Military Heavy

Chapter 265 Type 052B guided missile destroyer

Chapter 265 Type 052B guided missile destroyer
Back to the capital.

Commander Huang sat in his office, thinking about this trip to the Soviet Union in his mind. He needed to write a summary and report to the relevant leaders in person.

Thinking, thinking, he smiled with satisfaction.

Good harvest!
The problem of high-temperature alloys for imitating LM2500 gas turbine blades has been solved. Within two months, a total of 2 tons of high-temperature alloy bars will arrive at Xihang Group.

The gas turbine that the 052 ship will need in the future is also available, and it is the latest Soviet UGT-25000 gas turbine, with a weight of 16 tons and a power of 2.9 kilowatts.

The key is to authorize production.

Lao Maozi will provide the parts first, and the general assembly will be carried out at the Gas Turbine Branch of Xihang Group. After technology accumulation, we will definitely be able to achieve localization in the future.

Comrade Yang Fan contributed a lot to all of this!

The image of Yang Fan appeared in his mind, Commander Huang smiled, and thought at the same time, young people are just aggressive, and they actually want to bet with the Soviets.

Good to be young!

If difficult problems can be solved through betting, Commander Huang thinks that he doesn't mind doing it a few more times.

After thinking for a while, I took out the pen and paper and started to write the summary of this business trip
Yang Fan, Han Jiang, and Li Zhengjun did not stay in the capital. After getting off the plane, they boarded the train back to Donghai City on the same day.

In the sleeper car, Han Jiang said happily: "Brother Fan, your performance this time is too amazing, I admire, admire."

Yang Fan smiled, "It's just luck."

Li Zhengjun's personality is relatively introverted and he doesn't talk much, but he couldn't help but said: "Assistant Yang, I didn't expect that you have a deep research on gas turbines, and you can see where the fault is after just looking at it for a while. Not wronged."

Yang Fan happily continued: "Xihang Group will be able to manufacture UGT-25000 gas turbines in the future, and we can use this gas turbine to replace the LM2500 gas turbine in the future."

The three of them were in a good mood, chatting non-stop along the way, but they were not lonely at all.

After returning to Donghai City, they just rested at home for a day, and all three of them started to work.

Two days after Yang Fan went to work, Master Pan called him over, first of all he praised him.Because of Yang Fan's outstanding performance, Commander Huang made a special call to Donghai Institute.

After praising him, he also told Yang Fan to gradually focus his energy and work on the design of the new 052 ship.

In Pan's view, the first two 052 ships are one type, and the next 052 ships will be designed with a large number of new technologies and designs, especially to improve the localization rate. They will be another type.

This new type of 052 ship, General Division Pan plans to call it 052B.

Type 052B guided missile destroyer!

Yang Fan's heart was boiling slightly!

The advent of 052B may be greatly advanced.

Now it is only in 1991 that the design has been considered, and it is estimated that it will be launched in a few years.

Sure enough, General Master Pan said: "During your business trip, I went to the navy to return the meeting on behalf of the institute. The navy leadership clearly requested that the design be completed in about two years, and strive to be completed and launched in 1995."

Launched in 1995!
Commander Pan continued: "The navy needs a new type of guided missile destroyer. When I attended the meeting, I could fully appreciate the urgency of the navy leadership."

"At this meeting, the Navy also put forward a series of requirements for the future Type 052B guided missile destroyer. Compared with the current two Type 052 ships, the technical and tactical indicators must be greatly improved."

After talking for a while, Master Pan asked, "Xiao Yang, what are your thoughts and plans for the future Type 052B guided missile destroyer?"

This is asking for Yang Fan's opinion.

For the new type 052 ship that is about to start design work, Yang Fan has already considered it a long time ago. Combined with the current actual situation, many things can be upgraded, and many new designs can be used on the 052B guided missile destroyer.

Facing Master Pan's inquiry, Yang Fan was confident.

"Master Pan, I think the Type 052B guided missile destroyer must first further improve its technical and tactical indicators. To be precise, it should focus on improving regional air defense and long-range warning capabilities."

"So, the 052B must be equipped with a ship-borne phased array control radar, a vertical launch system for missiles, and a Type 730 close-in gun system."

Pan Jinfu reminded with a little worry: "I know the missile vertical launch system and the 730 close-in gun system are not a big problem, but the phased array control radar, can it catch up with our 052B?"

Phased array control radar is still under development.

The East China Sea Institute will complete the design of 052B within two years, and the first 052B guided missile destroyer is also planned to be launched in 1995, which means that the phased array control radar must be successfully developed within three years.

Three years, okay?
Seeing Master Pan's worry, Yang Fan said confidently: "Don't worry, I think they can do it. Three years should be enough."

Hearing this, Master Pan felt relieved.

If someone else said that, Pan Jinfu might put a question mark, but Yang Fan said that, he firmly believed it.

"If there is no problem with the phased array control radar, then our 052B ship will use the phased array control radar, good guy. In this way, coupled with the missile vertical launch system, its regional air defense and long-range warning capabilities will rise vertically. Our 052B It may rank among the world's top guided missile destroyers."

world class!
Even Master Pan felt a little excited!
This is exactly the goal he has been pursuing so hard. He never thought that it might be realized in a few years.

To be honest, he is dissatisfied with the current two 052 ships. He thinks that they have not fully met his expectations. During the design and construction process, they have been subject to various constraints. import.

In addition, we have no relevant experience in designing and developing second-generation guided missile destroyers. Now it is different. We have the experience and foundation, and many things will start to be localized.

Especially the phased array control radar, and the missile vertical launch system.

These will be the two core technologies of the future Type 052B guided missile destroyer.

The phased array radar uses electronic scanning, and there is no dead angle for detection and search. The combination of the radar and the combat command system has doubled the number of fire channels, greatly improving the efficiency of missile interception.

The vertical launch system equipped on the ship has significantly increased the speed of missile launch, and can launch dozens of missiles in a short period of time, which can better deal with the saturation attack of enemy missiles and fighter planes.

This is the future Type 052B guided missile destroyer!

Compared with the original Type 052B guided missile destroyer, it has an essential difference.

In addition to these two highlights, Yang Fan also has some other suggestions.

"Mr. Pan, in terms of power system, the Soviet Union's UGT-25000 gas turbine is used. Although it is inferior to American products, it is superior in its high horsepower and full power. It can provide our 052B with a high speed of more than 32 knots."

"Little Yang, when will the Soviet Union provide us with this kind of gas turbine?"

"According to the contract, the first batch of parts will arrive at Xihang Group. They should have no problem manufacturing this gas turbine within two or three years."

No problem with gas turbines.

Based on the UGT-25000 gas turbine, we can redesign a new diesel-fuel alternating power system for our 052B.

There is a power system based on the LM2500 gas turbine, and it is not difficult to design a new power system, and the workload is not large.

The two chatted for a long time.

It can be predicted that compared with the current 052 ship, the future 052B will undergo tremendous changes. The use of phased array control radar and missile vertical launch system will greatly improve the performance of the whole ship.

Its displacement will also jump from the current more than 4000 tons to nearly [-] tons.

This is our new generation of guided missile destroyers.

Back in his office, Yang Fan was full of energy. He simply spread out the white paper, picked up a pencil and colored pen, and drew an imaginary picture of a Type 052B guided missile destroyer.

This is what the 052B ship looks like in Yang Fan's mind.

The East China Sea Institute's design demonstration of the 052B ship is gradually coming to an end. Many designers know that the future 052B ship will use phased array control radar and missile vertical launch system.

The design has not yet started, and each one is eager to try, wanting to participate in the design work of 052B earlier.

General design room.

Many designers are talking about the hull design of the future 052B ship.

"Using phased array control radar and missile vertical launch system, in this way, the displacement of our 052B ship may be more than 5500 tons."

My goodness, 5500 tons!
Some technicians exclaimed!
The veteran designer shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's more than that. It may be close to 6000 tons of displacement."

my God!

There were a few more exclamations.

Then, a young designer worried: "The jump from the current over 4000 tons to nearly 6000 kilotons means that our hull design will undergo a series of major changes, only for our general design room. It's a huge workload."


Such a workload!

It is estimated that it is not much smaller than redesigning a new type of warship.

Someone immediately objected: "No, our 052 ship adopts a modular and platform design. It is a platform itself, which is very convenient for the replacement and upgrade of weapons and equipment. It is composed of several modules. Many modules It can be used as it is, as long as some modules that need to be changed are slightly changed, and the workload is not large.”

Many eyes widened.

They are basically all young designers.

This subverts their understanding a little bit. Isn't the amount of design change of the hull not too large for such a large increase in displacement?
Several senior designers nodded, fully agreeing with this statement.

"Yes, the design task is not too big, it's not what you imagined."

It seems so!

After these young designers accepted this fact, they were also extremely impressed. Someone asked curiously: "At the beginning, I really thought about it for a long time, and this kind of design is really scientific. How did I come up with it?"

"This is the design proposed by Assistant President Yang!"

Outside the door, a loud voice sounded.

Today is the third update, and the first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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