Military Heavy

Chapter 271 Unpacking

Chapter 271 Unpacking

Gabulov and others arrived.

As for the Soviet experts, Western Airlines attaches great importance to it and is very polite. Li Xianwang, the head of the gas turbine branch, went to the airport to pick him up in person.

At the welcome banquet in the evening, not only the leaders of the Gas Turbine Branch Company participated, but even the main leaders of Xi'an Airlines showed up, which shows how much Xi'an Airlines attaches importance to.

Gabulov, plus his assistant, plus a translator, and three engineers, a total of six people.Among them, these three Soviet engineers will stay in West Air for a long time to guide the final assembly of the UGT-25000 gas turbine, and it is estimated that they will be rotated at least a few months later.

Gabulov and his assistants will only stay in West Air Group for a few days to complete the delivery and acceptance of the first batch of parts for the gas turbine, and then they will return to MD.

The banquet in the evening was grand.

Yang Fan was also invited to participate, and shook hands with Gabulov, and exchanged a few words in fluent Russian. It seemed that the two chatted happily, talking and laughing.

See the leader of Xihang Airlines at the welcome banquet secretly surprised, and asked the people next to him in a low voice, "The young man is not from our Xihang Airlines, right?"

Liu Hui sat at the same table with the leader, and quickly introduced: "That is Comrade Yang Fan from the East China Sea Research Institute, the assistant to the chief designer of the 052 ship. Strength is indispensable."

He is Comrade Yang Fan.

The leader was surprised for a while, and finally met Yang Fan himself for the first time. Before that, he had only heard about Yang Fan's deeds.

For example, I heard that the last time Commander Huang led a team to inspect the Soviet Union, Comrade Yang Fan performed very well, and even heard some gossip that we were able to obtain the authorized production of UGT-25000 gas turbines because Yang Fan had a fight with the Soviets. bet.

Comrade Yang Fan won the UGT-25000 gas turbine from a bet.

But this matter cannot be verified, it is just gossip.

The leader secretly glanced at Yang Fan several times, and after Yang Fan and Gabulov finished greeting, he stood up with a glass of wine in his hand, and walked towards Yang Fan and Gabulov.

Suddenly, many people looked over.

There are four tables in this big box, with dozens of people together. It was very noisy at first, but it suddenly quieted down, because Liu Xiangdong is the biggest leader here and one of the main leaders of Xihang Group.

"Look, Mr. Liu went over to toast with a wine glass in person."

"It's very polite, our President Liu personally toasted the Soviet experts."


Many people were talking in low voices like this. How could they know that Liu Xiangdong walked up to Yang Fan first, holding a wine glass and said: "Comrade Yang Fan, I thank you on behalf of Xihang Group. I know that without your help, it is impossible to authorize us The factory manufactures UGT-25000 gas turbines."

This is a leader.

It is estimated that the level is not low.

Although he didn't know each other, it didn't prevent Yang Fan from guessing in his heart.He also picked up the wine glass and looked at each other with a smile.

Liu Hui followed with a wine glass, and introduced: "Comrade Yang Fan, this is Liu Xiangdong, the deputy general manager of our Xichuan Aero-Engine Group."

The main leader of Western Airlines!
Yang Fan immediately understood that such a great leader came here with a glass of wine to express his gratitude. This honor is simply a bargain!
"Mr. Liu, you are too polite."

"It should be, compared to you doing us such a big favor, what's wrong with me coming to toast a glass of wine."

The two of them said a few words of politeness, and then the wine glasses touched each other lightly, and they drank all the white wine in the glasses in one go, without leaving a single drop.

It's really all in the wine.

As a senior executive of Western Airlines, Liu Xiangdong really knew about Yang Fan's contribution, so he won the authorized production of gas turbines by betting. West Air Group.

This kind of favor has gone too far.

The production and manufacture of such an advanced naval gas turbine, after a certain amount of technology accumulation, once this gas turbine is localized in the West Air Group, the status of the West Air Group will rise in a straight line.

It's really nothing to take the initiative to come over to toast.

The others didn't know, but of course all the people in Xihang knew Liu Xiangdong. Seeing that General Manager Liu came here to toast a young man, he was stunned!
Many of them don't know Yang Fan.

Many people gasped, my God, I read it right, Mr. Liu actually specially toasted a young man with a wine glass.

Who is this young man!
Simply blown away!

The bull is so angry!
This face is simply bigger than the sky!
Those who didn't know Yang Fan asked quietly, "Who is he, he's awesome!"

"That's right, Mr. Liu personally toasted him!"

A small number of people knew Yang Fan, and quickly said in a soft voice: "That is Comrade Yang Fan, who came from Donghai Institute to participate in the unpacking and acceptance of gas turbine parts. He is also the assistant to the chief designer of the 052 ship."

Such a young chief design assistant!
That's awesome!

Admire, admire!

After knowing Yang Fan's identity, many people felt admiration for a while, and secretly kept Yang Fan's appearance in their hearts. Maybe, after the banquet was over, they could brag with their colleagues for a while about this arrogant chief designer assistant.

Han Jiang and Li Zhengjun sat at the next table.

The two looked at each other quietly, and said in their hearts almost at the same time, Brother Fan, you are mighty!

After toasting this glass of wine, Liu Xiangdong held the glass again to welcome Gabulov and others on behalf of Xihang Group.

Holding a glass of wine, he said enthusiastically, "Comrade Gabulov, welcome to Xihang Group."

Obviously, Gabulov's translator didn't know Liu Xiangdong, so he didn't know how to translate for a while, and the translator of West Air Group didn't respond.

Yang Fan cameo translator, skillfully translated these words into Russian, and introduced Liu Xiangdong's identity.

The people of Xihang were surprised again.

Maybe they didn't notice when Yang Fan and Gabulov exchanged a few words just now, but now, seeing Yang Fan's fluent Russian, they were amazed and admired at the same time.

So fluent in Russian!

Xihang's interpreter finally came to his senses, got up quickly, trotted over a few steps, and finally did not need Yang Fan to come as a guest interpreter for Russian.

Looking at Liu Xiangdong holding a glass of wine, listening to Yang Fan's translation, especially after understanding Liu Xiang's identity, Gabulov felt that he was valued. A big leader came to him and toasted him personally.

The wine glasses of the two sides clinked together.

After drinking, he shook hands warmly and was polite.

Then, Gabulov introduced his people to Liu Xiangdong and others one by one, and Liu Xiangdong also introduced the leaders of the gas turbine branch to the Soviets.

After all, in the following work, the Soviets mainly dealt with Li Xianwang, Liu Hui and others, rather than the senior leaders of Xihang Group.

The banquet was so lively that it lasted almost two hours.

The next day.

It was originally scheduled to start unpacking and acceptance at [-]:[-] in the morning, but it was postponed to [-]:[-], because the people of West Air were so hospitable, and although Gabulov could drink well, he almost got drunk.

After resting all night, the alcohol completely dissipated, and he took his people to the warehouse where the spare parts of the gas turbine were stored.

This is a warehouse specially prepared for UGT-25000 gas turbines. The area of ​​this warehouse has reached nearly [-] square meters.

In a corner of the warehouse, there are neatly placed thick bars, each weighing a full 100 kilograms, a total of 20 bars, exactly two tons.

They arrived two or three months ago. The high-temperature alloy bars imported from the Soviet Union will be used in the imitation of LM2500 gas turbine blades in the future.

In the central open space of the warehouse, there are large and small wooden packing boxes, which are the first batch of parts of the UGT-25000 gas turbine.

Manufactured by MD in the Soviet Union, transported by rail from MD, arrived here the day before yesterday, and will be unpacked for inspection today.

The West Air workers who cooperated with the unpacking inspection had arrived a long time ago, and they were eager to try. They couldn't wait a little longer, and they all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Gabulov and others come in.

"finally come!"

"I heard that the group held a welcome dinner last night. These old men probably drank too much."


A few workers were talking like this with laughter.

People are finally here!
Liu Hui said in a loud voice: "Mr. Gabulov, you can open the box and accept it, everyone from both of us is here."

Gabulov agreed: "Yes."

He expressed that there was no pressure, and he knew that this might be just a formality, and the West Air Group was just dealing with it, and it was impossible to actually check the acceptance or find some problems.

The parts of the UGT-25000 gas turbine were unfamiliar to the people of the West Air Group, and the Soviets, including Gabulov, did not think that the people of the West Air Group could see anything.

At most, it is to see if there are any obvious quality problems, such as whether the packing box is damaged during transportation, whether the parts are collided and deformed.

Gabulov agreed to open the box for acceptance.

Liu Hui nodded lightly, and asked Yang Fan's opinion again: "Comrade Yang Fan, what do you think?"

Yang Fan looked at the people of Xihang Group. In addition to the cooperating workers, there are also technical and management personnel, and they are well prepared.

So, he nodded and said, "I think we can also open the box for acceptance, so let's open the data box first and take a look at the technical materials inside."

no problem!
Both Liu Hui and Gabulov agreed and nodded.

The packing box containing the materials is not big, about one meter square, with a seal on it, and there are Russian words on the box, so you can tell what is inside at a glance.

Yang Fan found the box right away, pointed to it and said, "That's the box, open it now."

Holding crowbars, two workers pried open the packing box at once. The movements were very skillful. Everyone could see that there were neatly placed technical documents inside.

Of course, it's all in Russian.

Yang Fan picked up the list of documents at the top and looked at it carefully. There should be no problem with the catalog. During the initial negotiation, the other party promised a lot of technical documents, including technical documents for final assembly process, process documents for test run and test, as well as gas turbine maintenance and overhaul. Technical documents and more.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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