Military Heavy

Chapter 252 Huang Keping Research

Chapter 252 Huang Keping Research


052 ship headquarters, Huang Keping sat in the office and looked at an application, which was typed by Xichuan Aero Engine Group.

The content of the application is: to purchase from the Soviet Union the high-temperature alloy materials required for the turbine blades of the LM2500 gas turbine.The application also clearly stated that Xihang Group plans to map and imitate the turbine blades of gas turbines.

Huang Keping was surprised!

Very unexpected!
At the beginning, according to Yang Fan's suggestion, a strong aero-engine manufacturing plant was selected across the country. In the end, Huang Keping chose Xichuan Aero-Engine Group, which has the ability to manufacture gas turbines.

The task assigned to West Air is to survey and map, and manufacture some simple and less difficult parts of the LM2500 gas turbine, which will be used as spare parts for future maintenance and overhaul of the four official gas turbines.

Western Airlines actually wants to make turbine blades!

Can they succeed? ? ?

There was a big question mark in Huang Keping's heart, because he was fully aware of the technical difficulty, which was too difficult, not ordinary.

Of course, once the mapping and imitation are successful, the benefits will be huge. Our four official gas turbines will have turbine blades that can be replaced.

Turbine blades have a service life, and after the service life, they must be replaced regardless of their quality.Replace it with a new one.

Can they do it?
How sure is it?
After reading the application, Huang Keping fell into deep thought. After thinking for a long time, he finally decided to go to Xihang Group to take a look and understand the situation before making a decision.

So, two days later, Huang Keping and his party arrived at Xihang Group.

Started in-depth research, not only to understand the manufacturing capacity of Xihang Group's aero-engines, but also to understand its strength in gas turbines, and also to see the dismantled LM2500 gas turbine, and even to see some parts that have been surveyed and mapped.

It took almost a day to visit and understand. Then, the leaders of Xihang Airlines and the gas turbine branch sat together, and Huang Keping chaired the meeting.

Not only discussed the feasibility of surveying and imitating turbine blades, but also discussed the issue of purchasing high-temperature alloy materials from the Soviet Union. The meeting lasted for a long time.

After the meeting, Huang Keping basically had an idea in his mind.

We must think of a way and try to buy a batch of superalloy materials from the Soviet Union to manufacture the turbine blades of the LM2500 gas turbine, because the people from the West Air Group said that as long as they have the materials to make the blades, they are [-] to [-]% sure that the blades will be manufactured. Turbine blades are imitated.

A [-]% or [-]% certainty is not too small.

Huang Keping was going to give it a try and try his best to buy back the high-temperature alloy materials he needed. If the imitation was successful, it would solve a huge problem.

After investigating the West Air Group, Huang Keping and his party did not return to the capital in a hurry, but arrived in Donghai City, first went to the Donghai Shipyard, and saw the No. 2 ship under construction.

With the experience and foundation of building the first ship, the construction of the second ship is very fast. At present, 2% to [-]% of the sections have been hoisted, and the workers on the construction berth are busy.

Chen Shaohua confidently introduced that there will be no problem in entering the outfitting this year and launching in the water next year.

Hearing such an answer, Huang Keping was very happy.

After visiting the construction of the No. 2 ship, he went to the East China Sea Ship Design Institute.

The East China Sea Institute held a report meeting, not only the leaders of the institute, but also the chief and deputy chief designers of the 052 ship, and the chief and deputy directors of each design room all participated, and many design backbones and senior designers also participated in this report meeting.

At the meeting, Donghai Institute mainly reported two things to the headquarters.One is the design work of the future 052 ship, which aspects of design improvement and improvement will be carried out, which new technologies will be adopted, which new weapons will be equipped, and so on.

The biggest highlight of the future 052 ship is the equipment of the ship-borne phased array control radar and missile vertical launch system.Of course, a series of problems in the first ship and the second ship will all be improved on the future 2 ship.

The second is to report on the design and development of the missile vertical launch system.

Yang Fan reported the progress to the general headquarters.

The preparations were very thorough. For this reason, Yang Fan personally made slides, and introduced the missile vertical launch system under design and development in great detail through a projector with both pictures and texts.

It not only reported the progress of the design, but also focused on its technical advantages and design highlights.Such as modularity, such as versatility, such as the use of a series of advanced technologies and so on.

The report is complete.

Including Commander Huang, everyone in the headquarters was a little restless. There was nothing they could do. They were so excited that the future vertical missile launch system would be so good.

Previously, they had also learned about the missile vertical launch system developed by Yang Fan, and knew that it should be excellent, but they did not expect it to be so excellent.

Someone stood up and said with great satisfaction, "Assistant Yang, I didn't expect that the Donghai Institute released a satellite and gave us such a big surprise!"

Immediately, another person said: "This vertical launch system for missiles has greatly exceeded our expectations. It should be able to rank among the world's first-class."

World class level!
Everyone looked at Yang Fan!

In the eyes of everyone, Yang Fan said confidently: "According to my estimation, it has indeed reached the world's first-class level. Compared with the missile vertical launch systems of Britain, France, the United States and other countries, it is not inferior at all, and each has its own advantages."

Really world class!
Great, great!

Yang Fan has this self-confidence. Although he does not dare to claim the world's leading level, he is still sure to be among the world's first-class.After all, I have decades of technology ahead of others, so there is such a big technology gap.

Internationally, Yang Fan is clear about the future development direction of the vertical missile launch system, which advanced designs and technologies will be adopted.

If the domestic industrial strength and technical level were not considered, the missile vertical launch system could be designed to be better and more advanced.

However, limited by the actual situation in the country, it can only be this way, first rank among the world's first-class level, and then improve and improve in the future.

After a few years, it is best to let our missile vertical launch system lead the world and become the envy of other countries.

Yang Fan is absolutely sure of this.

People in the general headquarters, including those in the military, gradually looked at Yang Fan a little differently. They never expected that this young man gave them such a big surprise.

Huang Keping smiled happily.

Then he asked with concern, "I think the design work is progressing well, and the overall design will be completed next year, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

With such an excellent missile vertical launch system, everyone is concerned about when the overall design can be completed.

Yang Fan said loudly: "So far, the design volume has exceeded half, and the overall design will be completed in March or April next year."

Wow, the full design will be completed in March or April next year!

This is amazing.

When did they start designing it?It seems that there are only a few months, and in less than half a year, more than half of the design volume has been completed.

Feeling everyone's eyes, Yang Fan thought in his heart, if I had a computer and drawing software, I would have almost finished the design by now.

Without these things, I can only draw pictures by hand, and it takes a lot of time to draw the design drawings, otherwise, it would not take until tomorrow.

The report meeting was very successful, and the people in the headquarters were very satisfied.

Not long after the meeting ended, Yang Fan returned to his office, the phone on the desk rang, and Master Pan's voice came.

"Xiao Yang, come here."

Yang Fan soon entered Pan Jinfu's office. To his surprise, Commander Huang Keping was also there.

"Commander Huang."

"Master Pan."

As soon as he came in, Yang Fan greeted him proactively, with a calm face and an air of grace, without any tension or restraint at all.

Pan Jinfu said: "Sit down, Commander Huang wants to chat with you."

Yang Fan sat down on the sofa next to him as he said, and was going to listen to what Commander Huang had to say, and what he would talk about. Could it be to talk about the design and development of the vertical launch system for missiles, or something else?

Huang Keping got straight to the point, did not mention the missile vertical launch system, but directly mentioned the LM2500 gas turbine.

"Xiao Yang, our third and fourth LM2500 gas turbines are about to be installed on the ship. Future maintenance and repairs will require parts to be replaced. It is a very good suggestion that you propose to map and imitate some relatively simple parts. "

Praise right from the start.

Everyone would be in a good mood to be praised by Commander Huang, and Yang Fan was the same, but he didn't show it on his face, but said modestly: "Commander Huang has won the award, even if I didn't make such a suggestion, you would have thought of it." That's it."

"You, you." Commander Huang smiled with satisfaction, and continued: "The parts list for surveying and mapping imitation has been submitted to the general headquarters by Xihang Group, and I have already read it. They are all parts needed for future maintenance and overhaul of gas turbines. .”

"Most of these parts, I believe that Xihang Group can map and imitate them, but I think the turbine blades are more difficult."

Yang Fan said: "As long as you give them support and enough time, the technical problems of blade surveying and manufacturing processes can definitely be overcome. It's just a matter of time. The most difficult thing is the high-temperature alloy material required for manufacturing blades."

Make bricks without straw.

Without this high-temperature alloy material, no matter how hard Xihang Group works, it will be difficult to map and imitate the turbine blades.

Huang Keping nodded in agreement, "I heard that you are considering purchasing the required high-temperature alloy materials from the Soviet Union. Is it your suggestion?"

Yang Fan admitted: "Yes, we do not have this kind of high-temperature alloy material in China, and it is not realistic to buy it from the United States, Britain and France. We can only consider purchasing it from the Soviet Union."

After chatting for a while, Huang Keping said: "After several days of research, to be honest, I have made up my mind to try to buy from the Soviet Union. After returning to Beijing, I will report this matter to the relevant leaders."


Very good!
Yang Fan was very pleasantly surprised. If the high-temperature alloy material is really successfully bought back, and the turbine blade mapping and imitation are successful, then our four LM2500 gas turbines can be used with confidence, and there is no need to worry that there will be no new blades for overhaul in the future. replace.

In an instant, surprise appeared on his face.

Who would have known that next, Commander Huang gave Yang Fan an even bigger surprise, which completely felt like the world was falling apart.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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