Military Heavy

Chapter 251 Yang Fang Wants to Engage in Real Estate

Chapter 251 Yang Fang Wants to Engage in Real Estate

Gently pushing open the door of the box, Yang Fan saw his elder sister, besides, there was a young woman with short hair and a professional suit, about 25 or [-] years old.

She is Yang Fang's secretary and assistant. Yang Fan knows her and has met her two or three times.

"Brother, we'll be here soon."

Yang Fang was very happy, she got up quickly and motioned Yang Fan to sit beside her.

The assistant also got up enthusiastically, and greeted proactively, "Mr. Yang, hello." While talking, he pulled out the chair and made room for Yang Fan to sit.

Smiling at her, nodding his head, and sitting down, Yang Fan thought in his heart, my sister has really changed more and more, not only her clothes and dress are becoming more and more fashionable, but she also acts more and more like a boss. Compared with the previous image of rural women, it is a world of difference.

"Brother, I've already ordered the main dishes. We can add more to what you like later."

After finishing speaking, he gave a little signal, and the young assistant understood, and immediately went to urge the dishes to be served. Soon, all kinds of dishes were brought up like flowing water, very rich.

Yang Fan quickly said: "There are so many, we can't finish them."

When the siblings met, they were very happy and chatted while eating.

Yang Fang talked about the current situation of Hongtai Supermarket, especially the development situation in Shenhai City. There was a lot of pride in her words.

In her opinion, the development of Hongtai Supermarket is very good, which makes her very satisfied, and also has a strong sense of accomplishment, especially after entering Shenhai City, where the development is like a fish in water.

"Sister, it seems that it is a very wise choice to see the development of Shenhai City. We made the right move in this move."

Yang Fang nodded in agreement, "Yes, we have taken a very correct and crucial step, and the development of Hongtai Supermarket is getting faster and faster."

After chatting for a while, Yang Fang said: "Brother, if you have time, you should go to Shenhai City for a walk. It is indeed a window city for reform and opening up. There are business opportunities everywhere."

After rebirth, Yang Fan has never been to Shenhai City, but it does not hinder his recognition of this city. It is indeed a big city with rapid development and opportunities everywhere.

Yang Fang said: "You may not know that the housing prices in many places in Shenhai City have reached more than 1000 yuan per square meter, which is unbelievable!"

In 1990, more than 1000 yuan per level was indeed a high price!
It is also a big city, and Donghai City rarely exceeds this price, but the window cities of reform and opening up are different, with a large influx of foreign population, and housing prices are gradually rising.

In a few years, it will not be this price, it may cost two or three thousand, or four or five thousand.Yang Fan clearly remembers that in the 21st century, the housing prices in Shenhai City are generally above 10,000, and in some places even [-]+, which is terrifying!
Feeling deeply about the housing prices in Shenhai City, Yang Fang said again: "In Shenhai City, there are not only many state-owned real estate companies, but private real estate companies have also begun to appear, and some large real estate projects have begun to be developed one by one."

"Brother, you said Hongtai Supermarket took part of the money and registered a real estate company, is that okay?"

She asked for Yang Fan's opinion.

Although she is the boss of Hongtai Supermarket on the surface, Yang Fan is actually the real boss. For such an important decision, you must ask Yang Fan.

This is also the main reason why she rushed back from Shenhai City and had dinner with Yang Fan here, because she was interested in the prospect of real estate development in Shenhai City.

Deep sea speed!

This is not bragging.

A building is built a week, and the newspapers have already started reporting.

This also shows that Shenhai City has begun to enter a period of rapid development. In a few years, after the mid-90s, the development of Shenhai City will be even faster.

There are huge business opportunities, especially in real estate.

Many later famous real estate giants were basically established in the middle and early 90s. If Yang Fang enters the real estate industry in Shenhai City now, she definitely belongs to the first group of people to eat crabs. And metaphor.

However, Yang Fan was a bit repulsive.

The real estate money is the hard-earned money of the common people, which seems a little disgraceful.

In fact, Yang Fan's future goal is to let Yang Fang start a business and take the high-tech route.

Seeing her younger brother's expression of hesitation, Yang Fang's heart sank slightly, and she said with a little disappointment: "Brother, don't you agree with us developing real estate?"

After thinking about it, Yang Fan still made a decision.

Hongtai Supermarket does not do real estate, and other people will do it. Instead of letting other people earn the money, it is better to let yourself earn it.

After making such a decision in his heart, Yang Fan smiled, "I don't disagree. I don't think it's a problem to engage in real estate in Shenhai City. You can even register a special real estate company."


Seeing that her younger brother agreed, Yang Fang was instantly pleasantly surprised.

Several months before that, she began to pay attention to the real estate market in Shenhai City, and she has basically figured out the whole situation, and now she is even more eager to try.

She fully felt the huge business opportunity.

Seeing Yang Fan showing hesitation just now, she was a little nervous, but finally, feeling relieved, Yang Fan agreed to enter the real estate field.

Yang Fang said happily: "I will go back to Shenhai City tomorrow to do further market research, and try to complete the registration of the real estate company this year, and strive to get the first piece of land and develop the first real estate next year."

Yang Fan nodded in agreement.

How to do it, Yang Fan usually doesn't bother to ask.I am also very relieved, knowing that my sister is no longer the rural woman she was before, and her vision, market sensitivity, and management ability are no worse than those so-called big bosses.

Yang Fan only cares about one problem.

That's money!
If you don't have strong capital, you can't do real estate business at all.Without strong capital, they can only make small troubles and survive in the cracks among real estate giants.

"Sister, if you enter the real estate field, how much money can you spend?"

Yang Fang also thought about this for a long time, and replied: "I have roughly estimated that it should be no problem to use 1000 million to invest in real estate."

1000 million!

In 1990, there were definitely not many private companies that could get out 1000 million yuan. No wonder Yang Fang's tone was full of pride.

Yang Fan nodded lightly and reminded: "1000 million is enough in the early stage, but as the real estate business grows, it will become insufficient later."

Yang Fang said: "I also thought of this point, start with 1000 million, and watch as you develop."

Yang Fan thought in his heart, as Hongtai Supermarket enters the real estate field, it needs a lot of funds, it seems that I have to help think about it and earn a lot of money.

While eating, they continued to chat.

The topic has always been related to real estate. Yang Fan talked about a lot of ideas. Some ideas and methods not only made Yang Fang's eyes shine, but also surprised the young assistant secretly.

Of course.

After all, Yang Fan has three to 40 years more foresight than others, and no one knows better than Yang Fan how to develop in the next few decades.

Although I haven't worked in real estate, I have seen a lot and seen a lot.Yang Fan has seen too much about how those real estate giants will do and how to do it in the future.

Just mentioning it a little bit, Yang Fang and the little assistant felt like they had entered a brand new world.

It turns out that real estate can still be engaged in this way!
Early the next morning, Yang Fang took the plane back to Shenhai City.

As for Yang Fan, he still focused his energy on the design and development of the missile vertical launch system, but he did not expect that Liu Hui would come to the East China Sea Institute again.

The two met, of course very happy.

Liu Hui introduced the dismantling of the LM2500 gas turbine prototype.

"Assistant Yang, we have disassembled the prototype, and the whole process went relatively smoothly. We have cleaned, numbered and stored all the parts."

"For those parts that need to be surveyed and imitated, the designers are already drawing the design drawings, and some of the simpler parts have already drawn the design drawings"

He presented the whole situation.

After listening, Yang Fan smiled and said happily: "Mr. Liu, your speed is so fast and your efficiency is so high, it is really beyond my expectation."

Liu Hui smiled proudly, and then said: "These are nothing, we also plan to map and imitate the turbine blades of the gas turbine."

Turbine blades!

Yang Fan was a little frightened, looked at Liu Hui in disbelief, and reminded: "The technical difficulty is not ordinary, and the most difficult thing is the material problem. According to my knowledge, this high-temperature alloy material You know, we don’t have any in our country.”

Surveying and mapping imitation turbine blades is very difficult!
It involves the surveying and mapping of the blade, as well as the future manufacturing. Of course, compared with the surveying and manufacturing, the most difficult thing is the material problem.

Although the leaf shape of the leaf is complex, it is very difficult to survey and map, but with the real leaf, it took a lot of effort, and finally it can be surveyed and mapped.

In terms of manufacturing, the turbine blades involve some new manufacturing processes. Although it is very difficult, Xihang Group has experience in manufacturing aero-engine turbine blades.

But what about the blade material?

We don't have any at all!

Obviously, Liu Hui also knew this, and said sternly: "The most difficult thing is indeed the material problem, so I came here to discuss with you, whether there is a solution."

Hearing this, Yang Fan became pensive.

After thinking about it, he suddenly said: "We don't have it in China, but there are foreign countries. For example, the Soviet Union has this kind of superalloy material."

Western countries impose export controls on our weapons and advanced equipment, and it is hopeless to buy such superalloy materials from them, but the Soviet Union is different.

We have already begun to try military trade cooperation with the Soviet Union. We have already negotiated the introduction of the third-generation fighter jets. We have a certain basis for cooperation. It should be very promising to buy back the turbine blade materials needed for the LM2500 gas turbine from them.

"Yes, from the Soviet Union!"

Liu Hui also agreed with this point very much, and said enthusiastically: "I would like to suggest to our leaders to make a request in the name of Xihang Group to purchase this high-temperature alloy material from the Soviet Union."

Today is the third update, and the first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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