Military Heavy

Chapter 253

Chapter 253

Noticing the surprised look on Yang Fan's face, Huang Keping also smiled.

To be honest, after making this decision, he felt much more relaxed, as if he saw the hope of success in surveying and imitation.

Master Pan sat next to him and didn't say a word. After hearing this decision, he also laughed happily, and couldn't help but said: "It will be a great blessing if this high-temperature alloy is successfully purchased!"

The atmosphere relaxed.

After chatting for a while, it was very natural to talk about the future power system of the 052 ship. Huang Keping said in admiration: "Xiao Yang, time has proved that you are right. You have a long-term perspective. At the beginning, you not only suggested buying more LM2500 from the United States. type gas turbine, and an enlarged power cabin is also designed for our 052 ship. If other types of gas turbines are used instead, there will be no need to change the power cabin, which will save a lot of trouble.”

Master Pan also agreed: "This design of the power cabin avoids major surgery on the power cabin and even on the hull of the 052 ship."

The new replacement gas turbine can be hoisted directly without major surgery, which is very convenient.

Huang Keping nodded and continued: "Xiao Yang, we have already started contacting the Soviet Union and intend to purchase their UGT-15000 gas turbines. If there is progress, we can send a team to investigate. You must be prepared to go to the Soviet Union for inspection. .”

Visit the Soviet Union!

Immediately, Yang Fan was pleasantly surprised again. This is a great opportunity. The current Soviet Union is not far from disintegration, and there are opportunities everywhere. Can you take this opportunity to bring back their gas turbine technology, such as the one they are developing? , a more advanced and more powerful UGT-25000 gas turbine.

The Soviet Union has a complete range of naval gas turbine models, from UGT-3000, UGT-6000, to UGT-15000 gas turbines, and UGT-25000 gas turbines.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, at this time, they have completed the comprehensive design of the UGT-25000 gas turbine, and the first test prototype should be manufactured.

If you really go to the Soviet Union for inspection, you must not only take a look at the UGT-15000 gas turbine, but also take a look at the UGT-25000 gas turbine.

To be honest, Yang Fan has a little disdain for the UGT-15000 gas turbine, thinking that it is not the most ideal replacement gas turbine for the 052 ship.

Only the UGT-25000 gas turbine is an ideal substitute for the 052 ship, because it is more advanced and has greater power. If our future 052 ship is equipped with it, it will have strong power.

If there is a UGT-15000 gas turbine as the power of the future 052 ship, it is not impossible, but the power will be weaker, and the maximum speed will drop by at least two or three knots, maybe more.

In terms of power alone, the UGT-25000 gas turbine is much larger. It weighs only 16 tons, but has a power of 29 megawatts, while the UGT-15000 gas turbine only has a power of 16 megawatts. The former is almost 2 times that of the latter. times.

At the same time, Yang Fan knew that the enlarged power cabin of the 052 ship was designed for the UGT-25000 gas turbine, and there was no problem with putting them down.

In the office, Commander Huang chatted with Yang Fan for a long time.

Sending away Commander Huang and returning to his office, Yang Fan was still a little uneasy, still thinking about how to get back the complete set of technical materials of UGT-25000, or even get a prototype back .

Of course, I also know that this is extremely difficult and requires enough luck, as well as how high the price the country can offer to the other party.

The time spanned from 1990 to 1991.

The No. 2 ship successfully entered the outfitting in October 1990, and the design of the missile vertical launch system has also entered the final stage, and a large number of design drawings have been drawn.

There are nearly a thousand design drawings, and there are more than two thousand large and small drawings in total. There is no problem in completing the overall design in one or two months.

In a few months, the surveying and mapping work of LM2500 gas turbine parts was basically completed, and the design drawings of these relatively simple parts with relatively low difficulty were all available.

Not long ago, Liu Hui went to Donghai Office again, and sat in Yang Fan's office for most of the day, chatting for a long time between the two.

After the design drawings of the parts came out, the Western Airlines Group began to try to imitate some parts. Only those types of turbine blades could not be imitated for the time being.

As for the surveying and mapping work, it is basically completed, and the designers have already started drawing design drawings based on the data obtained from the surveying and mapping.

There is a lack of superalloy materials to make them.

However, the general headquarters has been actively contacting the Soviet Union, and the progress is not bad. Reliable news has come, and it is estimated that they will be able to go to the Soviet Union in a few months.

The list of personnel to go to the Soviet Union for investigation has been basically determined, including Yang Fan from Donghai, Li Zhengjun, deputy director of the power system design office, and Han Jiang, the design team leader.

There are three people including Liu Hui in the Western Airlines Group. In addition, there are several people from the military and the general headquarters. It is said that Huang Keping, the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship, will personally lead the team.

Commander Huang personally led the team. With such a high standard, it can be seen that we attach great importance to this inspection, and we have placed great hopes on it.

Not only do we have to discuss the purchase of high-temperature alloys with the other party in detail, but we also need to talk about the introduction of naval gas turbines.Whether it is a superalloy or a gas turbine, it is all in the Soviet Union's "Dawn" Mechanical Design Bureau (that is, MD).

Knowing that things are going well, and that he will go to the Soviet Union in a few months, Yang Fan is slightly excited, and he has thought a lot in advance.

2 month 24 day.

The weather is still relatively cold, and it is still in the middle of the Lunar New Year, and there are still a few days before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, but the pier of the East China Sea Shipyard has been vacated, and the arrival of the first ship is about to be welcomed.

Whether it is the East China Sea Institute or the East China Sea Shipyard, they have all officially returned to work. On the second day of work, Yang Fan called everyone to hold a meeting to deploy the missile vertical launch system and finish the design.

The design is coming to an end, and the drawings have basically been drawn. Yang Fan plans to complete the overall design acceptance around mid-March, and then start manufacturing the first missile vertical launch system.

Today, Yang Fan arrived at Donghai Shipyard early in the morning, because the first ship has completed all sailing tests and is about to return and dock at the dock of Donghai Shipyard.

After all the tests are completed, the 052 ship can be delivered to the Navy, and it will begin to enter service and start a decades-long service career.

After parking the car, Yang Fan walked directly into Chen Shaohua's office, and asked loudly, "Old Chen, when will our first ship arrive at the dock?"

Chen Shaohua poured hot tea for Yang Fan, and replied: "There is still about an hour, it's cold outside, we don't need to go to the pier to blow the cold wind, sit down and drink tea first, and then go there."

Yang Fan sat down, smiled and said jokingly: "Welcome our first ship, I would be happy to blow the cold wind!"

Chen Shaohua laughed out loud.

To be honest, he is also extremely happy!
Now he feels a little unreal that our first ship can be delivered and will start to enter service.

The two talked and laughed, and after chatting for a while, they were both filled with emotion.

Chen Shaohua sighed: "From the design demonstration in 1983 to the delivery in 1991, our first ship took a total of eight years. In a flash, eight years have passed!"


Eight years, spanning from 1983 to 1991.

Yang Fan nodded approvingly, and the scenes of these years emerged in his mind, everything was so clear as if it was just yesterday.

"Old Chen, after eight years, we have finally completed this arduous task. What is this called? It's called grinding a ship in eight years."

Grinding a ship in eight years!
Chen Shaohua's eyes brightened slightly, and he agreed: "This is too appropriate, it is indeed a ship built in eight years."

The two chatted for about half an hour, Yang Fan raised his hand to look at the time, and reminded: "It's almost time, we can go there now."


Chen Shaohua got up, waved his hands and walked in front. The two left the office one after the other and walked directly towards the pier.

From a distance, I saw that there were already many people on the edge of the originally empty pier. They completely ignored the cold and humid sea wind, and they were looking forward to it.

"Should be coming soon."

"I'm really excited. Our first ship has finally successfully completed all the tests and can be delivered soon."

"I feel that all the previous hard work and efforts are totally worth it."


The people standing by the pier are basically people from Donghai Shipyard, including technicians, managers, and some workers.In addition, some people in the military are also looking forward to the return of the first ship.

When Yang Fan and Chen Shaohua arrived at the pier, they felt everyone's enthusiasm and listened to those proud words, they looked at each other and smiled.

"Look, that should be our first ship!"

Someone with sharp eyes saw the shadow of a ship appearing on the plane in the distance, it was just a small black dot, very blurry, so he shouted loudly.

Many people stretched their necks and looked around.

Will it be our first ship?
After a few minutes, it gradually became clearer, and someone shouted excitedly: "That's right, that's our first ship, and it's heading this way."

The lead ship is back.

Complete all trials and it's back!
In everyone's eyes, the distance was getting closer and closer, and after a few minutes, they finally approached the pier and slowly moved closer.

Excited shouts sounded.

Then, there was another round of applause.

Long lasting!

Some people, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, couldn't stop for a moment, applauding and yelling like a child.

The first ship docked at the dock smoothly.

Next, the people of the East China Sea Shipyard were busy, not only dressing up the 052 ship, but also clearing the docks for a grand arrangement.

A few days later was the delivery ceremony.

It is destined to be more grand, lively and festive than the launching ceremony.

In eight years, the first ship of the 052 ship can finally be delivered, which will undoubtedly be a highlight in the entire history of the construction of the 052 ship.

There are three changes today, and the third change is over.

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(End of this chapter)

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