Military Heavy

Chapter 263 Let's Make a Bet, How About It

Chapter 263 Let's Make a Bet, How About It

Great joke!
The engineers of Lao Maozi collectively fried the pot in an instant, and the reaction was so huge that no one believed what Yang Fan said.

An engineer was even more angry, and said loudly: "So many of us have spent so much time and energy, but we have not been able to find out where the root of the problem is. You just looked, how come Maybe you know the cause of the problem."

Even Gabulov didn't believe it, and he said loudly, "Yang, you are bragging and lying, you were just laughing at us."

Yang Fan smiled and said nothing, with a calm face.

This is in stark contrast to the responses of Gabulov et al.

People on our own side, because they don't understand Russian, are all in a daze. They look at Yang Fan, and then look at these Soviet people who reacted greatly.

"Sister Zhang, what's the matter?"

"Looking at this, Comrade Yang Fan seems to have stabbed a hornet's nest."

"Scared to death, they reacted so strongly, would they hit people with their hands?"

Everyone said this, and even Commander Huang's heart was slightly suspended. If there is a conflict like a fight, it will be a big event, which can be raised to the level of diplomacy.

"Section Chief Zhang, what's going on?"

Zhang Ying was also taken aback, and forgot to translate for a while. Seeing Commander Huang's question, she immediately translated the situation and briefly explained the matter to everyone.

Comrade Yang Fan said he knew the root of the problem.

Our own people were all shocked, and we really didn't believe it.

The Soviets have been working on it for so long, and with so many engineers, they have never been able to find out what the problem is. Yang Fan has only been here for a few minutes, and he just looked at the broken main shaft of the lubricating oil pump and other parts of the lubricating oil pump. component, so you know where the problem is.

If there is no bragging, it is true! ! !

That would be great!

Commander Huang knew Yang Fan well, and knew that this young man was relatively stable, never boasted, and never fought uncertain battles. Since he said so, it is very likely that he really knew what was going on.

Our Comrade Yang Fan has such poisonous eyes!

It was immediately obvious what the problem was.

Commander Huang believed Yang Fan, but none of these Soviets believed, and everyone reacted tremendously, like pouring a ladle of cold water into smoking hot oil.

Even if Gabulov beat him to death, he didn't believe what Yang Fan said.

So, he had a huge reaction, and still said loudly: "Yang, you are definitely bragging, you were just laughing at us."

Yang Fan glanced at these Soviets indifferently, and then said to Gabulov: "Believe it or not, anyway, I know what the reason is."

"You don't know, you can't know!"

"If you knew, I would eat this shaft."

"It's ridiculous. It's all bragging."


These Soviet engineers were all blushing and talking loudly, and some even rolled up their sleeves, as if they were going to have a PK with Yang Fan.

A gentleman speaks but does not move.

Who is fighting with you?

Yang Fan looked at them again, and said, "If you don't believe me, let's make a bet, do you dare?"

On behalf of these engineers, Gabulov replied: "It's a bet, just tell me, how to bet."

It is worthy of being a fighting nation.

Say bet and bet.

Yang Fan said confidently: "It's very simple, I will tell you what the problem is, and you can verify it. If I am right, you must sell us at least 2 tons of high-temperature alloys and authorize us to produce UGT- 25000 gas turbine."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Gabulov and added, "How about it, dare you?"

After being so provoked, Gabulov jumped up immediately, completely out of his usual calmness, and said tit for tat: "Okay, I agree with your bet, but what if you lose?"

Yang Fan said: "I won't lose, I just have a little doubt, whether you can decide on such a big matter."

Gabulov blushed.

All of a sudden, Yang Fan manipulated him to death.

If he can sell 2 tons of high-temperature alloys, he is absolutely incapable of authorizing the production of UGT-25000 gas turbines.

Fortunately, Gassinski said, "I can decide these things, young man, if you lose, we will only sell you 200 kilograms of high-temperature alloys, and the UGT-25000 gas turbine will not be authorized for you to manufacture. In addition, You must apologize to our engineers."

After speaking, he looked at Commander Huang.

He knows that it is not Yang Fan who can call the shots here, but Huang Keping.

Huang Keping looked serious, looked at Yang Fan, and asked softly, "Little Yang, how sure are you?"

Yang Fan replied confidently, "At least [-]% sure."

Hearing this, Huang Keping felt relieved and nodded towards Gasinski.

He's fucking, I'll be with Xiao Yang today and have a good time with these Soviets, I've had enough of this uselessness.

Clay figurines are full of anger.

I wanted to buy their high-temperature alloys, but they not only raised prices skyrocketing, but also only agreed to sell them for 200 kilograms. This is simply a drop in the bucket and cannot solve the big problem.

They took a fancy to their UGT-25000 gas turbine and wanted to obtain a manufacturing authorization, but they refused to let go.

After being left hanging for another two days, I came here full of hope today. I thought I could sit down and have a good talk, but neither Gazinski nor Gabulov showed up, and only a small supervisor was sent over.

Huang Keping kept simmering a fire in his heart.

Since Xiao Yang is so sure, let's take a gamble and let out the bad breath in his heart.

Huang Keping and Gasinski nodded in agreement, and immediately, everyone's eyes turned to Yang Fan and Gabulov.

Maybe because of some news, more and more people came to watch the excitement.

"What, the Chinese made a bet with us."

"Quick, quick, I'm going to take a look."

In the blink of an eye, many people surrounded the inner three floors and the outer three floors.It seems that watching the excitement is not our national quintessence, and the same is true for these Soviets.

Yang Fan didn't panic at all, and smiled confidently at Gabulov. This smile made Gabulov's heart tremble inexplicably. Could it be that he was bragging and really knew what the problem was.

No, absolutely not.

He couldn't possibly know.

Gabulov comforted himself in this way, and followed Yang Fan to the front of the inspection table. On this large table were the parts of the lubricating oil system, including the broken shaft, the casing of the lubricating oil pump, and the sealing gasket. gears etc.

Yang Fan picked up the broken main shaft of the lubricating oil pump, and said loudly in Russian among at least dozens of pairs of eyes: "Have you seen it? , but an overload fracture."

"That is to say, when it is working, the actual load exceeds the design limit load. Why does this happen? Look at the end cover of the lubricating oil pump."

The whole scene was silent.

Dozens of pairs of eyes saw Yang Fan pick up the end cap on the table.

Yang Fan continued to speak loudly: "Look at the matching position between the end cover and the end face of the main shaft of the lubricating oil pump, there is obviously a certain degree of wear and tear. As far as I know, there should be a gap between the main shaft and the end cover in the design of the lubricating oil pump. Clearance fit, no wear.”

Loud sound!

Clear thinking!

Gradually, everyone knew what was going on.

Especially those Soviet engineers slapped their thighs angrily, thinking in their hearts, why didn't I think of this?

The end face of the main shaft and the end cover are originally a clearance fit, but actually become an excessive fit, which is a design problem.

Yang Fan accurately identified the problem.


Many people have an expression that I understand!
Many Soviet engineers were not convinced at first, but now they are convinced.

After Yang Fan finished speaking, he looked at Gabulov and said loudly: "Mr. Gabulov, do you want to verify what I said is correct?"

Although he knew that what Yang Fan said should be correct, Gabulov hoped that this was not the real reason, so he waved his hand and said, "Arrange an experiment immediately to verify it."

Their test equipment is very complete, and someone immediately began to conduct experimental verification. The method is very simple. A lubricating oil pump is specially selected, and the matching relationship between the end face of the main shaft of the lubricating oil pump and the end cover is measured.

Many people poured into the test site.

Of course, there are quite a few people on our side, and all of them arrived at the scene. Before the results come out, it is estimated that except for Yang Fan and Commander Huang, all of them are worried.

"Brother Fan, can you do it?"

"Comrade Yang Fan, if it is not for this reason, I will be in trouble."

"Assistant Yang, I found that I was suddenly very nervous."

Yang Fan smiled easily, and said confidently: "Don't worry, there is no problem, everyone just wait and see the result, trust me."

Apart from our staff, most of them are of course MD's. Even some workers came to watch the excitement, surrounded by several floors of people.

"How about the result, I really look forward to it."

"I guess the Chinese should be right."

"Not necessarily, the final test shall prevail."


Amidst the discussions, the verification experiment started, and the selected lubricating oil pump was installed on the test bench. After everything was in place, the test began.

This is a verification experiment, also called failure reproduction.

It is to simulate the state of the lubricating oil pump when the gas turbine is working. If there is really a problem with the cooperation between the main shaft and the end cover of the lubricating oil pump, it will be twisted off.

The oil pump starts.

The original noisy scene gradually quieted down, only the sound of the test bench working. Everyone's eyes were either focused on the lubricating oil pump, or on a few monitors, looking at the experimental data.

The time is 1 minute, and 1 minute has passed.

Actually, unexpectedly.
The lubricating oil pump actually worked stably, and there was no failure at all, let alone a major failure such as a broken shaft.

What's the matter?

So what?

The oil pump works solidly without any issues.

Everyone's eyes no longer stared at the lubricating oil pump and display screen on the test bench, but concentrated on Yang Fan one after another. Some old-fashioned engineers were even more happy and cheered up.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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