Military Heavy

Chapter 255 Yang Fang is also short of money

Chapter 255 Yang Fang is also short of money

Yang Fang was happy and in pain.

The reason for my happiness is that I completed the industrial and commercial registration of Hongtai Real Estate Co., Ltd. last year, and now I have successfully obtained the first piece of land in Shenhai City, which means I have officially entered the real estate industry.

The pain is underfunded.

What, is Yang Fang also short of money? ? ?

of course!

She is really short of money.

If it is only a supermarket, there is no shortage of funds. Hongtai Supermarket's financial situation is good, and the current funds can support the opening of a chain of supermarkets, which will grow bigger and bigger.

But real estate is different, it requires a lot of funds, and only part of the funds can be obtained from Hongtai Supermarket Chain Management Co., Ltd.

Originally only planned to mobilize about 1000 million yuan of funds, but found that it was not enough, Yang Fang finally transferred 2000 million yuan of funds to the newly established Hongtai Real Estate Co., Ltd., and finally got the first piece of land.

For this piece of land, she has been busy in Shenhai City for more than ten days.

Finally, she got her wish. At least she had the first piece of land, and she could start the construction of the first real estate immediately. Before the official start of construction, she returned to Donghai City.

"Sister, you got the first piece of land so quickly!"

After the siblings met, Yang Fan was very pleasantly surprised to hear the good news.

Yang Fang reminded: "Well, the first piece of land is considered to be obtained, but the area is not too large, so it can only be developed into a small real estate."

Without strong funds, it can only be like this.

If it is like those big state-owned enterprises that engage in real estate, it is a different matter to use hundreds of millions of strong funds. You can take the land in the best location and develop the largest and most high-end real estate.

In addition to being pleasantly surprised, Yang Fan encouraged: "It's okay, let's take our time, use this land to practice first, and then develop a large real estate in the future."

Seeing her younger brother being so optimistic, Yang Fang gradually became much more relaxed.

Sitting together, the siblings chatted about the newly established Hongtai Real Estate Co., Ltd., such as its scale, its management team, the situation of the first land acquired, such as its location and area, etc.

After chatting for a while, Yang Fang sighed: "After detailed understanding and investigation, I feel that the real estate in Shenhai City has begun to develop, and the future prospects are very huge."

not bad.

Suddenly saw a huge market prospect.

Yang Fan nodded approvingly. It is rare to see this and requires extraordinary vision.

Of course Yang Fan is different, he is a reborn person.

For the development of the next few decades, he is clear, not only in the real estate field, but also in other fields.

As a window city of reform and opening up, the current Shenhai City can only be regarded as the beginning of development, and the road to development is still long, and its real estate prospects are also very huge.

Not only Shenhai City, but also Donghai City will be able to engage in private real estate development in a few years. At that time, Hongtai Real Estate Company can consider developing in Donghai City.

It's just that there is a little lack of funds!
Short of money!
Yang Fan pondered for a while, suddenly, his eyes lit up slightly, and he thought in his heart, soon, he will go to the Soviet Union, is there a chance to get a loan from a Soviet bank?
For example, a loan of tens of millions of rubles, etc. After the loan is made, it will be converted into US dollars immediately, and the tens of millions of rubles will be returned after two years.

If memory serves me correctly, the Soviet Union will disintegrate in November this year.

After the disintegration, the depreciation of the ruble was very severe, which can be described as a drastic drop.

This money is equivalent to picking up for nothing.

Make up your mind!

Yang Fan asked: "Sister, do you have any government acquaintances? It's best to be able to get in touch with the Soviet Union, and it's best to know the person in charge of the bank over there."

Yang Fang thought for a while and said, "Yes, there are more than one. As for whether I can get in touch with the Soviet Union, I have to ask."

Yang Fan nodded, "Go and ask as soon as possible, ask them for help, you can even take Hongtai Supermarket as collateral, or use our stocks in the United States as collateral, and borrow a sum of money from the Soviet Union Bank as soon as possible, the more The better."

Yang Fang was at a loss.

She didn't understand why Yang Fan did this at all.

If you want a loan, you can get it from a domestic bank.

There is absolutely no need to go to the trouble of getting a loan from a Soviet bank.

At this time, Yang Fan also knew that it was difficult to explain, so he could only ask his sister to do it first, and said solemnly: "Don't ask the reason, do as I say, hurry up, and sign a contract with the Soviet bank when you get a loan." Good deal, the loan will be repaid in rubles when it matures, it doesn’t matter if the interest is higher.”

So what if the interest rate is higher.

As long as the banks in the Soviet Union are willing to lend money, it doesn't matter even if it is a usury loan. After one or two years, these rubles are basically waste paper.

"Brother, are we really going to do this?"

Yang Fan nodded affirmatively and said: "Yes, and the speed must be fast. Mortgage all the things that can be mortgaged. The loan period should be about two years, at least one year. Listen to me, that's right."

"Okay, I'll do as you say."

Surprisingly, Yang Fang didn't ask why, nor did she object. Whatever Yang Fan said, she was ready to do it.

Even if he was confused, he executed it unconditionally.

The trust between siblings is evident.

This is also the fundamental reason why Yang Fan handed everything over to Yang Fang with confidence, and became the shopkeeper himself.My own sister is really trustworthy.

Hongtai Supermarket, Hongtai Real Estate, including stocks in the United States, are all in the name of Yang Fang, and there is no apparent relationship with Yang Fan.

But rest assured, Yang Fang will always remember in her heart that 70.00% of these things belong to Yang Fan, and she only accounts for 30.00%.

Next, Yang Fan gave a very solemn explanation.

There is only one principle, the speed should be fast, and the loan should be as much as possible.

It doesn't matter how high the interest rate is, and it doesn't matter the size of the bank where the loan is made. As long as it can lend, a small bank is fine.

After the money was loaned out, it was immediately converted into US dollars in the international market. Yang Fan knew how to spend the money.

Some of them will continue to buy stocks of some American companies and hold them for a long time, and the other part will be used for the newly established Hongtai Real Estate Co., Ltd. to make a big splash in the real estate market in Shenhai City.

Originally, I planned to use this opportunity to go to the Soviet Union to try my luck and see if I could get a loan from a Soviet bank.

But after serious consideration, he still gave up this idea. Yang Fang's appearance was much more convenient than her own, and the influence was much better.

After all, as an assistant to the chief designer of the 052 ship, a person who eats the national food, and a military worker, there are some things that still need to pay attention to the impact.

Yang Fang is different, she is just a businessman.

There is nothing wrong with being mercenary and finding ways to make money.

According to Yang Fan's order, Yang Fang acted immediately.

In just half a month or so, things started to take shape.

A friend of Yang Fang's government helped a lot and successfully contacted a bank in the Soviet Union. Yang Fang was already going through the formalities for going to the Soviet Union.

5 month 8 day.

Early in the morning, Yang Fan went out with his suitcase. Jiang Yan escorted him downstairs and watched him walk towards Donghai Institute.

Today, Yang Fan, Li Zhengjun, and Han Jiang will take the train from Donghai City to the capital first. After meeting, under the leadership of Commander Huang, a group of 12 people will go to the Soviet Union for inspection.

As the design unit of the 052 ship, a total of three people were dispatched.

On the jeep to Donghai Railway Station, Han Jiang said a little nervously: "My heart beats a little faster, it's like a dream."

This is his first time abroad.

Yang Fan smiled, "It's like this the first time, it won't be like this a few more times."

Han Jiang looked at Yang Fan, "Brother Fan, you are still arrogant, this is the Nth time to go abroad, envy, envy!"

Overseas talent!

Many people have never gone abroad in their lives, and this is the Nth time for Yang Fan.

The next day.

The group of three arrived in the capital smoothly, stayed in the military guest house, and will fly to Kiev, the big city of the Soviet Union, tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, Liu Hui and others had arrived long ago.

The two sides met at the guest house and shook hands happily. Yang Fan said: "Mr. Liu, I thought we were early, but I didn't expect you to arrive early."

Liu Hui said, "We've been here for less than two hours, so it's not too long ago."

Enthusiastically helping Yang Fan carry the luggage into the room, Liu Hui said: "Come on, there is a coffee shop not far from the door, let's go and have a seat."

A coffee shop is a trendy thing.

Only in some big cities, such as Beijing, it gradually began to appear, and some petty bourgeoisie like to sit there.

Tired from traveling all the way, it’s not bad to sit there and have a rest.

Yang Fan said cheerfully: "Okay, let's go have a drink of coffee."

The two walked out of the military guest house talking and laughing, walked about two to 300 meters along the street outside, and entered a newly opened coffee shop.

The environment is not bad.

There is such a style.

Yang Fan soon realized that it was opened by a foreigner, and the owner was blond and blue-eyed and could speak Mandarin.There are also some foreigners in the coffee shop. Of course, foreigners are only a minority, and most of them are young Chinese.

I found a seat and sat down, ordered coffee and some desserts, and the two chatted while drinking coffee.

Liu Hui said: "Mr. Yang, I want to tell you some good news. We have completed all the surveying and mapping of the turbine blades of the LM2500 gas turbine, and have drawn up the design drawings."

Such great news to begin with!

With the design drawings, there is only a shortage of materials to manufacture them.

"You guys are very fast." Yang Fan said happily, "Now that the design drawings are out, I think we can try to manufacture them first. If there are no materials, we can use other high-temperature alloy materials instead."

"Mr. Yang, you and I want to go together!"

Liu Hui smiled.

It would not be surprising if someone engaged in aero-engines or gas turbines made such a suggestion.

But Yang Fan is a ship designer, and he can make such a suggestion, which will give people a feeling of surprise.No, Liu Hui secretly admired it in his heart.

As expected of Comrade Yang Fan!
Actually understand all this.

Great, great!

Replaced by other high-temperature alloy materials, the imitated turbine blades will of course not be used in the future repair and maintenance of the LM2500 gas turbine, but only for process verification.

First use such high-temperature alloy materials to verify the rationality of the process. In the future, there will be high-temperature alloy materials imported from the Soviet Union, which can reduce risks, because the manufacturing process has been verified in advance.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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