Military Heavy

Chapter 254 The First Chinese Ship

Chapter 254

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

There were dozens of people in total, all dressed in suits and ties, all extremely joyful and excited.

Today is February 3.

The first ship of the 052 ship has been dressed up and will be officially delivered, and a grand delivery ceremony will be held at the dock of the East China Sea Shipyard.

As a design unit, dozens of people from the Donghai Ship Design Institute went to witness this historic moment. In order to reflect the importance attached to the ceremony, everyone was dressed in formal attire.

Yang Fan's face was full of joy, standing among the crowd, he was also wearing a white shirt and tie, and a navy blue suit like everyone else.

"I really envy them!"

"I was not so lucky to be able to go to Donghai Shipyard to witness the delivery of the first ship."

In front of the office building, everyone was refreshed and dressed in uniform.The other people who failed to go there were extremely jealous.

The first ship is officially delivered!
What an exciting thing this is, but unfortunately, there are only a few people who can go to Donghai Shipyard to witness this historic moment.

"It's okay. I heard that Donghai TV Station will report, and we will watch the news on TV as well."

"You can't go to Donghai Shipyard, that's the only way."


Under everyone's envious eyes and heated discussions, everyone started to get on the car, and soon after, the convoy set off for the Donghai Shipyard.

Today's Donghai Shipyard is completely festive.

Especially by the pier.

It looks festive, yet unusually grand.

Colorful flags and balls fluttered by the pier, bright red carpets were spread on the ground, and the first 052 ship, which was dressed up, was parked beside the pier.

Grinding a ship in eight years!
The most eye-catching thing should be the huge banner, the five characters of "Eight years to build a ship" are very conspicuous, and many people's eyes are attracted by it.

Some reporters took a close-up of it with their cameras.

This 052 ship is like a little girl. She has finished dressing up and is about to get married. She is very beautiful.

Very festive!
There are more and more people on the pier, more and more bustling, the square formations are neatly arranged, the most conspicuous one is the navy square formation, the white is very dazzling.


"Wow, so many heads and heads!"

A convoy came over, and the whole pier was completely boiled, because the officer who got off the car was a shining star.

The main leader of the military actually came in person, walking in the front, and behind him were several officers, like Huang Keping, who could only follow at a relatively rear position.

Many people are excited!

It's like being bloodied!
The military actually pays so much attention to it!
Even such a big chief came here in person to participate in the delivery ceremony of the first ship.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the salute was fired!

The ship delivery ceremony was presided over by Huang Keping, the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship. As soon as the salute stopped, his sonorous voice rang out at the pier.

"Comrades, the exciting moment has finally arrived. After eight years of hard work, our first 052 ship can finally be delivered, and a grand delivery ceremony will be held here."

The place quieted down.

Everyone listened carefully, but the excitement was hard to hide on their faces.

"From January to February this year, the United States launched a war against Iraq. This local war has shown the whole world a new style of modern high-tech warfare, especially the key role played by the new navy in modern warfare."

"This war tells us that we must speed up the construction of the second-generation guided missile destroyer. Fortunately, our first ship can be delivered today, and the second ship will be launched in the near future."

His speech is very penetrating.

His speech was exciting!
After the speech, there was warm applause on the pier.

A number of leaders gave speeches, and the last one was the main leader of the military. The head and chief stood on the speaking table, and when he faced the microphone, the scene fell silent again.

The chief executive spoke highly of it, as he said, it is not easy for this ship to achieve such a good result in such a short period of time, and it is rare in foreign countries.

After the leaders finished their speeches, the military music sounded, resounding throughout the pier, and the leaders began to board the 052 ship for a visit.
A small number of people boarded the warship, but most of them were still standing on the pier, looking at this brand new 052 ship with a little excitement.

Many people's eyes are a little moist.

This is for joy's sake.

"I finally saw the blueprints drawn by myself. All kinds of calculations have come true. It has become a modern warship. It is extremely glorious. I am very happy and very happy."

"Think about it, how many years, a total of eight years, finally seeing such a result, I am excited, I must be excited."

"It's almost like a dream, there is an unreal feeling."


Yang Fan stood on the pier, looked at everything in front of him, heard such words in his ears, and took a deep breath.

A strong sense of accomplishment in my heart!
Our design drawings have finally become a warship, its modular design, its power cabin design, and its combat system design
These are all related to me.


So proud!

It's an honor!

Unable to hide Peng Bai in his heart, Yang Fan could only take a deep breath to calm his agitated heart a little.At this moment, Yang Fan noticed that many people had tears in their eyes.

They cry!

Crying like a child!
A man as old as Xie Xinjian was also crying there, wiping away his tears from time to time with a handkerchief.

After the successful delivery of the first ship, the Donghai Institute was completely overwhelmed. Even though many people did not attend the delivery ceremony, it did not prevent them from talking happily.

There are some people who are even ready to celebrate, happy and happy.

"The first ship is officially delivered. I'm going to treat you tonight. Let's have a drink or two."

"No, no, I'm here to treat you, I'm the design team leader."

"No one will argue with you, Liu Gong, and you are the same. The team leader is useless. I treat guests because I am happy!"

Seeing that their faces were red and their ears were red because they were fighting for the treat, some people around smiled kindly.

The official delivery of the 052 ship is a little more high-profile than its launch, and some news media have reported it, such as TV stations and newspapers.

Of course, their reports have all gone through strict scrutiny, and they have mastered an excellent sense of what can be reported and what cannot be reported.

Many citizens of Donghai City were pleasantly surprised to see the several-minute-long news report on the delivery of the first ship of the 052 ship when they watched the Donghai news at night.

"This is the second-generation guided missile destroyer, the latest destroyer in our country!"

"It was actually built by Donghai Shipyard, so proud!"

"It's so beautiful, this is the most beautiful warship I've ever seen."


Following the TV reports and newspaper publications, many people were very proud to know that the first second-generation guided missile destroyer was officially delivered.

It seems that the waist is hardened.

Especially the people in the military, they even have more confidence.

The 112 ship was soon named "Harbin".

It was hailed as "China's first ship" by officers and soldiers.

Another 052 ship, No. 2 ship, is being built at the Donghai Shipyard. Many weapon systems have begun to be fitted out. In a few months, it will be officially launched.

After the delivery of the first ship, Pan Jinfu called the designers of the East China Sea Institute to hold a meeting to prepare for the design demonstration of the future 052 ship.

Which new technologies will be adopted, which weapons and equipment will be localized, which equipment will be improved, and which areas will be improved in terms of design, etc.

At the same time, the localization of various weapons and equipment has been established, including missiles, radars, etc., which are all things that will be used by the future 052 ships.

The Gulf War that broke out not long ago made everyone see a new style of modern warfare, and for the first time saw the power of high-tech weapons.

In addition to being shocked, the military also pays more attention to the future 052 ship, requiring that on the basis of the first ship and the second ship, to improve technical and tactical indicators, improve localization, and strive for our 2 ship to rank among the world's first-class warships as soon as possible.

3 month 20 day.

The missile vertical launch system designed and developed by Yang Fan has fully completed the design and entered the design review stage. Huang Keping personally led the expert group to the Donghai Design Institute.

A total of more than [-] experts, most of them from the army, and some from the Weapons Research Institute, stayed at the East China Sea Institute for three days.

After three days of review, the expert group agreed that the design of the missile vertical launch system is reasonable and scientific, fully meets the requirements, and has reached the world-class level.

Whether it is experts or the military, they have a high evaluation of the missile vertical launch system.

The design review was successfully completed, and Yang Fan felt relieved.

Finally, this task was successfully completed. Next, the General Command will select a manufacturing plant to manufacture the first vertical launch system according to these drawings, and conduct a series of tests and verifications.

After this task was completed, Yang Fan suddenly felt relieved.

As for the future design of the 052 ship, with Chief Master Pan leading everyone, Yang Fan doesn't need to worry too much, just participate and pay attention.

The negotiation between our side and the Soviet Union has also entered a substantive stage, and many intentions have been reached, and the possibility of going to the Soviet Union is increasing.

At the end of March, the accurate news finally came. The general headquarters decided that the commander-in-chief Huang Keping would personally lead the team. A group of 12 people was scheduled to go to the Soviet Union's "Dawn" Machinery Design and Manufacturing Complex (MD) on May 5 to carry out study.

There are two main contents.

One is to inspect their UGT-15000 and UGT-25000 gas turbines, and the other is to talk about the purchase of superalloy materials.

It's the end of March now, and it's just over a month before I go to MD.

Yang Fang temporarily returned to Donghai City from Shenhai City.

She stayed in Shenhai City for more than ten days this time, which was the longest stay.Before, they usually only stayed there occasionally for two or three days, five or six days at most, because there was a branch company established in Shenhai City with a dedicated management team, so Yang Fang didn't need to worry about it herself.

This time is different, the stay is a full ten days.

Three more updates will continue today, and the first update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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