Military Heavy

Chapter 270 Parts Acceptance

Chapter 270 Parts Acceptance
West Air Group has its own internal railway.

A diesel locomotive, pulling a carriage behind it, drove into the factory area of ​​Xihang Group, and finally stopped steadily at the entrance of the central warehouse.

Beside, quite a few technicians, managers and workers had been waiting for a long time. When they saw the train stop, cheers erupted from the scene.

What the first batch of spare parts of the UGT-25000 gas turbine means, everyone in Xihang Group is very clear, including ordinary workers.

"This is the original parts of the Soviet Union."

"When they arrive, we can proceed with the assembly of the first gas turbine."

"This is a 30-megawatt gas turbine. When you think about it, it feels like a dream."


Quite a few people felt unreal, including the leaders of the Gas Turbine Branch. They all stood by the track and looked at the carriage containing the gas turbine spare parts.

As the leader of the Gas Turbine Branch Company, Li Xianwang said: "This is a 30-megawatt marine gas turbine. I never thought that we would be able to assemble such a gas turbine one day."

They also engage in gas turbines, but only produce medium and small gas turbines of 3 megawatts, which are mainly used for power generation.

This is the first time for a 30-megawatt-class large-scale gas turbine.


It was like a dream!
Happiness comes so suddenly!

Including Li Xianwang, all looked at the train happily, and a leader said: "Old Liu, Lao Maozi agreed to authorize us to manufacture this gas turbine. I heard that he lost a bet. Is there such a thing?"

Several people nearby pricked up their ears.

There was a look of great interest on their faces. They had heard of it to some extent, but it could not be verified, it was just a rumor.

Liu Hui smiled, "How could it be? There was no such thing at all. It was the hard negotiations between us and Lao Maozi that finally resulted in this result."

Regarding the bet between Yang Fan and Lao Maozi, Commander Huang has issued a gag order.

Of course, Liu Hui would not tell others, even if the other party was his colleague in the gas turbine branch, he would still deny it, there is no such thing at all.

It's just that his heart is different. Every time he thinks of this incident, he admires Yang Fan and thinks many times, Comrade Yang Fan is awesome.

Through a bet, we actually got this gas turbine back. With this kind of authorized manufacturing, after eight years and ten years of technology accumulation, we can imitate the UGT-25000 gas turbine.

Liu Hui has this confidence.

Seeing that the train had stopped and the workers were gearing up, Liu Hui said loudly, "Open the door and start unloading."

A leader next to him said: "Wait for the old man to come over, we may have to face these parts for acceptance."

Liu Hui said: "There is no need to wait, there is no problem with unloading the goods. First unload the things from the train and put them in the warehouse for storage. After the Soviets come over, they will open the boxes and inspect them face to face."

This was communicated in advance.

No problem!
Soon, the workers climbed onto the train carriage, hoisted the box after box of loose parts from above by a crane, and placed them on the open space next to them.

They are all wooden packing boxes, some big and some small, the small ones are only about one meter long, and the big ones are three or four meters long. Each box has a seal, and the boxes are covered with Russian words.

These are genuine Soviet goods!

In everyone's eyes, boxes full of gas turbine spare parts were hoisted down and placed neatly on the concrete floor next to them.

Not far away is the central warehouse of Xihang Group. One of the warehouses has opened its door and is empty inside. It is specially vacated for storing UGT-25000 gas turbine spare parts.

A forklift drove over, picked up one of the boxes, and slowly drove towards the warehouse not far away.

Drive in through the open gate, put the crate in the warehouse, then drive over and fork the second large wooden crate.

Liu Hui ordered loudly: "Everyone, be careful, don't damage the parts inside, put it lightly, and make a record at the same time."

It's busy here!
There was a lot of excitement!
After working for a long time, all these spare parts were unloaded and put into the specially prepared warehouse neatly, and everyone gradually dispersed.

The previous tranquility has been restored here. In a warehouse not far away, there are more than a dozen packing boxes, large and small, neatly arranged, and each box is full of parts of UGT-25000 gas turbines.

After finishing the work, Liu Hui happily returned to his office.

Sitting on the office chair, I thought in my heart, in two days, Lao Maozi's experts will come, and the comrades from Donghai Institute will come too.

Comrade Yang Fan led the Donghai Institute.

"Come on, I'm going to the train station to meet them in person."

With this thought in mind, Liu Hui quickly got up and went out the door.

At this moment, Yang Fan is already on the train.

A group of three people, Yang Fan, Han Jiang and Li Zhengjun.

Han Jiang looked at the time and said happily: "Brother Fan, the next stop is coming, and it's only over an hour away."

Yang Fan felt relieved, the train from Donghai City to Xihang Group, which took more than 30 hours, finally arrived.Next time, try to apply for a flight, as taking the train is a waste of time.

The train arrives at the station.

Yang Fan dragged his suitcase and walked in the front, followed by Han Jiang and Li Zhengjun.As soon as I got out of the train station, I immediately smiled.

Liu Hui also saw Yang Fan and the three of them, and quickly greeted them, saying enthusiastically, "Assistant Yang, you've worked hard all the way."

"Where, where, Mr. Liu is too polite, he came to pick us up at the station in person."

The two sides met, and after a while of politeness and pleasantries, they got into the car one after another.

Liu Hui arranged everything in advance, went directly to the hotel of Xihang Group, and had already opened the three best rooms, one for each person.

After the residence was settled, Liu Hui was the host, and a large table was set up for Yang Fan and the three of them.

Han Jiang and Li Zhengjun were very happy.

At the same time, he thought in his heart, "It's great to go on a business trip with Brother Fan (Assistant Yang), and this treatment is nothing short of special, it's completely VIP-level."

In the afternoon, the three of Yang Fan were free to move around.

Lao Maozi's experts will arrive tomorrow afternoon, and the acceptance of the gas turbine parts will start in the morning of the day after tomorrow. This afternoon and the whole day tomorrow are free time for Yang Fan and others.

However, Yang Fan proposed to visit Xihang Group tomorrow morning to see the turbine blades of the imitated LM2500 gas turbine and the gas turbine branch.

Liu Hui readily agreed.

In the afternoon, the three of them went to the urban area, saw some places of interest, tasted local specialties, and did not return to the hotel where they stayed until eight or nine in the evening.

The next day.

Liu Hui personally led everyone to visit Xihang Group and visited many of their manufacturing workshops. Yang Fan saw a variety of aero engines in production.

Of course, I also saw the turbine blades of the imitation LM2500 gas turbine.

This is a turbine blade imitated by other domestic high-temperature alloy materials, and its dimensions are exactly the same as the official turbine blades.

On the final inspection platform, there are some imitation turbine blades neatly arranged, and beside them, there are several official turbine blades.

These formal turbine blades were disassembled from the prototype and put together for comparison and reference for final inspection.

Liu Hui looked proud, full of a sense of accomplishment, and said loudly: "After several months of hard work, fortunately, the first batch of turbine blades have been imitated. Comrade Yang Fan, take a look."

Yang Fan put on brand new white spun gauze gloves, picked up one of the leaves, and looked at it carefully. After looking at it, he carefully put the leaf back to its original position.

Satisfied: "It looks good, how about the passing rate?"

This is a prototype turbine blade.

The material grade is different from the official blade, which is mainly used to verify the feasibility of the process and lay the foundation for the imitation of the official blade.

But the pass rate is also an important indicator. If the pass rate reaches a certain requirement, the imitation of formal blades can start. If the pass rate is too low, the process verification needs to be re-conducted.

Liu Hui said: "The final quality inspection has just been completed, and the pass rate is above 60.00%."

That's a decent pass rate.

About two-thirds of the blade trial production is qualified.

All of a sudden, even Yang Fan couldn't help being happy, "Not bad, there is actually a pass rate of 60.00%, it seems that it can be an imitation of the official blade."

The pass rate is good, which means that there is no problem with the manufacturing process.

The required high-temperature alloy materials were shipped back from MD two or three months ago, and are currently being placed in the warehouse of Xihang Group.

Liu Hui said: "After the trial production of the blades is completed, our process technology system is going to hold a summary meeting to summarize and improve the problems exposed during the trial production process. Perhaps, in about half a year, our first batch of official blades will be released. can be produced."

As long as about half a year!

This speed is gratifying enough!
That is to say, in the first half of next year, we will have official turbine blades.

So what if the Americans cut off the confession?
It stuck our necks, cut off the supply of gas turbines, and didn't even care about later repairs and maintenance, let alone sell us spare parts for repairs.

so what!
We are self-reliant, and through some hard work, we will have all the spare parts for the later repair and maintenance of the LM2500 gas turbine.

After seeing these successfully trial-manufactured turbine blades, Yang Fan, who had a good heart, looked at the gas turbines currently being produced by Xihang under the leadership of Liu Hui.

It is a medium and small gas turbine with a power rating of 3 MW.

Generally speaking, Xihang Group has the foundation and experience in producing and manufacturing gas turbines.

Finally, Yang Fan walked into the warehouse and saw the first batch of gas turbine spare parts that arrived at Xihang Group yesterday.They are placed in wooden crates one by one.

There is a seal on each box, which is written in Russian. Yang Fan took a rough look and felt that the first batch of parts was complete.

Just don't know how the quality is?
In addition to spare parts, there is also a box full of technical information, which can be seen from the Russian text on the box.

According to the contract, MD will authorize the technology of Xihang Group, and provide a complete set of technical materials such as general assembly, test run and overhaul of UGT-25000 gas turbine.

In the future, according to the contract, MD will also provide the technical data of the manufacturing process of each spare parts. Of course, they will not provide the design data.

The design information belongs to the core technical information, and MD is strictly confidential.

However, it is very good to be able to provide the manufacturing process technical data of each part, and we are also very satisfied. At least with these technical data, we can "follow the gourd" to manufacture the various parts of the gas turbine.


The Soviets arrived. A group of six, led by Gabulov himself, arrived at the West Air Group.


Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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