Military Heavy

Chapter 269

Chapter 269
The sales department has just started to be built.

This place is like a large construction site, full of noise, obviously a place to talk about things, Yang Fan waved and said: "Come on, let's find a place to sit down and chat."

A group of people walked out of the building and took off their hard hats. Yang Fan pointed to a teahouse diagonally across the road and said, "Let's go there and talk while drinking tea."

Yang Fang said: "Yes."

After finishing speaking, he followed Yang Fan and raised his foot to prepare to leave.

Noticing that Guo Jiangping, the first vice president of Hongtai Real Estate Company, and Kang Jie, the vice president, had no intention of leaving, Yang Fan said to them, "You guys also come here together, sit down and listen."

Guo Jiangping and Kang Jie smiled faintly, followed behind indifferently, a group of people crossed the road, entered this teahouse, and asked for a box on the second floor.

The hot tea was brewed and brought over, and the snacks were also placed on the table. After the owner of the teahouse withdrew, Yang Fan spoke.

Straight to the point, "Sister, on the surface, this real estate seems to be well built, but there are many problems, at least there are big problems in the business model."

Hearing this, Guo Jiangping looked at Yang Fan, thinking he heard it wrong.

He is in charge of this real estate project. He has done a good job in self-assessment. He is also very confident in his own ability. Except for the small scale of this real estate project, there is no problem.

"Mr. Guo."

Noticing Guo Jiangping's expression, Yang Fan felt that it was necessary to hit him once or twice.

Guo Jiangping quickly said, "I am Guo Jiangping, the first deputy general manager of Hongtai Real Estate."

Yang Fan nodded lightly, "You are experts in real estate, professionals, and I am a layman, but I still have some suggestions."

"First of all, I suggest that before the construction of each real estate starts, the sales department should be established first, and the decoration should be beautiful and high-grade. It represents the face of a real estate."

Guo Jiangping said: "Our house hasn't been built yet. It's useless for the sales department to be built so early. It's also left unused. It's just a decoration."

How could it be idle?

It is definitely not a decoration!

Yang Fan said: "After the building sales department is completed, we can start selling houses to outsiders. This is called pre-sale. If there is no precedent for pre-sale of real estate in Shenhai City, Hongtai Real Estate will be the first to apply to the housing management department and get the pre-sale. Apply."

Oh yes!

Great advice!

Both Guo Jiangping and Kang Jie are experts in real estate, and they will understand how to operate with just a little bit.

Immediately, the look in Yang Fan's eyes was a little different.

Especially Guo Jiangping, who was the first vice president, was a little careless just now, but now he sat up straight and listened attentively.

Yang Fan nodded slightly in satisfaction, "Pre-sale is one aspect. In addition, advertisements must be published, and publicity is necessary."

It talked about some common publicity methods in the real estate field in the 21st century.

Yang Fan thought these methods and methods were common, but Guo Jiangping and Kang Jie didn't think so. They were surprised and shocked!

Then came a burst of surprises!
Immediately, the eyes of the two of them lit up, and they immediately took out their pens and notebooks, took notes seriously, and recorded what Yang Fan said one by one.

The more they listen, the more they admire.

After only listening for a minute or two, I was already convinced.

The word "serve" is all capitalized in my heart.

Take it, really take it.

After talking about the means of publicity, Yang Fan started to talk to them about the mortgage loan again. He established a good relationship with the bank.

The construction of the real estate is all contracted out, and the contractor brings its own funds for construction. After the real estate is completed, all project payments will be paid off after passing the inspection and acceptance.
Yang Fan talked for more than an hour and talked about many things.

Yang Fang listened with gusto and was very proud.

This is my brother, how amazing!

He is simply a real estate genius!

Guo Jiangping and Kang Jie became more and more respectful. In their eyes, Yang Fan was the real expert, and they benefited a lot from what he said.

Several pages were neatly recorded in each person's notebook. These things are treasures in the eyes of the two of them. After they go back, they have to digest them carefully.

Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books!
At this moment, both of them have this feeling, and in their entire life, they have never felt so strongly.

The next day.

Yang Fan was not idle, but took a look around Shenhai City under the leadership of Yang Fang, and walked a lot of places.Walking down this circle, I feel quite deep.


This is the Deep Sea City in 1991!
Those famous CBD centers in the future, those famous bustling roads, central business districts, transportation hubs, etc., are now either a rural area or a wasteland.

Business opportunities everywhere!

In his excitement, Yang Fan asked for a map of Shenhai City, and while looking around, he wrote and drew on the map from time to time.

Yang Fang was curious and couldn't understand.

On this map, Yang Fan circled many places with red pens, and numbered each small red circle, from 1, 2, 3 to 22.

A total of three days.

In other words, Yang Fan visited 22 places in Shenhai City, with an average of seven or eight places per day, and he was fully loaded every day.

That's it.


So, after returning to the company, Yang Fan spread out the map of Shenhai City on Yang Fang's desk. No third person was present, and even Jiang Yan drank coffee in the reception room outside.

After spreading out the map, Yang Fan said with a straight face: "Sister, do you see the number on the map? Any place I circled with a red pen has a huge room for appreciation in the future."

Yang Fang looked at it in surprise.

Feeling this kind of gaze, Yang Fan didn't bother to explain, and directly said domineeringly: "Don't ask why, just remember this point, these places have huge room for appreciation in the future, Hongtai Real Estate will take land in the future, and the places marked with red circles will be Quite. We generally don’t consider plots outside the red circle.”

"Don't ask me for instructions on any plots within the red circle. As long as there are plots, just take them. You can carry out real estate development with confidence."

It went on for several minutes.

Seeing that her younger brother said it so solemnly, Yang Fang didn't dare to be careless, folded the map, put it away, and put it in the drawer of the desk.

Yang Fan reminded: "If possible, it's best to lock it in a safe. Remember, don't let others see it, let alone your competitors."

Locked in a safe?

Yang Fang looked at Yang Fan in disbelief, seeing that this didn't look like a joke, so she nodded, "Okay, I'll lock it in the safe."

There is a large safe in one corner of the office, and some important things are usually placed in there, including some important bills, contracts, etc.

In front of Yang Fan, Yang Fang opened the safe and put the map of Shenhai City into the safe.

After seeing Yang Fang put away the map and locked the safe, Yang Fan felt that it was necessary to talk about the development of Hongtai Real Estate and Hongtai Supermarket.

"Sister, our money is already in place. We have more than [-] million yuan in hand, and we can start the development of the next real estate immediately."

Yang Fang was already eager to try, and immediately replied: "I will prepare for this matter as soon as possible, and win our first piece of land in Shenhai City as soon as possible."

Yang Fan reminded again: "Based on the lots I have circled in red, try to consider lots No. 1 and No. 2 for the first piece of land."

These two areas have only just been developed, and some low-rise shantytowns have not been completely demolished. Yang Fan went to see them on the spot two days ago.

This is a huge opportunity.

In the 21st century, they are the most famous central business districts in Shenhai City. They are extremely prosperous and lively, and the typical land is expensive. There are many office buildings, top residential areas, super shopping malls, and many famous large companies. stationed.

If you take one of these two places, you will definitely make a fortune.

Yang Fang nodded and said, "Okay, I'm prioritizing two places, and I'll let you know as soon as I get the land."

After the two chatted for a while, Yang Fan also chatted about real estate development.

If you really get the land in Lot No. 1 or No. 2 for real estate development, the residential area must build underground garages to provide convenience for owners to park, and each parking space can also be sold for money.

If it is a commercial building, a commercial plaza must be built.

In later generations, Mouda Plaza is very famous, and Yang Fan plans to build several Hongtai Plazas in Shenhai City as a reference.

The podium of the commercial plaza is not for sale, it is used to open a large supermarket, and the other floors are leased out, and the ownership still belongs to Hongtai Real Estate.

In the future, the price of such a commercial plaza will be sky-high, because such a place costs a lot of money, and Hongtai Supermarket will not have to worry about business at all if it is opened in such a place.

Commercial Plaza!

Fern Plaza!

After hearing such a suggestion, Yang Fang almost applauded, and suddenly understood how to plan and how to operate.

Yang Fan stayed in Shenhai City for a total of five days.

This is quite a long time. Although there is no problem staying for another two or three days, General Master Pan will never say anything, but he is really concerned about work matters, especially the design of the Type 052B guided missile destroyer. Yan returned to Donghai City.

Yang Fang is still staying in Shenhai City for the time being, and is going to start a series of operations according to Yang Fan's instructions, especially trying to get a piece of land in Lot 1 or Lot 2.

After the National Day.

The people in the Donghai Institute have only been working for a few days, and everyone is fully committed to the design of the Type 052B guided missile destroyer. Yang Fan is the same, checking and guiding the overall direction.

A call came from the headquarters of the 052 ship in Beijing, and Commander Huang Keping personally ordered the ship. Yang Fan had to leave Donghai City and go to Xichuan Aero-Engine Group.

The first batch of parts of the UGT-25000 gas turbine has arrived at Xihang Group, and the unpacking inspection is about to begin. Yang Fan is one of our inspection personnel.

This efficiency is still possible.

The contract was signed in May, and the first batch of parts arrived in October, which only took about five months.

There are two updates today, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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