Military Heavy

Chapter 268 Hongtai Group

Chapter 268 Hongtai Group
The design demonstration of the Type 052B guided missile destroyer was successfully passed.

Whether it is the military or all the experts, they all agree with the design plan of the Donghai Institute. The future 052 ship will be fully upgraded, using phased array control radar, missile vertical launch system, and a more advanced combat command system. The power system will use two UGT-25000 gas turbine and two diesel engines, 730 near anti-gun system and so on.

The future 052 ship is called the 052B guided missile destroyer.

Two days later.

The thick design demonstration report was placed on the desk of the main leader of the navy. The leader of the navy carefully read it several times and was very satisfied.

I am very satisfied with the new technology adopted by 052B, its powerful firepower, long-range warning and regional air defense capabilities, etc.

If there is any dissatisfaction, it is that our country is not rich yet. In comparison, the cost of each 052B is too high.

But the things are good, even if you tighten your belt, you have to build a few ships.

Satisfied, he closed the report again, gently opened the drawer, took out something from it, and unfolded it on his large desk.

This is a watercolor painting.

On the vast sea, a modern warship is sailing through the wind and waves. Its unique shape means that it is not a 052 ship, but a never-before-seen warship.

This painting is by Yang Fan.

Unexpectedly, the main leaders of the navy have kept it as a treasure, and take it out to have a look from time to time.If anyone knew about it, they would be amazed and envious.

They will definitely say enviously, Comrade Yang Fan is arrogant!

Great, great!

I admire it so much that it was actually treasured by the main leaders of the navy.

Even Yang Fan himself didn't know that this painting was here, and he always thought it was at the place of Commander Huang.

After looking at it for a long time, the leader thought in his heart that a guided missile frigate with a smaller tonnage, more maneuverability, and excellent comprehensive performance should also be put on the agenda.

Perhaps, the demonstration of future guided missile frigates can begin.

The design demonstration of the Type 052B guided missile destroyer is about to start the design work. After the design is completed, how many ships will be built?
The gossip soon spread to Donghai Shipyard, and immediately the whole factory was excited, especially Chen Shaohua, who was the chief builder.

He happily arrived at the East China Sea Institute. In addition to inquiring about the design development of 052B, he also wanted to tell Yang Fan the news.

"Comrade Yang Fan, the design work of 052B has already started."

"It has already started." Yang Fan said: "Last Monday, we held a mobilization meeting and carried out a division of labor. The design work of 052B has been fully launched."


Chen Shaohua immediately applauded, "I really hope that the design will be completed earlier, and we also want to start construction earlier. I heard that 052B will build four ships in one go."

Hearing this, Yang Fan smiled.

"I've also heard the news. I think the reliability is relatively high."

Chen Shaohua said: "Building four ships in one go, just thinking about it makes people excited. Four ships, plus the first ship and the second ship, we have a total of six Type 2 guided missile destroyers."

Don't think about it, these 052 ships must be the face value of our navy.

The design work of the Type 052B guided missile destroyer was fully launched at the East China Sea Institute, and the design was launched on the basis of the Type 052 ship.

As the design began to unfold, many technicians found that the amount of changes in many places was small, and the design workload was not as large as expected.

It is indeed a modular and platform design!

Many designers once again realized the advanced and scientific aspects of this design.

A total of more than 500 million funds were successfully transferred to Hongtai Real Estate's account, and the remaining more than 1000 million US dollars, according to Yang Fang's instructions, bought all the stocks of Microsoft, Apple, and Cisco as long-term investments, and prepared to hold them for a long time. have.

After the funds arrived, Yang Fang was ready to do a big job.

I went to Shenhai City a few days ago, not only did a comprehensive inspection of the real estate in Shenhai City, but also paid attention to the plots in several locations.

With enough bullets, she was going to take a plot in a good location, develop a large real estate first, and earn a lot of money.

After the inspection, she arrived in Donghai City.

Yang Fan came home from get off work, picked up his wife, drove to the entrance of a restaurant, parked the car, and entered a box on the second floor.

Yang Fang has been waiting for a long time. When she came back from Shenhai City, she had some things to discuss with Yang Fan. She especially suggested that Yang Fan go to Shenhai City to see the land she was interested in.

"Sister, I have been waiting for a long time."

"It's okay, I'm happy to wait a little longer." Yang Fang said: "The funds are in place, and I'm gearing up now to prepare for a big fight."

Yang Fan and Jiang Yan sat down, and Yang Fang's assistant ordered the waiter to serve the food. Soon, a sumptuous meal was served, and everyone chatted while eating.

After chatting for a while, Yang Fang suggested: "Brother, if you have time, go to Shenhai City to take a look, feel the vitality of this city, and take a look at the land I'm looking at, how about it?"

Yang Fan only thought for a while before agreeing, nodded and said: "Yes, I will ask the unit for leave tomorrow, and we will leave the day after tomorrow."

Why did you promise so readily?
The main reason is to go to the current Shenhai City to take a look, and also to "guidance" Yang Fang on which lots of land can be given priority.

In the next 30 years, Yang Fan is very clear about how Shenhai City will develop. The purpose of asking for leave is to "find leaks". It is not easy to make a lot of money by taking down those locations that are currently cheap and have great potential for future development.

Yang Fang was very happy when her younger brother agreed to go to Shenhai City.

Two days later, Yang Fan and Jiang Yan arrived in Shenhai City together. Under the leadership of Yang Fang, they first visited the Hongtai Supermarket Chain Shenhai Branch and Hongtai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

The two companies work in the same office building, and the relationship between the upper and lower floors is very convenient to manage.Yang Fang also has her own dedicated office.

After a visit, Yang Fan sat in the office and said with satisfaction: "Sister, everything is fine, and the management is very formal."

Everything looks good!
There is a dedicated management team. Yang Fan, the general manager of Hongtai Supermarket's Shenhai City branch, has also seen it just now. She is a very capable middle-aged woman who graduated from a prestigious university and should have good abilities.

Yang Fang smiled proudly, "Everything is slowly getting on the right track. With Shenhai City as the center, Hongtai Supermarket is gradually expanding to surrounding cities. The first building of Hongtai Real Estate has also started construction. There are a total of six buildings with 22 floors each. elevator building”

She introduces these.

Yang Fan listened carefully.

After talking about this, Yang Fang suggested: "Brother, Hongtai Supermarket already has a certain scale. With this fund, Hongtai Real Estate will definitely develop very fast. Our scale will become bigger and bigger, and the company's strength will become stronger. To be stronger and stronger, in order to facilitate management, I want to establish Hongtai Group, and the following will be Hongtai Supermarket Chain, Hongtai Real Estate and other branches."

Hongtai Group!

Great idea!

Yang Fan agreed: "Sister, I support you. Let's establish Hongtai Group. It's still the old rule. You are the president and legal representative of the company."

Yang Fang smiled and said jokingly: "Brother, you are going to be the shopkeeper again, but it's okay, if you want to come back one day, the position of company president is yours."

Come back for business?

Yang Fan shook his head, he didn't have any thoughts or plans in this regard, neither now nor in the future, he has a higher pursuit.

In our lifetime, we must design the most advanced ships in the world, so that our warships will lead the world and be at the top of the world.

Of course, the road is long.

It may take decades, or even a lifetime to pursue, but since God has given a chance of rebirth, it cannot be wasted like this.

Seeing that Yang Fan didn't intend to come back to do business, Yang Fang didn't persuade her. She knew that Yang Fan's pursuit was not here, so she chatted with Yang Fan for a while about Hongtai Group, which she planned to establish in the future.

After chatting for a while, he got up and said, "Brother, I'll take you to see the real estate we developed."

Yang Fan said: "Okay, then let's go."

This is the first real estate developed by Hongtai Real Estate. Yang Fan really wants to take a look, and by the way, also take a look at what the real estate development in the early 90s looked like.

A group of people left the office building.

There were two cars in total, and the one in front was Guo Jiangping, the first deputy general manager of Hongtai Real Estate, and Kang Jie, the other vice president.In fact, Guo Jiangping is exercising the powers of the general manager and one of Yang Fang's arms.

It took about three to four 10 minutes to arrive at the gate of this real estate. It is next to a four-lane avenue. The location is not bad, but the area is not big.

Cook as much rice as you want.

At the beginning, there were only more than 800 million funds, and Yang Fang was more pragmatic. She only developed this medium-scale real estate, with a total of six elevator buildings and more than [-] houses in total.

A group of people, wearing hard hats, walked into this real estate under construction. It is a large construction site under construction.

The tallest house is only built to a height of a dozen floors, and it will take at least two or three months before the roof is capped, and it is estimated that it will take nearly a year before it is fully completed.

"Brother, what's the matter, it's very lively here, it's very gratifying."

Yang Fang is in a good mood. The housing prices in Shenhai City are rising steadily. When this land was first acquired, at least two-thirds of the properties in Shenhai City were priced below [-]. Now, almost most of them are The real estate will sell for more than [-] yuan.

If it opens here and starts to sell houses to outsiders, Yang Fang has already thought about it, at least two thousand and three to go up, and good floors should be above two thousand and five.

After looking around, it is generally good, but after seeing the real estate development model in 30 or [-] years, Yang Fan feels that there are many things that need to be pointed out to his sister.

So, he shook his head slightly.

Yang Fang was taken aback, and saw her brother shaking his head. Immediately, she opened her eyes wide and looked at Yang Fan, and quickly asked, "Is there any problem?"

Jiang Yan also said: "Brother Fan, this real estate is very good. It looks very pleasing. There is no problem. In a few months, the house will be sold."

something wrong.

There is a real problem.

Yang Fan looked around, planning to find a place to sit down first, and have a good talk with his sister, but he couldn't find a suitable place.

What about the sales department?

where is it?

In the development of a real estate, isn't the sales department first built, and then the construction of each building?There is no sales department in this real estate.

Oh, there should be.

Yang Fan finally saw it. It should be the sales department over there, but it seems that the construction has just started, and the progress is seriously lagging behind.

There are two updates today, the first one is here!

(End of this chapter)

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