Military Heavy

Chapter 260 Actually Agreed

Chapter 260 Actually Agreed

UGT-25000 gas turbine!
Of course, everyone is familiar with this gas turbine. I took a special look at it when I visited yesterday. It is a new type of gas turbine newly developed by MD. It weighs about 16 tons and has an output power of 2.9 kilowatts.

Typical Hercules!
With such a high output power, even a ship of 32 to [-] tons can run an amazing speed of more than [-] knots.

But someone reminded: "Comrade Yang Fan, there is no need. Our 052 ship does not need such a high-power gas turbine. In addition, I heard that this gas turbine has many minor problems, and it is still in the process of design and improvement."

Don't you need it?
Totally useful.

Very useful!
Yang Fan said loudly: "I am engaged in ship design, and I have the most right to speak. Our future 052 ships will use UGT-25000 gas turbines as power, which is perfect, much better than UGT-15000 gas turbines."

The reason?
Very simple.

Yang Fan still said loudly: "We have to take a long-term view. The 052 ship is indeed only more than 4000 tons now, but it will definitely not be only more than 4000 tons in the future."

"Our 052 ship will carry out technological upgrades. The missile vertical launch system and ship-borne phased array control radar will all be used on warships. The future 052 ship will definitely exceed 15000 tons, or even close to [-] tons. If you use UGT- The [-]-type gas turbine is used as power, and the power is not enough, and it is a little smaller."

Will the 052 ship reach a displacement of nearly [-] tons?
Some are skeptical.

But many more think it's entirely possible.

Because Yang Fan is an expert in ship design, it must be reasonable to say that, the 052 ship may really reach this level in the future.

If it really has a displacement of nearly 15000 tons, then the UGT-1.6 gas turbine has a power of only [-] kilowatts, which is indeed a little smaller.

Huang Keping nodded in agreement, and signaled: "Comrade Yang Fan, continue to talk, let's all listen."

In the temporary meeting room, it was very quiet, and everyone looked at Yang Fan.

In everyone's eyes, Yang Fan was confident, and still said loudly: "Old Maozi's technical strength and industrial strength are there. Although there are many problems with the UGT-25000 gas turbine, there are no fatal problems. There are glitches, and those issues will definitely be fixed eventually."

"My opinion is that it is best to buy back the entire set of UGT-25000 gas turbine technology. If the other party does not agree to sell the technology for the time being, at least the technology must be authorized to us for the production of this type of gas turbine. The accessories are assembled by our domestic gas turbine manufacturers, and after accumulating certain experience and technology, we will carry out the imitation of this gas turbine.”

Historically, this has been the case.

The UGT-25000 gas turbines were initially supplied by Ukraine with spare parts and assembled in China. After some accumulation, we will imitate them.

In the end, the localization of this gas turbine will be completely realized, and all future 052 ships will be equipped with this localized gas turbine.

So far, the matter of the ship's gas turbine being stuck has finally been resolved smoothly.

In front of everyone, especially Commander Huang, Yang Fan expressed his thoughts without reservation.

Suddenly, many people fell into thinking.

The same is true for Huang Keping. After thinking for a long time, he agreed: "This suggestion is good. We can try it and talk to Lao Maozi."

"If the technical authorization of the UGT-25000 gas turbine can really be obtained, then this is a great thing, which is equivalent to moving this gas turbine from the Soviet Union to our country."

Importing a few gas turbines is nothing.

Authorized production is the best.

It is better to teach people to fish than to teach people.

That's the truth.

The meeting lasted for nearly two hours. Yang Fan was the protagonist, and he made a lot of suggestions. Commander Huang thought it was good and almost adopted it.

After the meeting, go back to your room.

Commander Huang took out a cigarette and lit it, took a puff, and said with satisfaction, "Xiao Yang is really talented. At critical moments, there is always a way."

MD headquarters.

They are also holding a meeting, presided over by the senior leader Gashinski, who is one of the top management of MD and is in charge of the negotiation with Commander Huang.

The topic of the meeting is related to tomorrow's negotiation.

"Whether our asking price is too high and the Chinese are intimidated, how will they talk to us tomorrow?"

"We are a seller's market, no matter how expensive it is, they will buy it."

"The ruble is depreciating. I don't know how much it will depreciate. The price is set higher to reduce our own risks."


Their conference room is very lively, you say something, I say something, they are chatting like this.Gaczinski said nothing, but first smoked a cigarette.

After smoking the cigarette, he said loudly: "Our asking price is not high at all. You should know that no matter how expensive it is, they will buy it."

Gabulov tentatively asked: "The ruble is depreciating. We can actually set the price a little higher. We will re-quote tomorrow. I wonder if it is possible."

This is a cruel man!
It has more than doubled, and I want to go up again.

Of course, Gaczynski wanted to sell more money in his heart, but his reason told him not to go too far in this matter. After all, when the relationship between the two countries is heating up, it may not be appropriate to ask for too much price.

He made a decision: "Just follow yesterday's quotation. We will not make any concessions at this price. In addition, the depreciation of the ruble is only temporary. You have to trust the country and it will stabilize soon. Everyone must have confidence in this."

Many people nodded in agreement.

It's not just Gasinski, the vast majority of Soviet people think so.

In their view, the powerful Soviet Union can't solve even a small exchange rate problem, so it's still the Soviet Union.

The next day.

Huang Keping took everyone to MD again, and the two sides sat together and continued to negotiate. Unexpectedly, the attitude of the old men was very firm, and they would not give up on the price.

After talking for more than an hour, it almost reached a deadlock.

The two sides did not continue for the time being, but went back to the resting room to discuss in private, to unify their opinions and so on.

MD arranged for us a large guest room with a sofa, a coffee table, coffee, and even boiled water and tea, so you can make tea by yourself.

Aside from the sky-high asking prices and a little bit of greed, MD's hospitality is not bad.

Commander Huang said with a solemn expression: "The other party is not giving an inch, and the hope of lowering the price may not be great."

Yang Fan agreed a little bit, and said with concern: "The price can't be lowered. I suggest not to entangle with the other party on this. Let's throw out our views, pay in batches, and settle in rubles. In addition, 200 kilograms of high-temperature alloys are too small. Is it okay?" Strive for more than 1 ton."

The original expectation was two tons, but it seemed impossible. It was already very ideal to be able to buy back one ton of high-temperature alloys needed to imitate turbine blades.

Commander Huang nodded.

Soon after, the two parties sat together again and continued to negotiate.

Seeing that our side did not entangle with the price, but agreed to their quotation, including Gasinski and Gabulov, they were all overjoyed.

They exchanged glances quietly.

They all saw the joy in each other's eyes.

Huang Keping proposed to pay in batches and settle in rubles.

The old men were just slightly taken aback, and some even thought maliciously, could it be that the Chinese are short of money and can't afford so much money at once.

There is not much money in high-temperature alloys. Although 300 rubles a kilogram is expensive, the quantity is not much.

UGT-15000 gas turbines are expensive, but in such a large country, it is not impossible to pay for it, and it cannot be paid in one go.

However, installment payments are not without precedent internationally. On the contrary, most cases are paid in installments, especially in Western countries.

After signing the contract, pay a part first, and then pay another part after the goods arrive, and sometimes even leave a part of the final payment. After half a year or a year, if the goods have no quality problems, the final payment will be paid in full.

We insist on payment in installments.

Gasinski shrugged and looked at Commander Huang strangely, and he actually agreed.

"No problem, we can accept payment in installments."

Hearing this, Yang Fan was overjoyed at first, and after translating Gasinski's words to everyone, including Commander Huang, all felt relieved.

Actually agreed.

They actually agreed.

Next, the two parties negotiated all the details surrounding the installment payment.

After the contract is signed, [-]% of the total payment will be paid first, and after we receive the goods, the remaining [-]% will be paid in full in rubles.

In the afternoon, the two sides sat together again.

Mainly talk about two things.

One is that we proposed to buy 2 tons of superalloy instead of 200 kg.The second is to introduce a complete set of UGT-25000 gas turbine technology.

At the beginning, the two sides fell into a stalemate again.

The old man will not give an inch.

Life and death only agreed to sell us 200 kilograms of high-temperature alloys. As for the technology transfer of UGT-25000 gas turbines, they even refused.

Immediately, Yang Fan felt heavy in his heart.

Originally wanted to get back the entire set of technology of the UGT-25000 gas turbine, but it seems that there is little hope, and the old man will not let go at all.

How to do it?

Our 052 ship will need this high-power naval gas turbine in the future. As for the UGT-15000 gas turbine, the power is too small, and it is not ideal for the future 052 ship.

The reason for buying a few UGT-15000 gas turbines is just an experiment. The purpose of the test is mostly. If there is no hope for buying a UGT-25000 gas turbine, first use this gas turbine as a top.

Not agreeing to technology transfer, nor to authorized production, including Huang Keping, was a little bit hit, and the mood became depressed for a while.

Since you can't, then the next best thing, Huang Keping proposed, since you do not agree to technology transfer, how about we order a few UGT-25000 gas turbines?

Unexpectedly, the other party refused again.

The atmosphere in the conference room became dull.

No one wanted to talk, and what was originally full of hope was cut off like this.

It was dull for at least two or three minutes, and when Gabulov was about to say something, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

The third update will continue today, and the second update will be sent.

(End of this chapter)

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