Military Heavy

Chapter 264 Willing to gamble and admit defeat

Chapter 264 Willing to gamble and admit defeat
The originally relatively quiet scene gradually became noisy again. Many people looked at Yang Fan and whispered to each other.

"See, it's not the same thing."

"The Chinese really know how to brag."

"This time, let's see what he does."


Such words drifted into his ears, facing so many people pointing and pointing, Yang Fan's face did not change at all, still exuding a sense of confidence.

Liu Hui and the others originally wanted to ask a few words of concern, but when they noticed the confidence on Yang Fan's face, they immediately swallowed their words back and prepared to take another look.

Sensing Gabulov's gaze drifting over, Yang Fan also looked over, and jokingly said: "Mr. Gabulov, as far as I know, the oil pump is not at its maximum power right now."

You know even this!

Gabulov had a hellish look on his face.

It is indeed not the maximum power state of the lubricating oil pump at present. As a senior technical director, he certainly knows this, and some engineers may also know this.

They know that it is normal that the lubricating oil pump is not in the maximum power state, because they are very familiar with the UGT-25000 gas turbine and the situation of the lubricating oil pump, and they are even familiar with some parameters.

Yang Fan knew this, so it was a little surprising.

No wonder Gabulov has such an expression.

Yang Fan smiled and waved his hand: "Mr. Gabulov, drive to the maximum power state. Only in this situation is the real test for the oil pump."

Helpless, Gabulov had no choice but to increase the power.

Gradually, the lubricating oil pump is at the maximum power state, the spindle speed is higher, the load is larger, and the lubricating oil is pumped out per minute.

"Increased power!"

"See, this is the maximum power state of the oil pump."

"Will the main shaft of the lubricating oil pump suddenly break?"


Many people shouted like this, and suddenly, a muffled sound made the noisy scene quickly quiet down. Many people were shocked for a while, and then looked at Yang Fan with admiration.

With this muffled sound, anyone with experience knows that the main shaft of the lubricating oil pump must be broken.

Really broken!

It was so crisp!

Within 2 minutes of entering the maximum power state, the main shaft of the lubricating oil pump broke.The muffled sound made Gabulov's face darken instantly.


Almost gloomy enough to pinch water.

The engineer in charge of the test closed the test bench and reported loudly: "The main shaft of the lubricating oil pump is broken!"

The scene is boiling!

Everyone on our side, after listening to Zhang Ying's translation, immediately put their high-hanging hearts down completely, and feelings of excitement and joy emerged instantly.

"Brother Fan, Niucha, the main shaft of the oil pump is really broken."

"Haha, well done, the old man lost."

"Assistant Yang, I didn't expect that in a gamble, we have all the high-temperature alloys and gas turbines we need."


The people on our side were all elated, as if they had encountered a great happy event, such as Han Jiang gave Yang Fan a thumbs up.

Feng Yu was a little worried, and reminded: "Old Maozi lost the bet, will they renege on their debt?"

Huang Keping looked angry, "They dare!!!"


If the old man really dares to renege on his debt, our Commander Huang will definitely lose his temper immediately.

Worrying is unnecessary.

Gazinski came over, stretched out his hand, and said loudly, "Huang, congratulations on your victory. We will keep our promise."

Hearing this, everyone felt relieved.

Gabulov, who had an ugly face, also came over. At this moment, he could only be convinced, and he stretched out his hand to Yang Fan and said, "Yang, you are right, it really is the reason."

The opponent surrenders!

Yang Fan was in a good mood, shook hands with him and said, "Mr. Gabulov, congratulations, the cause of the malfunction has finally been found."


Gabulov's eyes lit up slightly. Although he lost the bet, it was not without any gains. At least the cause of the malfunction that was bothering them was found.

Knowing this, Gabulov looked much better. He held Yang Fan's hand tightly and apologized: "Yang, I'm sorry, I lost my temper just now, and I also blamed you."

Does this count as meeting each other with a smile?

Gabulov actually had such an attitude.

Yang Fan couldn't help but look at him more, willing to bet and admit defeat, but he was considered a man, not like some people who couldn't afford to lose.

After shaking hands, Gabulov invited, "It's already noon, I'll take you to dinner."

I'm hungry now.

There is nowhere to eat.

It would be great if Gabulov took the initiative to treat guests.

Yang Fan smiled, and told Commander Huang about this, and immediately, everyone cheered, each and every one of them was delighted.

The lunch is very rich, it can be regarded as a big meal.

During the meal, Gabulov expressed his apology again, and offered to propose that, if possible, we could sit down again in the afternoon and have an in-depth discussion.

This is of course good!
Faced with such a request, no matter whether it was Yang Fan or Commander Huang, they immediately agreed.So, after lunch, the two sides sat together again.

The two parties discussed in detail the ordering of superalloys and the authorized production of UGT-25000 gas turbines.

We talked for more than three days in total.

All the details were negotiated and a formal contract was signed between the two parties.

We ordered a total of 2 tons of high-temperature alloy materials, but neither Gazinski nor Gabulov made concessions on the price. It was still 300 rubles per kilogram, and 30 rubles per ton.

This is indeed a sky-high price, a little outrageously expensive.

But there is no way, we need such high-temperature alloys, and only MD can sell them to us. They have them in Britain, the United States and other countries, but they will never sell them.

Everyone on our side thinks it's too expensive, but Yang Fan doesn't think so.

It seems relatively expensive now, 30 rubles, which is equivalent to more than 10 US dollars, but after another year or two years, the ruble will be worthless at all.

It is clearly stated in the contract that we pay 12% in advance, which means a total of 12 rubles, and the remaining [-]% of the payment will be paid within [-] months after we receive the two tons of superalloy.

Why 12 months instead of paying the balance immediately, or within 1 month, or within 2 months?

This is the result of Yang Fan's hard work, and it is also the longest period that can be won. Originally proposed to pay within 18 months, but Gasinski disagreed and only agreed to 12 months at most.

Well, 12 months is 12 months.

At that time, the Soviet Union had long since disintegrated, and the ruble had depreciated by more than dozens of times. We still took advantage of it, and MD's idea of ​​making a fortune from us probably came to nothing.

The order negotiation of superalloys did not take much time, and most of the time was spent on the authorized production of UGT-25000 gas turbines.

In the end, an agreement was reached between the two parties.

MD is authorized by Xihang Group to manufacture UGT-25000 gas turbines in our country.

According to the contract, this is a long-term cooperation.

Any party who breaches the contract will pay a heavy price.

Of course, it is Yang Fan who strives to make the price of breach of contract so high, because he knows that the Soviet Union will disintegrate in a few months, and the devaluation of the ruble is outrageous, so he must maximize the liability for breach of contract.

For the first 10 UGT-25000 gas turbines, MD provides original spare parts and guides Xichuan Aero Engine Group to assemble and test run.

In exchange, in addition to paying for the parts of each gas turbine, we will pay 200 million rubles for technical guidance and 100 rubles for authorized production, totaling 300 million rubles for each gas turbine.

To be honest, the price was very high. Although Lao Maozi lost the bet, he did not lose the essence of the businessman.

As long as the settlement is in rubles, Yang Fan said that there is no problem, and privately suggested that Commander Huang agree to the other party's offer.

From the 11th to the 20th, the general parts are independently manufactured by Xihang Group, and the key and important parts are provided by MD. Xihang Group uses these parts blanks to process them into parts.

In addition to paying the cost of the rough parts, we will pay a total of 200 million rubles for the authorized production of each gas turbine.

After the 21st gas turbine, MD only provided technical guidance, did not provide any parts or blanks, and was completely manufactured by Xihang Group itself, but paid an authorized production fee of 150 million rubles per unit.

All payments are in rubles.

And all are paid in installments.

Wherever the cooperation reaches, the payment will be made.

This was suggested by Yang Fan, and Commander Huang adopted Yang Fan's suggestion.

We didn't get too entangled in the price, so it might have taken several rounds of negotiations that took a long time, but all negotiations were completed within three days and a formal contract was signed.

The contract is in duplicate.

Huang Keping signed and stamped the contract on behalf of us, and MD took Gasinski as the plenipotentiary representative. After the contract was signed, both parties shook hands happily.

For MD, the negotiation became a big cooperation and a big business.

The UGT-25000 gas turbine alone will bring them huge profits in the future and earn a lot of money.

In fact, Yang Fan should be the happiest.

It's just that he didn't show his joy on his face.

My heart is already blooming.

Typical stealth.

After the contract was signed, the two parties ate a meal together, which contained a taste of celebration.

That's it.

Commander Huang is very happy to have completed the task so well, especially since our 052 ship has excellent power in the future. Instead of taking everyone back to China immediately, he gave everyone a two-day vacation.

In these two days, what should be played and what should be bought should be bought.

In the past two days, Yang Fan was the most popular, because everyone found that Comrade Yang Fan is not only proficient in Russian, but also knows where to find fun, where to find delicious food, where to find big supermarkets, etc.

Two days later, everyone returned with a full load and took a flight back to Beijing Airport.

The trip to the Soviet Union came to a successful conclusion.

Today is the third update, and the third update is sent.

Thank you everyone, I ask you for a few tickets for support, there is no monthly ticket, and there is no problem with recommending tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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