Military Heavy

Chapter 272 How He Knows

Chapter 272 How He Knows

Liu Hui does not understand Russian.

He asked: "How is it? We have all the technical materials we need, and there is nothing missing."

Yang Fan said: "I took a look, there should be no shortage."

Hearing this, Liu Hui was relieved for a while, and the person instructing him carefully took out the technical documents inside, and checked the list every time he took out a copy.

This process is relatively slow.

Because no one dares to be careless, for fear that if any information is missed, the problem will be serious.

Take out each copy to check and register.The technicians of the Gas Turbine Branch put on brand-new white gloves as if treating a baby, and carefully put these technical documents neatly into the file box.

There were people all around, and everyone watched the whole process.

The same is true for Yang Fan, who stood by and watched the technical documents taken out of the packing box with his own eyes, and everything seemed to be normal.

Suddenly, Yang Fan froze.

I thought I was wrong.

I saw a technician take out a technical document from the packing box, which was about 16 carats in size and about 100 pages thick.

Yang Fan saw clearly the Russian text on the cover, which is a maintenance and overhaul guide for UGT-25000 gas turbines.

so thin!
Yang Fan is very familiar with the UGT-25000 gas turbine, and has read the original maintenance and overhaul manual from Ukraine more than once.

This is a technical document to guide the daily maintenance and overhaul of gas turbines. The content in it is very detailed and rich in pictures and texts.

What kind of failures will occur in the UGT-25000 gas turbine, how to eliminate them, and how to repair them.During the overhaul, how to check each part, what content to check, what quality problems will generally occur, which problems are normal and can be used as they are, which ones need to be repaired, and how to repair them, it is clear.

Why is it so thin?

I clearly remember that it is divided into two volumes, each volume is thicker than an ordinary dictionary.

its not right.

Totally abnormal.

So Yang Fan quickly stopped, and said loudly: "Let me have a look at this document."

The technician was slightly stunned, and after realizing it, he handed over this thin technical document to Yang Fan.

The people around seemed to realize something, and they all stopped, and many eyes also looked over, with questions, inquiries, curiosity, and puzzlement.

Among these gazes, Yang Fan first looked at the cover of this technical document, and found that there was a problem with the cover. The Russian translation on it was called "Gas Turbine Maintenance Guide".

Yang Fan clearly remembered that before he was reborn, he had read the original Ukrainian overhaul manual more than once. It was not the name, but "Gas Turbine Maintenance and Overhaul Manual."

One is a guide.

Another manual.

There is an obvious difference in the names between the two.Looking at the content inside, it is very simple, many key things are mentioned in one stroke, and everything is detailed.

Little to no value.

Immediately, Yang Fan's face darkened, and gradually became serious, thinking of two possibilities.First, the UGT-25000 gas turbine has just been successfully developed, and Lao Maozi has not had time to write detailed maintenance and overhaul manuals.

Because generally speaking, the maintenance and overhaul manual is a technical document for engine maintenance and overhaul, and the degree of urgency lags behind, and it is often written several years after the successful development of the gas turbine.

Second, Lao Maozi has a detailed maintenance and overhaul manual, but he doesn't want to give it to us, but uses a simplified version of the overhaul guide instead.

If it is the former, then there is nothing to say, and we can only wait for them to write it out, and then ask them to give a copy.

If it is the latter, there is a detailed version of the overhaul manual, but we are bullied because we don’t understand it, deliberately refuse to give it, and try to use such a simplified version to get away with it, it would be too hateful.

Which one is it?

Yang Fan is going to cheat Gabulov, if it is the second possibility, we can't be fooled by others.

So, Yang Fan's face was unusually serious, and he also looked at Gabulov who was beside him.

At this point, everyone knew something might be wrong.

The originally noisy scene was completely quiet, and Liu Hui asked with even more concern: "Comrade Yang Fan, what's the problem?"

Yang Fan snorted softly, and then briefly explained the matter.

Immediately, the people of Xihang Group were blown up!

This is too bullying.

Some people looked at Gabulov and the others with anger in their eyes.

Yang Fan also raised the simple version of the guide in his hand, and asked solemnly: "Gabulov, what's going on here, what you gave us is not a detailed overhaul manual, but just a maintenance guide, I want an explanation."

Gabulov panicked a long time ago.

This is really panic!

When Yang Fan called to stop and flipped through the maintenance guide, he felt that something was wrong. Now, he knew that the matter was completely exposed.

They do have a detailed version of the overhaul manual, two thick volumes, divided into two volumes, with rich pictures and texts, which were compiled just a few months ago.

But how important this technical information is!
Once given to Xihang Group, with the overhaul manual of the UGT-25000 gas turbine, there will be no more problems in the daily maintenance of this gas turbine, to the life overhaul, etc. in the future.

Its importance is second only to the design data, far above those technical data, test run and test technical data.

Gabulov made his own proposal, replacing the civet cat with the prince, and replacing the two thick overhaul manuals with a simple version of the maintenance guide. He guessed that our personnel were not familiar with the UGT-25000 gas turbine and did not know any overhaul manuals.

He almost succeeded.

Unfortunately, he met Yang Fan.

If it succeeds and replaces the detailed version of the overhaul manual with this simple version of the maintenance guide, then Xihang Group will completely lose the ability of daily maintenance, breakdown overhaul, and life overhaul of UGT-25000 gas turbines.

In the future, I have to ask MD for help and ask them to send someone to guide me. I don't know how much I can learn.

Yang Fan saw through it at a glance!

Gabulov panicked.

His face turned red and he was very embarrassed, "Yang Yang, I'm sorry, due to our mistake, we didn't put the overhaul manual in the box and sent it together, but put it in this maintenance guide."

There is such an operation!
Excuse for mistakes at work.

The people of Xihang looked at Gabulov in disbelief, and said in their hearts, this excuse is too far-fetched, the old man definitely did it on purpose.

Only Yang Fan burst into laughter!
Such a fraud, Gabulov admitted.

Haha, what would Gabulov think if he knew I was scamming him, and he couldn't be sure if they had a detailed overhaul manual.

Immediately, Yang Fan felt refreshed!
Just by cheating, you will get the overhaul manual of the UGT-25000 gas turbine. In this way, Xihang Group will have the technical strength in the maintenance and overhaul of this gas turbine in the future.

Gently patted Gabulov on the shoulder, Yang Fan said generously: "Since it is your work mistake, then we will not pursue it, just send the overhaul manual as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Gabulov felt relieved.

And looked at Yang Fan gratefully, "Yang, thank you for your generosity, don't worry, I will call back and ask our people to send overhaul manuals."


Yang Fan said loudly to everyone: "Comrade Gabulov has admitted his mistake, they will send over the overhaul manual, Lao Liu, let me know when you receive it."

Liu Hui nodded and said, "No problem."

This matter was settled, and Gabulov quietly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling relieved.

Looking secretly at Yang Fan, he wondered in his heart, how did he know that we have a manual for major repairs in both volumes? He probably didn't know about it.

He probably couldn't figure it out even after thinking about it.

Unboxing to continue.

The first large wooden box containing the parts was pried open, and inside were the parts of the UGT-25000 gas turbine. Each part was tightly wrapped with plastic bubble wrap. The protection work was done fairly well, and there was also a list.

This list states what kinds of parts are in the box, and the quantity of each kind of parts. After opening the box, check whether there are any scratches and whether the quantity is correct.

Such unpacking and acceptance has not been fast.

In one morning, I only opened three or four boxes, and continued in the afternoon.

Such an unpacking inspection can take two or three days.

As the boxes were opened one by one, the parts inside were inspected. After checking, they were registered for storage and placed on the parts storage rack in this warehouse.

Large parts cannot be put on the shelf, so they are placed on the pallet on the ground.Whether it is a parts storage rack or a tray, the number of parts is gradually increasing.

So many parts, it looks gratifying!
They are imported with original packaging.

With these parts, Xihang Group will be able to assemble the first UGT-25000 gas turbine in the future, which is the power that 052B will need in the future.

Each 2.9 kilowatts, each 052B will be equipped with two, they can provide powerful power for our warships.

Even the leaders of the West Air Group came to visit from time to time, such as Liu Xiangdong, who came to visit almost every day to express condolences to everyone and chat with Yang Fan.

Especially knowing that Yang Fan saw that Lao Maozi replaced the detailed version of the overhaul manual with the simple version of the maintenance guide, his words were a little more grateful.

"Comrade Yang Fan, thanks to you."

Yang Fan said modestly: "Where, where, this is what I should do."

"Too modest." Liu Xiangdong said enthusiastically, "Are you free tonight? Let's have a light meal together. Comrade Liu Hui will also come over."

Liu Hui on the side thought he had heard it wrong. In his impression, Vice President Liu was rarely like this, and today he took the initiative to invite Yang Fan to dinner.

After unpacking and acceptance, everything seems to be normal.

It has been relatively smooth, no more problems.

But when another large wooden box was opened, Yang Fan looked at the parts inside carefully, and his expression sank immediately.

Today is the third update, and the third update is here!

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(End of this chapter)

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