Military Heavy

Chapter 266 1 Million Rubles

Chapter 266 1 Million Rubles

Kuang Wei, the director of the design office, walked over in a big step. He happened to hear everyone's discussion at the door just now, and couldn't help but want to tell these young designers.

"At the beginning, Assistant General Manager Yang proposed a modular and platform-based design. Now it seems that this is very scientific. It not only greatly reduces the amount of design tasks, can greatly save time, but also reduces a lot of waste. The shipyard's A lot of tooling equipment, built parts, etc., can continue to be used.”

Assistant President Yang!
It is him again!
These young designers have not been working for a few years, but they have heard about Yang Fan's deeds more than once. Immediately, Yang Fan's image is extremely tall in their hearts.


Our Comrade Yang Fan is answering a long-distance phone call from the Soviet Union, and Yang Fang's voice comes from inside.

"Brother, we arrived the day before yesterday and met a president of the Far East Bank. We had a long interview and the other party agreed to loan 1 million rubles. In addition to our Hongtai Supermarket and our stocks in the United States as collateral, there is also One condition."

Can loan 1 million rubles!
This greatly exceeded Yang Fan's expectations.

Before Yang Fang went to the Soviet Union, Yang Fan roughly estimated that he should be able to borrow three to 5000 million rubles, but he did not expect it to be a surprise of 1 million rubles.

1 million rubles good!

1 million rubles. Well, that's great!

Yang Fan's tone was obviously pleasantly surprised, "Sister, I didn't expect to be able to borrow so much, which greatly exceeded my expectations."

Yang Fang was not so happy. Obviously, there was a lot of pressure in her heart, and she reminded: "Brother, the loan period is only two years, and the interest fee is high. I inquired about it, and it was higher than their normal loan interest rate, as high as 15%. annual interest rate."

"After two years, the principal with interest, we need to repay a total of 3000 million rubles. I would like to ask for your opinion. With such a high interest rate, should we repay the loan?"

"Of course a loan!"

Yang Fan said without hesitation: "The interest of 3000 million in two years is really high, but believe me, the ruble will depreciate. According to my analysis, it will depreciate several times after two years, and our loan has doubled. "

"Really, then I will sign a contract with them tomorrow."

Yang Fang generally follows Yang Fan's lead.

No matter what Yang Fan said, even if she had doubts in her heart, she would do it.

This time it was mainly because the interest rate was too high, so I made this long-distance call and came back to ask. Since Yang Fan insisted on getting a loan, she will sign the loan contract tomorrow.

In addition to the high interest rate, there is another requirement.

The president knew that Yang Fang was in a supermarket chain, so he personally asked Yang Fang to do him a favor by purchasing a batch of daily necessities in our country.

He pays for the purchase funds, customs clearance procedures, transportation, etc., all of which are handled by him. Yang Fang only needs to help contact the source of goods, and the purchase is in place.

Although it is worth millions of rubles and the quantity is huge, it is not too difficult for Hongtai Supermarket. Yang Fang only needs to make a phone call to return to China, and Hongtai Supermarket will be able to purchase this batch of goods in a short time.

The high interest rate, coupled with Yang Fang's contact with the Far East Bank in advance in the country, opened up the joint, and the president's personal request, so this 1 million loan was obtained.

After answering the phone, Yang Fan was completely happy.

Until now, there is still a feeling of unreality.

A loan of 1 million rubles!
It's a lot of money, it's a lot of money!

Now, these 1 million rubles can be exchanged for about 3000 million U.S. dollars. Two years later, not to mention 3000 million U.S. dollars, even 30 U.S. dollars will be difficult.

go home after get off work.

Jiang Yan noticed Yang Fan's expression and asked curiously, "Brother Fan, what is it that makes you so happy!"

Yang Fan smiled happily. Anyway, there were no outsiders, just his husband and wife, and even his son Yang Hao was taken away by his grandmother.

Jiang Dahai and his wife liked this grandson very much, and often picked them up to take care of them personally. In a year, at least half of Yang Hao lived in his grandparents' house.

"Yan, we made a fortune, a fortune!"

"No, to be precise, it's a windfall!"

Horses are no night grass and they are not fat, and people are not rich without windfalls!
Yang Fan feels this way now, the loan of 1 million rubles really makes him very happy, and now he can't calm down.

Sensing Yang Fan's tone and mood, Jiang Yan guessed: "Could it be that the turnover of Hongtai Supermarket has soared these days, and we made a lot of money."

Yang Fan smiled and shook his head, "No, guess again."

Jiang Yan thought for a while, and guessed: "Could it be that our stocks in the United States have risen sharply?"

Yang Fan still shook his head.

Jiang Yan guessed several times in a row, but he still couldn't get it right. He turned his mouth up and quit, and said coquettishly: "I can't guess it, so tell me quickly, don't let me know."


Yang Fan was so happy that he said two words "yes" again and again, and then said: "My sister went to the Soviet Union, and she went to get rich this time."

Jiang Yan knew about Yang Fang's going to the Soviet Union, and he also knew that the destination was Hesenwei, the largest city in the Far East of the Soviet Union.

It's just that she didn't ask what Yang Fang was going to do, and she didn't know.

Yang Fan said: "My sister found a relationship according to my instructions, contacted the Far East Bank of the Soviet Union, and planned to borrow 1 million rubles from this bank. At present, this matter is almost completed, and the loan can be signed tomorrow. contract."

That's what happened.

Jiang Yan finally knew what Yang Fang was going to the Soviet Union for.

But he was a little puzzled, and asked in a daze: "If you want a loan, you can do it in our domestic bank. There is no need to go to the Soviet Union."

Yang Fan said: "It's different. Let's not say that it is impossible to get 1 million in domestic bank loans. Even if you can reach this amount, there is nothing to earn."

"The loan from the Soviet Union is different, especially the huge loan of 1 million yuan. We made a lot of money, because I speculate that after two years, the ruble will depreciate significantly."

Will it really depreciate?

Jiang Yan looked at Yang Fan. She has been studying accounting for the past two or three years, and she has a certain understanding of finance. If the ruble really depreciates sharply, and the loan contract stipulates fixed interest and fixed repayment amount, she can indeed make a lot of money. a sum.

"Brother Fan, will the ruble really depreciate?"

"It will depreciate [-]%." ​​Yang Fan said confidently, "And according to my guess, the depreciation rate will not be small, we just wait to make a fortune."

Really, that's great!

In an instant, Jiang Yan turned into a small money fanatic, the kind with glaring eyes, thinking about how much money this loan could make.

After thinking about it, he asked enthusiastically, "Brother Fan, after the loan is in place, how do you plan to use it?"

Yang Fan had already thought about this point.

"After the loan is in place, my sister will immediately convert it into U.S. dollars, and then apply for the U.S. dollars to enter the country. It is best to apply for all of them. If you can't apply for all of them, the remaining part can be used to buy shares in some companies in the U.S. stock market. "

As for which companies to buy shares in, Yang Fan has already thought about it, and the first choice is Microsoft, Apple, Cisco and other companies.

Now it is 1991, and these companies are far from developed. Buying and holding their stocks at this time is simply a matter of huge profits.

Yang Fan even thought excitedly deep in his heart, am I cheating? It's impossible not to make a fortune like this.

As long as you buy stocks worth about 1000 million US dollars, after more than ten years, they will definitely rise hundreds of times. At that time, the value of these stocks may be billions, or even tens of billions of dollars.

Make a lot of money from the US emperor.

Not only did Yang Fan not have any psychological burden, on the contrary, he also had an inexplicable cheerfulness.

In addition to about 1000 million US dollars to buy stocks, the other about 2000 million US dollars will be fully invested in Hong Tai Real Estate.

The current Shenhai City can be said to be full of gold, and it is the best time to enter the real estate industry.According to Yang Fang, the price of many properties in Shenhai City has exceeded 2000 yuan per square meter, and last year it was only more than 1000 yuan, and it has increased by several hundred in less than a year.

It can be seen that the real estate in Shenhai City is booming.

Before, they didn't have enough funds, so they could only watch those big companies make money. Hongtai Real Estate only had more than 2000 million yuan, and it was just a small business.

There are some good plots, but there is no strength to take them down.

Once you have funds, it will be different. With a larger scale and stronger strength, the speed of making money will be accelerated, and you will definitely make a lot of money.

Yang Fan is very familiar with the future trend of domestic real estate, and knows that investing the 2000 million US dollars in Hongtai Real Estate will not make less money than investing in the US stock market.

The couple chatted for a while, and Yang Fan waved in a good mood: "Honey, let's go out and have a big meal outside instead of cooking at home."


Jiang Yan raised his hands in agreement, "I know there is a restaurant with a good atmosphere, let's go there."

The two went out happily, and Jiang Yan drove.

She had had her driver's license for several months, and it was when her hands were itchy that she had to drive every time. Yang Fan was also happy and relaxed, happily sitting in the co-pilot.

It was a restaurant for couples, and the two had a warm and happy candlelight dinner.

Three days later, Yang Fang returned to Donghai City.

She came back successfully.

A loan of 1 million rubles has been put in place and all of it has been converted into U.S. dollars. In the account of Citibank, there is an excess of more than 3000 million U.S. dollars.

The first thing she did when she returned to Donghai City was that she didn't go home or go to Hongtai Supermarket, but went to Yang Fan's house first.

Yang Fan was at work, and after receiving the call, he immediately asked for leave and went home without saying a word.

Even excited!
You're done, the loan of 1 million rubles is in place, and you can do a big job.

Yang Fan is going to guide Yang Fang on how to develop in the real estate market in Shenhai City, and which stocks to buy in the United States to hold for a long time.

He walked out of Donghai Office quickly, and quickly opened the door to enter the house. Not only did he see Yang Fang, but also his brother-in-law Xie Guoqing.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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