Military Heavy

Chapter 259 Payment in installments, settlement in rubles

Chapter 259 Payment in installments, settlement in rubles

The atmosphere in this temporary meeting room was dull.

Obviously, everyone has been hit hard.

As the team leader and the commander-in-chief of Ship 052, Huang Keping sighed softly, looked around everyone, and said in a low voice.

"Comrades, we did not expect such a situation to occur. We have communicated with Lao Maozi before and reached some intentions. In particular, we asked about their quotations. We did not expect that."

After speaking, there was a strong dissatisfaction in his tone.

Even the address of the other party has changed, directly calling the other party "Old Maozi".

After the speech, Feng Yu was the first to speak, and said in grief and indignation: "These old men are too greedy. It's fine to raise the price temporarily, but it's so much all at once."

The price of superalloys has doubled!
Gas turbines have more than doubled!

Everyone, you say a word, I say a word, venting the dissatisfaction in your heart, as if you want to completely vent the uselessness you suffered today.

"According to my temper, I really want to slap my ass and leave."

"It's simply asking for money."

"A typical seller's market, Lao Maozi is sure that we will buy it no matter how expensive it is."


Sitting in the temporary meeting room, Yang Fan felt everyone's resentment and remained silent for a long time. To be honest, he felt very uncomfortable.

I was also angry, but also helpless.

It is definitely not possible to slap the ass and leave, this is easy, but what about our 052 ship, in the future there will be no turbine blades for LM2500 gas turbine repair and maintenance, and the new 052 ship will not have a suitable power system in the future.

Obviously, Huang Keping also knew this very well. After giving enough time for everyone to vent their dissatisfaction, he raised his hand and pressed down slightly.

The originally noisy conference room fell silent.

Huang Keping said: "Everyone has complained, and I believe the mood is much better. Yes, this is a typical seller's market. We can't pat our ass and leave. We must continue to talk with each other. We will always sell the high-temperature alloy we need until the materials and gas turbines are bought back.”

The tone is set.

That's it, no matter how difficult it is, for our 052 ship, we must persevere to the end until we buy things back.

Huang Keping continued: "Tomorrow, the negotiation will continue, so many of us have to think about how to talk to the other party tomorrow, especially in the face of the old man's skyrocketing prices, what countermeasures can we take, and what methods can we have? .”

After speaking, the scene was still silent.

What can I do?

What countermeasures should be taken? ? ?

After a full minute or two of silence, someone finally said: "Commander Huang, we need to negotiate the price first. Their quotation is really too high, and everyone exceeds our estimate."

Many people nodded slightly, the most urgent thing is to negotiate the price.

Many people were waiting for him to continue talking, but he sat down and did not use any specific method or strategy to negotiate the price.

It is estimated that he has no choice.

The same is true for others, there is basically no effective way.

Seeing that no one spoke anymore, Huang Keping's gaze swept across everyone's faces one by one, and finally settled on Yang Fan's face.

He thought with hope in his heart, whenever he encounters difficulties, whenever he encounters difficult problems, Xiao Yang can always think of ways and come up with countermeasures.

What about this time?

With such hope in mind, Huang Keping called by name and said, "Comrade Yang Fan, what about you, what can you do?"

In fact, Yang Fan has been thinking about this matter.

What should we do in the face of Lao Maozi's exorbitant asking price?
I've been thinking about this matter since this afternoon, and I already have a plan. Even if Commander Huang didn't call by name, Yang Fan was going to talk about it.

At this moment, under everyone's gaze, Yang Fan stood up.

His face was calm, without resentment or depression.

Yang Fan said loudly: "Commander Huang, everyone, I understand the price increase all over the sky, and I know the reason."

You know why!

Before Commander Huang could speak, Feng Yu couldn't help asking loudly, "What's the reason?"

Yes, what is the reason.

Why are they skyrocketing prices?
Seeing that everyone wanted to know the reason, including Commander Huang, they were all waiting for him to continue, Yang Fan said: "The real reason why the old Maozi raised the price is that they have no confidence in their ruble and are worried that the ruble will continue to depreciate."

"As far as I know, the exchange rate of the ruble to the U.S. dollar was always 1:1.1 before last year. The old man just thinks that the ruble is worth more than the U.S. dollar. But since last year, the Soviet Union has adjusted the exchange rate for the first time. As of last month, it should be In the fourth exchange rate adjustment, the exchange rate of the ruble to the US dollar has also reached 1:0.35, and the depreciation of the ruble has been very obvious. If this continues, it is estimated that it will take several rubles to convert to one US dollar."


Comrade Yang Fan also understands finance so well.

Some people suddenly realized.

That's right, the ruble has depreciated.

After understanding what was going on, some people still said: "Even if the ruble depreciates, you can't ask for the price, and the price will increase exponentially."

"For a country as big as the Soviet Union, the depreciation of the ruble is only temporary, and it will definitely stabilize at a certain level. It is impossible to keep depreciating forever."

"Yes, the Soviet Union is so powerful that it will not depreciate forever."

Almost everyone agrees with this point that the depreciation of the ruble is only temporary, and it is impossible to depreciate forever. Since it is impossible to depreciate forever, there is no reason to ask for excessive prices.

Hearing this, Yang Fan smiled slightly.

It is estimated that almost all the Soviets also think so. They are a powerful country, and the depreciation of the ruble is only temporary, and it will soon stabilize at an exchange rate.

Yang Fan said: "I don't think so. According to my inference, the depreciation of the ruble will be a long-term process. In another year or two, it may take five or six rubles to exchange for one dollar."

No way!
This possibility is unlikely.

Everyone was almost stunned, looking at Yang Fan in astonishment, completely frightened by this inference.

Six rubles can be exchanged for one dollar, and the depreciation is too great. Compared with the current exchange rate, it has almost doubled in value.Now it is about 2.8 rubles to one dollar.

Is this inference scary?
Is it unlikely?

It's not scary at all, it's not that the possibility is great, but that the ruble will definitely depreciate rapidly.

It's a pity that everyone is not born again. They don't know that the Soviet Union will disintegrate in November this year, and the ruble will plummet even more. At the lowest point, it takes thousands of rubles to exchange for one dollar, and the ruble has almost become waste paper.

Yang Fan is well aware of this.

I even thought in my heart, if we pay in batches, pay [-]% or [-]% first, and then settle the rest in rubles, will it be a big advantage.

If Lao Maozi hadn't been so insatiable and demanding prices, Yang Fan would not have done so, and even suggested that the two parties settle in US dollars.

But the other party was too greedy, and the price was more than doubled from the beginning. Everyone was very angry, and Yang Fan was not happy about being sloppy.

This is also Yang Fan's suggestion.

Payment in installments, settlement in rubles.

Yang Fan said seriously: "Commander Huang, because the ruble may continue to depreciate, I suggest paying in installments with the other party and settling in rubles."

"Oh, let me be more specific."

Yang Fan nodded, and said more specifically: "We will continue to negotiate with the other party, and strive to lower the price. If we really can't negotiate, we don't have to continue to struggle with the price. After the price is negotiated, we can pay in batches. , pay [-]% or [-]% of the total amount in advance, the less the amount to pay in advance, the better, it is clearly stated in the contract that the balance will still be settled in rubles."

"After the high-temperature alloys and gas turbines we need arrive, the final payment will be paid in rubles. Of course, rubles must still be used. I think the Soviets will not object to insisting on using rubles."

Certainly not against it.

Yang Fan is very sure about this.

The Soviet Union and the United States are bitter and bitter.

The old man has always followed the ruble, not the dollar, and has always hated using the dollar in international trade.Of course, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, that was another matter.

Faced with Yang Fan's suggestion, Huang Keping fell into deep thought.

While Commander Huang was thinking, someone asked, "Comrade Yang Fan, you are so sure that the ruble will continue to depreciate, but what if it doesn't?"

Yang Fan smiled, "If it really doesn't depreciate, then I have no choice. At present, besides this method, do you have any other good methods?"

There was silence.

Many people shook their heads helplessly.

Negotiations must continue. Yang Fan also said that he would try to negotiate down the price a bit, but if the old man really refuses to give in, even at this price, he can only hold his nose and accept it, and he will buy it at a high price.

However, even if the price is high, if you really only need to pay [-] to [-]% of the total amount up front, then you will be relieved temporarily, and the financial pressure will not be so great.

The meeting room fell silent.

Commander Huang thought for more than 2 minutes, and finally made a decision, "According to what Comrade Yang Fan said, indeed, we have no better way than doing this."

In fact, Commander Huang also kept a hope in his heart.

In case, as Yang Fan said, the ruble continues to depreciate all the way, and it will take five or six rubles, or even more rubles, to exchange for one dollar in the future.

So it's settled.

Tomorrow, I will continue to talk with the old men according to this decision.

After making this decision, Commander Huang asked, "Comrade Yang Fan, do you have anything else to say?"

Of course there are.

This question has been thought about for a long time.

Yang Fan said: "We have always wanted to introduce Lao Maozi's UGT-15000 gas turbine. I think its power is a little bit lower. The UGT-25000 gas turbine is the ideal power for our 052 ship in the future."

"Commander Huang, can we also buy a few UGT-25000 gas turbines first? Of course, it would be ideal if we could introduce the entire set of technology for this type of gas turbine. The old Maozi is responsible for the follow-up maintenance and technical upgrade of the UGT-25000 gas turbine we purchased.”

This is what the Americans are afraid of.

The imported LM2500 gas turbines are not maintained by the Americans, and they don’t even sell spare parts. Now we are in a very passive situation.

Our Yang Fan actually fell in love with Lao Maozi's UGT-25000 gas turbine!
Many people were stunned and deeply surprised.

Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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