step by step."

It turned out that I really wanted to map and imitate turbine blades.

Many people looked at Liu Hui in admiration, thinking in their hearts, Mr. Liu is really courageous, dare to think and do it!
Gradually, these designers are also full of enthusiasm.

Okay, let's try it first!
It would be a very exciting thing to be able to imitate turbine blades.

The LM2500 gas turbine has a service life, and it needs to be overhauled every [-] hours of operation. Every overhaul means that many parts need to be replaced.

Some of these replaced parts are replaced due to quality problems after long-term use, such as wear, ablation and other defects.

A large part of the parts has only one overhaul life cycle. Every time overhaul, it must be replaced. These parts are required to be replaced.

Turbine blades are parts that have a service life. When the service life is over, they must be replaced even if there is no quality problem. Also, if there is a problem with the blade during the overhaul, even if the service life has not yet expired, it must be replaced.

This means that a large number of turbine blades must be prepared for spares, but let's not talk about important and critical parts such as turbine blades, even other simple parts are not available.

The Americans not only cut off the supply, but also did not provide spare parts, and did not care about the later maintenance, which stuck our necks to death.

Liu Hui wanted to give it a try.

What if it works?

If the turbine blades can be successfully imitated, it will solve a big problem. In the future, there is no need to worry about the gas turbine having no blades to replace during overhaul.

Even though the technique is very difficult, Liu Hui wants to give it a try.

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Yang Fan is teaching everyone again, mainly explaining the modular design and universal design of the missile vertical launch system to the people in the weapon system design room.

According to Yang Fan's design idea, every 8 vertical launch tubes is a module, which can be combined according to the needs on the warship, which can be 6X8 or 8X8.

In terms of versatility, a variety of missiles can be launched, not only the existing missiles, but also new types of missiles newly developed in the future can also be launched through the missile vertical launch system.

Dozens of people were fascinated by it!
Even Zhou Ping, Director of the Weapon System Design Office, was no exception. He thought in admiration, Comrade Yang Fan deserves to speak so wonderfully.

On the blackboard in front, there are not only simple drawings and designs, but also a lot of text, which is full of pictures and texts. Yang Fan has been talking for nearly two hours.

"Okay, that's all for today's class. I hope it will be helpful for everyone's future design work. Now is the question time. If you have any questions, you can ask me now."

Immediately one of the designers stood up and asked a question.

Everyone is very familiar with Yang Fan, and knows that Mr. Yang has no airs. No matter what design matters, as long as you ask, Mr. Yang will answer and he is very patient.

This question takes about half an hour.

Raising his hand to check the time, he felt that it was almost time. Yang Fan said loudly, "That's all for today. We will have such classes from time to time in the future. Director Zhou Ping will be in charge of notifying you."

There was warm applause.

In this way, everyone thanked Yang Fan for bringing such a wonderful lecture, waved to everyone, and walked out of the training room quickly.

After entering his office, he sat down and took a sip of tea, took a short rest, and then began to review the design drawings sent over.

With the gradual development and deepening of the design of the missile vertical launch system, it has entered the stage of comprehensive and detailed design, and more and more design drawings have been completed.

After reading the dozens of design drawings sent over, Yang Fan smiled happily. It was already lunch time, and he was going to eat at Wangjiang Tower today.

At this time, Yang Fang should have booked a box and waited for Yang Fan to go there. She just came back from Shenhai City yesterday and had something very important to discuss with Yang Fan.

After tidying up his desk, Yang Fan left his office.

In front of the office building, I got into my big off-road vehicle, drove out of Donghai Office, and headed to Wangjianglou Restaurant, which was a little far away, and I drove for [-] minutes.

At the entrance of the restaurant, there was a Mercedes-Benz car parked, and Yang Fan knew without even looking at the license plate that it was his sister's new car.

Hongtai Supermarket has grown bigger and bigger. There are more than a dozen large supermarkets in Donghai City alone, and with Donghai City as the center, many surrounding cities have also opened branches. The number of these branches has exceeded the sum of the supermarkets in Donghai City. Twenty or so.

The development in Shenhai City is very fast, and there are nearly ten supermarkets at present. Yang Fang is already thinking about developing into surrounding cities with Shenhai City as the center.

With the deepening of reform and opening up, the policy has become more and more loose, especially in Shenhai City, the window city of reform, where the development of Hongtai Supermarket has become more and more smooth and has been completely on the right track.

Now, Yang Fang's vision is higher, and the threshold for opening a supermarket is much higher. The location is not very ideal, and if the store area is not large enough, she will not easily open a store.

Each of the newly opened sections is a large-scale supermarket with a good location.

In addition to opening a supermarket, Yang Fang has a new idea. No, after returning from Shenhai City, she wants to discuss it with Yang Fan.

After parking the car, Yang Fan looked at his sister's new car, smiled with satisfaction, and walked into Wangjianglou restaurant.

The second is sent.

I'm very sorry, frozen shoulder seems to be getting more and more serious, I can only write so much, please rest assured, as long as it is a little bit, I will try my best to update and strive for more code words.

(End of this chapter)

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