Military Heavy

Chapter 267 The Military Is Very Satisfied

Chapter 267 The Military Is Very Satisfied

Even my brother-in-law came over.

Unexpectedly, Yang Fan greeted warmly, "Brother-in-law, you must be busy recently."

Xie Guoqing said: "It's not bad, our supermarket is basically on the right track, and there are a lot of people below to help with things. I am more relaxed, and your sister is the one who really works hard."

Yang Fan apologized, "Sister, thank you for your hard work."

Yang Fang couldn't see the slightest bit of fatigue, but she was in high spirits, "It's not hard, I'm happy. The loan of 1 million rubles has been approved, and I have converted it into more than 3000 million US dollars according to your instructions."

More than 3000 million US dollars!
This is undoubtedly a huge sum of money.

According to the current exchange rate, it is about 1 million RMB.

Last year, the total turnover of Hongtai Supermarket was about this amount, and such a sum of money was already lying in Yang Fang's account.

"Brother, how you want to use this sum of money, I'm all up to you."

Yang Fan had already made up his mind, so he said: "Among them, 2000 million U.S. dollars will be exchanged into Renminbi, and will be used for the development of Hongtai Real Estate Company."

$2000 million for real estate!
This is more than 1 million!

In an instant, Yang Fang was overwhelmed with surprise, and said with great enthusiasm: "With so much money, we can do a lot in the real estate field in Shenhai City, get some good land, and develop several large real estates."

Yang Fan nodded and agreed: "We will definitely build several large properties, but let me know in advance which land to take."


Yang Fang was slightly taken aback, slightly surprised.

All along, Yang Fan didn't ask about specific affairs, what happened this time, and which piece of land he won, he needed to ask for his consent.

Although there was a little surprise, Yang Fang didn't have any objections, and agreed immediately: "No problem, I will call you before taking the land."

Why did Yang Fan suddenly ask about such a thing?
the reason is simple.

He has three to forty years of foresight than others, and he knows the development of Shenhai City very well, knowing which places have great development potential and which places have great room for appreciation.

This is almost cheating!

Knowing these, you will be very sure which piece of land to take, and you can choose those locations with great potential and large appreciation space.

$2000 million was spent on real estate development, what about the remaining $1000 million or so?
Yang Fang asked, "Brother, what stocks should we buy with the remaining money?"

She admired Yang Fan's eyes very much.

I am also very proud to have such a powerful brother.

The stocks I bought a few years ago cost more than 40 U.S. dollars. Now, the value has increased by more than several times. This is only three or four years!

In another five or eight years, Yang Fang didn't dare to think about how much they would increase in value, because it was a little scary.

Faced with the inquiry, Yang Fan said without hesitation: "In your name, I will buy all the stocks of Microsoft, Apple, and Cisco, hold them for a long time, and make long-term investments. I think that in a few years, the more than 1000 million US dollars The market value of the stock market will rise more than several times.

It has risen several times!
Isn't that tens of millions of dollars!

Yang Fang said a little excitedly: "Okay, I will exchange all the more than 1000 million US dollars into the stocks of these three companies as soon as possible."

Yang Fan looked at his sister.

I thought in my heart, tens of millions of dollars, you will be excited!
What is this? In another 20 years, it will not be tens of millions of dollars, but at least several billion dollars, or even more than ten billion dollars.

Sister, just wait for the money to be collected.

When the time comes, don't be intimidated.

Yang Fang followed Yang Fan's instructions, so she didn't need to worry too much about everything, and she could rest assured to focus on the design and demonstration of the Type 052B guided missile destroyer.

At this point, the design argument draws to a close.

A thick design demonstration report was placed on Yang Fan's desk, and Master Pan's intention was obvious, let Yang Fan take a look first.

It took a total of several days. From the beginning to the end, Yang Fan carefully read it several times. Generally speaking, there is no major problem in the design demonstration.

For example, in the future Type 052B guided missile destroyer, phased array control radar, vertical missile launch system, diesel fuel combined power system, Type 730 close-in anti-aircraft gun, Haihongqi series missiles and so on will be used.

I also found some small problems. I just wrote some opinions on it with a pencil, such as further considering domestic equipment, including some domestic radars and missiles under development, and further improving the localization rate of 052B.

Been so busy for a while.

During the period, I also visited the Donghai Shipyard several times, saw the No. 2 ship that was about to be launched, and also saw the missile vertical launch system under construction.

All the design drawings have been given to a certain weapon manufacturing company, and they will manufacture the first missile vertical launch system according to the design drawings.

After staying there for a few days, Yang Fan had a series of technical exchanges with their engineers and was very satisfied with the manufacturing work.

A few days after returning from there, Liu Hui from Xihang Group arrived at Donghai Institute again.

He brought good news.

As soon as he entered Yang Fan's office, he didn't have time to sit down, and said happily: "Comrade Yang Fan, a total of two tons of high-temperature alloys have been loaded on the train, and in a few days, they will arrive at our West Air Group."

This is a good thing!
These two tons of superalloy materials are also what we urgently need.

Yang Fan said: "This is really good news. The trucks were loaded so soon. It's only been more than a month since we came back from the Soviet Union."

Liu Hui remembered it clearly, and said accurately: "As of today, there are a total of one month and nine days, and there are still 21 days before the two-month deadline."

This efficiency is indeed gratifying enough.

The contract signed between the two parties stipulated that the delivery of the two tons of high-temperature alloy materials should be completed within two months, but it actually only took [-] days.

Yang Fan said relaxedly: "After they arrive, we don't have to worry about materials anymore, we can imitate enough turbine blades of LM2500 gas turbines."

Liu Hui also agreed: "The next ten years will be enough."

What if ten years is not enough?
I believe that by that time, it will no longer be a problem.

Maybe the foreign environment will be more relaxed, and we can import from abroad; maybe we can produce it ourselves.

The two were drinking tea and talking.

Liu Hui said that even after the imported high-temperature alloy rods are in place, they are not in a hurry to use them to imitate official turbine blades.

Instead, other domestic high-temperature alloy materials are used instead, trial production is carried out, and process verification is carried out. After sufficient assurance and foundation are obtained, formal turbine blades are imitated.

To do so, Yang Fan agrees very much.

There is no rush to use turbine blades now, our first ship has only been delivered not long ago, and the No. 2 ship has not yet launched, and it will take at least a few years before the imitation turbine blades will be used.

In addition to talking about turbine blades, the two also talked about the UGT-25000 gas turbine.

According to the contract, the first batch of parts will be shipped to Xihang Group, and under the guidance of Soviet engineers, the first gas turbine will be assembled.

In order to meet the future assembly work, Xihang Group has started some work to prepare for the assembly of the first UGT-25000 gas turbine.

It is estimated that in the next two or three years, the West Air Group will be able to assemble the first UGT-25000 gas turbine, and our 052B guided missile destroyer has a qualified gas turbine as power.

The design work of 052B has finally been completed.

Led by Master Pan, Yang Fan, Zhao Yulan, Kuang Wei and others arrived in the capital and stayed in the military guest house.

Commander-in-chief Huang Keping convened a meeting to discuss the design and demonstration work of 052B. If it passes smoothly, Donghai Institute will start the overall design of 052B.

The next day.

The meeting was held as scheduled.

Sitting in the conference room, besides the comrades from the East China Sea Institute and the General Command, there are also people from the East China Sea Shipyard, as well as comrades from related units and scientific research institutes, and in addition, representatives of the military.

Relevant scientific research institutes include people from the Institute of Phased Array Control Radar, people from several weapons and equipment manufacturing companies, and Liu Hui and others from the Western Airlines Group.

Donghai Institute made a report to the participants.

The preparations were well prepared, and the Donghai Institute prepared a large number of slides, which were enlarged by the projector and projected on the white curtain in the meeting room.

On behalf of Donghai Institute, Yang Fan introduced the design work of the future Type 052B guided missile destroyer.

It was very quiet in the conference room.

Everyone listened carefully, recorded, and nodded from time to time.

People from the military, while listening, exchanged glances quietly, and they all saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

The future Type 052B guided missile destroyer is beyond everyone's expectations.

It's great!
Compared with the current 052 ship, it has gone up a big step.

Yang Fan's introduction was very detailed, and it took more than an hour. It was full of pictures and texts, and it was easy to understand. Even if you are not a technical person, you can understand it completely.


Do we really have such a good missile destroyer?
Tsk tsk, phased array control radar, missile launch system, and an upgraded version of the combat system, this is simply a mobile armed fortress.

The vertical launch system has a total of 64 missiles. This firepower is not ordinary!

After Yang Fan's introduction, the conference room was completely boiling, no one could keep calm, they were all chatting and communicating with the people next to them.

A military leader asked loudly: "Master Pan, can the Donghai Institute really design such an advanced guided missile destroyer?"

The originally noisy conference room gradually quieted down, and everyone looked at Pan Jinfu.

Confidence exuded from all over his body, and Pan Jinfu said loudly: "No problem, and we are sure to complete the overall design in about two years."

There is a design foundation there, and we do have this assurance.

It only takes two years!
Many people thought in their hearts that the design of the 052 ship took four years, and now the East China Sea Institute can shorten the time by half, and the design of the 052B only takes about two years.

Extremely satisfied!

Especially the people in the Navy, they are extremely satisfied, whether it is the overall performance of the 052B or its design time, they are very satisfied.

Today is the third update, and the third update is sent.

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(End of this chapter)

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