Military Heavy

Chapter 257

Chapter 257
A group of us walked out of the airport, full of hope, in a good mood, talking and laughing.

Commander Huang walked in the front. After walking out of the airport, he said loudly: "The person who picked us up is here, let's go, get in the car first."

The other party came with two cars, one big and one small, a car and a passenger car with more than ten seats. They had already parked outside the airport, and the middle-aged man who greeted him was holding a sign high.

The two parties met, exchanged a few words of polite greetings, shook hands one by one, and then got into the car one after another, and went to the location of MD, which was a relatively long drive.

Yang Fan, Han Jiang and others got into the small passenger car, while Huang Keping and the other leaders were in the small car in front, and Han Jiang completely let himself go.

"Haha, finally got off the plane."

"Brother Fan, let's share a room tonight."

"Look, the scenery outside is really different from our country."


This guy is completely talkative, as if he's on steroids, he talks the most in the car.

Yang Fan smiled slightly.

Looking outside through the glass, feeling the rushing exotic style, I thought in my heart, here I am again, going to the "Dawn" Machinery Design and Manufacturing Bureau (that is, MD) for the Nth time.

Why is it the Nth time?

Because Yang Fan himself can't remember exactly how many times he has been to this place.

Before rebirth, as an outstanding and influential ship designer, Yang Fan had been to MD many times, and he was quite familiar with the situation there.

However, the earliest one was also after 2010, that is to say, it was after the twenties, and now it is 1991.

What does MD look like now?
Thinking, thinking, maybe because he was tired, Yang Fan fell asleep in his seat.

When he first got into the car, Han Jiang was full of freshness. After more than half an hour, his freshness faded, and he also leaned on the seat and closed his eyes to rest.

When we arrived at the hotel, it was already dark.

The hotel I stayed at was not far from MD.

It may be that the relationship between the two countries is in a warming period, but the other party is also very enthusiastic and sent a fairly high-ranking leader named Gabulov.

Obviously, Huang Keping and Gabulov should have dealt with each other before. When they met, they shook hands warmly.

Gabulov said, "Huang, welcome to come."

"Mr. Gabulov, you are very kind."

After a few polite greetings, Huang Keping introduced everyone to Gabulov one by one, and our translator Zhang Ying was responsible for the translation.

Commander Huang can only speak a few simple words in Russian, and the Russian level of others is not very good. Zhang Ying is in charge of the translation work.

After shaking hands one by one, everyone checked into the hotel.

Contrary to what Han Jiang expected, instead of sharing a room for two people, each of them shared a room. His hope of sharing a room with Yang Fan fell through.

However, he was clever. When he got the room key, he took room 311, which was adjacent to Yang Fan's room 312.

"Brother Fan, I'll help you carry your luggage. Our rooms are next to each other."

"I'll do it myself."

"It's okay, I can move it."

He "snatched" the suitcase from Yang Fan's hands, carrying the suitcase in one hand and his own luggage bag in the other, striding ahead.

The environment of the room is good.

After everyone checked in and put away their luggage, Gabulov invited everyone to dinner.

The first meal must be invited by the other party, showing politeness and enthusiasm, and we will probably have to solve the problem of eating by ourselves later.

You can cook by yourself, or you can find a restaurant to eat out by yourself.

This meal is very rich, many of which are unique to the local food. It is the first time to eat these things, and I think it is not bad.Such as mashed potatoes, potato cakes, sausage and so on.

Back at the hotel, everyone was still chatting.

"really not bad."

"Yes, there are many things, very rich."

"Tomorrow we will solve the food problem by ourselves. It is estimated that the food level will plummet by several levels."

While talking, he entered the hotel lobby.

Because it was still early, feeling the exotic atmosphere, some people couldn't hold back anymore and asked: "Commander Huang, it's too early to go back to the room to sleep, can you take a walk around here?"

Huang Keping hesitated a little.

After thinking about it, he finally agreed: "Yes, but there must be at least three people, and no later than ten o'clock local time."

As soon as the sound fell, several people cheered.

"Great, you can go out for a walk."

"I've had this idea for a long time, who is with me."

There were 12 people in total, at least four or five people were eager to try, but someone found a very real problem, almost no one could speak Russian.

Someone reminded: "We don't speak Russian, what should we do if we encounter something when we go out?"


This is a big problem!

Such as buying something, asking for directions and so on.

What about communication? ? ?
Someone looked at the interpreter Zhang Ying and asked, "Sister Zhang, how about you go out for a walk with us?"

Zhang Ying showed a look of embarrassment.

She was in her fifties, and her body was not as good as that of a young man. She was tired all the way and was very tired.Her original plan was to go back to her room and go to bed earlier.

It is estimated that she is not the only one who has this idea.

"Sister Zhang, come with us for a walk."

"Section Chief Zhang, none of us understand Russian, we can't do without you."


The few people who wanted to go out kept trying to persuade them.

Zhang Ying looked at them, sighed softly, and finally agreed: "Okay then, I'll walk around with you."

Immediately, these people looked happy.

A group of people happily left the hotel, including Zhang Ying, a total of six people, accounting for half of the number.

Huang Keping, Liu Hui and others did not leave the hotel.

It's very simple, I'm a little tired, and I'm going to go back to my room and go to bed earlier.

Yang Fan is not very tired. He slept on the plane and in the car, and he is in good spirits. It’s just that he has been to MD many times, and he is familiar with this area. What can be visited.

If you really want to go shopping nearby, you can choose to take a good walk around the neighborhood during the day when you have time.

As for translation, that is not needed.

Yang Fan can speak fluent Russian, even the locals have no problem chatting about the mountains.

Of course, Yang Fan didn't know that Zhang Ying was tired and wanted to go back to the room to rest.If he knew this, Yang Fan might volunteer to take everyone out for a walk.

Han Jiang originally took a step and planned to go out with everyone for a walk, but he noticed that Brother Fan didn't move, he just stopped when he took a step.

"Brother Fan, why don't you go out for a walk."

Yang Fan smiled, "Go back to sleep, and I have to visit MD tomorrow, so I can refresh myself and overcome jet lag. If you want to go out for a walk, there will be plenty of time and opportunities in the future."


Then I won't go either.

Han Jiang followed Yang Fan's lead.

The rest of them went up to the third floor of the hotel under the leadership of Huang Keping, and went back to their rooms.

After entering his room, Yang Fan opened the suitcase, took out some things that needed to be taken out, then watched TV for a while, and went to bed early.

The next day.

Early in the morning, we all had breakfast in the restaurant of the hotel.

While eating breakfast, the few people who came back from a stroll last night kept happily talking about what they saw and heard last night.

Yang Fan noticed that Zhang Ying didn't seem to be in high spirits, she didn't seem to have much appetite, she only drank half a cup of milk and ate half a piece of bread.

What's up with her?
Is it acclimatized.

Yang Fan guessed in his heart.

Obviously, Huang Keping also noticed it, and asked with concern: "Section Chief Zhang, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Ying shook her head gently, "It's okay, I just feel a little uncomfortable, it's okay."

Seeing this, Huang Keping didn't ask in detail, but raised his hand to check the time, thinking in his heart, Bugalov should be here soon.

According to the arrangement, today is relatively easy, mainly to visit MD, rather than to discuss with the other party the order of superalloys and the introduction of gas turbines.

Soon after, Bugalov took the car to the gate of the hotel, and everyone got on the car one after another and went to MD for a visit.

Riding in the car, everyone was very excited, because they were about to enter the "Dawn" Machinery Design and Manufacturing Bureau.

There is only one person, and the interest is not high.

She is Zhang Ying.

Yang Fan also noticed that not only did she speak less throughout the whole process, but her complexion was also a little abnormal.

Is it really acclimatized?

Sure enough, after a day's visit, Zhang Ying fell ill with a high fever and was admitted to a local hospital in the evening.

When such a thing happened, no one thought that Huang Keping's face was a little ugly, and the interpreter fell ill. What should we do next?
I came back very late today, let's post a chapter first, and continue in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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