Military Heavy

Chapter 256 Proficient in Russian

Chapter 256 Proficient in Russian

The two chatted very speculatively.

Liu Hui once again realized that Comrade Yang Fan not only has profound attainments in the field of ship design, but also has a high technical level in the field of gas turbines.

Bull man!
Secretly gave a thumbs up, looked at Yang Fan with admiration, Liu Hui said: "I had plans in this regard, but after hearing what you said, I became more determined. The trial production will be arranged."

First use other grades of superalloys for imitation.

Carry out process verification and accumulate imitation experience.

In the future, there will be high-temperature alloy materials imported from the Soviet Union. With these experiences and foundations, the success rate of successfully imitating LM2500 gas turbine blades will be greatly improved.

Talking while drinking coffee.

The two chatted for a long time.

He not only talked about the imitation of turbine blade surveying and mapping, but also talked about UGT-15000 and UGT-25000 gas turbines, as well as the high-temperature alloys needed for turbine blades imported from the Soviet Union.

The next day.

Under the leadership of Commander-in-Chief Huang Keping, everyone took a plane from Beijing to the Soviet Union and flew to Kiev, an important industrial city in the Soviet Union. At present, the Soviet Union has not disintegrated. Kiev is not the capital of Ukraine, but an important city in the Soviet Union.

A group of 12 people in total.

There were accompanying translators and related personnel from the military. Everyone was dressed in casual clothes, even Huang Keping was the same.

Get on the plane.

Han Jiang enviously found that there were three seats in a row, and his seat was in the middle, but he was not seated by the window. He was suddenly disappointed.

It was his first time flying by plane, and he hoped to sit by the window so that he could have a look at the scenery outside through the glass.This is basically what people who fly for the first time have.

"Lying on the grass!"

Seeing Yang Fan sitting by the window, Han Jiang broke out.

He learned this sentence from Yang Fan, and he thought it was very fashionable, and it gradually became his mantra, and he often said this sentence casually.

Yang Fan smiled, sat down happily, and looked at Han Jiang next to him, "Why, I want to sit by the window."


Han Jiang nodded vigorously, as if he was pecking at rice.

Yang Fan smiled and said jokingly, "It's okay to change places with me, show some sincerity."

"Brother Fan, my brother Fan, please change places with me. When we arrive in Kiev, I will treat you to drink local vodka."

Vodka is free.

That stuff is too strong.

Yang Fan shook his head and said, "Please treat me to a local meal, I order and you pay!"

Han Jiang wailed for a while.


Brother Fan, you are so rich, you actually want me to treat you.

I'm too difficult.

Yang Fan laughed, "Is it okay, give me a happy word, if not, I will sit down."

"Okay, okay." Han Jiang immediately agreed, and finally changed seats with Yang Fan as he wished, and sat on the window seat. Even though the plane hadn't taken off, he was already looking out through the glass, as if everything was very novel.

It seems that the matter of treating guests has been temporarily forgotten.

This is basically the case for the tender new who took the plane for the first time.

Seeing this, Yang Fan smiled and chatted with Feng Yu who was sitting next to him.Feng Yu was a major in the military. He was in his thirties and dressed in casual clothes. Because there was not much difference in age between the two, they chatted pretty well.

After a while, the plane took off.

When the plane just took off, Han Jiang was obviously a little nervous, but when the plane flew to an altitude of [-] meters and flew smoothly, he gradually became bolder, looked down through the glass, and shouted with a strange face, without any image at all. .

"Looking at the houses below, they all look like ants."

"The white clouds are so low."


Such shouts attracted many passengers to look this way, and when they saw Han Jiang, they smiled kindly.

Who is this guy?
I do not know him.

It's too embarrassing, it's embarrassing for Brother Fan.

Yang Fan motioned to the stewardess, "Give me a blanket."

After getting the blanket, Yang Fan covered his body, closed his eyes and rested his mind, and began to sleep. The journey would take several hours by plane.Regardless of Han Jiang's yelling.

When he woke up after a nap, he unexpectedly found that Han Jiang was much more honest. Obviously, his freshness had faded, and he began to feel why it took so long.

"If you're tired, go to sleep, it's still early."

Han Jiang nodded, and said softly: "Brother Fan, I also want to sleep with a blanket like this, please help me get one."

Yang Fan looked at him contemptuously: "If you want a blanket, you can tell the flight attendant yourself."

"I was a little nervous to talk to those flight attendants."

Look at this prospect!

Yang Fan looked at him contemptuously again, waved his hand, and soon a beautiful Soviet stewardess came over, leaned down and said, "Sir, what help do you need?"

Speak standard Russian.

Yang Fan also said in unusually standard Russian: "Give the passenger next to him a blanket, is that okay?"

"of course."

The stewardess readily agreed, and quickly brought a blanket over. Yang Fan took it and gave it to Han Jiang, who was surprised to find that this guy looked at him with wide eyes.

Do I have flowers on my face?
What are you looking at me like that.

Yang Fan was at a loss.

Who would have known that while being shocked, Han Jiang tightly grasped Yang Fan's arm, and said excitedly, "Brother Fan, when did you know Russian? It seems that you can still speak it fluently."

The two are college classmates.

Bunk brothers.

Han Jiang thought he knew Yang Fan very well. He had never studied Russian in college, so what was the matter with being fluent in Russian?

Yang Fan smiled triumphantly, "After I started working, I taught myself, believe it or not."

I believe you a ghost!
Han Jiang also gave a contemptuous look.

Yang Fan laughed.

Believe it or not.

In fact, Yang Fan is not only proficient in English, but also proficient in Russian.This is inseparable from his profession. Before rebirth, we need to consult a lot of Russian materials in terms of ship design, because many of our things are Russian technologies.

On the one hand, I am self-study, and on the other hand, I often deal with Russian experts. Gradually, I have mastered Russian, and it is very standard and fluent.

Because he often consults technical materials in Russian, Yang Fan's professional Russian level is not low in the fields of ships, gas turbines, and some weapons and equipment.

It's just that in the East China Sea Institute, there is very little access to Russian materials, and Yang Fan has no chance to show off his Russian. Almost no one knows that Yang Fan is proficient in Russian.

Han Jiang found himself devastated.

Brother Fan is so good, not only proficient in English, but also Russian.

He simply covered the blanket and fell asleep with his head covered.

Yang Fan smiled, poked Han Jiang gently with his hand, and said softly: "Why, I can't stand it, I found the gap with me."

"I'm too lazy to care about you."

Han Jiang rolled his eyes, turned around, and continued to sleep with his head covered.

The relationship between the two is good, and Yang Fan will not be angry. Instead, he feels very happy and interesting.

After Han Jiang went to bed, Yang Fan also calmed down, thinking in his heart, what will happen to the harvest of this MD trip?
Will everything go well?

Will it succeed in buying back the superalloy materials needed for turbine blades?

How is the development progress of the Soviet UGT-25000 gas turbine?

Now it is the design verification stage, or the low-volume production manufacturing node.
Sitting there alone, no one disturbed, because Feng Yu next to him was also closing his eyes, and Yang Fan thought a lot.

To be honest, Yang Fan is most concerned about the UGT-25000 gas turbine.

If there is no deviation in history, the design verification stage should have passed by this time, and the Soviets have begun to enter the small batch production stage.

That is to say, if we propose a purchase intention, the other party may sell it because they have the goods on hand.

As long as the other party agrees to sell, Yang Fan decided that he must persuade Commander Huang to try his best to buy two sets first and come back later.

After thinking for a long time, Yang Fan saw that many people seemed to be asleep, so bored, he simply picked up the magazines prepared on the plane and read them to pass the time.

About ten hours of flight, gradually approaching the destination.

The moment he got on the plane, Han Jiang felt so fresh that he even changed seats with Yang Fan even at the expense of agreeing to a treat.

No matter how novel, after sitting on the plane for so long, everything is no longer novel.

No, Han Jiang said it was a shame, "Brother Fan, I spent at least half of the time sleeping, and I didn't look at the scenery outside at all, and treat guests."

Yang Fan quickly interrupted, "That's not allowed, it's agreed, you must treat me to a ton of feast."

Immediately, Han Jiang was weeping.

He was already thinking about how much he would earn a month, and how much he would eat up for this treat.

Lost, lost.

Very heartache.

Seeing this, Yang Fan smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "I'm just joking with you, you only have more than 300 yuan a month, I heard that the monthly salary is handed over to Xiao Wu for safekeeping, and there is no money in my pocket. No, you don't need to ask."

Han Jiang married his partner Wu Hongxia last year.

The relationship between the two is very good, Han Jiang took the initiative to hand over his salary to Xiao Wu, and only had pocket money of 30 to [-] yuan per month.


Don't make me a treat!
Han Jin was pleasantly surprised, thinking he heard it wrong.

Yang Fan nodded affirmatively and said, "You don't need to invite me. On the contrary, after arriving in Kiev, I will treat you to a big meal and enjoy the local delicacies."

Very good!
It was simply a clap of hands.

"Brother Fan, I love you to death."

Yang Fan shook his head with a smile and said, "Forget it, I don't have any hobbies in that area, as long as there is Xiao Jiang who loves me."

Along the way, with Han Jiang sitting beside him, he was not lonely, on the contrary, it was very interesting.

This guy is simply a pistachio.

After a while, the voice of the stewardess sounded on the plane. She spoke twice in Russian and Mandarin, telling everyone that the plane had reached the sky above Kiev and was about to land at the airport. Everyone fastened their seat belts.

After more than ten hours of flying, the plane finally landed successfully at the airport.

After the plane stopped, Yang Fan dragged his suitcase and got off the plane with everyone, thinking while walking.

Kyiv, here I come.

Today is the third update, and the third update is here!

thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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