Military Heavy

Chapter 261 Very enjoyable and satisfying

Chapter 261 Very enjoyable and satisfying

The person who came was a technical supervisor, responsible for the technical work of the UGT-25000 gas turbine. It must have been a big problem, otherwise, he would not have pushed the door open like this.

After entering, he walked up to Gabulov and said eagerly, "Our UGT-25000 gas turbine has another problem. It's the same as last time. The main shaft of the lubricating oil pump is broken."

Not only Gabulov, but also Gazinski, his face changed obviously.

damn it!
Why is this problem again!

There is no end!

Since the successful manufacture of UGT-25000, there have been many fracture accidents of the main shaft of the lubricating oil pump, and this is the sixth case.

There are six in total!

In the field of aero engines, if the same problem occurs twice, it is more serious. If it occurs three times, it is a very serious quality problem, which can be called a serious quality accident.

It actually appeared six times!
All the main shaft of the lubricating oil pump is broken.

Gabulov's face was a little ugly, and he suggested to Gasinski: "Leader, the negotiations between us and the Chinese have reached an impasse for the time being. I suggest that we stop here today and wait for two days to talk about everything. We must first Solve the problem of the main shaft of the oil pump breaking."

Gaszynski nodded approvingly.

They communicated in Russian, and their speaking speed was relatively fast. Except for Yang Fan, all our personnel did not know what happened.

Until Yang Fan said, "Commander Huang, the other party suggested to suspend the negotiation and wait for two days to sit together and continue the discussion."

Now that the other party has said so, what else can it do.

Huang Keping nodded and said, "Yes."

Yang Fan explained the meaning to Gabulov, and then both parties got up together, shook hands with each other and left the meeting room.

Huang Keping said: "Let's go, let's go back to the hotel first."

Still taking the two cars from before, everyone walked into the hotel. After Gabulov and the others left, many people asked questions.

"Comrade Yang Fan, it seems that Lao Maozi has encountered something."

"Depending on the situation, things are not that simple."

Although everyone couldn't understand what the old men said in the conference room just now, they guessed that something might have happened.

Yang Fan nodded and said: "Yes, something happened. The main shaft of the lubricating oil pump of the UGT-25000 gas turbine broke during the test run. They have to deal with this matter first."

It turned out to be the case.

After understanding what happened, some people were puzzled and confused. It was just a broken main shaft of the lubricating oil pump, which was not a big deal.

Of course, it's not a big deal to break it once.

But if it is broken six times in total, it is another matter.

In any case, nothing will happen for the next two days. As for what happened to Lao Maozi and how serious it is, no one should care about it.

It was still very early.

Huang Keping raised his hand to check the time, and said loudly: "It's still early today, if you want to take a stroll nearby, you can go now, but remember, there must be more than three people, and dinner will be settled by yourself."

Very good!
Commander Huang is mighty!
Someone even shouted excitedly.

It was already the third day since I came here. Except for some people who went out for a walk that night, everyone was busy all the time, and there was no chance at all.

It's daytime now, it's only afternoon, and it's still early before dark.

Going out for a stroll during the day is of course different from that at night. Many people are eager to go out for a walk and experience the customs of this foreign country.

After all, it is not easy to go abroad once, and some people may only go abroad once in their lifetime.

Huang Keping said: "I won't go. I'm going to see Comrade Zhang Ying. If anyone goes with me, I'm very welcome."

Translator Zhang Ying is not acclimatized and is still in the hospital.

However, it is much better, and it is estimated that I can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow.

Two or three people said they would go to the hospital to visit Zhang Ying, and Yang Fan also wanted to see how Zhang Ying was doing. As for shopping, he had time tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

How did you know, Commander Huang smiled and said: "Comrade Yang Fan, you don't need to go to the hospital. Comrade Zhang Ying is already much better. You and everyone can go shopping around."

"Yeah, come with us."

"Assistant President Yang, if you go to the hospital to visit Zhang Ying, we will be blind."

Everyone laughed in good faith.

Because there is no translator and everyone can't speak Russian, communication has become a big problem.

All of a sudden, Yang Fan became a favorite.

It seems that there are still great benefits to mastering one more foreign language.

Yang Fan smiled and said happily: "I didn't expect that I would be so popular, it's ok, I'll go out with you for a walk."

"That's right."

"Comrade Yang Fan is with us, so don't worry."

Han Jiang even patted his chest and let out a long sigh of relief, "Brother Fan, I thought you wouldn't go out with us, you scared me to death."

Yang Fan greeted Commander Huang, waved and said, "Let's go, then let's go."

Ready to go, someone took the map, and someone went back to the room to get the camera.

There were seven people in total, including Yang Fan.

There are two other people who are planning to go to the hospital with Commander Huang to visit Comrade Zhang Ying. As for shopping, in their opinion, tomorrow is fine too.

A group of people went out talking and laughing, with Yang Fan as the center, followed by Liu Hui, Han Jiang, Feng Yu and others.

"Comrade Yang Fan, where are we going?"

"There is plenty of time, why don't you go a little farther and take a good stroll."

Yang Fan agreed: "Yes, my suggestion is to go to Independence Square first, which is the largest square in the city, and it is also very distinctive, and then go to Hagia Sophia, which is a cathedral with a history of hundreds of years. "

"After seeing the cathedral, it might be dark, let's go to dinner together and enjoy the city's specialties"

Everyone was stunned!
They all looked at Yang Fan with wide eyes.

Han Jiang couldn't help but asked, "Brother Fan, how do you know this? You seem to be very familiar with this city."

Of course familiar.

Before rebirth, Yang Fan visited this city many times, mainly for technical exchanges with MD technicians, and even traveled to Ukraine twice.

Yang Fan said with a smile: "There are maps, magazines, and newspapers in our hotel room. I took them and looked at them, and I knew these things."

This is of course an excuse.

Anyway, everyone can't understand Russian, so no one will know whether there are such contents on it.

Everyone took this excuse seriously, and even Liu Hui said in admiration: "Comrade Yang Fan, it is so useful to be able to master Russian."

Yang Fan waved and said, "Come on, let's take the bus."

After walking [-] meters, there was a bus stop in front of him. Yang Fan looked at the stop sign, and then took everyone on the bus.

First to Independence Square.

That is the center of the city. It is very lively and has a large area, especially the statue in the center of the square is very artistic.

We had a lot of fun there and took a lot of photos.

After a while, Yang Fan took everyone on the bus again, and soon arrived at the Hagia Sophia, which has a history of hundreds of years.

In this cathedral, I played for more than two hours and took a lot of photos in the same way. Everyone said it was enjoyable. If it wasn't for the dark sky, I would like to stay longer.

Yang Fan reminded: "It's getting dark, let's find a place to eat, I saw a restaurant in the newspaper, the food there is delicious and cheap, let's try it."

Everyone was still unsatisfied, and got on the bus again.

Yang Fan led everyone to this restaurant accurately.

Many people wonder why Yang Fan is so familiar with him.

It seems that he knows the city like the back of his hand, just like a local.

Great, great.

Just looking at the map, magazines and newspapers of the hotel, you can have such an understanding, as expected of Comrade Yang Fan!

Including Liu Hui, they all admire Yang Fan a little bit.

Han Jiang was even more admiring, and said in his heart, this is our Brother Fan, and he is amazing.

Yang Fan led everyone into this restaurant. Perhaps because of his good mood, he announced loudly: "I have a private treat tonight. I heard that the baked bread in this restaurant is very good. Please try it."

As soon as the sound fell, there was a burst of cheers.

Assistant President Yang is mighty!
Liu Hui seemed a little embarrassed, and reminded: "Comrade Yang Fan, let's use the AA system. After you go back, do the math, and everyone will give you the money."

Yang Fan waved his hand indifferently and said: "It's okay, it's just a meal, I can still afford it, everyone can eat at ease."

Compared with Yang Fan's rich net worth, this meal is nothing, as long as everyone is happy.

Yang Fan is in a good mood.

I didn't expect to have the opportunity to go to this restaurant again after being reborn.

Before being reborn, every time he came to this city, he would come here to taste the baked bread of this shop. In Yang Fan's opinion, it was absolutely unique.

After eating, the taste is endless aftertaste.

Yang Fan personally ordered something, and shortly after everyone sat down, freshly baked toast was delivered. Maybe he was hungry, so he picked up a piece and ate it.

This taste.
Really good!
This kind of baked black bread has a relatively hard taste, thick fibers, and is enjoyable to chew in the mouth, with a burst of wheat aroma.

good to eat.

Really delicious!
In addition to grilled black bread, Yang Fan ordered a lot of things without hesitation, such as red sausage, vegetarian caviar, grilled pork skewers, etc., which were very rich.

Everyone enjoyed it.

"Assistant President Yang, following you out is the wisest choice."

"Comrade Yang Fan, how did you find such a delicious place?"

"Brother Fan, the food here is so delicious."

Feeling everyone's mood, Yang Fan smiled with satisfaction, and ate with big mouthfuls, very enjoyable and satisfied.

The next day.

Zhang Ying recovered and was discharged from the hospital.

Early in the morning, everyone was still planning to go out for a stroll. Commander Huang planned to divide everyone into two groups. The first group was him and Zhang Ying, and the second group leader was Yang Fan.

He unexpectedly discovered that those people who went out with Yang Fan yesterday, without exception, were unwilling to join him and Zhang Ying's group, and all wanted to be in Yang Fan's group.

Commander Huang originally divided the 12 people into two groups, each with six people, but it turned out that his group had five people, and Yang Fan's group had seven people.

Lao Maozi temporarily interrupted the continued negotiation with us, Yang Fan and others were happy and relaxed, and had a good experience of the exotic customs of this city.

As for Gabulov and the others, they were extremely busy, with one head and two big ones.


Today is the third update, and the third update is here!

thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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