Military Heavy

Chapter 258 What to do if the price is too high

Chapter 258 What to do if the price is too high

Who knows Russian?

Commander Huang felt his head was a little big.

I specially brought an interpreter from China, but I didn't expect that I fell ill on the first day, and how to communicate with the other party next.

What about the ordering of high-temperature alloys and the introduction of gas turbines?

After dinner.

Huang Keping, who was really worried, went to the hospital, visited Zhang Ying who was lying on the hospital bed again, and asked with concern: "Chief Zhang, do you feel better?"

Zhang Ying said: "After lifting the water, I feel better. Maybe I can go to MD with everyone tomorrow, and I will be the translator."

can you?
Can you hold on?

Huang Keping put a big question mark, and shook his head slightly in disappointment. Even if he wasn't a doctor, Zhang Ying should have to rest in the hospital. Without two or three days, he would definitely not be able to leave the hospital.

As for going to MD with everyone tomorrow to work as a translator, I guess it can only be a luxury.

understand this.

Feeling a little heavy.

Commander Huang returned to the hotel with an unusually serious face, lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep for a long time.

He thought of several options.

Option [-], call another translator from China.But it was quickly denied.

The main reason is that there is too little time to go through the relevant procedures, and then come by plane, it is estimated that the day lily is cold.

Plan [-], ask the embassy for help and ask for an interpreter.

But it was also denied, the reason is very simple, this translation will involve some professional translators, the Russian translation of the embassy is probably not good.

third solution.
Huang Keping himself didn't know how many plans he had thought of, but he was finally rejected by himself. It wasn't until the next morning that he had no choice but to pick up the phone.

Extremely helpless.

There is really no way!
Deep down, he didn't want to make the call at all.

But I can only call Gabulov and ask the other party to send an accompanying interpreter, who will be responsible for the translation of this negotiation and the daily translation of everyone.

In addition to working time, everyone also has living time in Russia.

In two or three days, I may go out for a walk, buy things, and communicate with others, and I need a translator.

What made Huang Keping feel relieved was that Gabulov agreed to the request, and brought someone and a car to the hotel gate.

A group of ten people boarded the car. Today will be a very important day.

Why only ten people?

Zhang Ying was hospitalized and rested on the hospital bed. In a foreign country, someone must take care of her, so one person was left to take care of her in the hospital.

After getting into the car, Gabulov and Huang Keping sat together and said with a relaxed expression, "Huang, this is our translator, Comrade Semenov."

The co-pilot was a young Russian man. He turned his head sideways, first translated Gabulov's words, and then introduced himself.

He speaks standard Mandarin.

It also looks rather clever.

Huang Keping nodded lightly, feeling relieved, the translation problem was finally solved, and it didn't matter if Zhang Ying lay in the hospital and could rest for a few more days.

A group of people arrived at MD.

Yesterday was a whole day of visits, and basically all the things to be visited have been seen, including the UGT-15000 gas turbine and the UGT-25000 gas turbine that Yang Fan placed great hopes on.

What makes Yang Fan extremely happy is that the UGT-25000 gas turbine has entered small-batch production instead of finalizing the design.

I don't know if there is a small deviation in history, or if I remember it wrong.Yang Fan speculated that the possibility of the former should be relatively high.

In my memory, in 1991, the UGT-25000 gas turbine seemed to have just been designed and finalized, and had not yet entered the stage of small batch production, and there seemed to be some technical problems. Stabilizes and becomes a very good marine gas turbine.

Today is not a visit, but a negotiation.

Gabulov led everyone into the conference room that had been prepared long ago. Not long after, several people came in from the outside, one of them was a high-level MD, and the others were also middle-level.

After introducing each other, the two sides began to talk.

Semenov served as interpreter.

At the beginning, there was no problem, and the translation was fairly accurate, but when the two sides began to discuss the order of high-temperature alloys, especially after the introduction of gas turbines, some problems appeared in the translation.

Some professional things, he did not translate accurately.

Both parties felt that communication seemed to have some difficulties.

Although Gabulov did not understand Chinese, he also realized that there must be a problem with the translation, so he gave Semenov a dissatisfied look.

This is Chi Guoguo's dissatisfaction.

Very embarrassing!

At least Gabulov felt a little uncomfortable.

The translator he found by himself is so good!
Yang Fan sat there all the time, seldom talking, mainly listening, but gradually couldn't sit still, Semyonov's translation was really not very good.

After listening to Semyonov's translation again, Yang Fan couldn't help but interjected, "Commander Huang, his translation is wrong. It's not 1.6 horsepower, but 1.6 kilowatts."

Horsepower and kilowatts are units of power.

Semyonov mistranslated even this.

Yang Fan couldn't bear it anymore, so he interjected.

Suddenly, Huang Keping was surprised, "Xiao Yang, can you understand Russian?"

This was an accidental discovery.

Commander Huang knew that Yang Fan was proficient in English, but he didn't expect that he could even understand Russian.

Yang Fan nodded lightly, "Understandable, I can also speak Russian."

Commander Huang glanced at Yang Fan in surprise, and asked tentatively, "Section Chief Zhang is sick and lying in the hospital. If you are the interpreter, do you think it's okay?"

Yang Fan smiled confidently, "Then I'll give it a try."

Seeing what Yang Fan said, our commander-in-chief Huang counted in his heart, nodded and said: "That's okay, you will be the interpreter."

After making this decision, he told Gabulov again,

Gabulov had long been a little dissatisfied with Comrade Semyonov, and agreed: "No problem, then Yang will be the interpreter for this time."

The communication between the two of them just now was translated by Yang Fan, and Gabulov's eyes lit up slightly, because he found that Yang Fan's Russian was very standard.

What about the rest?

For example, Liu Hui, Feng Yu and others also have bright eyes.


Comrade Yang Fan is proficient in Russian.

Keep it hidden!

He hadn't been showing off or showing off before, but he was actually a deep-water predator, and he spoke Russian so well.

Han Jiang Licking the Dog looked at Yang Fan in admiration, and quietly gave a thumbs up.

As if to say, Brother Fan is awesome, Brother Fan is mighty!

Sensing everyone's different gazes, Yang Fan smiled softly, proud and confident.

Yang Fan's translation is very accurate and fluent.

The following negotiations did not feel so awkward, and there was no problem in communication.

There are no longer problems in communication, but differences gradually appear in other areas.

If the other party agrees to sell superalloys to us, but the price has risen sharply, it is not 150 rubles per kilogram as previously communicated, but 300 rubles per kilogram, which is fully doubled.

One kilogram is 300 rubles, and one ton is 30 rubles.

Sky-high price!
Huang Keping said it was unacceptable, it was too expensive.

Others feel the same way.

Sell ​​gold!

30 rubles per ton.

What makes everyone even more unacceptable is that the temporary price increase, even if the price is expensive, the other party only agreed to sell 200 kg, and our demand is at least 2 tons.

This gap is too big!
What can 200 kg do?

If all of them are used to imitate the turbine blades of the LM2500 gas turbine, excluding losses, scrapping, etc., it is estimated that dozens of turbine blades can be successfully imitated, which is already very good.

When the life of the turbine blades expires, the entire disk is often replaced with new ones. A disk consists of dozens of blades. However, the LM2500 turbine has several stages of turbines.

The divergence in ordering superalloys is too great.

At noon, Huang Keping called everyone for a short meeting to unify their opinions. Since they couldn't reach an agreement with the other party for the time being, let's put it aside and talk about the introduction of gas turbines in the afternoon.

Unexpectedly, the differences in the afternoon were even greater.

Although the other party agreed to sell the UGT-15000 gas turbine, it also increased the price significantly, and the increase was more than doubled.

This greatly surprised Huang Keping.

Before coming to the Soviet Union, there were some things that both sides agreed on.For example, for gas turbines, the other party has already quoted the price, and they feel that there is not much difference between the other party’s quotation and our price. The two parties sit down and have a good negotiation, and they may be able to negotiate the price.

How did you know that not only did the price not be negotiated, but the other party more than doubled the price.

On the issue of price alone, the two sides have reached an impasse.

The other party's offer far exceeded our inner price.

To be honest, Huang Keping felt a little angry. He had already asked the price, and you also quoted the price. When the two sides sat down to talk, you actually raised the price.


If he didn't really want to order their high-temperature alloys and import their gas turbines, Huang Keping really didn't want to talk about it, and wished he could go back to China now.

When did our Commander-in-Chief Huang experience such a bird-like attitude!

But reason told him that he couldn't do that.

If you just walk away like this and take everyone back to the country, then these things will be yellow.

Without superalloys, how can we imitate the turbine blades of the LM2500 gas turbine.

Without gas turbines, what will we do with our future 052 ships and what will drive them? Is it really going back to the past and using backward steam turbines?

Absolutely not.

Negotiations cannot be given up, and must continue tomorrow.

Because of the large differences in price, everyone returned to the hotel early, but everyone was downcast.

I'm in a bad mood.

Very frustrating.

There is a deep sense of frustration.

It was as if the eggplant had been wilted by frost.

Even Yang Fan was no exception, he sighed softly.

Everyone had no appetite for dinner, and just ate something hastily. Then, Commander Huang called everyone to a meeting to discuss what to do next.

How should I talk to the other party tomorrow.

The second update is here, today's update can only be said here, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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