Military Heavy

Chapter 262

Chapter 262
As a senior executive and also responsible for the technical work of the UGT-25000 gas turbine, Gabulov held a technical meeting in person and convened a group of engineers to analyze the problem of the main shaft fracture of the lubricating oil pump.

In two days, they have already met for the third time.

A lot of work has been done, but nothing seems to work.

After the meeting ended, Gabulov felt a sense of powerlessness. He slumped on the conference chair, racking his brains, thinking, what is the problem?

Why do the main shafts of the lubricating oil pump break one after another? Is it a design problem, a manufacturing process problem, or a trial run problem?
After thinking about it for a long time, I don't know why.

One of his subordinates came in and reminded: "Leader, we will continue to negotiate with the Chinese tomorrow. Should we continue as scheduled, or let them wait another day or two."

Gabulov thought about it for a while, and decided: "Go ahead and talk to them. I've made them wait for two days, and it's not good to keep them waiting."

The subordinate nodded and said: "Okay, then we will continue to pick them up at the hotel tomorrow morning."

Gabulov nodded, and ordered: "I have a meeting tomorrow morning, please welcome me first, I will come later."


The subordinate nodded again.

They did have a tech meeting going on about the broken oil pump spindle.This matter has reached the highest level of MD, and Gabulov is under a lot of pressure.

Six consecutive oil pump spindle fracture accidents occurred, and the top management of MD was very annoyed. They have issued a death order and must solve this problem within one month, otherwise, the consequences will be very serious.

Gabulov didn't dare to neglect.

So much so that he put the negotiation with us behind this matter. In his heart, there is nothing more important than solving the fracture of the main shaft of the lubricating oil pump.

The next day.

Under the leadership of Huang Keping, a total of 12 people including Yang Fan and Liu Hui came to MD again, sat down with them and continued to discuss the order of superalloys and the authorized production of UGT-25000 gas turbines.

Surprisingly, I didn't see MD's top executive Gashinski, nor did I see Gabulov, and the reception was only an ordinary supervisor.

In terms of level, it dropped several levels at once.

It seemed that there was a feeling of being neglected and neglected. Huang Keping felt a little comfortable in his heart, and he didn't negotiate with the other party's junior supervisor, so he simply took everyone to sit in the lounge.

One by one with a solemn expression.

Feng Yu was even more worried and said: "Commander Huang, could it be that the old man didn't want to continue talking with us at all, so he deliberately sent a small supervisor to receive us."

Immediately someone agreed: "We have to consider this point. If the old man really meant this, then the situation is not good."

Commander Huang shook his head lightly, and said slowly: "It shouldn't be too late, let's wait a little longer. If the situation is really wrong, it's not too late to negotiate with them."

Even though he said so, his face seemed to be very stable, but Commander Huang didn't feel well at all, he felt a sense of uselessness.

I secretly made up my mind that after returning home, I must suggest that we work hard to develop our gas turbine industry, at least to meet the needs of naval ships, and we can no longer be stuck by others.

Such a taste.

Really uncomfortable!

In this waiting room, after waiting for about three to four ten minutes, Gabulov finally came, but the higher-ranking Gasinski still did not appear.

After Gabulov came over, he said clearly: "General Huang, we have encountered some troubles, and we may not be able to continue our discussion today. How about this, I will send someone to take you on a tour, such as our gas turbine. "

Now that everyone has come to MD, it is indeed a waste to go back to the hotel like this.

Huang Keping said: "We will visit again in the morning, but we must sit down in the afternoon and continue to discuss the order of superalloys and gas turbines."

"I'm afraid it won't work in the afternoon."

Gabulov said: "We have encountered a relatively difficult technical problem, and we must concentrate on solving it, and it will be tomorrow at the earliest."

"Okay, tomorrow is tomorrow."

Commander Huang could only nod helplessly, thinking in his heart, alas, another day wasted.

Gabulov left in a hurry, and the junior supervisor just now took everyone to visit MD, first visited the design department, and then went to the manufacturing workshop.

After watching the production of some parts of the gas turbine, a group of people walked into their gas turbine assembly workshop again when it was almost noon.

In this huge workshop, I saw all kinds of gas turbines. The little supervisor gave an introduction to everyone, and Zhang Ying was in charge of translation.

Yang Fan was happy and relaxed. He no longer needed to be a guest interpreter, but he could follow everyone to visit Lao Maozi's various gas turbines, and he also saw the UGT-15000 gas turbine and the UGT-25000 gas turbine.

There are so many people around in front, what are they doing?

Not only Yang Fan was curious, everyone looked over there, and Huang Keping also saw that Gabulov and Gasinski were there.

With the two of them as the center, a semicircle is formed in front of a UGT-25000 gas turbine. Gabulov seems to be holding a part in his hand, and he is talking about something.

Under the leadership of the supervisor, everyone also came to this UGT-25000 gas turbine, and he introduced: "This is our UGT-25000 gas turbine, which weighs 16 tons and has an output power of 2.9 kilowatts. Marine gas turbines, which can provide power for ships over 6000 tons."

After a brief introduction, he spread his arms and said with a bit of self-mockery: "However, it had a quality accident during the test run, and everyone is discussing how to solve this problem."

Gabulov saw Commander Huang and his party, and nodded this way as a greeting.

As a high-level leader, Gasinski hesitated for a while, but finally walked a few steps over, shook hands with Huang Keping, and chatted casually.

Huang Keping looked at the gas turbine in front of him, and asked casually, "Mr. Gasinski, there are so many of you here, and even the negotiation with us has been postponed again and again. We can take a look at what quality accident happened. Bar."


Gasinski finally agreed, and took everyone to the gas turbine in person, and introduced: "The main shaft of the lubricating oil pump has broken, and this has happened for the sixth time. Our engineers are trying to find the reason."

This UGT-25000 gas turbine is placed on the stand, and it can be seen that some of its parts have been removed and placed separately on a table.

Yang Fan recognized it at a glance. They were the parts of the lubricating oil system of the gas turbine, including the lubricating oil pump, especially the main lubricating oil pump, which had been almost dismantled into parts.

It was very obvious that the main shaft of the oil pump was broken and was lying there.

Huang Keping asked curiously, "Is it this little shaft?"

This main shaft, which is not much thicker than a thumb, broke in two, and the engineers of MD almost turned their hair white because of it.

Gabulov is the technical supervisor. He nodded and explained: "Yes, it is broken. So far, we don't know why it always breaks. What a hell."

Yang Fan leaned over, got closer, and took a serious look.

Suddenly, Yang Fan's face brightened, and he finally remembered.

Since he learned of the quality accident of the main shaft of the lubricating oil pump breaking in the UGT-25000 gas turbine two days ago, he has always taken this matter to heart.

Faintly, I have some guesses in my heart.

Just haven't been sure yet.

Because Yang Fan has never personally seen the broken main shaft of the oil pump.

Now that I have finally seen it, my memory is clear, and I can basically judge that my guess is not wrong, almost certain.

Before rebirth, Yang Fan had been to MD many times for the need of technical exchanges, and had a lot of dealings with their engineers.

While chatting, I heard an engineer from MD talk about the UGT-25000 gas turbine having some problems exposed in the small batch production stage.

The most typical one is the fracture of the main shaft of the lubricating oil pump.

At the beginning, this problem plagued the entire engineering team of MD. It was not until after more than a dozen consecutive interruptions that one of their engineers finally figured out where the problem was.

It comes from a design that no one can think of.

If an engineer hadn't discovered it by accident, it is estimated that this problem will continue to plague these engineers. It may take more than [-] or even [-] times to find out the real reason.

That's right!


Yang Fan took a serious look at the broken main shaft of the lubricating oil pump, and he became more and more sure that there was nothing wrong with it.

Immediately, Yang Fan laughed.

Inadvertently insert willows and willows.

To be met by myself by chance, this luck is really good.

A white face is good.

When I came to MD today, I actually encountered such quality problems.

I can solve this problem and know where the root of the problem is.

Yang Fan didn't notice, because of his happiness, the smile on his face was more obvious, and this expression was noticed by Gabulov next to him.

Gabulov was upset.

I thought in my heart, this Chinese is too hateful, we have such a quality problem, he not only has no sympathy, but also smiled gloatingly there.

This is a mockery of us.

Immediately, Gabulov quit, and said loudly: "Yang, you are laughing at us, laughing at us for having such a quality problem."

Am I joking?
At first, he was slightly taken aback, and soon, Yang Fan knew what was going on, the other party must have seen the smile on his face, and then misunderstood.

Yang Fan explained: "No, Mr. Gabulov, I didn't mean to laugh at you, let alone gloat."

"No, you're just laughing at us!" Gabulov insisted.

Such a mess.

Others looked over one after another, and some engineers of MD showed anger on their faces, and looked at Yang Fan with fire-breathing eyes.

If they could do it, they estimated that someone would rush forward.

Yang Fan smiled helplessly, and explained again: "I really didn't laugh at you, I just looked at the broken main shaft just now, and suddenly understood where the problem lies."

Yang Fan spoke Russian, and all the old men understood it.

Many people opened their eyes wide, feeling that this was nothing short of nonsense.

Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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